products/sources/formale sprachen/Cobol/Test-Suite/SQL P/xts image not shown  


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[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: yts811.cob   Sprache: Cobol

       PROGRAM-ID.  YTS802.
       SOURCE-COMPUTER.  xyz.
       OBJECT-COMPUTER.  xyz.

      * EMBEDDED COBOL (file "YTS802.PCO")

      *Copyright 1996 National Computing Centre Ltd, 
      *and Computer Logic R&D S.A 
      *on behalf of CTS5 SQL2 Project. 
      *All rights reserved.                                          
      *The CTS5 SQL2 Project is sponsored by the European Community. 
      *The National Computing Centre Limited and Computer Logic R&D  
      *have given permission to NIST to distribute this program      
      *over the World Wide Web in order to promote SQL standards.    
      *This program was reviewed by employees of NIST for            
      *conformance to the SQL standards.                             
      *NIST assumes no responsibility for any party's use of         
      *this program.                                                 

      *                 COMMENT SECTION                              
      * SQL VALIDATION TEST SUITE V6.0                               
      * YTS802.PCO                                                   
      * WRITTEN BY:  Susan Watters                                   
      * Support of SQL_FEATURES table in documentation schema        
      * REFERENCES                                                   
      *   Support of SQL_FEATURES table in documentation schema      
      *   F# 50 Documentation schema                                 
      * DATE LAST ALTERED 02.01.96 CTS5 Hand-over Test               
      * QA Status: Full FC                                           
      * Revised by DWF 1996-03-26                                    
      *   Added rollback after authid                                
      *   Removed EXEC SQL from printf                               
      *   Added FIPS printout                                        
      *   Removed syntax errors (C language and SQL)                 
      *   Reduced severity of coding rule violations                 
      *   Removed reference to non-existent table                    
      *   Fixed logic errors                                         
      *   Added check for existence of FEATURE_COMMENTS column       
      *   Fixed typos in feature names                               

       01  SQLCODE PIC S9(9) COMP.
       01  SQLSTATE PIC  X(5).
       01  fnam PIC  X(50).
       01  iss PIC  X(3).
       01  isv PIC  X(3).
       01  clas PIC  X(12).
       01  uid PIC  X(18).
       01  uidx PIC  X(18).
       01  tr PIC  X(12).
       01  ntrm PIC  X(12).
       01  rd1 PIC  X(3).
       01  fl PIC  X(4).
      *The arrays below are required for storing feature name text 
      *for comparison with FEATURE_NAME values fetched by cursor data8
       01  FIPS1 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS2 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS3 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS4 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS5 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS6 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS7 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS8 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS9 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS10 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS11 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS12 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS13 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS14 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS15 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS16 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS17 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS18 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS19 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS20 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS21 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS22 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS23 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS24 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS25 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS26 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS27 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS28 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS29 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS30 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS31 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS32 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS33 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS34 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS35 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS36 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS37 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS38 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS39 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS40 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS41 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS42 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS43 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS44 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS45 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS46 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS47 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS48 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS49 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS50 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS51 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS52 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS53 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS54 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS55 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS56 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS57 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS58 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS59 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS60 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS61 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS62 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS63 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS64 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS65 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS66 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS67 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS68 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS69 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS70 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS71 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS72 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS73 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS74 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS75 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS76 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS77 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS78 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS79 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS80 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS81 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS82 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS83 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS84 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS85 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS86 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS87 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS88 PIC  X(50).
       01  FIPS89 PIC  X(50).
           05  ALPNUM PIC X OCCURS 36 TIMES.
       01  NORMSQ.
           05  NORMSQX PIC X OCCURS 5 TIMES.
      *date_time declaration 
       01  TO-DAY PIC 9(6).
       01  THE-TIME PIC 9(8).



             MOVE "CTS1 " TO uid
             CALL "AUTHID" USING uid
             MOVE "not logged in, not" TO uidx
             if (uid  NOT  =   uidx) then
               DISPLAY "ERROR: User ", uid, " expected. User ", uidx, "
      -    " connected"
            STOP RUN
             MOVE 0 TO errcnt

           "SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Embedded COBOL, yts802.pco"
           "59-byte ID"
             DISPLAY "TEd Version #"
      *date_time print 
           DISPLAY "Date run YYMMDD: " TO-DAY " at hhmmssff: " THE-TIME

      ******************** BEGIN TEST7548 *******************
             MOVE 1 TO flag
             MOVE 1 TO flag2

             DISPLAY " FIPS TEST7548 "
             DISPLAY " Support of SQL_FEATURES tab. in documentatn
      -    " schema"
             DISPLAY "References:"
             DISPLAY " FIPS15.1 SQL_FEATURES table"
             DISPLAY " F# 50 Documentation schema"
             DISPLAY " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"

      *This test will need modification if the list of features is eve
      *extended for SQL3. 

