(* Title: HOL/Bali/AxSound.thy
Author: David von Oheimb and Norbert Schirmer
subsection \<open>Soundness proof for Axiomatic semantics of Java expressions and
theory AxSound imports AxSem begin
subsubsection "validity"
triple_valid2 :: "prog \ nat \ 'a triple \ bool" ("_\_\_"[61,0, 58] 57)
"G\n\t =
(case t of {P} t\<succ> {Q} \<Rightarrow>
\<forall>Y s Z. P Y s Z \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>L. s\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall>T C A. (normal s \<longrightarrow> (\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T \<and>
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s))\<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright>A)) \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>Y' s'. G\<turnstile>s \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (Y',s') \<longrightarrow> Q Y' s' Z \<and> s'\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)))))"
text \<open>This definition differs from the ordinary \<open>triple_valid_def\<close>
manly in the conclusion: We also ensures conformance of the result state. So
we don't have to apply the type soundness lemma all the time during
induction. This definition is only introduced for the soundness
proof of the axiomatic semantics, in the end we will conclude to
the ordinary definition.
ax_valids2 :: "prog \ 'a triples \ 'a triples \ bool" ("_,_|\\_" [61,58,58] 57)
where "G,A|\\ts = (\n. (\t\A. G\n\t) \ (\t\ts. G\n\t))"
lemma triple_valid2_def2: "G\n\{P} t\ {Q} =
(\<forall>Y s Z. P Y s Z \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>Y' s'. G\<turnstile>s \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (Y',s')\<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>L. s\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>T C A. (normal s \<longrightarrow> (\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T \<and>
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s))\<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright>A)) \<longrightarrow>
Q Y' s' Z \<and> s'\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)))))"
apply (unfold triple_valid2_def)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: split_paired_All)
apply blast
lemma triple_valid2_eq [rule_format (no_asm)]:
"wf_prog G ==> triple_valid2 G = triple_valid G"
apply (rule ext)
apply (rule ext)
apply (rule triple.induct)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: triple_valid_def2 triple_valid2_def2)
apply (rule iffI)
apply fast
apply clarify
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 3 1")
apply (case_tac "normal s")
apply clarsimp
apply (elim conjE impE)
apply blast
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 2 1")
apply (drule evaln_eval)
apply (drule (1) eval_type_sound [THEN conjunct1],simp, assumption+)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
lemma ax_valids2_eq: "wf_prog G \ G,A|\\ts = G,A|\ts"
apply (unfold ax_valids_def ax_valids2_def)
apply (force simp add: triple_valid2_eq)
lemma triple_valid2_Suc [rule_format (no_asm)]: "G\Suc n\t \ G\n\t"
apply (induct_tac "t")
apply (subst triple_valid2_def2)
apply (subst triple_valid2_def2)
apply (fast intro: evaln_nonstrict_Suc)
lemma Methd_triple_valid2_0: "G\0\{Normal P} Methd C sig-\ {Q}"
by (auto elim!: evaln_elim_cases simp add: triple_valid2_def2)
lemma Methd_triple_valid2_SucI:
"\G\n\{Normal P} body G C sig-\{Q}\
\<Longrightarrow> G\<Turnstile>Suc n\<Colon>{Normal P} Methd C sig-\<succ> {Q}"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro strip, tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 3 1", clarify)
apply (erule wt_elim_cases, erule da_elim_cases, erule evaln_elim_cases)
apply (unfold body_def Let_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: inj_term_simps)
apply blast
lemma triples_valid2_Suc:
"Ball ts (triple_valid2 G (Suc n)) \ Ball ts (triple_valid2 G n)"
apply (fast intro: triple_valid2_Suc)
lemma "G|\n:insert t A = (G\n:t \ G|\n:A)"
subsubsection "soundness"
lemma Methd_sound:
assumes recursive: "G,A\ {{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}|\\{{P} body G-\ {Q} | ms}"
shows "G,A|\\{{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}"
proof -
fix n
assume recursive: "\ n. \t\(A \ {{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}). G\n\t
\<Longrightarrow> \<forall>t\<in>{{P} body G-\<succ> {Q} | ms}. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t"
have "\t\A. G\n\t \ \t\{{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}. G\n\t"
proof (induct n)
case 0
show "\t\{{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}. G\0\t"
proof -
fix C sig
assume "(C,sig) \ ms"
have "G\0\{Normal (P C sig)} Methd C sig-\ {Q C sig}"
by (rule Methd_triple_valid2_0)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: mtriples_def split_def)
case (Suc m)
note hyp = \<open>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>m\<Colon>t \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>t\<in>{{P} Methd-\<succ> {Q} | ms}. G\<Turnstile>m\<Colon>t\<close>
note prem = \<open>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>Suc m\<Colon>t\<close>
show "\t\{{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}. G\Suc m\t"
proof -
fix C sig
assume m: "(C,sig) \ ms"
have "G\Suc m\{Normal (P C sig)} Methd C sig-\ {Q C sig}"
proof -
