(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
module CVars = Vars
open Ltac_plugin
open Pp
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open EConstr
open Vars
open CClosure
open Environ
open Globnames
open Glob_term
open Locus
open Tacexpr
open Coqlib
open Mod_subst
open Tacinterp
open Libobject
open Printer
open Declare
open Decl_kinds
open Entries
open Newring_ast
open Proofview.Notations
let error msg = CErrors.user_err Pp.(str msg)
(* controlled reduction *)
type protect_flag = Eval|Prot|Rec
type protection = Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.t -> GlobRef.t -> (Int.t -> protect_flag) option
let global_head_of_constr sigma c =
let f, args = decompose_app sigma c in
try fst (Termops.global_of_constr sigma f)
with Not_found -> CErrors.anomaly (str "global_head_of_constr.")
let global_of_constr_nofail c =
try global_of_constr c
with Not_found -> VarRef (Id.of_string "dummy")
let rec mk_clos_but f_map n t =
let (f, args) = Constr.decompose_appvect t in
match f_map (global_of_constr_nofail f) with
| Some tag ->
let map i t = tag_arg f_map n (tag i) t in
if Array.is_empty args then map (-1) f
else mk_red (FApp (map (-1) f, Array.mapi map args))
| None -> mk_atom t
and tag_arg f_map n tag c = match tag with
| Eval -> mk_clos (Esubst.subs_id n) c
| Prot -> mk_atom c
| Rec -> mk_clos_but f_map n c
let interp_map l t =
try Some(List.assoc_f GlobRef.equal t l) with Not_found -> None
let protect_maps : protection String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty
let add_map s m = protect_maps := String.Map.add s m !protect_maps
let lookup_map map =
try String.Map.find map !protect_maps
with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"lookup_map" (str"map "++qs map++str"not found")
let protect_red map env sigma c0 =
let evars ev = Evarutil.safe_evar_value sigma ev in
let c = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c0 in
let tab = create_tab () in
let infos = create_clos_infos ~evars all env in
let map = lookup_map map sigma c0 in
let rec eval n c = match Constr.kind c with
| Prod (na, t, u) -> Constr.mkProd (na, eval n t, eval (n + 1) u)
| _ -> kl infos tab (mk_clos_but map n c)
EConstr.of_constr (eval 0 c)
let protect_tac map =
Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red map,DEFAULTcast) None
let protect_tac_in map id =
Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red map,DEFAULTcast) (Some(id, Locus.InHyp))
let rec closed_under sigma cset t =
let (gr, _) = Termops.global_of_constr sigma t in
GlobRef.Set_env.mem gr cset
with Not_found ->
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| Cast(c,_,_) -> closed_under sigma cset c
| App(f,l) -> closed_under sigma cset f && Array.for_all (closed_under sigma cset) l
| _ -> false
let closed_term args _ = match args with
| [t; l] ->
let t = Option.get (Value.to_constr t) in
let l = List.map (fun c -> Value.cast (Genarg.topwit Stdarg.wit_ref) c) (Option.get (Value.to_list l)) in
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
let cs = List.fold_right GlobRef.Set_env.add l GlobRef.Set_env.empty in
if closed_under sigma cs t then Proofview.tclUNIT () else Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 (mt())
| _ -> assert false
let closed_term_ast =
let tacname = {
mltac_plugin = "newring_plugin";
mltac_tactic = "closed_term";
} in
let () = Tacenv.register_ml_tactic tacname [|closed_term|] in
let tacname = {
mltac_name = tacname;
mltac_index = 0;
} in
fun l ->
let l = List.map (fun gr -> ArgArg(Loc.tag gr)) l in
TacML(CAst.make (tacname,
[TacGeneric (Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.glbwit Stdarg.wit_constr) (DAst.make @@ GVar(Id.of_string"t"),None));
TacGeneric (Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.glbwit (Genarg.wit_list Stdarg.wit_ref)) l)])))
let _ = add_tacdef false ((Loc.ghost,Id.of_string"ring_closed_term"
let ic c =
let env = Global.env() in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
let c, uctx = Constrintern.interp_constr env sigma c in
(Evd.from_ctx uctx, c)
let ic_unsafe c = (*FIXME remove *)
let env = Global.env() in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
fst (Constrintern.interp_constr env sigma c)
let decl_constant na univs c =
let open Constr in