             COMPUTE SQLCODE = -1
             MOVE "xxxxx" TO SQLSTATE

      *initialise variables 
             MOVE 0 TO co
             MOVE 99 TO co2
             MOVE 1 TO i

      *set up classification types 

             MOVE "TRANSITIONAL" TO tr
             MOVE "INTERMEDIATE" TO ntrm
             MOVE "RDA" TO rd1
             MOVE "FULL" TO fl

      *set up arrays for FIPS Feature Names 

             MOVE "Dynamic SQL "
             TO FIPS1
             MOVE "Basic information schema "
             TO FIPS2
             MOVE "Basic schema manipulation "
             TO FIPS3
             MOVE "Joined table "
             TO FIPS4
             MOVE "DATETIME data types "
             TO FIPS5
             MOVE "VARCHAR data type "
             TO FIPS6
             MOVE "TRIM function "
             TO FIPS7
             MOVE "UNION in views "
             TO FIPS8
             MOVE "Implicit numeric casting "
             TO FIPS9
             MOVE "Implicit character casting "
             TO FIPS10
             MOVE "Transaction isolation "
             TO FIPS11
             MOVE "Get diagnostics "
             TO FIPS12
             MOVE "Grouped operations "
             TO FIPS13
             MOVE "Qualified * in select list "
             TO FIPS14
             MOVE "Lowercase identifiers "
             TO FIPS15
             MOVE "PRIMARY KEY enhancement "
             TO FIPS16
             MOVE "Multiple schemas per user "
             TO FIPS17
             MOVE "Multiple module support "
             TO FIPS18
             MOVE "Referential delete actions "
             TO FIPS19
             MOVE "CAST functions "
             TO FIPS20
             MOVE "INSERT expressions "
             TO FIPS21
             MOVE "Explicit defaults "
             TO FIPS22
             MOVE "Privilege tables "
             TO FIPS23
             MOVE "Keyword relaxations "
             TO FIPS24
             MOVE "Domain definition "
             TO FIPS25
             MOVE "CASE expression "
             TO FIPS26
             MOVE "Compound character literals "
             TO FIPS27
             MOVE "LIKE enhancements "
             TO FIPS28
             MOVE "UNIQUE predicate "
             TO FIPS29
             MOVE "Table operations "
             TO FIPS30
             MOVE "Schema definition statement "
             TO FIPS31
             MOVE "User authorization "
             TO FIPS32
             MOVE "Constraint tables "
             TO FIPS33
             MOVE "Usage tables "
             TO FIPS34
             MOVE "Intermediate information schema "
             TO FIPS35
             MOVE "Subprogram support "
             TO FIPS36
             MOVE "Intermediate SQL Flagging "
             TO FIPS37
             MOVE "Schema manipulation "
             TO FIPS38
             MOVE "Long identifiers "
             TO FIPS39
             MOVE "Full outer join "
             TO FIPS40
             MOVE "Time zone specification "
             TO FIPS41
             MOVE "National character "
             TO FIPS42
             MOVE "Scrolled cursors "
             TO FIPS43
             MOVE "Intermediate set function "
             TO FIPS44
             MOVE "Character set definition "
             TO FIPS45
             MOVE "Named character sets "
             TO FIPS46
             MOVE "Scalar subquery values "
             TO FIPS47
             MOVE "Expanded null predicate "
             TO FIPS48
             MOVE "Constraint management "
             TO FIPS49
             MOVE "Documentation schema "
             TO FIPS50
             MOVE "BIT data type "
             TO FIPS51
             MOVE "Assertion constraints "
             TO FIPS52
             MOVE "Temporary tables "
             TO FIPS53
             MOVE "Full dynamic SQL "
             TO FIPS54
             MOVE "Full DATETIME "
             TO FIPS55
             MOVE "Full value expressions "
             TO FIPS56
             MOVE "Truth value tests "
             TO FIPS57
             MOVE "Full character functions "
             TO FIPS58
             MOVE "Derived tables in FROM "
             TO FIPS59
             MOVE "Trailing underscore "
             TO FIPS60
             MOVE "Indicator data types "
             TO FIPS61
             MOVE "Referential name order "
             TO FIPS62
             MOVE "Full SQL Flagging "
             TO FIPS63
             MOVE "Row and table constructors "
             TO FIPS64
             MOVE "Catalog name qualifiers "
             TO FIPS65
             MOVE "Simple tables "
             TO FIPS66
             MOVE "Subqueries in CHECK "
             TO FIPS67
             MOVE "Union and Cross join "
             TO FIPS68
             MOVE "Collation and translation "
             TO FIPS69
             MOVE "Referential update actions "
             TO FIPS70
             MOVE "ALTER domain "
             TO FIPS71
             MOVE "Deferrable constraints "
             TO FIPS72
             MOVE "INSERT column privileges "
             TO FIPS73
             MOVE "Referential MATCH types "
             TO FIPS74
             MOVE "View CHECK enhancements "
             TO FIPS75
             MOVE "Session management "
             TO FIPS76
             MOVE "Connection management "
             TO FIPS77
             MOVE "Self-referencing operations "
             TO FIPS78
             MOVE "Insensitive cursors "
             TO FIPS79
             MOVE "Full set function "
             TO FIPS80
             MOVE "Catalog flagging "
             TO FIPS81
             MOVE "Local table references "
             TO FIPS82
             MOVE "Full cursor update "
             TO FIPS83
             MOVE "RDA/SQL-Client "
             TO FIPS84
             MOVE "RDA/SQL-Server "
             TO FIPS85
             MOVE "RDA Stored Execution "
             TO FIPS86
             MOVE "RDA Cancel "
             TO FIPS87
             MOVE "RDA Status "
             TO FIPS88
             MOVE "RDA TP Application Context "
             TO FIPS89

