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Datei: compactness.pvs   Sprache: Lisp

Original von: PVS©

 (noa_posreal 0
  (noa_posreal-1 nil 3477843250
   ("" (expand "not_one_element?")
    (("" (skosimp*)
      (("" (inst + "x!1 + 1") (("" (assertnil nil)) nil)) nil))
   ((+ const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (posreal nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (nonneg_real nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (posreal_plus_nnreal_is_posreal application-judgement "posreal"
     real_types nil)
    (not_one_element? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (noa_gt_m1 0
  (noa_gt_m1-1 nil 3477843265
   ("" (expand "not_one_element?")
    (("" (skosimp*)
      (("" (inst + "x!1 + 1") (("" (assertnil nil)) nil)) nil))
   ((+ const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (- const-decl "[numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (real_plus_real_is_real application-judgement "real" reals nil)
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (not_one_element? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (conn_gt_m1 0
  (conn_gt_m1-1 nil 3477843280
   ("" (expand "connected?")
    (("" (skosimp*) (("" (assertnil nil)) nil)) nil)
   ((real_le_is_total_order name-judgement "(total_order?[real])"
     real_props nil)
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (minus_odd_is_odd application-judgement "odd_int" integers nil)
    (connected? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (conn_posreal 0
  (conn_posreal-1 nil 3477843288
   ("" (expand "connected?")
    (("" (skosimp*) (("" (assertnil nil)) nil)) nil)
   ((real_le_is_total_order name-judgement "(total_order?[real])"
     real_props nil)
    (real_ge_is_total_order name-judgement "(total_order?[real])"
     real_props nil)
    (connected? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (conn_abslt1 0
  (conn_abslt1-1 nil 3477843296
   ("" (expand "connected?")
    (("" (skosimp*)
      (("" (assert)
        (("" (typepred "y!1")
          (("" (typepred "x!1") (("" (grind) nil nil)) nil)) nil))
   ((abslt1 type-eq-decl nil ln_series nil)
    (abs const-decl "{n: nonneg_real | n >= m AND n >= -m}" real_defs
    (- const-decl "[numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (nonneg_real nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil) (< const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (real_le_is_total_order name-judgement "(total_order?[real])"
     real_props nil)
    (real_lt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (connected? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (noa_abslt1 0
  (noa_abslt1-1 nil 3477843230
   ("" (expand "not_one_element?")
    (("" (skosimp*)
      (("" (inst-cp + "1/2")
        (("1" (inst + "1/4")
          (("1" (assertnil nil) ("2" (grind) nil nil)) nil)
         ("2" (grind) nil nil))
   ((/ const-decl "[numfield, nznum -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (nznum nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil)
    (abslt1 type-eq-decl nil ln_series nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (< const-decl "bool" reals nil) (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (nonneg_real nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (- const-decl "[numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (abs const-decl "{n: nonneg_real | n >= m AND n >= -m}" real_defs
    (posrat_div_posrat_is_posrat application-judgement "posrat"
     rationals nil)
    (real_lt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (nzrat_abs_is_pos application-judgement "{r: posrat | r >= q}"
     real_defs nil)
    (not_one_element? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/"))
 (deriv_domain_gtm1 0
  (deriv_domain_gtm1-1 nil 3477843360
   ("" (expand "deriv_domain?")