let vars = CVars.universes_of_constr c in
let univs = UState.restrict_universe_context ~lbound:(Global.universes_lbound ()) univs vars in
let () = Declare.declare_universe_context false univs in
let types = (Typeops.infer (Global.env ()) c).uj_type in
let univs = Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty in
mkConst(declare_constant (Id.of_string na)
(DefinitionEntry (definition_entry ~opaque:true ~types ~univs c),
IsProof Lemma))
(* Calling a global tactic *)
let ltac_call tac (args:glob_tactic_arg list) =
TacArg(CAst.make @@ TacCall (CAst.make (ArgArg(Loc.tag @@ Lazy.force tac),args)))
let dummy_goal env sigma =
let (gl,_,sigma) =
Goal.V82.mk_goal sigma (named_context_val env) EConstr.mkProp in
{Evd.it = gl; Evd.sigma = sigma}
let constr_of evd v = match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c -> EConstr.to_constr evd c
| None -> failwith "Ring.exec_tactic: anomaly"
let tactic_res = ref [||]
let get_res =
let open Tacexpr in
let name = { mltac_plugin = "newring_plugin"; mltac_tactic = "get_res"; } in
let entry = { mltac_name = name; mltac_index = 0 } in
let tac args ist =
let n = Tacinterp.Value.cast (Genarg.topwit Stdarg.wit_int) (List.hd args) in
let init i = Id.Map.find (Id.of_string ("x" ^ string_of_int i)) ist.lfun in
tactic_res := Array.init n init;
Proofview.tclUNIT ()
Tacenv.register_ml_tactic name [| tac |];
let exec_tactic env evd n f args =
let fold arg (i, vars, lfun) =
let id = Id.of_string ("x" ^ string_of_int i) in
let x = Reference (ArgVar CAst.(make id)) in
(succ i, x :: vars, Id.Map.add id (Value.of_constr arg) lfun)
let (_, args, lfun) = List.fold_right fold args (0, [], Id.Map.empty) in
let ist = { (Tacinterp.default_ist ()) with Tacinterp.lfun = lfun; } in
(* Build the getter *)
let lid = List.init n (fun i -> Id.of_string("x"^string_of_int i)) in
let n = Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.glbwit Stdarg.wit_int) n in
let get_res = TacML (CAst.make (get_res, [TacGeneric n])) in
let getter = Tacexp (TacFun (List.map (fun n -> Name n) lid, get_res)) in
(* Evaluate the whole result *)
let gl = dummy_goal env evd in
let gls = Proofview.V82.of_tactic (Tacinterp.eval_tactic_ist ist (ltac_call f (args@[getter]))) gl in
let evd = Evd.minimize_universes (Refiner.project gls) in
let nf c = constr_of evd c in
Array.map nf !tactic_res, Evd.universe_context_set evd
let gen_constant n = lazy (EConstr.of_constr (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global (Coqlib.lib_ref n)))
let gen_reference n = lazy (Coqlib.lib_ref n)
let coq_mk_Setoid = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.Build_Setoid_Theory"
let coq_None = gen_reference "core.option.None"
let coq_Some = gen_reference "core.option.Some"
let coq_eq = gen_constant "core.eq.type"
let coq_cons = gen_reference "core.list.cons"
let coq_nil = gen_reference "core.list.nil"
let lapp f args = mkApp(Lazy.force f,args)
let plapp evdref f args =
let evd, fc = Evarutil.new_global !evdref (Lazy.force f) in
evdref := evd;
let dest_rel0 sigma t =
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| App(f,args) when Array.length args >= 2 ->
let rel = mkApp(f,Array.sub args 0 (Array.length args - 2)) in
if closed0 sigma rel then
(rel,args.(Array.length args - 2),args.(Array.length args - 1))
else error "ring: cannot find relation (not closed)"
| _ -> error "ring: cannot find relation"
let rec dest_rel sigma t =
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| Prod(_,_,c) -> dest_rel sigma c
| _ -> dest_rel0 sigma t
(* Library linking *)
let plugin_dir = "setoid_ring"
let cdir = ["Coq";plugin_dir]
let plugin_modules =
List.map (fun d -> cdir@d)
[["Ring_theory"];["Ring_polynom"]; ["Ring_tac"];["InitialRing"];
["Field_tac"]; ["Field_theory"]
let my_constant c =
lazy (EConstr.of_constr (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.gen_reference_in_modules "Ring" plugin_modules c))
[@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
let my_reference c =
lazy (Coqlib.gen_reference_in_modules "Ring" plugin_modules c)
[@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
let znew_ring_path =
DirPath.make (List.map Id.of_string ["InitialRing";plugin_dir;"Coq"])
let zltac s =
lazy(KerName.make (ModPath.MPfile znew_ring_path) (Label.make s))