from prem have prem_m: "\t\A. G\m\t"
by (rule triples_valid2_Suc)
hence "\t\{{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}. G\m\t"
by (rule hyp)
with prem_m
have "\t\(A \ {{P} Methd-\ {Q} | ms}). G\m\t"
by (simp add: ball_Un)
hence "\t\{{P} body G-\ {Q} | ms}. G\m\t"
by (rule recursive)
with m have "G\m\{Normal (P C sig)} body G C sig-\ {Q C sig}"
by (auto simp add: mtriples_def split_def)
thus ?thesis
by (rule Methd_triple_valid2_SucI)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: mtriples_def split_def)
with recursive show ?thesis
by (unfold ax_valids2_def) blast
lemma valids2_inductI: "\s t n Y' s'. G\s\t\\n\ (Y',s') \ t = c \
Ball A (triple_valid2 G n) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>Y Z. P Y s Z \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>L. s\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L) \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall>T C A. (normal s \<longrightarrow> (\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T) \<and>
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s))\<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright>A) \<longrightarrow>
Q Y' s' Z \<and> s'\<Colon>\<preceq>(G, L)))) \<Longrightarrow>
G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {P} c\<succ> {Q}}"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply clarsimp
lemma da_good_approx_evalnE [consumes 4]:
assumes evaln: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v, s1)"
and wt: "\prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\\t\T"
and da: "\prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \t\ A"
and wf: "wf_prog G"
and elim: "\normal s1 \ nrm A \ dom (locals (store s1));
\<And> l. \<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l)); normal s0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1));
\<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump Ret);normal s0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow>Result \<in> dom (locals (store s1))
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
shows "P"
proof -
from evaln have "G\s0 \t\\ (v, s1)"
by (rule evaln_eval)
from this wt da wf elim show P
by (rule da_good_approxE') iprover+
lemma validI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC T C v s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L);
normal s0 \<Longrightarrow> \<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T;
normal s0 \<Longrightarrow> \<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (v,s1); P Y s0 Z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q v s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {P} t\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (case_tac "normal s")
apply clarsimp
apply (rule I,(assumption|simp)+)
apply (rule I,auto)
declare [[simproc add: wt_expr wt_var wt_exprs wt_stmt]]
lemma valid_stmtI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC C s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L);
normal s0\<Longrightarrow> \<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>;
normal s0\<Longrightarrow>\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<^sub>s\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1; P Y s0 Z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q \<diamondsuit> s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {P} \c\\<^sub>s\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (case_tac "normal s")
apply clarsimp
apply (rule I,(assumption|simp)+)
apply (rule I,auto)
lemma valid_stmt_NormalI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC C s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L); normal s0; \<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>;
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<^sub>s\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>c\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1; (Normal P) Y s0 Z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q \<diamondsuit> s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} \c\\<^sub>s\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (rule I)
by auto
lemma valid_var_NormalI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC T C vf s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L); normal s0;
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>\<langle>t\<rangle>\<^sub>v\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t=\<succ>vf\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1; (Normal P) Y s0 Z\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Q (In2 vf) s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} \t\\<^sub>v\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply simp
apply (rule I)
by auto
lemma valid_expr_NormalI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC T C v s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L); normal s0;
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>\<langle>t\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t-\<succ>v\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1; (Normal P) Y s0 Z\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Q (In1 v) s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} \t\\<^sub>e\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply simp
apply (rule I)
by auto
lemma valid_expr_list_NormalI:
assumes I: "\ n s0 L accC T C vs s1 Y Z.
