products/sources/formale sprachen/Cobol/Test-Suite/SQL M image not shown  


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Datei: dml086.cob   Sprache: Cobol

       PROGRAM-ID.  DML086.
       SOURCE-COMPUTER.  xyz.
       OBJECT-COMPUTER.  xyz.

      * Standard COBOL (file "DML086.SCO") calling SQL
      * procedures in file "DML086.MCO".
      * STANDARD COBOL (file "DML086.SCO")  

      *                 COMMENT SECTION                              
      * DATE 1992/07/21 STANDARD COBOL LANGUAGE                          
      * NIST SQL VALIDATION TEST SUITE V6.0                          
      *  DISCLAIMER:                                                  
      *  This program was written by employees of NIST to test SQL    
      *  implementations for conformance to the SQL standards.        
      *  NIST assumes no responsibility for any party's use of        
      *  this program.
      * DML086.SCO                                                    
      * CREATED BY: DAVID W. FLATER                                  
      *    using                                                     
      * DML041.SCO                                                    
      * WRITTEN BY: HU YANPING                                       
      *   THIS ROUTINE TESTS THE ENFORCEMENT OF                      
      *     CHECK CONSTRAINTS IN NESTED VIEWS                        
      *     EACH WITH AN IMPLICIT CASCADED OPTION.                   
      *   NOTE: This routine does NOT contain tests for the FULL SQL 
      *     requirement to support the LOCAL check option.           
      * REFERENCES                                                   
      *   ANSI SQL-1992,                                             
      *     section 11.19  <view definition>  GR11,                  
      *     Annex E #3                                               
      *   13.8 <insert statement>, 13.9 & 13.10 <update statements> 

       01  EMPNO1 PIC  X(3).
       01  uid PIC  X(18).
       01  uidx PIC  X(18).
       01  SQLCODE PIC S9(9) COMP.
      *date_time declaration 
       01  TO-DAY PIC 9(6).
       01  THE-TIME PIC 9(8).



             MOVE "HU" TO uid
             CALL "AUTHID" USING uid
             MOVE "not logged in, not" TO uidx
             CALL "SUB1" USING SQLCODE uidx
             if (uid  NOT  =   uidx) then
               DISPLAY "ERROR: User ", uid " expected. User ", uidx "
      -    " connected"
             STOP RUN 
             MOVE 0 TO errcnt
              "SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Standard COBOL, dml086.sco"
           "59-byte ID"
             DISPLAY "TEd Version #"
      *date_time print 
           DISPLAY "Date run YYMMDD: " TO-DAY " at hhmmssff: " THE-TIME

      ******************** BEGIN TEST0511 *******************

             DISPLAY " TEST0511 "
             DISPLAY " CHECK clauses in nested views--clarified."
             DISPLAY "Reference ANSI SQL-1992,"
             DISPLAY " section 11.19 GR11,"
             DISPLAY " Annex E #3"
             DISPLAY " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"

      *   CREATE VIEW V_WORKS1                
      *          AS SELECT * FROM WORKS       
      *             WHERE HOURS > 15          
      *          WITH CHECK OPTION;           

      *   CREATE VIEW V_WORKS2                
      *          AS SELECT * FROM V_WORKS1    
      *             WHERE EMPNUM = 'E1'       
      *                OR EMPNUM = 'E6';      

      *   CREATE VIEW V_WORKS3                
      *          AS SELECT * FROM V_WORKS2    
      *             WHERE PNUM = 'P2'         
      *                OR PNUM = 'P7'         
      *          WITH CHECK OPTION;           

             MOVE 1 TO ifpass

      *    VALUES('E9','P7',13);
             CALL "SUB2" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: Violates constraint of "
               DISPLAY " underlying view (with check option)"
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

      *    VALUES('E7','P4',95);
             CALL "SUB3" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  NOT =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: Will not insert outside of view 2 def. (no
      -    " check),"
               DISPLAY "Satisfies constraint of underlying view (with
      -    " check opt)"
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