    (("" (skosimp*) (("" (inst + "e!1/2") (("" (grind) nil nil)) nil))
   ((abs const-decl "{n: nonneg_real | n >= m AND n >= -m}" real_defs
    (nonzero_abs_is_pos application-judgement "{y: posreal | y >= x}"
     real_defs nil)
    (real_lt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (posreal nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (nonneg_real nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (/ const-decl "[numfield, nznum -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (nznum nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (- const-decl "[numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (+ const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (nzreal nonempty-type-eq-decl nil reals nil)
    (/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (posreal_div_posreal_is_posreal application-judgement "posreal"
     real_types nil)
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (deriv_domain? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/")
    (real_plus_real_is_real application-judgement "real" reals nil))
 (nderiv_ln_TCC1 0
  (nderiv_ln_TCC1-1 nil 3563622659 ("" (assertnil nil)
   ((deriv_domain_posreal formula-decl nil deriv_domain "analysis/"))
 (nderiv_ln_TCC2 0
  (nderiv_ln_TCC2-1 nil 3563622659 ("" (assertnil nil)
   ((noa_posreal formula-decl nil ln_series nil)) nil))
 (nderiv_ln 0
  (nderiv_ln-2 nil 3445354085
    (case "FORALL (n: nat): derivable_n_times?[posreal](ln, n) & nderiv[posreal](n,ln) = IF n = 0 THEN ln ELSE (LAMBDA (x:posreal): -factorial(n-1)/(-x)^n) ENDIF")
    (("1" (skosimp*)
      (("1" (inst - "n!1") (("1" (flatten) nil nil)) nil)) nil)
     ("2" (hide 2)
      (("2" (induct "n")
        (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?") (("1" (propax) nil nil))
         ("2" (expand "nderiv") (("2" (propax) nil nil)) nil)
         ("3" (skosimp*)
          (("3" (case-replace "j!1=0")
            (("1" (lemma "ln_derivable")
              (("1" (flatten -1)
                (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?")
                  (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?")
                    (("1" (expand "nderiv" 1)
                      (("1" (expand "nderiv" 1)
                          (lemma "extensionality"
                           ("f" "deriv(ln)" "g"
                            "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(1) / (-x) ^ 1)"))
                          (("1" (split -1)
                            (("1" (assertnil nil)
                             ("2" (hide 2)
                                (replace -2)
                                    (expand "factorial")
                                      (expand "factorial")
                                        (rewrite "expt_x1")
                                        (("2" (assertnil nil))
                           ("2" (hide 2)
                            (("2" (skosimp*)
                                (inst + "x!1+1")
                                (("2" (assertnil nil))
                           ("3" (assertnil nil))
             ("2" (assert)
              (("2" (lemma "ln_derivable")
                (("2" (flatten -1)
                  (("2" (lemma "identity_derivable_fun[posreal]")
                      (lemma "const_derivable_fun[posreal]"
                       ("b" "-factorial(j!1)"))
                      (("1" (lemma "deriv_id_fun[posreal]")
                          (lemma "deriv_const_fun[posreal]"
                           ("b" "-factorial(j!1)"))
                          (("1" (expand "I")
                            (("1" (expand "const_fun")
                                 ("f" "LAMBDA (x: posreal): x"))
                                    (expand "-")
                                       ("ff" "LAMBDA (x: posreal): x"))
                                        (replace -4)
                                          (expand "-" -1)
                                              "LAMBDA (x_1: posreal): -x_1"))
                                                (expand "/")
                                                    "LAMBDA (x_1: posreal): -x_1"))
                                                    (replace -3)
                                                      (expand "/")
                                                        (expand "*")
                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): --1 / (-x * -x)"
                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / (x * x)"))
                                                                      "LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x"
                                                                            "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                            "-factorial(j!1 - 1)"))
                                                                                "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                                "-factorial(j!1 - 1)"))
                                                                                      "-factorial(j!1 - 1) * (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                                      "LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(j!1 - 1) / (-x) ^ j!1"))
                                                                                              "-factorial(j!1 - 1) *
                                                         (j!1 * (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ (j!1 - 1) *
                                                           (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / (x * x)))"
                                                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(j!1) / (-x) ^ (1 + j!1)"))
