;; prooflite.lisp
;; Release: ProofLite-6.0.9 (3/14/14)
;; Contact: Cesar Munoz ([email protected])
;; NASA Langley Research Center
;; http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/ProofLite
;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 United States Government as represented by
;; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright
;; is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
;; Rights Reserved.
(defun associate-proof-with-formulas (theory-name formula-name strategy force)
(let ((theory (get-typechecked-theory theory-name)))
(if theory
(let* ((fname (match-formula-name formula-name))
(name (car fname))
(args (cdr fname)))
(if fname
(let* ((regexp (expand-rex name))
(str (if force "" "untried "))
(fdecls (remove-if-not
#'(lambda (d)
(and (formula-decl? d)
(let ((idstr (format nil "~a" (id d))))
(and (or (not (proofs d)) force)
(pregexp-match regexp idstr)))))
(all-decls theory))))
(if fdecls
theory regexp (instantiate-script strategy args 1 "#")
"\"~a\" does not match any ~aformula" name str)))
"\"~a\" is not a valid proof script header" formula-name)))
(pvs-message "Theory ~a not found" theory-name))))
(defun associate-proof-with-formula (theory regexp strategy fdecls)
(when fdecls
(let* ((fdecl (car fdecls))
(match (pregexp-match regexp (format nil "~a" (id fdecl))))
(script (instantiate-script strategy match 0 "\\$")))
(multiple-value-bind (strat err)
#+(and allegro (not pvs6))
(progn (excl:set-case-mode :case-insensitive-lower)
(ignore-errors (values (read-from-string script))))
(excl:set-case-mode :case-sensitive-lower))
#-(and allegro (not pvs6))
(ignore-errors (values (read-from-string script)))
(let ((just (unless err
(or (revert-justification strat)
(revert-justification (list "" strat))
(unless just
(type-error script
"Bad form for script~% ~s" script))
(setf (justification fdecl) just)
(save-all-proofs theory)
(pvs-message "Proof script ~a was installed" (id fdecl)))))
(associate-proof-with-formula theory regexp strategy (cdr fdecls))))
;; Returns a list of theory names defined in a PVS file
(defun theories-in-file (file)
(mapcan #'(lambda (theofile)
(and (or (string= (cadr theofile) file))
(list (car theofile))))
(cdr (collect-theories))))
;; Returns a list of theories imported in theory-names
(defun imported-theories-in-theories (theory-names)
(mapcan #'(lambda (theo) (imported-theories-in-theory theo))
(defun my-collect-theory-usings (theory)
(unless (or (memq theory *modules-visited*)
(from-prelude? theory)
(typep theory '(or library-datatype
(let ((*current-theory* theory))
(push theory *modules-visited*)
(dolist (use (get-immediate-usings theory))
(let ((th (get-theory use)))
(when th
(if (typep th 'rectype-theory)
(get-typechecked-theory (generated-by th))
;; Returns a list of immediately imported theories in the theory-name
(defun immediate-theories-in-theory (theory-name)
(let ((theory (get-typechecked-theory theory-name)))
(when theory
(loop for use in (get-immediate-usings theory)
for th = (get-theory use)
when th
unless (from-prelude? th)
collect (if (typep th 'rectype-theory)
(get-typechecked-theory (generated-by th))
;; Returns a list of theories imported in the theory-name
(defun imported-theories-in-theory (theory-name)
(let ((theory (get-typechecked-theory theory-name)))
(when theory
(let* ((*modules-visited* nil))
(my-collect-theory-usings theory)
(nreverse *modules-visited*)))))
(defun trim-left (str)
(string-left-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) str))
(defun trim-right (str)
(string-right-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) str))
(defun trim (str)
(string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab) str))
(defun ident () "([\\w\\*]+)")
(defun spaces () "[\\s\\t]*")
(defun greedyspaces () "(?)