             DISPLAY "DECLARE data802 CURSOR FOR"

             EXEC SQL DECLARE data802 CURSOR FOR

             DISPLAY "OPEN data802;"
             EXEC SQL OPEN data802 END-EXEC
             DISPLAY  " "

      *ensure there are 89 rows i.e. one for each feature 

             DISPLAY "SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co"
             EXEC SQL SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co
             DISPLAY "co should be 89; its value is ", co
             if (co  NOT =  89) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag

      *Make sure that FEATURE_COMMENTS exists 

             MOVE 0 TO co
             DISPLAY "SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co"
             EXEC SQL SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co
             DISPLAY "co should be 89; its value is ", co
             if (co  NOT =  89) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag

      *return and check all values of the cursor 
      *The feature id, name and classification are checked 


      *initialise all host variables before fetch 
             MOVE 0 TO fid
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
             TO fnam
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxxxx" TO clas
             MOVE "xxx" TO iss
             MOVE "xxx" TO isv

             DISPLAY "FETCH data802 INTO :fid, :fnam, :clas, :iss,
      -    " :isv;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH data802 
               INTO :fid, :fnam, :clas, :iss, :isv END-EXEC
             if (SQLCODE  NOT =  0) then
               GO TO P102

      *check the Feature referenced was the one expected 
             if (fid  NOT =  i  AND  i  <  90) then
               DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- FEATURE NUMBER ", i, " IS
      -    " MISSING"
               COMPUTE i = i + 1
               MOVE 0 TO flag
               GO TO P101

      *check correct values are returned for each FIPS feature 
             if (fid  =  1) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS1  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #1 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  2) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS2  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #2 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  3) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS3  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #3 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  4) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS4   OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #4 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  5) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS5   OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #5 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  6) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS6   OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #6 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  7) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS7  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #7 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  8) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS8  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #8 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  9) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS9  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #9 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  10) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS10  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #10 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  11) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS11  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #11 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  12) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS12  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #12 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  13) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS13  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #13 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  14) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS14  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #14 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  15) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS15  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #15 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  16) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS16  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #16 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  17) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS17  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #17 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  18) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS18  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #18 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  19) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS19  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #19 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  20) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS20  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #20 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  21) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS21  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #21 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  22) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS22  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #22 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  23) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS23  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #23 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  24) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS24  OR  clas  NOT  =   tr) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #24 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  25) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS25  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #25 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  26) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS26  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #26 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  27) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS27  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #27 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  28) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS28  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #28 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  29) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS29  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #29 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  30) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS30  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #30 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  31) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS31  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #31 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  32) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS32  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #32 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  33) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS33  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #33 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  34) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS34  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #34 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  35) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS35  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #35 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  36) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS36  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #36 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  37) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS37  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #37 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  38) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS38  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #38 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  39) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS39  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #39 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  40) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS40  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #40 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  41) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS41  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #41 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  42) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS42  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #42 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  43) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS43  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #43 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  44) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS44  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #44 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  45) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS45  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #45 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  46) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS46  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #46 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  47) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS47  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #47 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  48) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS48  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #48 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  49) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS49  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #49 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  50) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS50  OR  clas  NOT  =   ntrm) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #50 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  51) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS51  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #51 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  52) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS52  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #52 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  53) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS53  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #53 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  54) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS54  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #54 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  55) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS55  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #55 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  56) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS56  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #56 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  57) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS57  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #57 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  58) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS58  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #58 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  59) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS59  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #59 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  60) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS60  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #60 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  61) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS61  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #61 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  62) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS62  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #62 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  63) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS63  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #63 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  64) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS64  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #60 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  65) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS65  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #65 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  66) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS66  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #66 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  67) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS67  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #67 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  68) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS68  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #68 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  69) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS69  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #69 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  70) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS70  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #70 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  71) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS71  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #71 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  72) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS72  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #72 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  73) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS73  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #73 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  74) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS74  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #74 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  75) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS75  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #75 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  76) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS76  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #76 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  77) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS77  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #77 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  78) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS78  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #78 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  79) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS79  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #79 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  80) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS80  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #80 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  81) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS81  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #80 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  82) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS82  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #82 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  83) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS83  OR  clas  NOT  =   fl) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #83 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  84) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS84  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #84 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  85) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS85  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #85 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  86) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS86  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #86 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  87) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS87  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #87 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  88) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS88  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #88 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  =  89) then
               if (fnam  NOT  =   FIPS89  OR  clas  NOT  =   rd1) then
                 DISPLAY "********** ERROR -- Reference to FIPS FEATURE
      -    " #89 incorrect"
                 MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (fid  <  1  OR  fid  >  89) then
               DISPLAY "Incorrect value for FEATURE_ID"
               MOVE 0 TO flag

