matrices: THEORY
IMPORTING vect_of_vect
conversion- b2n
n, m,e: VAR nat
pn, pm: VAR posnat
c, r, s: VAR real
% Matrix definition
% We define matrices as records, giving the number or rows,
% of columns, and the elements
Matrix: TYPE = [# rows: posnat, cols: posnat,
matrix: [below(rows), below(cols) -> real] #]
Mat(m, n): TYPE = {M: Matrix | M`rows = m and M`cols = n}
M, N, P: VAR Matrix
% We can consider the rows or the columns of a matrix as vectors
rowV(M)(i: below(M`rows)): Vector[M`cols] =
lambda (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j)
colV(M)(j: below(M`cols)): Vector[M`rows] =
lambda (i: below(M`rows)): M`matrix(i, j)
% We can also consider the rows or the columns of a matrix as
% matrices with just one column or just one row
rowM(M)(i: below(M`rows)): Matrix =
(# rows := 1, cols := M`cols,
matrix := lambda (k: below(1), j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) #)
colM(M)(j: below(M`cols)): Matrix =
(# rows := M`rows, cols := 1,
matrix := lambda (i: below(M`rows), k: below(1)): M`matrix(i, j) #)
% A matrix 1xn or nx1 can be seen as a vector
Mr2V(M: Matrix | M`rows = 1): Vector[M`cols] =
lambda (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(0, j)
Mc2V(M: Matrix | M`cols = 1): Vector[M`rows] =
lambda (j: below(M`rows)): M`matrix(j, 0)
% There are direct transformations between matrices and vectors of vectors
cols(M): Vector_of_Vectors[M`rows, M`cols] =
lambda (i: below(M`cols)):
lambda (j: below(M`rows)): M`matrix(j, i)
rows(M): Vector_of_Vectors[M`cols, M`rows] =
lambda (i: below(M`rows)):
lambda (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j)
vectors2matrix(pn, pm)(V2: Vector_of_Vectors[pn, pm]): Matrix =
(# cols := pm, rows := pn,
matrix := lambda (i: below(pn), j: below(pm)): V2(j)(i) #)
conversion+ vectors2matrix, cols
% Transpose matrix
transpose(M): Matrix =
(# rows := M`cols, cols := M`rows,
matrix := lambda (i: below(M`cols), j: below(M`rows)): M`matrix(j, i) #)
transpose2: LEMMA transpose(transpose(M)) = M
% Definition of square matrices
square?(M): bool = M`rows = M`cols
Square: TYPE = (square?)
squareMat?(n: posnat)(M: Square): bool = M`rows = n
SquareMat(n: posnat): TYPE = (squareMat?(n))
% Definition of zero and nonzero matrix
zero?(M): bool =
FORALL (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) = 0
nonzero?(M): bool = not zero?(M)
Zero: TYPE = (zero?)
% Definition of identity matrix
delta(i, j: nat): MACRO nat = if i = j then 1 else 0 endif
identity?(M: Matrix): bool =
square?(M) and
FORALL (i, j: below(M`rows)):
M`matrix(i, j) = delta(i, j)
I(n: posnat): (identity?)
= (# rows := n, cols := n,
matrix := lambda (i, j: below(n)): delta(i, j) #)
ident_trans:LEMMA transpose(I(pn))=I(pn)
% Definition of triangular and diagonal matrices
upper_triangular?(M): bool = square?(M)
AND FORALL (i, j: below(M`rows)): i > j => M`matrix(i,j) = 0
lower_triangular?(M): bool = square?(M)
AND FORALL (i, j: below(M`rows)): i < j => M`matrix(i,j) = 0
diagonal?(M): bool = square?(M)
AND FORALL (i, j: below(M`rows)): i /= j => M`matrix(i,j) = 0;
% Definition of opposite matrix
-(M): Matrix =
M WITH [`matrix := LAMBDA (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`cols)): -M`matrix(i, j)]
% Sum and substraction of matrices
% To be able to operate with two matrices they must have same_dim?