let mk_cst l s = lazy (Coqlib.coq_reference "newring" l s) [@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
let pol_cst s = mk_cst [plugin_dir;"Ring_polynom"] s
(* Ring theory *)
(* almost_ring defs *)
let coq_almost_ring_theory = my_constant "almost_ring_theory"
(* setoid and morphism utilities *)
let coq_eq_setoid = my_reference "Eqsth"
let coq_eq_morph = my_reference "Eq_ext"
let coq_eq_smorph = my_reference "Eq_s_ext"
(* ring -> almost_ring utilities *)
let coq_ring_theory = my_constant "ring_theory"
let coq_mk_reqe = my_constant "mk_reqe"
(* semi_ring -> almost_ring utilities *)
let coq_semi_ring_theory = my_constant "semi_ring_theory"
let coq_mk_seqe = my_constant "mk_seqe"
let coq_abstract = my_constant"Abstract"
let coq_comp = my_constant"Computational"
let coq_morph = my_constant"Morphism"
(* power function *)
let ltac_inv_morph_nothing = zltac"inv_morph_nothing"
(* hypothesis *)
let coq_mkhypo = my_reference "mkhypo"
let coq_hypo = my_reference "hypo"
(* Equality: do not evaluate but make recursive call on both sides *)
let map_with_eq arg_map sigma c =
let (req,_,_) = dest_rel sigma c in
((global_head_of_constr sigma req,(function -1->Prot|_->Rec))::
List.map (fun (c,map) -> (Lazy.force c,map)) arg_map)
let map_without_eq arg_map _ _ =
interp_map (List.map (fun (c,map) -> (Lazy.force c,map)) arg_map)
let _ = add_map "ring"
[coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
my_reference "IDphi", (function _->Eval);
my_reference "gen_phiZ", (function _->Eval);
(* Pphi_dev: evaluate polynomial and coef operations, protect
ring operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
pol_cst "Pphi_dev", (function -1|8|9|10|12|14->Eval|11|13->Rec|_->Prot);
pol_cst "Pphi_pow",
(function -1|8|9|10|13|15|17->Eval|11|16->Rec|_->Prot);
(* PEeval: evaluate polynomial, protect ring
operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
pol_cst "PEeval", (function -1|10|13->Eval|8|12->Rec|_->Prot)])
(* Ring database *)
module Cmap = Map.Make(Constr)
let from_carrier = Summary.ref Cmap.empty ~name:"ring-tac-carrier-table"
let print_rings () =
Feedback.msg_notice (strbrk "The following ring structures have been declared:");
Cmap.iter (fun _carrier ring ->
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
(hov 2
(Ppconstr.pr_id ring.ring_name ++ spc() ++
str"with carrier "++ pr_constr_env env sigma ring.ring_carrier++spc()++
str"and equivalence relation "++ pr_constr_env env sigma ring.ring_req))
) !from_carrier
let ring_for_carrier r = Cmap.find r !from_carrier
let find_ring_structure env sigma l =
match l with
| t::cl' ->
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma t in
let check c =
let ty' = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
if not (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma ty ty') then
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"ring"
(str"arguments of ring_simplify do not have all the same type")
List.iter check cl';
(try ring_for_carrier (EConstr.to_constr sigma ty)
with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"ring"
(str"cannot find a declared ring structure over"++
spc() ++ str"\"" ++ pr_econstr_env env sigma ty ++ str"\""))
| [] -> assert false
let add_entry (sp,_kn) e =
from_carrier := Cmap.add e.ring_carrier e !from_carrier
let subst_th (subst,th) =
let c' = subst_mps subst th.ring_carrier in
let eq' = subst_mps subst th.ring_req in
let set' = subst_mps subst th.ring_setoid in
let ext' = subst_mps subst th.ring_ext in
let morph' = subst_mps subst th.ring_morph in
let th' = subst_mps subst th.ring_th in
let thm1' = subst_mps subst th.ring_lemma1 in
let thm2' = subst_mps subst th.ring_lemma2 in
let tac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.ring_cst_tac in
let pow_tac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.ring_pow_tac in
let pretac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.ring_pre_tac in
let posttac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.ring_post_tac in
if c' == th.ring_carrier &&
eq' == th.ring_req &&
Constr.equal set' th.ring_setoid &&
ext' == th.ring_ext &&
morph' == th.ring_morph &&
th' == th.ring_th &&
thm1' == th.ring_lemma1 &&
thm2' == th.ring_lemma2 &&
tac' == th.ring_cst_tac &&
pow_tac' == th.ring_pow_tac &&