\<lbrakk>\<forall>t\<in>A. G\<Turnstile>n\<Colon>t; s0\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L); normal s0;
\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0))\<guillemotright>\<langle>t\<rangle>\<^sub>l\<guillemotright>C;
G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<doteq>\<succ>vs\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> s1; (Normal P) Y s0 Z\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Q (In3 vs) s1 Z \<and> s1\<Colon>\<preceq>(G,L)"
shows "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} \t\\<^sub>l\ {Q} }"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply simp
apply (rule I)
by auto
lemma validE [consumes 5]:
assumes valid: "G,A|\\{ {P} t\ {Q} }"
and P: "P Y s0 Z"
and valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
and conf: "s0\\(G,L)"
and eval: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)"
and wt: "normal s0 \ \prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\t\T"
and da: "normal s0 \ \prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\t\C"
and elim: "\Q v s1 Z; s1\\(G,L)\ \ concl"
shows concl
using assms
by (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2) fast
(* why consumes 5?. If I want to apply this lemma in a context wgere
\<not> normal s0 holds,
I can chain "\<not> normal s0" as fact number 6 and apply the rule with
cases. Auto will then solve premise 6 and 7.
lemma all_empty: "(\x. P) = P"
by simp
corollary evaln_type_sound:
assumes evaln: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)" and
wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\t\T" and
da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0)) \t\ A" and
conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)" and
wf: "wf_prog G"
shows "s1\\(G,L) \ (normal s1 \ G,L,store s1\t\v\\T) \
(error_free s0 = error_free s1)"
proof -
from evaln have "G\s0 \t\\ (v,s1)"
by (rule evaln_eval)
from this wt da wf conf_s0 show ?thesis
by (rule eval_type_sound)
corollary dom_locals_evaln_mono_elim [consumes 1]:
evaln: "G\ s0 \t\\n\ (v,s1)" and
hyps: "\dom (locals (store s0)) \ dom (locals (store s1));
\<And> vv s val. \<lbrakk>v=In2 vv; normal s1\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((snd vv) val s)))\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
shows "P"
proof -
from evaln have "G\ s0 \t\\ (v,s1)" by (rule evaln_eval)
from this hyps show ?thesis
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) iprover+
lemma evaln_no_abrupt:
"\s s'. \G\s \t\\n\ (w,s'); normal s'\ \ normal s"
by (erule evaln_cases,auto)
declare inj_term_simps [simp]
lemma ax_sound2:
assumes wf: "wf_prog G"
and deriv: "G,A|\ts"
shows "G,A|\\ts"
using deriv
proof (induct)
case (empty A)
show ?case
by (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
case (insert A t ts)
note valid_t = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{t}\<close>
note valid_ts = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>ts\<close>
fix n assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
have "G\n\t" and "\t\ts. G\n\t"
proof -
from valid_A valid_t show "G\n\t"
by (simp add: ax_valids2_def)
from valid_A valid_ts show "\t\ts. G\n\t"
by (unfold ax_valids2_def) blast
hence "\t'\insert t ts. G\n\t'"
by simp
thus ?case
by (unfold ax_valids2_def) blast
case (asm ts A)
from \<open>ts \<subseteq> A\<close>
show "G,A|\\ts"
by (auto simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def)
case (weaken A ts' ts)
note \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>ts'\<close>
moreover note \<open>ts \<subseteq> ts'\<close>
ultimately show "G,A|\\ts"
by (unfold ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def) blast
case (conseq P A t Q)
note con = \<open>\<forall>Y s Z. P Y s Z \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists>P' Q'.
