% Sets of bit numbers. This is different from the bit_vector library in
% only one way: the representation is a set of nats, instead of a set of
% below[N]s for some N. This representation is adapted to the proofs
% of countability in countable_set.pvs, and so all of the adding,
% subtracting, bit shifting, etc. operations of bit_vector are missing
% (not to mention that some are not well-defined with this
% representation).
% I have made several attempts at using the bit_vector library to replace
% this theory. All have failed, due to the fact that there is no bit
% vector type; there are a countably infinite number of bit vector types.
% All of my attempts ultimately required me to somehow compare the
% value of 2 bv2nat invocations with different parameter expressions.
% I even tried to prove theorems relating such invocations, but those
% attempts were also unfruitful.
% For PVS version 3.2. May 11, 2005
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author: Jerry James ([email protected]), University of Kansas
% -------
% prelude: finite_sets[nat], orders[nat], relations[nat], sets[nat]
% orders: bounded_integers[nat], bounded_nats[nat], bounded_orders[nat],
% bounded_sets[nat,<=], lattices[nat,<=], lower_semilattices[nat,<=],
% minmax_orders[nat], non_empty_bounded_sets[nat], relations_extra[nat],
% total_lattices[nat,<=], upper_semilattices[nat,<=]
% sets_aux: bits
bits: THEORY
% Hide the theories used for proofs only
% RWB: commented this out so that it would typecheck in PVS4.0
% EXPORTING ALL WITH finite_sets[nat], orders[nat], relations[nat], sets[nat],
% orders@relations_extra[nat], orders@bounded_integers[nat],
% orders@bounded_nats[nat], orders@bounded_orders[nat],
% orders@bounded_sets[nat, <=],
% orders@non_empty_bounded_sets[nat],
% orders@minmax_orders[nat],
% orders@lower_semilattices[nat, <=],
% orders@upper_semilattices[nat, <=],
% orders@lattices[nat, <=],
% orders@total_lattices[nat, <=],
% orders@bounded_orders[nat]
IMPORTING orders@bounded_nats[nat]
% Proofs only
IMPORTING functions[finite_set, nat], functions[nat, finite_set]
IMPORTING function_inverse[finite_set, nat]
IMPORTING function_inverse[nat, finite_set]
n, m: VAR nat
S, R: VAR finite_set
% A convenient shorthand
lesseq: MACRO pred[[nat, nat]] =
restrict[[real, real], [nat, nat], boolean](<=)
% ==========================================================================
% Convert a natural number into a set of bits (natural numbers)
% ==========================================================================
bounding_bits(n): set[nat] = {m: nat | n < exp2(m)}
bounding_bits_has_least: LEMMA
FORALL n: n > 0 IMPLIES has_least?(bounding_bits(n), lesseq)
bit_decoding(n): RECURSIVE finite_set =
IF n = 0 THEN emptyset[nat]
ELSE LET bit: nat = least(lesseq)(bounding_bits(n)) - 1 IN
add(bit, bit_decoding(n - exp2(bit)))
bit_decoding_has_greatest: LEMMA
FORALL n: n > 0 IMPLIES has_greatest?(bit_decoding(n), lesseq)
bit_decoding_max1: LEMMA
FORALL n: n > 0 IMPLIES n >= exp2(greatest(lesseq)(bit_decoding(n)))
bit_decoding_max2: LEMMA
greatest(lesseq)(bit_decoding(n)) =
least(lesseq)(bounding_bits(n)) - 1
bit_decoding_max3: LEMMA
FORALL n, m: member(m, bit_decoding(n)) IMPLIES exp2(m) <= n
% ==========================================================================
% Convert a set of bits (natural numbers) into a natural number
% ==========================================================================
bit_encoding(S): RECURSIVE nat =
IF empty?(S) THEN 0
ELSE exp2(greatest(lesseq)(S)) +
bit_encoding(remove(greatest(lesseq)(S), S))
bit_encoding_member1: LEMMA FORALL S, (x: (S)): exp2(x) <= bit_encoding(S)
bit_encoding_member2: LEMMA
FORALL (S: non_empty_finite_set[nat]):
bit_encoding(S) < exp2((greatest(lesseq)(S) + 1))
bit_encoding_member3: LEMMA
FORALL (S: non_empty_finite_set[nat]):
least(lesseq)(bounding_bits(bit_encoding(S))) - 1 =
% ==========================================================================
% The relationship between bit_decoding and bit_encoding
% ==========================================================================
decoding_encoding_max: LEMMA
FORALL (S: non_empty_finite_set[nat]):
greatest(lesseq)(S) = greatest(lesseq)(bit_decoding(bit_encoding(S)))
decoding_encoding_empty: LEMMA
FORALL S: empty?(S) IFF empty?(bit_decoding(bit_encoding(S)))
decoding_encoding_remove: LEMMA
FORALL (S: non_empty_finite_set[nat]):
remove(greatest(lesseq)(S), bit_decoding(bit_encoding(S))) =
bit_decoding(bit_encoding(remove(greatest(lesseq)(S), S)))
encoding_decoding: LEMMA FORALL n: bit_encoding(bit_decoding(n)) = n
decoding_encoding: LEMMA FORALL S: bit_decoding(bit_encoding(S)) = S
encoding_bijection: JUDGEMENT
bit_encoding HAS_TYPE (bijective?[finite_set[nat], nat])
decoding_bijection: JUDGEMENT
bit_decoding HAS_TYPE (bijective?[nat, finite_set[nat]])
encoding_decoding_inverse: COROLLARY bit_encoding = inverse(bit_decoding)
decoding_encoding_inverse: COROLLARY bit_decoding = inverse(bit_encoding)
END bits
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