(* Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen *)
section \<open>Fragments on permuations\<close>
theory Perm_Fragments
imports "HOL-Library.Perm" "HOL-Library.Dlist"
text \<open>On cycles\<close>
includes permutation_syntax
lemma cycle_prod_list:
"\a # as\ = prod_list (map (\b. \a \ b\) (rev as))"
by (induct as) simp_all
lemma cycle_append [simp]:
"\a # as @ bs\ = \a # bs\ * \a # as\"
proof (induct as rule: cycle.induct)
case (3 b c as)
then have "\a # (b # as) @ bs\ = \a # bs\ * \a # b # as\"
by simp
then have "\a # as @ bs\ * \a \ b\ =
\<langle>a # bs\<rangle> * \<langle>a # as\<rangle> * \<langle>a \<leftrightarrow> b\<rangle>"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
then have "\a # as @ bs\ * \a \ b\ * \a \ b\ =
\<langle>a # bs\<rangle> * \<langle>a # as\<rangle> * \<langle>a \<leftrightarrow> b\<rangle> * \<langle>a \<leftrightarrow> b\<rangle>"
by simp
then have "\a # as @ bs\ = \a # bs\ * \a # as\"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
then show "\a # (b # c # as) @ bs\ =
\<langle>a # bs\<rangle> * \<langle>a # b # c # as\<rangle>"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
qed simp_all
lemma affected_cycle:
"affected \as\ \ set as"
proof (induct as rule: cycle.induct)
case (3 a b as)
from affected_times
have "affected (\a # as\ * \a \ b\)
\<subseteq> affected \<langle>a # as\<rangle> \<union> affected \<langle>a \<leftrightarrow> b\<rangle>" .
moreover from 3
have "affected (\a # as\) \ insert a (set as)"
by simp
have "affected \a \ b\ \ {a, b}"
by (cases "a = b") (simp_all add: affected_swap)
ultimately have "affected (\a # as\ * \a \ b\)
\<subseteq> insert a (insert b (set as))"
by blast
then show ?case by auto
qed simp_all
lemma orbit_cycle_non_elem:
assumes "a \ set as"
shows "orbit \as\ a = {a}"
unfolding not_in_affected_iff_orbit_eq_singleton [symmetric]
using assms affected_cycle [of as] by blast
lemma inverse_cycle:
assumes "distinct as"
shows "inverse \as\ = \rev as\"
using assms proof (induct as rule: cycle.induct)
case (3 a b as)
then have *: "inverse \a # as\ = \rev (a # as)\"
and distinct: "distinct (a # b # as)"
by simp_all
show " inverse \a # b # as\ = \rev (a # b # as)\"
proof (cases as rule: rev_cases)
case Nil with * show ?thesis
by (simp add: swap_sym)
case (snoc cs c)
with distinct have "distinct (a # b # cs @ [c])"
by simp
then have **: "\a \ b\ * \c \ a\ = \c \ a\ * \c \ b\"
by transfer (auto simp add: comp_def Fun.swap_def)
with snoc * show ?thesis
by (simp add: mult.assoc [symmetric])
qed simp_all
lemma order_cycle_non_elem:
assumes "a \ set as"
shows "order \as\ a = 1"
proof -
from assms have "orbit \as\ a = {a}"
by (rule orbit_cycle_non_elem)
then have "card (orbit \as\ a) = card {a}"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma orbit_cycle_elem:
assumes "distinct as" and "a \ set as"
shows "orbit \as\ a = set as"
oops \<comment> \<open>(we need rotation here\<close>
lemma order_cycle_elem:
assumes "distinct as" and "a \ set as"
shows "order \as\ a = length as"
text \<open>Adding fixpoints\<close>
definition fixate :: "'a \ 'a perm \ 'a perm"
"fixate a f = (if a \ affected f then f * \inverse f \$\ a \ a\ else f)"
lemma affected_fixate_trivial:
assumes "a \ affected f"
shows "affected (fixate a f) = affected f"
using assms by (simp add: fixate_def)
lemma affected_fixate_binary_circle:
assumes "order f a = 2"
shows "affected (fixate a f) = affected f - {a, apply f a}" (is "?A = ?B")
proof (rule set_eqI)
interpret bijection "apply f"
by standard simp
fix b
from assms order_greater_eq_two_iff [of f a] have "a \ affected f"
by simp
moreover have "apply (f ^ 2) a = a"
by (simp add: assms [symmetric])
ultimately show "b \ ?A \ b \ ?B"
by (cases "b \ {a, apply (inverse f) a}")
(auto simp add: in_affected power2_eq_square apply_inverse apply_times fixate_def)
lemma affected_fixate_no_binary_circle:
assumes "order f a > 2"
shows "affected (fixate a f) = affected f - {a}" (is "?A = ?B")
proof (rule set_eqI)
interpret bijection "apply f"