pretac' == th.ring_pre_tac &&
posttac' == th.ring_post_tac then th
{ ring_name = th.ring_name;
ring_carrier = c';
ring_req = eq';
ring_setoid = set';
ring_ext = ext';
ring_morph = morph';
ring_th = th';
ring_cst_tac = tac';
ring_pow_tac = pow_tac';
ring_lemma1 = thm1';
ring_lemma2 = thm2';
ring_pre_tac = pretac';
ring_post_tac = posttac' }
let theory_to_obj : ring_info -> obj =
let cache_th (name,th) = add_entry name th in
declare_object @@ global_object_nodischarge "tactic-new-ring-theory"
~subst:(Some subst_th)
let setoid_of_relation env evd a r =
let evm = !evd in
let evm, refl = Rewrite.get_reflexive_proof env evm a r in
let evm, sym = Rewrite.get_symmetric_proof env evm a r in
let evm, trans = Rewrite.get_transitive_proof env evm a r in
evd := evm;
lapp coq_mk_Setoid [|a ; r ; refl; sym; trans |]
with Not_found ->
error "cannot find setoid relation"
let op_morph r add mul opp req m1 m2 m3 =
lapp coq_mk_reqe [| r; add; mul; opp; req; m1; m2; m3 |]
let op_smorph r add mul req m1 m2 =
lapp coq_mk_seqe [| r; add; mul; req; m1; m2 |]
let ring_equality env evd (r,add,mul,opp,req) =
match EConstr.kind !evd req with
| App (f, [| _ |]) when eq_constr_nounivs !evd f (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
let setoid = plapp evd coq_eq_setoid [|r|] in
let op_morph =
match opp with
Some opp -> plapp evd coq_eq_morph [|r;add;mul;opp|]
| None -> plapp evd coq_eq_smorph [|r;add;mul|] in
let sigma = !evd in
let sigma, setoid = Typing.solve_evars env sigma setoid in
let sigma, op_morph = Typing.solve_evars env sigma op_morph in
evd := sigma;
| _ ->
let setoid = setoid_of_relation (Global.env ()) evd r req in
let signature = [Some (r,Some req);Some (r,Some req)],Some(r,Some req) in
let add_m, add_m_lem =
try Rewrite.default_morphism signature add
with Not_found ->
error "ring addition should be declared as a morphism" in
let mul_m, mul_m_lem =
try Rewrite.default_morphism signature mul
with Not_found ->
error "ring multiplication should be declared as a morphism" in
let op_morph =
match opp with
| Some opp ->
(let opp_m,opp_m_lem =
try Rewrite.default_morphism ([Some(r,Some req)],Some(r,Some req)) opp
with Not_found ->
error "ring opposite should be declared as a morphism" in
let op_morph =
op_morph r add mul opp req add_m_lem mul_m_lem opp_m_lem in
(str"Using setoid \""++ pr_econstr_env env !evd req++str"\""++spc()++
str"and morphisms \""++pr_econstr_env env !evd add_m_lem ++
str"\","++spc()++ str"\""++pr_econstr_env env !evd mul_m_lem++
str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++pr_econstr_env env !evd opp_m_lem++
| None ->
(str"Using setoid \""++pr_econstr_env env !evd req ++str"\"" ++ spc() ++
str"and morphisms \""++pr_econstr_env env !evd add_m_lem ++
str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++
pr_econstr_env env !evd mul_m_lem++str"\"");
op_smorph r add mul req add_m_lem mul_m_lem) in
let build_setoid_params env evd r add mul opp req eqth =
match eqth with
Some th -> th
| None -> ring_equality env evd (r,add,mul,opp,req)
let dest_ring env sigma th_spec =
let th_typ = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma th_spec in
match EConstr.kind sigma th_typ with
when eq_constr_nounivs sigma f (Lazy.force coq_almost_ring_theory) ->
(None,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,req)
| App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;req|])
when eq_constr_nounivs sigma f (Lazy.force coq_semi_ring_theory) ->
(Some true,r,zero,one,add,mul,None,None,req)
| App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;req|])
when eq_constr_nounivs sigma f (Lazy.force coq_ring_theory) ->
(Some false,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,req)
| _ -> error "bad ring structure"
let reflect_coeff rkind =
(* We build an ill-typed terms on purpose... *)
match rkind with
Abstract -> Lazy.force coq_abstract
| Computational c -> lapp coq_comp [|c|]
| Morphism m -> lapp coq_morph [|m|]
let interp_cst_tac env sigma rk kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac =
match cst_tac with
Some (CstTac t) -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| Some (Closed lc) ->
closed_term_ast (List.map Smartlocate.global_with_alias lc)
| None ->
let t = ArgArg(Loc.tag @@ Lazy.force ltac_inv_morph_nothing) in