(G,A\<turnstile>{P'} t\<succ> {Q'} \<and> G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {P'} t\<succ> {Q'} }) \<and>
(\<forall>Y' s'. (\<forall>Y Z'. P' Y s Z' \<longrightarrow> Q' Y' s' Z') \<longrightarrow> Q Y' s' Z))\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {P} t\ {Q} }"
proof (rule validI)
fix n s0 L accC T C v s1 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume wt: "normal s0 \ \prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\t\T"
assume da: "normal s0
\<Longrightarrow> \<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> C"
assume eval: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v, s1)"
assume P: "P Y s0 Z"
show "Q v s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from valid_A conf wt da eval P con
have "Q v s1 Z"
apply (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2)
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 3 1")
apply clarify
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 1 1")
apply (erule allE,erule allE, erule mp)
apply (intro strip)
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 3 1")
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 2 1")
apply (tactic "smp_tac \<^context> 1 1")
by blast
moreover have "s1\\(G, L)"
proof (cases "normal s0")
case True
from eval wt [OF True] da [OF True] conf wf
show ?thesis
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
case False
with eval have "s1=s0"
by auto
with conf show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (hazard A P t Q)
show "G,A|\\{ {P \. Not \ type_ok G t} t\ {Q} }"
by (simp add: ax_valids2_def triple_valid2_def2 type_ok_def) fast
case (Abrupt A P t)
show "G,A|\\{ {P\undefined3 t \. Not \ normal} t\ {P} }"
proof (rule validI)
fix n s0 L accC T C v s1 Y Z
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G, L)"
assume eval: "G\s0 \t\\n\ (v, s1)"
assume "(P\undefined3 t \. Not \ normal) Y s0 Z"
then obtain P: "P (undefined3 t) s0 Z" and abrupt_s0: "\ normal s0"
by simp
from eval abrupt_s0 obtain "s1=s0" and "v=undefined3 t"
by auto
with P conf_s0
show "P v s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
by simp
case (LVar A P vn)
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal (\s.. P\In2 (lvar vn s))} LVar vn=\ {P} }"
proof (rule valid_var_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T C vf s1 Y Z
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G, L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg = G, cls = accC, lcl = L\\LVar vn\=T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\LVar vn\\<^sub>v\ C"
assume eval: "G\s0 \LVar vn=\vf\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal (\s.. P\In2 (lvar vn s))) Y s0 Z"
show "P (In2 vf) s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
from eval normal_s0 obtain "s1=s0" "vf=lvar vn (store s0)"
by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
with P show "P (In2 vf) s1 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
show "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
case (FVar A P statDeclC Q e stat fn R accC)
note valid_init = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} .Init statDeclC. {Q} }\<close>
note valid_e = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Q} e-\<succ> {\<lambda>Val:a:. fvar statDeclC stat fn a ..; R} }\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} {accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\ {R} }"
proof (rule valid_var_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC' T V vf s3 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC',lcl=L\\{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn\=T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC',lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn\<rangle>\<^sub>v\<guillemotright> V"
assume eval: "G\s0 \{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn=\vf\n\ s3"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "R \vf\\<^sub>v s3 Z \ s3\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain statC f where
wt_e: "\prg=G, cls=accC, lcl=L\\e\-Class statC" and
accfield: "accfield G accC statC fn = Some (statDeclC,f)" and
eq_accC: "accC=accC'" and
stat: "stat=is_static f" and
T: "T=(type f)"
by (cases) (auto simp add: member_is_static_simp)
from da eq_accC
have da_e: "\prg=G, cls=accC, lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\e\\<^sub>e\ V"
by cases simp
from eval obtain a s1 s2 s2' where
eval_init: "G\s0 \Init statDeclC\n\ s1" and
eval_e: "G\s1 \e-\a\n\ s2" and
fvar: "(vf,s2')=fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2" and
s3: "s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
have wt_init: "\prg=G, cls=accC, lcl=L\\(Init statDeclC)\\"
proof -
from wf wt_e
have iscls_statC: "is_class G statC"
by (auto dest: ty_expr_is_type type_is_class)
with wf accfield
have iscls_statDeclC: "is_class G statDeclC"
by (auto dest!: accfield_fields dest: fields_declC)