by standard simp
fix b
from assms order_greater_eq_two_iff [of f a]
have "a \ affected f"
by simp
moreover from assms
have "apply f (apply f a) \ a"
using apply_power_eq_iff [of f 2 a 0]
by (simp add: power2_eq_square apply_times)
ultimately show "b \ ?A \ b \ ?B"
by (cases "b \ {a, apply (inverse f) a}")
(auto simp add: in_affected apply_inverse apply_times fixate_def)
lemma affected_fixate:
"affected (fixate a f) \ affected f - {a}"
proof -
have "a \ affected f \ order f a = 2 \ order f a > 2"
by (auto simp add: not_less dest: affected_order_greater_eq_two)
then consider "a \ affected f" | "order f a = 2" | "order f a > 2"
by blast
then show ?thesis apply cases
using affected_fixate_trivial [of a f]
affected_fixate_binary_circle [of f a]
affected_fixate_no_binary_circle [of f a]
by auto
lemma orbit_fixate_self [simp]:
"orbit (fixate a f) a = {a}"
proof -
have "apply (f * inverse f) a = a"
by simp
then have "apply f (apply (inverse f) a) = a"
by (simp only: apply_times comp_apply)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: fixate_def not_in_affected_iff_orbit_eq_singleton [symmetric] in_affected apply_times)
lemma order_fixate_self [simp]:
"order (fixate a f) a = 1"
proof -
have "card (orbit (fixate a f) a) = card {a}"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp only: card_orbit_eq) simp
assumes "b \ orbit f a"
shows "orbit (fixate b f) a = orbit f a"
assumes "b \ orbit f a" and "b \ a"
shows "orbit (fixate b f) a = orbit f a - {b}"
text \<open>Distilling cycles from permutations\<close>
inductive_set orbits :: "'a perm \ 'a set set" for f
in_orbitsI: "a \ affected f \ orbit f a \ orbits f"
lemma orbits_unfold:
"orbits f = orbit f ` affected f"
by (auto intro: in_orbitsI elim: orbits.cases)
lemma in_orbit_affected:
assumes "b \ orbit f a"
assumes "a \ affected f"
shows "b \ affected f"
proof (cases "a = b")
case True with assms show ?thesis by simp
case False with assms have "{a, b} \ orbit f a"
by auto
also from assms have "orbit f a \ affected f"
by (blast intro!: orbit_subset_eq_affected)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Union_orbits [simp]:
"\(orbits f) = affected f"
by (auto simp add: orbits.simps intro: in_orbitsI in_orbit_affected)
lemma finite_orbits [simp]:
"finite (orbits f)"
by (simp add: orbits_unfold)
lemma card_in_orbits:
assumes "A \ orbits f"
shows "card A \ 2"
using assms by cases
(auto dest: affected_order_greater_eq_two)
lemma disjoint_orbits:
assumes "A \ orbits f" and "B \ orbits f" and "A \ B"
shows "A \ B = {}"
using \<open>A \<in> orbits f\<close> apply cases
using \<open>B \<in> orbits f\<close> apply cases
using \<open>A \<noteq> B\<close> apply (simp_all add: orbit_disjoint)
definition trace :: "'a \ 'a perm \ 'a list"
"trace a f = map (\n. apply (f ^ n) a) [0..
lemma set_trace_eq [simp]:
"set (trace a f) = orbit f a"
by (auto simp add: trace_def orbit_unfold_image)
definition seeds :: "'a perm \ 'a::linorder list"
"seeds f = sorted_list_of_set (Min ` orbits f)"
definition cycles :: "'a perm \ 'a::linorder list list"
"cycles f = map (\a. trace a f) (seeds f)"
text \<open>Misc\<close>
lemma (in comm_monoid_list_set) sorted_list_of_set:
assumes "finite A"
shows "list.F (map h (sorted_list_of_set A)) = set.F h A"
proof -
from distinct_sorted_list_of_set
have "set.F h (set (sorted_list_of_set A)) = list.F (map h (sorted_list_of_set A))"
by (rule distinct_set_conv_list)
with \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis
by (simp)
primrec subtract :: "'a list \ 'a list \ 'a list"
"subtract [] ys = ys"
| "subtract (x # xs) ys = subtract xs (removeAll x ys)"
lemma length_subtract_less_eq [simp]:
"length (subtract xs ys) \ length ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil then show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
then have "length (subtract xs (removeAll x ys)) \ length (removeAll x ys)" .
also have "length (removeAll x ys) \ length ys"
by simp
finally show ?case
by simp
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