                                                                                                                   "(-x!1) ^ 2=x!1*x!1")
                     ("2" (skosimp*)
                      (("2" (assert)
                        (("2" (hide 3)
                          (("2" (inst + "x!1+1")
                            (("2" (assertnil nil)) nil))
                     ("3" (assert)
                      (("3" (lemma "deriv_domain_posreal")
                        (("3" (propax) nil nil)) nil))
         ("4" (skosimp*) (("4" (assertnil nil)) nil)
         ("5" (hide 1) (("5" (skosimp*) (("5" (assertnil nil)) nil))
     ("3" (hide 2) (("3" (skosimp*) (("3" (assertnil nil)) nil))
   ((const_derivable_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv_const_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (neg_derivable_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (- const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (inv_derivable_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (nzreal nonempty-type-eq-decl nil reals nil)
    (/ const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (* const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (nzreal_times_nzreal_is_nzreal application-judgement "nzreal"
     real_types nil)
    (posreal_times_posreal_is_posreal application-judgement "posreal"
     real_types nil)
    (* const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (deriv_exp_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (* const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (posint_exp application-judgement "posint" exponentiation nil)
    (+ const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (odd_minus_odd_is_even application-judgement "even_int" integers
    (nzreal_expt application-judgement "nzreal" exponentiation nil)
    (expt def-decl "real" exponentiation nil)
    (int_plus_int_is_int application-judgement "int" integers nil)
    (real_div_nzreal_is_real application-judgement "real" reals nil)
    (expt_plus formula-decl nil exponentiation nil)
    (expt_1i formula-decl nil exponentiation nil)
    (nnrat_exp application-judgement "nnrat" exponentiation nil)
    (minus_int_is_int application-judgement "int" integers nil)
    (mult_divides2 application-judgement "(divides(m))" divides nil)
    (mult_divides1 application-judgement "(divides(n))" divides nil)
    (nnint_times_nnint_is_nnint application-judgement "nonneg_int"
     integers nil)
    (real_times_real_is_real application-judgement "real" reals nil)
    (div_expt formula-decl nil exponentiation nil)
    (nderiv_derivable_aux formula-decl nil nth_derivatives "analysis/")
    (nderiv_derivable_eqv formula-decl nil nth_derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv_scal_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (real_ge_is_total_order name-judgement "(total_order?[real])"
     real_props nil)
    (^ const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (scal_derivable_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (real_gt_is_strict_total_order name-judgement
     "(strict_total_order?[real])" real_props nil)
    (/ const-decl "[T -> real]" real_fun_ops "reals/")
    (nz_deriv_fun type-eq-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv_inv_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (minus_odd_is_odd application-judgement "odd_int" integers nil)
    (deriv_neg_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (posint_plus_nnint_is_posint application-judgement "posint"
     integers nil)
    (I const-decl "(bijective?[T, T])" identity nil)
    (deriv_id_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (identity_derivable_fun formula-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (ln_derivable formula-decl nil ln_exp nil)
    (extensionality formula-decl nil functions nil)
    (derivable? const-decl "bool" derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv_fun type-eq-decl nil derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv const-decl "[T -> real]" derivatives "analysis/")
    (deriv_domain? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/")
    (not_one_element? const-decl "bool" deriv_domain_def "analysis/")
    (factorial_1 formula-decl nil factorial "ints/")
    (expt_x1 formula-decl nil exponentiation nil)
    (factorial_0 formula-decl nil factorial "ints/")
    (posreal_div_posreal_is_posreal application-judgement "posreal"
     real_types nil)
    (nnint_plus_posint_is_posint application-judgement "posint"
     integers nil)
    (minus_nzint_is_nzint application-judgement "nzint" integers nil)
    (nat_induction formula-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (pred type-eq-decl nil defined_types nil)
    (IMPLIES const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (NOT const-decl "[bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (nzreal_div_nzreal_is_nzreal application-judgement "nzreal"
     real_types nil)
    (int_minus_int_is_int application-judgement "int" integers nil)
    (minus_nzreal_is_nzreal application-judgement "nzreal" real_types
    (nzreal_exp application-judgement "nzreal" exponentiation nil)
    (number nonempty-type-decl nil numbers nil)
    (boolean nonempty-type-decl nil booleans nil)
    (number_field_pred const-decl "[number -> boolean]" number_fields
    (number_field nonempty-type-from-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (real_pred const-decl "[number_field -> boolean]" reals nil)
    (real nonempty-type-from-decl nil reals nil)
    (rational_pred const-decl "[real -> boolean]" rationals nil)
    (rational nonempty-type-from-decl nil rationals nil)
    (integer_pred const-decl "[rational -> boolean]" integers nil)
    (int nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil)
    (bool nonempty-type-eq-decl nil booleans nil)
    (>= const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (nat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil naturalnumbers nil)