same_dim?(M, N): macro bool = M`rows = N`rows AND M`cols = N`cols
same_dim?(M)(N): macro bool = M`rows = N`rows AND M`cols = N`cols;
+(M, (N: (same_dim?(M)))): Matrix =
M WITH [ `matrix := LAMBDA (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`cols)):
M`matrix(i, j) + N`matrix(i, j) ];
-(M, (N: (same_dim?(M)))): Matrix =
M WITH [ `matrix := LAMBDA (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`cols)):
M`matrix(i, j) - N`matrix(i, j) ];
% associative properties
plus_assoc: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N, P: (same_dim?(M)))): M + (N + P) = (M + N) + P;
plus_comm: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N: (same_dim?(M)))): M + N = N + M;
% adding zero matrix
zero_left_ident: LEMMA
FORALL (Z: Zero, M: (same_dim?(Z))): Z + M = M;
zero_right_ident: LEMMA
FORALL (Z: Zero, M: (same_dim?(Z))): M + Z = M;
% Multiplying a matrix by an scalar
*(r, M): Matrix =
M WITH [`matrix := LAMBDA (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`cols)):
r * M`matrix(i, j)];
*(M, r): Matrix = r * M;
% Product of matrices and product of a matrix and a vector
*(M, (N: Matrix | M`cols = N`rows)): Matrix =
(# rows := M`rows, cols := N`cols,
matrix := lambda (i: below(M`rows), j: below(N`cols)):
sigma[below(M`cols)](0, M`cols-1, lambda (k: below(M`cols)):
M`matrix(i, k) * N`matrix(k, j)) #);
*(M, (v:Vector[M`cols])): Vector[M`rows] = lambda (i: below(M`rows)):
sigma[below(M`cols)](0, M`cols-1, lambda (k: below(M`cols)):
M`matrix(i, k) * v(k));
% Multiplying by the zero matrix
zero_times_left: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (Z: Zero | Z`cols = M`rows)): zero?(Z * M)
zero_times_right: LEMMA
FORALL (Z: Zero, (M | M`cols = Z`rows)): zero?(M * Z)
sigma_lem: LEMMA % This lemma is just to make other proofs easier
FORALL (n: posnat, j: below(n), r: real):
sigma[below(n)](0, n - 1, (lambda (k: below(n)): 0) WITH [(j) := r]) = r
% Multiplying by the identity matrix
right_mult_ident: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (I: Matrix | identity?(I) AND M`cols = I`rows)):
M * I = M
left_mult_ident: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (I: Matrix | identity?(I) AND M`rows = I`cols)):
I * M = M
ident_vect:LEMMA FORALL (I:Matrix|identity?(I)): FORALL (x:Vector[I`cols]): I*x=x
% Technical sigma lemmas
sigma_prop: LEMMA
FORALL (m, n: posint, f: [below(m) -> real], g: [below(m), below(n) -> real]):
sigma[below(m)](0, m-1, lambda (i: below(m)):
f(i) * sigma[below(n)](0, n-1, lambda (j: below(n)): g(i,j)))
= sigma[below(m)](0, m-1, lambda (i: below(m)):
sigma[below(n)](0, n-1, lambda(j: below(n)): f(i) * g(i,j)))
sigma_comm: LEMMA
FORALL (m, n: posnat, f: [below(m), below(n) -> real]):
sigma[below(m)](0, m-1, lambda (i: below(m)):
sigma[below(n)](0, n-1, lambda (j: below(n)): f(i, j)))
= sigma[below(n)](0, n-1, lambda (j: below(n)):
sigma[below(m)](0, m-1, lambda (i: below(m)): f(i, j)))
% Associative properties
mult_assoc: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N | M`cols = N`rows), (P | N`cols = P`rows)):
M * (N * P) = (M * N) * P
mult_assoc_vect: LEMMA FORALL (M, (N | M`cols = N`rows), V:Vector[N`cols]): (M * N) * V = M * (N * V)
% Distributive properties
left_distributive: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N | M`cols = N`rows), (P: (same_dim?(N)))):
M * (N + P) = (M * N) + (M * P)
right_distributive: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N: (same_dim?(M))), (P | M`cols = P`rows)):
(M + N) * P = (M * P) + (N * P)
left_distributive_vect: LEMMA FORALL (M, (v1, v2:Vector[M`cols])): M * v1 - M * v2 = M * (v1 - v2)
% Relationship between product and transposes
transpose_product: LEMMA
FORALL (M, (N | M`cols = N`rows)):
transpose(M * N) = transpose(N) * transpose(M)
trans_mat_scal: LEMMA FORALL (A:Matrix, x:Vector[A`rows], y:Vector[A`cols]): x * (A * y) = (transpose(A) * x) * y
% Definition of inverse and invertible matrix
inverse?(M: Square)(N: Square | N`rows = M`rows): bool =
M * N = I(M`rows) and N * M = I(M`rows)
invertible?(M: Square): bool = EXISTS (N: (inverse?(M))): inverse?(M)(N)
inverse_unique: lemma
FORALL (M: (invertible?), N, P: (inverse?(M))): N = P
inverse(M: (invertible?)): {N: Square | N`rows = M`rows}
= the! (N: Square | N`rows = M`rows): inverse?(M)(N)
% The product of invertible matrices is also invertible
invertible_product: lemma
FORALL (M: (invertible?), N: (invertible?) | N`rows = M`rows):
invertible?(M * N)
% Relationship between product and inverse
product_inverse: lemma
FORALL (M: (invertible?), N: (invertible?) | N`rows = M`rows):
inverse(M * N) = inverse(N) * inverse(M)
% Trace of a matrix
trace(M: Square): real = sigma[below(M`rows)](0, M`rows-1, lambda (k: below(M`rows)): M`matrix(k, k))
% About symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices
symmetric?(M): bool = square?(M) AND transpose(M) = M
skew_symmetric?(M): bool = square?(M) AND transpose(M) = -M
symmetric_part(M: Square): (symmetric?) =
1/2 * (M + transpose(M))
skew_symmetric_part(M: Square): (skew_symmetric?) =
1/2 * (M - transpose(M))
square_decomp: LEMMA
FORALL (M: Square): M = symmetric_part(M) + skew_symmetric_part(M)
% Matrix induction
square_matrix_induct: LEMMA
forall (p: pred[Square]):
(forall (M: Square):
(forall (N: Square): N`rows < M`rows implies p(N)) implies p(M))
implies (forall (M: Square): p(M))
% Positive semidefinite and definite matrices
semidef_pos?(A: (square?)): bool = FORALL (x: Vector[A`rows]): x*(A*x) >= 0
def_pos?(A: (square?)): bool = FORALL (x: Vector[A`rows]): x /= zero[A`rows] IMPLIES x*(A*x) > 0
END matrices
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