(defun expand-rex (str)
(format nil "^~a$" (pregexp-replace* "*" str "(.+)")))
(defun read-one-line (file)
(let* ((str (read-line file nil nil))
(strim (when str (trim str))))
(cond ((and (> (length strim) 3) (string= strim "%|-" :end1 3))
((and (> (length strim) 0) (char= (elt strim 0) #\%))
(strim ""))))
(defun match-formula-name (str)
(let ((match (cdr (pregexp-match
(format nil "^~a(?:$|~a\\[(.*)\\]$)"
(ident) (greedyspaces))
(when match
(let* ((name (car match))
(args (pregexp-split ";" (trim (cadr match))))
(nargs (when (car args)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (trim x)) args))))
(cons name nargs)))))
(defun is-proof-comment (str)
(when (> (length str) 3) (trim-left (subseq str 3))))
(defun is-comment (str) (> (length str) 0))
(defun match-proof (str)
(let ((match (pregexp-match-positions
(format nil "^(.+):~a(?i:proof)\\b" (spaces))
(when match
(cons (trim-right (subseq str (caadr match) (cdadr match)))
(trim (subseq str (cdar match) (length str)))))))
(defun match-qed (str)
(let ((match (pregexp-match "^(.*)\\b(?i:qed)$" str)))
(when match
(trim (cadr match)))))
(defun install-script (theory script formulas force)
(when formulas
(associate-proof-with-formulas theory (car formulas)
(format nil "(\"\" ~a)" script) force)
(install-script theory script (cdr formulas) force)))
(defun new-script (script new)
(let ((notempty (> (length new) 0)))
(cond ((and script notempty)
(format nil "~a ~a" script new))
(script script)
(notempty new))))
(defun instantiate-script (script args n str)
(if args
(let ((new (pregexp-replace* (format nil "~a~a" str n) script
(car args))))
(instantiate-script new (cdr args) (+ n 1) str))
(defun install-prooflite-scripts (filename theory line force)
(file (format nil "~a.pvs" filename) :direction :input)
(let* ((loc (place (get-theory theory)))
(lfrom (aref loc 0))
(lto (aref loc 2)))
(loop repeat (- lfrom 1) do (read-line file nil nil))
(if (= line 0)
(pvs-message "Installing proof scripts [Theory: ~a]"
(pvs-message "Installing proof script at line ~a [Theory: ~a]"
line theory))
(do ((str (read-one-line file))
(n lfrom)
((or (null str) (> n lto)))
(let ((proofcomment (is-proof-comment str)))
(cond (proofcomment
(let* ((proof (match-proof proofcomment))
(formula (car proof))
(qed (match-qed proofcomment)))
(when (and script (< line n))
"QED is missing in proof script(s) ~a [Theory: ~a]"
formulas theory))
(setq str (format nil "%|-~a" (cdr proof)))
(setq formulas (cons formula
(when (not script) formulas)))
(setq script nil))
(let ((newscript (new-script script qed)))
(when (and newscript formulas (<= line n))
(install-script theory newscript
(reverse formulas)
(cond ((or (= line 0) (< n line))
(setq str (read-one-line file))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq formulas nil)
(setq script nil))
((not formulas)
"No script was installed [Theory: ~a]"
(setq str nil))
(t (setq str nil)))))
(t (setq str (read-one-line file))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq script (new-script script proofcomment))))))
((is-comment str)
(setq str (read-one-line file))
(setq n (+ n 1)))
(when (and formulas (< line n))
"QED is missing in proof script(s) ~a [Theory: ~a]"
formulas theory))
(cond ((or (= line 0) (< n line))
(setq str (read-one-line file))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq formulas nil)
(setq script nil))
((and (< 0 line) (or (not formulas) (= line n)))
(pvs-message "No script was installed [Theory: ~a]"
(setq str nil))
(t (setq str nil))))))))))
(defun then-prooflite (script)
(cond ((and
(cdr script)
(null (cddr script))
(listp (caadr script)))
(list (list 'spread
(car script)
(mapcar #'(lambda (s) (to-prooflite (cdr s)))
(cadr script)))))
(cons (car script) (then-prooflite (cdr script))))))
(defun to-prooflite (script)
(cond ((null (cdr script))
(car script))
((and (null (cddr script))
(listp (caadr script)))
(car (then-prooflite script)))
(cons 'then (then-prooflite script)))))
(defun prooflite-script (fdecl)
(when fdecl
(if (justification fdecl)
(to-prooflite (cdr (editable-justification
(justification fdecl))))
(list 'postpone))))
(defun proof-to-prooflite-script (name line)
(let* ((fdecl (formula-decl-to-prove name nil line "pvs")))
(when fdecl
(format out "~a : PROOF~%" (id fdecl))
(write (prooflite-script fdecl)
:stream out :pretty t :escape t
:level nil :length nil
:pprint-dispatch *proof-script-pprint-dispatch*)
(format out "~%QED~%")))
(list (aref (place fdecl) 2)))))
(defun find-formula (theory-name formula)
(let ((theory (get-typechecked-theory theory-name)))
(when theory
(find-if #'(lambda (d) (and (formula-decl? d)
(string= (format nil "~a" (id d))
(all-decls theory)))))
(defun all-decl-names (theory-name)
(let ((theory (get-typechecked-theory theory-name)))
(when theory
(mapcar #'(lambda (d) (format nil "~a" (id d)))
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (d) (formula-decl? d))
(all-decls theory))))))
(defun display-prooflite-script (theory formula)
(let* ((fdecl (find-formula theory formula)))
(when fdecl
(format out "~a : PROOF~%" (id fdecl))
(write (prooflite-script fdecl)
:stream out :pretty t :escape t
:level nil :length nil
:pprint-dispatch *proof-script-pprint-dispatch*)
(format out "~%QED~%"))))))
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