      *    VALUES('E8','P2',85);
             CALL "SUB4" USING SQLCODE

      *NOTE: The standard has been clarified on the following issue. 
             if (SQLCODE  =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Row ('E8','P2',85) was inserted into view
      -    " V_WORKS3."
               DISPLAY "This SQL implementation inserts a row which is:"
               DISPLAY " Inside view 1 def. (with check)"
               DISPLAY " Outside view 2 def. (no check)"
               DISPLAY " Inside view 3 def. (with check)"
               DISPLAY " (This is now considered incorrect.)"
               DISPLAY "Fail: Outer check option with implicit CASCADE
      -    " not enforced."
               DISPLAY "This behavior violates GR11a of 11.19
      -    " definition> with"
               DISPLAY " V_WORKS3 considered as spanning itself (see
      -    " GR9)."
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass
               DISPLAY "Row ('E8','P2',85) was NOT inserted into view
      -    " V_WORKS3."
               DISPLAY "This SQL implementation will not insert row
      -    " which is:"
               DISPLAY " Inside view 1 def. (with check)"
               DISPLAY " Outside view 2 def. (no check)"
               DISPLAY " Inside view 3 def. (with check)"
               DISPLAY "Outer check option with implicit CASCADE"
               DISPLAY "implies inner check options."
               DISPLAY "This is correct behavior based on GR9 and GR11a"
               DISPLAY "with V_WORKS3 spanning itself!"

      *    VALUES('E1','P7',90);
             CALL "SUB5" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  NOT =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: Will not insert row satisfying "
               DISPLAY " all nested view definitions"
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

      *    VALUES('E9','P2',10);
             CALL "SUB6" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: Violates constraint of "
               DISPLAY " underlying view (with check option)"
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

             MOVE 0 TO I

      *    INTO  :I
      *    FROM  WORKS
      *    WHERE EMPNUM = 'E9';
             CALL "SUB7" USING SQLCODE I

             if (I  >  0 ) then
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass
               DISPLAY "Fail: Nested views fail to enforce "
               DISPLAY " underlying check constraint."

             MOVE 0 TO I

      *    INTO  :I
      *    FROM  WORKS
      *    WHERE HOURS > 85;
             CALL "SUB8" USING SQLCODE I

             if (I  NOT =  2) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: Will not insert rows satisfying underlying
      -    " views"
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

      *    SET EMPNUM = 'E12', HOURS = 222
      *    WHERE EMPNUM = 'E1' AND PNUM = 'P2';
             CALL "SUB9" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: View 3 CHECK OPTION must be CASCADED to "
               DISPLAY " View 2 definition in UPDATE: searched! "
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

             CALL "SUB10" USING SQLCODE
      *    WHERE EMPNUM = 'E6' AND PNUM = 'P2' END-EXEC
             CALL "SUB11" USING SQLCODE
      *    SET EMPNUM = 'E13', HOURS = 222
             CALL "SUB13" USING SQLCODE

             if (SQLCODE  =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Fail: View 3 CHECK OPTION must be CASCADED to "
               DISPLAY " View 2 definition in UPDATE: positioned! "
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

             COMPUTE I = -1

      *  222;
             CALL "SUB14" USING SQLCODE I
             if (I  NOT =  0) then
               DISPLAY "Number of rows updated is ", I
               DISPLAY "Fail: View 3 CHECK OPTION must cascade to View 2
      -    " definition ! "
               MOVE 0 TO ifpass

             CALL "SUB15" USING SQLCODE

             if (ifpass  =  1) then
               DISPLAY " *** pass *** "
      *  VALUES('0511','pass','MCO');
               CALL "SUB16" USING SQLCODE
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               DISPLAY " dml086.sco *** fail *** "
      *  VALUES('0511','fail','MCO');
               CALL "SUB17" USING SQLCODE
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               COMPUTE errcnt = errcnt + 1


             DISPLAY  " "

             CALL "SUB18" USING SQLCODE
      ******************** END TEST0511 *******************

           STOP RUN.

      *    ****  Procedures for PERFORM statements

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.21 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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