             COMPUTE i = i + 1
             GO TO P100

             DISPLAY "SQLCODE should be 100; its value is ", SQL-COD
             DISPLAY "SQLSTATE should be 02000; its value is ", SQLSTATE
             if (SQLCODE  NOT =  100  OR  NORMSQ  NOT  =   "02000"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (NORMSQ   =   "02000"  AND  NORMSQ  NOT  =   SQLSTATE)
               DISPLAY "Valid implementation-defined SQLSTATE accepted."
             DISPLAY  " "
             if (i  NOT =  90) then
               DISPLAY "Incorrect number of rows returned!"
               MOVE 0 TO flag

             DISPLAY "SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co2"
             DISPLAY "NOT IS_SUPPORTED = 'YES';"

             EXEC SQL SELECT COUNT (*) INTO :co2
               WHERE IS_VERIFIED = 'YES' AND
               NOT IS_SUPPORTED = 'YES' END-EXEC

             DISPLAY "co2 should be 0; its value is ", co2

             if (co2  NOT =  0) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag

             DISPLAY "CLOSE data802"
             EXEC SQL CLOSE data802 END-EXEC
             DISPLAY  " "

             DISPLAY  " "

             if ( flag  =  1 ) then
               DISPLAY " yts802.pco *** pass *** "
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               DISPLAY " yts802.pco *** fail *** "
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               COMPUTE errcnt = errcnt + 1

             DISPLAY "==============================================="

      ******************** END TEST7548 ********************

           STOP RUN.

      *    ****  Procedures for PERFORM statements

      *Test SQLCODE and SQLSTATE for normal completion. 
             DISPLAY "SQLCODE should be 0; its value is ", SQL-COD
             DISPLAY "SQLSTATE should be 00000; its value is ", SQLSTATE
             if (SQLCODE NOT =  0  OR   NORMSQ NOT = "00000"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (NORMSQ = "00000"  AND  NORMSQ NOT = SQLSTATE)
               DISPLAY "Valid implementation-defined SQLSTATE accepted."


      *This routine replaces valid implementation-defined       
      *subclasses with 000.  This replacement equates valid     
      *implementation-defined subclasses with the 000 value     
      *expected by the test case; otherwise the test will fail. 
      *After calling NOSUBCLASS, NORMSQ will be tested          
      *                          SQLSTATE will be printed.      


           MOVE 3 TO norm1
      *subclass begins in position 3 of char array NORMSQ 
      *valid subclass begins with 5-9, I-Z, end of ALPNUM table 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 14 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
      *Quit if NORMSQ is unchanged.  Subclass is not impl.-def. 
      *Changed NORMSQ means implementation-defined subclass,    
      *so proceed to zero it out, if valid (0-9,A-Z)            
           if (NORMSQ   =   SQLSTATE) then

           MOVE 4 TO norm1
      *examining position 4 of char array NORMSQ 
      *valid characters are 0-9, A-Z 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
           MOVE 5 TO norm1
      *valid characters are 0-9, A-Z 
      *examining position 5 of char array NORMSQ 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
      *implementation-defined subclasses are allowed for warnings 
      *(class = 01).  These equate to successful completion 
      *SQLSTATE values of 00000. 
      *Reference SQL-92 4.28 SQL-transactions, paragraph 2 

           if (NORMSQX(1)  =  "0"  AND  NORMSQX(2)  =  "1"then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(2)


¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.91 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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