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## As soon as the previous version branched off master ##
- [ ] Create a new issue to track the release process where you can copy-paste
the present checklist.
- [ ] Change the version name to the next major version and the magic
numbers (see [#7008](https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/7008/files)).
Additionally, in the same commit, update the compatibility
infrastructure, which consists of invoking
[`dev/tools/update-compat.py`](../tools/update-compat.py) with the
`--master` flag.
Note that the `update-compat.py` script must be run twice: once
*immediately after* branching with the `--master` flag (which sets
up Coq to support four `-compat` flag arguments), *in the same
commit* as the one that updates `coq_version` in
[`configure.ml`](../../configure.ml), and once again later on before
the next branch point with the `--release` flag (see next section).
- [ ] Put the corresponding alpha tag using `git tag -s`.
The `VX.X+alpha` tag marks the first commit to be in `master` and not in the
branch of the previous version.
- [ ] Create the `X.X+beta1` milestone if it did not already exist.
- [ ] Decide the release calendar with the team (freeze date, beta date, final
release date) and put this information in the milestone (using the
description and due date fields).
## Anytime after the previous version is branched off master ##
- [ ] Update the compatibility infrastructure to the next release,
which consists of invoking
[`dev/tools/update-compat.py`](../tools/update-compat.py) with the
`--release` flag; this sets up Coq to support three `-compat` flag
arguments. To ensure that CI passes, you will have to decide what
to do about all test-suite files which mention `-compat U.U` or
`Coq.Comapt.CoqUU` (which is no longer valid, since we only keep
compatibility against the two previous versions on releases), and
you may have to prepare overlays for projects using the
compatibility flags.
## About one month before the beta ##
- [ ] Create the `X.X.0` milestone and set its due date.
- [ ] Send an announcement of the upcoming freeze on Coqdev and ask people to
remove from the beta milestone what they already know won't be ready on time
(possibly postponing to the `X.X.0` milestone for minor bug fixes,
infrastructure and documentation updates).
- [ ] Determine which issues should / must be fixed before the beta, add them
to the beta milestone, possibly with a
["priority: blocker"](https://github.com/coq/coq/labels/priority%3A%20blocker)
label. Make sure that all these issues are assigned (and that the assignee
provides an ETA).
- [ ] Ping the development coordinator (**@mattam82**) to get him started on
the update to the Credits chapter of the reference manual.
See also [#7058](https://github.com/coq/coq/issues/7058).
The command to get the list of contributors for this version is
`git shortlog -s -n VX.X+alpha..master | cut -f2 | sort -k 2`
(the ordering is approximative as it will misplace people with middle names).
## On the date of the feature freeze ##
- [ ] Create the new version branch `vX.X` (using this name will ensure that
the branch will be automatically protected).
- [ ] Remove all remaining unmerged feature PRs from the beta milestone.
- [ ] Start a new project to track PR backporting. The proposed model is to
have a "X.X-only PRs" column for the rare PRs on the stable branch, a
"Request X.X inclusion" column for the PRs that were merged in `master` that
are to be considered for backporting, a "Waiting for CI" column to put the
PRs in the process of being backported, and "Shipped in ..." columns to put
what was backported. (The release manager is the person responsible for
merging PRs that target the version branch and backporting appropriate PRs
that are merged into `master`).
A message to **@coqbot** in the milestone description tells it to
automatically add merged PRs to the "Request X.X inclusion" column.
- [ ] Delay non-blocking issues to the appropriate milestone and ensure
blocking issues are solved. If required to solve some blocking issues,
it is possible to revert some feature PRs in the version branch only.
## Before the beta release date ##
- [ ] Ensure the Credits chapter has been updated.
- [ ] Ensure that an appropriate version of the plugins we will distribute with
Coq has been tagged.
- [ ] Have some people test the recently auto-generated Windows and MacOS
- [ ] In a PR:
- Change the version name from alpha to beta1 (see
- We generally do not update the magic numbers at this point.
- Set `is_a_released_version` to `true` in `configure.ml`.
- [ ] Put the `VX.X+beta1` tag using `git tag -s`.
- [ ] Check using `git push --tags --dry-run` that you are not
pushing anything else than the new tag. If needed, remove spurious
tags with `git tag -d`. When this is OK, proceed with `git push --tags`.
- [ ] Set `is_a_released_version` to `false` in `configure.ml`
(if you forget about it, you'll be reminded whenever you try to
backport a PR with a changelog entry).
### These steps are the same for all releases (beta, final, patch-level) ###
- [ ] Send an e-mail on Coqdev announcing that the tag has been put so that
package managers can start preparing package updates (including a
`coq-bignums` compatible version).
- [ ] Ping **@erikmd** to update the Docker images in `coqorg/coq`
(requires `coq-bignums` in `extra-dev` for a beta / in `released`
for a final release).
- [ ] Draft a release on GitHub.
- [ ] Get **@maximedenes** to sign the Windows and MacOS packages and
upload them on GitHub.
- [ ] Prepare a page of news on the website with the link to the GitHub release
(see [coq/www#63](https://github.com/coq/www/pull/63)).
- [ ] Upload the new version of the reference manual to the website.
*TODO: setup some continuous deployment for this.*
- [ ] Merge the website update, publish the release
and send announcement e-mails.
- [ ] Ping **@Zimmi48** to publish a new version on Zenodo.
*TODO: automate this.*
- [ ] Close the milestone
## At the final release time ##
- [ ] In a PR:
- Change the version name from X.X.0 and the magic numbers (see
- Set `is_a_released_version` to `true` in `configure.ml`.
- [ ] Put the `VX.X.0` tag.
- [ ] Check using `git push --tags --dry-run` that you are not
pushing anything else than the new tag. If needed, remove spurious
tags with `git tag -d`. When this is OK, proceed with `git push --tags`.
- [ ] Set `is_a_released_version` to `false` in `configure.ml`
(if you forget about it, you'll be reminded whenever you try to
backport a PR with a changelog entry).
Repeat the generic process documented above for all releases.
- [ ] Switch the default version of the reference manual on the website.
## At the patch-level release time ##
We generally do not update the magic numbers at this point (see
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