Author: Sten Agerholm and Peter Gorm Larsen
This specification is a VDM++ model of the SAFER
(Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue) example presented in
the second volume of the NASA guidebook on formal
Here Appendix C contains a complete listing of the
SAFER system using PVS. We have translated this PVS
specification rather directly into VDM-SL previously
and here that model is again moved to VDM++. In the
VDM++ model we have abstracted away form a number of
parts which has been left as uninterpreted functions
in the PVS model. This has been done because we have
defined the purpose of the model to clarify the
functionality of the thruster selection logic and the
protocol for the automatic attitude hold functionality.
Otherwise we have on purpose varied as little as
possible from the given PVS model. In order to
visualise this example the dynamic link feature is
illustrated as well. In the test class Test there are
a few examples of using the traces primitives used for
test automation.
More explanation about this work can be found in the papers:
*Sten Agerholm and Peter Gorm Larsen, Modeling and
Validating SAFER in VDM-SL, ed: Michael Holloway,
in "Fourth NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop",
NASA, September 1997.
*Sten Agerholm and Wendy Schafer, Analyzing SAFER using
UML and VDM++, ed: John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen,
in "VDM Workshop at the Formal Methods 1999 conference,
Language Version: vdm10
Entry point : new Test().BigTest()
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