power_series_derivseq[T: TYPE from real]: THEORY
% Term by term differentiation of power series:
% n
% ----
% series(deriv_powerseq(a, x)) = \ k*a(k)*x^(k-1)
% /
% ----
% k = 0
% n-1
% ----
% = \ (k+1)*a(k+1)*x^k
% /
% ----
% k = 0
% The intention here is that one passes in the domain of convergence [T]
% of the power series. This will either be all of the reals or {x| -R < x < R}
% where R is the range of convergence. Most of the lemmas assume
% convergence of the power series a: conv_powerseries?(a) =
% (FORALL (x: T): convergent?(powerseries(a)(x)))
% Author: Ricky W. Butler 10/2/00
% * Prelude restrictions on ^ [i.e. ^(r: real, i:{i:int | r /= 0 OR i >= 0}]
% lead to IF-THEN-ELSE on definition of "deriv_powerseq"
% * The alternate form: derivseq(a): (LAMBDA (k: nat): (k+1)*a(k+1))avoids
% the difficulty by shifting (i.e. starting with 2nd term)
% * These are shown to be equivalent in lemma "eriv_series_shift"
ASSUMING %% T is either "real" or a open ball of radius R about 0
IMPORTING analysis@deriv_domain_def
connected_domain : ASSUMPTION connected?[T]
not_one_element : ASSUMPTION not_one_element?[T]
FORALL (x : T) : EXISTS (delta : posreal): FORALL (y: real):
abs(x-y) < delta IMPLIES T_pred(y)
ball: ASSUMPTION FORALL (x: T): T_pred(x) IMPLIES T_pred(-x)
IMPORTING power_series_conv[T], analysis@derivatives
x,x0: VAR T
k,n: VAR nat
a: VAR sequence[real]
t: VAR real
epsilon: VAR posreal
deriv_powerseq(a,x): sequence[real] = (LAMBDA k: IF k = 0 THEN 0
ELSIF k = 1 THEN a(1)
ELSE k*a(k)*x^(k-1)
% -------- term by term derivative is convergent ------------------------
deriv_powerseries_conv: THEOREM % Rosenlicht page 152
conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
(FORALL (x: T): convergent?(series(deriv_powerseq(a, x))))
% ----------- alternate form: starting with term 2 via shifting ------------
derivseq(a): sequence[real] = (LAMBDA (k: nat): (k+1)*a(k+1))
derivseq_conv: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
deriv_series_shift: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
limit(series(deriv_powerseq(a,x))) =
conv_derivseq: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
% ------ term by term differentiation of power sequence --------
deriv_powerseq_lem: LEMMA derivable?[T](LAMBDA x: powerseq(a, x)(n)) AND
deriv[T](LAMBDA x: powerseq(a, x)(n)) =
(LAMBDA x: deriv_powerseq(a,x)(n))
sigma_power_derivable: LEMMA derivable?[T](LAMBDA x: sigma(0,n,powerseq(a,x)))
% ------ finite sum of power sequence ------
deriv_sigma_power: LEMMA deriv[T](LAMBDA x: sigma(0, n, powerseq(a, x))) =
(LAMBDA x: sigma(0, n, deriv_powerseq(a,x)))
deriv_sigma_power_conv: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
convergent?(LAMBDA (n: nat):
deriv[T](LAMBDA x: sigma(0, n, powerseq(a, x)))(x))
deriv_conv_prep: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
convergent?(LAMBDA (n: nat): sigma(0, n, deriv_powerseq(a,x)))
% x_to_n_continuous: LEMMA continuous(LAMBDA x: x^n) %% moved to analysis lib
deriv_powerseq_cont: LEMMA
continuous?(LAMBDA x: sigma(0,n,deriv_powerseq(a,x)))
lim_deriv_alt: LEMMA conv_powerseries?(a) IMPLIES
limit(series(deriv_powerseq(a,x))) =
END power_series_derivseq
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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