    (AND const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (nonneg_real nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (> const-decl "bool" reals nil)
    (posreal nonempty-type-eq-decl nil real_types nil)
    (derivable_n_times? def-decl "bool" nth_derivatives "analysis/")
    (ln const-decl "real" ln_exp nil)
    (= const-decl "[T, T -> boolean]" equalities nil)
    (nderiv_fun type-eq-decl nil nth_derivatives "analysis/")
    (nderiv def-decl "[T -> real]" nth_derivatives "analysis/")
    (numfield nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (IF const-decl "[boolean, T, T -> T]" if_def nil)
    (/= const-decl "boolean" notequal nil)
    (nznum nonempty-type-eq-decl nil number_fields nil)
    (/ const-decl "[numfield, nznum -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (- const-decl "[numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (nonneg_int nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil)
    (posnat nonempty-type-eq-decl nil integers nil)
    (factorial def-decl "posnat" factorial "ints/")
    (- const-decl "[numfield, numfield -> numfield]" number_fields nil)
    (OR const-decl "[bool, bool -> bool]" booleans nil)
    (^ const-decl "real" exponentiation nil))
  (nderiv_ln-1 nil 3302280454
    (case "FORALL (n: nat): derivable_n_times[posreal](ln, n) & nderiv[posreal](n,ln) = IF n = 0 THEN ln ELSE (LAMBDA (x:posreal): -factorial(n-1)/(-x)^n) ENDIF")
    (("1" (skosimp*)
      (("1" (inst - "n!1") (("1" (flatten) nil nil)) nil)) nil)
     ("2" (hide 2)
      (("2" (induct "n")
        (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?") (("1" (propax) nil nil))
         ("2" (expand "nderiv") (("2" (propax) nil nil)) nil)
         ("3" (skosimp*)
          (("3" (case-replace "j!1=0")
            (("1" (lemma "ln_derivable")
              (("1" (flatten -1)
                (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?")
                  (("1" (expand "derivable_n_times?")
                    (("1" (expand "nderiv" 1)
                      (("1" (expand "nderiv" 1)
                          (lemma "extensionality"
                           ("f" "deriv(ln)" "g"
                            "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(1) / (-x) ^ 1)"))
                          (("1" (split -1)
                            (("1" (assertnil nil)
                             ("2" (hide 2)
                                (replace -2)
                                    (expand "factorial")
                                      (expand "factorial")
                                        (rewrite "expt_x1")
                                        (("2" (assertnil nil))
                           ("2" (hide 2)
                            (("2" (skosimp*)
                                (inst + "x!1+1")
                                (("2" (assertnil nil))
                           ("3" (skosimp*) (("3" (assertnil nil))
                           ("4" (propax) nil nil))
             ("2" (assert)
              (("2" (lemma "ln_derivable")
                (("2" (flatten -1)
                  (("2" (lemma "identity_derivable_fun[posreal]")
                      (lemma "const_derivable_fun[posreal]"
                       ("b" "-factorial(j!1)"))
                      (("1" (lemma "deriv_id_fun[posreal]")
                          (lemma "deriv_const_fun[posreal]"
                           ("b" "-factorial(j!1)"))
                          (("1" (expand "I")
                            (("1" (expand "const_fun")
                                 ("f" "LAMBDA (x: posreal): x"))
                                    (expand "-")
                                       ("ff" "LAMBDA (x: posreal): x"))
                                        (replace -4)
                                          (expand "-" -1)
                                              "LAMBDA (x_1: posreal): -x_1"))
                                                (expand "/")
                                                    "LAMBDA (x_1: posreal): -x_1"))
                                                    (replace -3)
                                                      (expand "/")
                                                        (expand "*")
                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): --1 / (-x * -x)"
                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / (x * x)"))
                                                                      "LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x"
                                                                            "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                            "-factorial(j!1 - 1)"))
                                                                                "(LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                                "-factorial(j!1 - 1)"))
                                                                                      "-factorial(j!1 - 1) * (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ j!1"
                                                                                      "LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(j!1 - 1) / (-x) ^ j!1"))
                                                                                              "-factorial(j!1 - 1) *
                                        (j!1 * (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / -x) ^ (j!1 - 1) *
                                          (LAMBDA (x: posreal): 1 / (x * x)))"
                                                                                              "LAMBDA (x: posreal): -factorial(j!1) / (-x) ^ (1 + j!1)"))
--> --------------------

--> maximum size reached

--> --------------------

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