TacArg(CAst.make (TacCall(CAst.make (t,[]))))
let make_hyp env evd c =
let t = Retyping.get_type_of env !evd c in
plapp evd coq_mkhypo [|t;c|]
let make_hyp_list env evdref lH =
let evd, carrier = Evarutil.new_global !evdref (Lazy.force coq_hypo) in
evdref := evd;
let l =
(fun c l -> plapp evdref coq_cons [|carrier; (make_hyp env evdref c); l|]) lH
(plapp evdref coq_nil [|carrier|])
let sigma, l' = Typing.solve_evars env !evdref l in
evdref := sigma;
let l' = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr l' in
Evarutil.nf_evars_universes !evdref l'
let interp_power env evdref pow =
let evd, carrier = Evarutil.new_global !evdref (Lazy.force coq_hypo) in
evdref := evd;
match pow with
| None ->
let t = ArgArg(Loc.tag (Lazy.force ltac_inv_morph_nothing)) in
(TacArg(CAst.make (TacCall(CAst.make (t,[])))), plapp evdref coq_None [|carrier|])
| Some (tac, spec) ->
let tac =
match tac with
| CstTac t -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| Closed lc ->
closed_term_ast (List.map Smartlocate.global_with_alias lc) in
let spec = make_hyp env evdref (ic_unsafe spec) in
(tac, plapp evdref coq_Some [|carrier; spec|])
let interp_sign env evdref sign =
let evd, carrier = Evarutil.new_global !evdref (Lazy.force coq_hypo) in
evdref := evd;
match sign with
| None -> plapp evdref coq_None [|carrier|]
| Some spec ->
let spec = make_hyp env evdref (ic_unsafe spec) in
plapp evdref coq_Some [|carrier;spec|]
(* Same remark on ill-typed terms ... *)
let interp_div env evdref div =
let evd, carrier = Evarutil.new_global !evdref (Lazy.force coq_hypo) in
evdref := evd;
match div with
| None -> plapp evdref coq_None [|carrier|]
| Some spec ->
let spec = make_hyp env evdref (ic_unsafe spec) in
plapp evdref coq_Some [|carrier;spec|]
(* Same remark on ill-typed terms ... *)
let add_theory0 name (sigma, rth) eqth morphth cst_tac (pre,post) power sign div =
check_required_library (cdir@["Ring_base"]);
let env = Global.env() in
let (kind,r,zero,one,add,mul,sub,opp,req) = dest_ring env sigma rth in
let evd = ref sigma in
let (sth,ext) = build_setoid_params env evd r add mul opp req eqth in
let (pow_tac, pspec) = interp_power env evd power in
let sspec = interp_sign env evd sign in
let dspec = interp_div env evd div in
let rk = reflect_coeff morphth in
let params,ctx =
exec_tactic env !evd 5 (zltac "ring_lemmas")
[sth;ext;rth;pspec;sspec;dspec;rk] in
let lemma1 = params.(3) in
let lemma2 = params.(4) in
let lemma1 =
decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_ring_lemma1") ctx lemma1 in
let lemma2 =
decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_ring_lemma2") ctx lemma2 in
let cst_tac =
interp_cst_tac env sigma morphth kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac in
let pretac =
match pre with
Some t -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| _ -> TacId [] in
let posttac =
match post with
Some t -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| _ -> TacId [] in
let r = EConstr.to_constr sigma r in
let req = EConstr.to_constr sigma req in
let sth = EConstr.to_constr sigma sth in
let _ =
Lib.add_leaf name
{ ring_name = name;
ring_carrier = r;
ring_req = req;
ring_setoid = sth;
ring_ext = params.(1);
ring_morph = params.(2);
ring_th = params.(0);
ring_cst_tac = cst_tac;
ring_pow_tac = pow_tac;
ring_lemma1 = lemma1;
ring_lemma2 = lemma2;
ring_pre_tac = pretac;
ring_post_tac = posttac }) in
let ic_coeff_spec = function
| Computational t -> Computational (ic_unsafe t)
| Morphism t -> Morphism (ic_unsafe t)
| Abstract -> Abstract
let set_once s r v =
if Option.is_empty !r then r := Some v else error (s^" cannot be set twice")
let process_ring_mods l =
let kind = ref None in
let set = ref None in
let cst_tac = ref None in
let pre = ref None in
let post = ref None in
let sign = ref None in
let power = ref None in
let div = ref None in
Ring_kind k -> set_once "ring kind" kind (ic_coeff_spec k)
| Const_tac t -> set_once "tactic recognizing constants" cst_tac t
| Pre_tac t -> set_once "preprocess tactic" pre t
| Post_tac t -> set_once "postprocess tactic" post t
| Setoid(sth,ext) -> set_once "setoid" set (ic_unsafe sth,ic_unsafe ext)
| Pow_spec(t,spec) -> set_once "power" power (t,spec)
| Sign_spec t -> set_once "sign" sign t
| Div_spec t -> set_once "div" div t) l;
let k = match !kind with Some k -> k | None -> Abstract in
(k, !set, !cst_tac, !pre, !post, !power, !sign, !div)
let add_theory id rth l =
let (sigma, rth) = ic rth in
let (k,set,cst,pre,post,power,sign, div) = process_ring_mods l in
add_theory0 id (sigma, rth) set k cst (pre,post) power sign div
(* The tactics consist then only in a lookup in the ring database and
call the appropriate ltac. *)
let make_args_list sigma rl t =
match rl with
| [] -> let (_,t1,t2) = dest_rel0 sigma t in [t1;t2]
| _ -> rl
let make_term_list env evd carrier rl =
let l = List.fold_right
(fun x l -> plapp evd coq_cons [|carrier;x;l|]) rl
(plapp evd coq_nil [|carrier|])
let sigma, l = Typing.solve_evars env !evd l in
evd := sigma; l
let carg c = Tacinterp.Value.of_constr (EConstr.of_constr c)
let tacarg expr =
Tacinterp.Value.of_closure (Tacinterp.default_ist ()) expr
let ltac_ring_structure e =
let req = carg e.ring_req in
let sth = carg e.ring_setoid in
let ext = carg e.ring_ext in
let morph = carg e.ring_morph in
let th = carg e.ring_th in
let cst_tac = tacarg e.ring_cst_tac in
let pow_tac = tacarg e.ring_pow_tac in
let lemma1 = carg e.ring_lemma1 in
let lemma2 = carg e.ring_lemma2 in
let pretac = tacarg (TacFun([Anonymous],e.ring_pre_tac)) in
let posttac = tacarg (TacFun([Anonymous],e.ring_post_tac)) in
let ring_lookup (f : Value.t) lH rl t =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
try (* find_ring_strucure can raise an exception *)
let rl = make_args_list sigma rl t in
let evdref = ref sigma in
let e = find_ring_structure env sigma rl in
let rl = Value.of_constr (make_term_list env evdref (EConstr.of_constr e.ring_carrier) rl) in
let lH = carg (make_hyp_list env evdref lH) in
let ring = ltac_ring_structure e in
Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS !evdref) (Value.apply f (ring@[lH;rl]))
with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e
let new_field_path =
DirPath.make (List.map Id.of_string ["Field_tac";plugin_dir;"Coq"])
let field_ltac s =
lazy(KerName.make (ModPath.MPfile new_field_path) (Label.make s))
let _ = add_map "field"
[coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
my_reference "IDphi", (function _->Eval);
my_reference "gen_phiZ", (function _->Eval);
(* display_linear: evaluate polynomials and coef operations, protect
field operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
my_reference "display_linear",
(function -1|9|10|11|13|15|16->Eval|12|14->Rec|_->Prot);
my_reference "display_pow_linear",
(function -1|9|10|11|14|16|18|19->Eval|12|17->Rec|_->Prot);
(* Pphi_dev: evaluate polynomial and coef operations, protect
ring operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
pol_cst "Pphi_dev", (function -1|8|9|10|12|14->Eval|11|13->Rec|_->Prot);
pol_cst "Pphi_pow",
(function -1|8|9|10|13|15|17->Eval|11|16->Rec|_->Prot);
(* PEeval: evaluate polynomial, protect ring
operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
pol_cst "PEeval", (function -1|10|13->Eval|8|12->Rec|_->Prot);
(* FEeval: evaluate polynomial, protect field
operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
my_reference "FEeval", (function -1|12|15->Eval|10|14->Rec|_->Prot)]);;
let _ = add_map "field_cond"
[coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
my_reference "IDphi", (function _->Eval);
my_reference "gen_phiZ", (function _->Eval);
(* PCond: evaluate denum list, protect ring
operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
my_reference "PCond", (function -1|11|14->Eval|9|13->Rec|_->Prot)]);;
let _ = Redexpr.declare_reduction "simpl_field_expr"
(protect_red "field")
let afield_theory = my_reference "almost_field_theory"
let field_theory = my_reference "field_theory"
let sfield_theory = my_reference "semi_field_theory"
let af_ar = my_reference"AF_AR"
let f_r = my_reference"F_R"
let sf_sr = my_reference"SF_SR"
let dest_field env evd th_spec =
let open Termops in
let th_typ = Retyping.get_type_of env !evd th_spec in
match EConstr.kind !evd th_typ with
| App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req|])
when is_global !evd (Lazy.force afield_theory) f ->
let rth = plapp evd af_ar
[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
(None,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,div,inv,req,rth)
| App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req|])
when is_global !evd (Lazy.force field_theory) f ->
let rth =
plapp evd f_r
[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
(Some false,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,div,inv,req,rth)
| App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;div;inv;req|])
when is_global !evd (Lazy.force sfield_theory) f ->
let rth = plapp evd sf_sr
[|r;zero;one;add;mul;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
(Some true,r,zero,one,add,mul,None,None,div,inv,req,rth)
| _ -> error "bad field structure"
let field_from_carrier = Summary.ref Cmap.empty ~name:"field-tac-carrier-table"
let print_fields () =
Feedback.msg_notice (strbrk "The following field structures have been declared:");
Cmap.iter (fun _carrier fi ->
let env = Global.env () in
let sigma = Evd.from_env env in
(hov 2
(Id.print fi.field_name ++ spc() ++
str"with carrier "++ pr_constr_env env sigma fi.field_carrier++spc()++
str"and equivalence relation "++ pr_constr_env env sigma fi.field_req))
) !field_from_carrier
let field_for_carrier r = Cmap.find r !field_from_carrier
let find_field_structure env sigma l =
check_required_library (cdir@["Field_tac"]);
match l with
| t::cl' ->
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma t in
let check c =
let ty' = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
if not (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma ty ty') then
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"field"
(str"arguments of field_simplify do not have all the same type")
List.iter check cl';
(try field_for_carrier (EConstr.to_constr sigma ty)
with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"field"
(str"cannot find a declared field structure over"++
spc()++str"\""++pr_econstr_env env sigma ty++str"\""))
| [] -> assert false
let add_field_entry (sp,_kn) e =
field_from_carrier := Cmap.add e.field_carrier e !field_from_carrier
let subst_th (subst,th) =
let c' = subst_mps subst th.field_carrier in
let eq' = subst_mps subst th.field_req in
let thm1' = subst_mps subst th.field_ok in
let thm2' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_eq_ok in
let thm3' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_ok in
let thm4' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_eq_in_ok in
let thm5' = subst_mps subst th.field_cond in
let tac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.field_cst_tac in
let pow_tac' = Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.field_pow_tac in
let pretac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.field_pre_tac in
let posttac'= Tacsubst.subst_tactic subst th.field_post_tac in
if c' == th.field_carrier &&
eq' == th.field_req &&
thm1' == th.field_ok &&
thm2' == th.field_simpl_eq_ok &&
thm3' == th.field_simpl_ok &&
thm4' == th.field_simpl_eq_in_ok &&
thm5' == th.field_cond &&
tac' == th.field_cst_tac &&
pow_tac' == th.field_pow_tac &&
pretac' == th.field_pre_tac &&
posttac' == th.field_post_tac then th
{ field_name = th.field_name;
field_carrier = c';
field_req = eq';
field_cst_tac = tac';
field_pow_tac = pow_tac';
field_ok = thm1';
field_simpl_eq_ok = thm2';
field_simpl_ok = thm3';
field_simpl_eq_in_ok = thm4';
field_cond = thm5';
field_pre_tac = pretac';
field_post_tac = posttac' }
let ftheory_to_obj : field_info -> obj =
let cache_th (name,th) = add_field_entry name th in
declare_object @@ global_object_nodischarge "tactic-new-field-theory"
~subst:(Some subst_th)
let field_equality evd r inv req =
match EConstr.kind !evd req with
| App (f, [| _ |]) when eq_constr_nounivs !evd f (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
let c = UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global Coqlib.(lib_ref "core.eq.congr") in
let c = EConstr.of_constr c in
| _ ->
let _setoid = setoid_of_relation (Global.env ()) evd r req in
let signature = [Some (r,Some req)],Some(r,Some req) in
let inv_m, inv_m_lem =
try Rewrite.default_morphism signature inv
with Not_found ->
error "field inverse should be declared as a morphism" in
let add_field_theory0 name fth eqth morphth cst_tac inj (pre,post) power sign odiv =
let open Constr in
check_required_library (cdir@["Field_tac"]);
let (sigma,fth) = ic fth in
let env = Global.env() in
let evd = ref sigma in
let (kind,r,zero,one,add,mul,sub,opp,div,inv,req,rth) =
dest_field env evd fth in
let (sth,ext) = build_setoid_params env evd r add mul opp req eqth in
let eqth = Some(sth,ext) in
let _ = add_theory0 name (!evd,rth) eqth morphth cst_tac (None,None) power sign odiv in
let (pow_tac, pspec) = interp_power env evd power in
let sspec = interp_sign env evd sign in
let dspec = interp_div env evd odiv in
let inv_m = field_equality evd r inv req in
let rk = reflect_coeff morphth in
let params,ctx =
exec_tactic env !evd 9 (field_ltac"field_lemmas")
[sth;ext;inv_m;fth;pspec;sspec;dspec;rk] in
let lemma1 = params.(3) in
let lemma2 = params.(4) in
let lemma3 = params.(5) in
let lemma4 = params.(6) in
let cond_lemma =
match inj with
| Some thm -> mkApp(params.(8),[|EConstr.to_constr sigma thm|])
| None -> params.(7) in
let lemma1 = decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_field_lemma1")
ctx lemma1 in
let lemma2 = decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_field_lemma2")
ctx lemma2 in
let lemma3 = decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_field_lemma3")
ctx lemma3 in
let lemma4 = decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_field_lemma4")
ctx lemma4 in
let cond_lemma = decl_constant (Id.to_string name^"_lemma5")
ctx cond_lemma in
let cst_tac =
interp_cst_tac env sigma morphth kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac in
let pretac =
match pre with
Some t -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| _ -> TacId [] in
let posttac =
match post with
Some t -> Tacintern.glob_tactic t
| _ -> TacId [] in
let r = EConstr.to_constr sigma r in
let req = EConstr.to_constr sigma req in
let _ =
Lib.add_leaf name
{ field_name = name;
field_carrier = r;
field_req = req;
field_cst_tac = cst_tac;
field_pow_tac = pow_tac;
field_ok = lemma1;
field_simpl_eq_ok = lemma2;
field_simpl_ok = lemma3;
field_simpl_eq_in_ok = lemma4;
field_cond = cond_lemma;
field_pre_tac = pretac;
field_post_tac = posttac }) in ()
let process_field_mods l =
let kind = ref None in
let set = ref None in
let cst_tac = ref None in
let pre = ref None in
let post = ref None in
let inj = ref None in
let sign = ref None in
let power = ref None in
let div = ref None in
Ring_mod(Ring_kind k) -> set_once "field kind" kind (ic_coeff_spec k)
| Ring_mod(Const_tac t) ->
set_once "tactic recognizing constants" cst_tac t
| Ring_mod(Pre_tac t) -> set_once "preprocess tactic" pre t
| Ring_mod(Post_tac t) -> set_once "postprocess tactic" post t
| Ring_mod(Setoid(sth,ext)) -> set_once "setoid" set (ic_unsafe sth,ic_unsafe ext)
| Ring_mod(Pow_spec(t,spec)) -> set_once "power" power (t,spec)
| Ring_mod(Sign_spec t) -> set_once "sign" sign t
| Ring_mod(Div_spec t) -> set_once "div" div t
| Inject i -> set_once "infinite property" inj (ic_unsafe i)) l;
let k = match !kind with Some k -> k | None -> Abstract in
(k, !set, !inj, !cst_tac, !pre, !post, !power, !sign, !div)
let add_field_theory id t mods =
let (k,set,inj,cst_tac,pre,post,power,sign,div) = process_field_mods mods in
add_field_theory0 id t set k cst_tac inj (pre,post) power sign div
let ltac_field_structure e =
let req = carg e.field_req in
let cst_tac = tacarg e.field_cst_tac in
let pow_tac = tacarg e.field_pow_tac in
let field_ok = carg e.field_ok in
let field_simpl_ok = carg e.field_simpl_ok in
let field_simpl_eq_ok = carg e.field_simpl_eq_ok in
let field_simpl_eq_in_ok = carg e.field_simpl_eq_in_ok in
let cond_ok = carg e.field_cond in
let pretac = tacarg (TacFun([Anonymous],e.field_pre_tac)) in
let posttac = tacarg (TacFun([Anonymous],e.field_post_tac)) in
let field_lookup (f : Value.t) lH rl t =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let rl = make_args_list sigma rl t in
let evdref = ref sigma in
let e = find_field_structure env sigma rl in
let rl = Value.of_constr (make_term_list env evdref (EConstr.of_constr e.field_carrier) rl) in
let lH = carg (make_hyp_list env evdref lH) in
let field = ltac_field_structure e in
Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS !evdref) (Value.apply f (field@[lH;rl]))
with e when Proofview.V82.catchable_exception e -> Proofview.tclZERO e
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