thus ?thesis by simp
obtain I where
da_init: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>Init statDeclC\<rangle>\<^sub>s\<guillemotright> I"
by (auto intro: da_Init [simplified] assigned.select_convs)
from valid_init P valid_A conf_s0 eval_init wt_init da_init
obtain Q: "Q \ s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule validE)
R: "R \vf\\<^sub>v s2' Z" and
conf_s2: "s2\\(G, L)" and
conf_a: "normal s2 \ G,store s2\a\\Class statC"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
obtain V' where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \dom (locals (store s1))\\e\\<^sub>e\ V'"
proof -
from eval_init
have "(dom (locals (store s0))) \ (dom (locals (store s1)))"
by (rule dom_locals_evaln_mono_elim)
with da_e show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
with valid_e Q valid_A conf_s1 eval_e wt_e
obtain "R \vf\\<^sub>v s2' Z" and "s2\\(G, L)"
by (rule validE) (simp add: fvar [symmetric])
from eval_e wt_e da_e' conf_s1 wf
have "normal s2 \ G,store s2\a\\Class statC"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case False
with valid_e Q valid_A conf_s1 eval_e
obtain "R \vf\\<^sub>v s2' Z" and "s2\\(G, L)"
by (cases rule: validE) (simp add: fvar [symmetric])+
moreover from False eval_e have "\ normal s2"
by auto
hence "normal s2 \ G,store s2\a\\Class statC"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis ..
from accfield wt_e eval_init eval_e conf_s2 conf_a fvar stat s3 wf
have eq_s3_s2': "s3=s2'"
using normal_s0 by (auto dest!: error_free_field_access evaln_eval)
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s3\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis using Q R by simp
case (AVar A P e1 Q e2 R)
note valid_e1 = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} e1-\<succ> {Q} }\<close>
have valid_e2: "\ a. G,A|\\{ {Q\In1 a} e2-\ {\Val:i:. avar G i a ..; R} }"
using AVar.hyps by simp
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} e1.[e2]=\ {R} }"
proof (rule valid_var_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T V vf s2' Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e1.[e2]\=T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1.[e2]\<rangle>\<^sub>v\<guillemotright> V"
assume eval: "G\s0 \e1.[e2]=\vf\n\ s2'"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "R \vf\\<^sub>v s2' Z \ s2'\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain
wt_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e1\-T.[]" and
wt_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e2\-PrimT Integer"
by (rule wt_elim_cases) simp
from da obtain E1 where
da_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \dom (locals (store s0))\\e1\\<^sub>e\ E1" and
da_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ nrm E1 \\e2\\<^sub>e\ V"
by (rule da_elim_cases) simp
from eval obtain s1 a i s2 where
eval_e1: "G\s0 \e1-\a\n\ s1" and
eval_e2: "G\s1 \e2-\i\n\ s2" and
avar: "avar G i a s2 =(vf, s2')"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e1 P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e1 wt_e1 da_e1
obtain Q: "Q \a\\<^sub>e s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule validE)
from Q have Q': "\ v. (Q\In1 a) v s1 Z"
by simp
have "R \vf\\<^sub>v s2' Z"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
obtain V' where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \dom (locals (store s1))\\e2\\<^sub>e\ V'"
proof -
from eval_e1 wt_e1 da_e1 wf True
have "nrm E1 \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (cases rule: da_good_approx_evalnE) iprover
with da_e2 show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
with valid_e2 Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e2 wt_e2
show ?thesis
by (rule validE) (simp add: avar)
case False
with valid_e2 Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e2
show ?thesis
by (cases rule: validE) (simp add: avar)+
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s2'\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (NewC A P C Q)
note valid_init = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} .Init C. {Alloc G (CInst C) Q} }\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} NewC C-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s2 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\NewC C\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>NewC C\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \NewC C-\v\n\ s2"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z \ s2\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain is_cls_C: "is_class G C"
by (rule wt_elim_cases) (auto dest: is_acc_classD)
hence wt_init: "\prg=G, cls=accC, lcl=L\\Init C\\"
by auto
obtain I where
da_init: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\Init C\\<^sub>s\ I"
by (auto intro: da_Init [simplified] assigned.select_convs)
from eval obtain s1 a where
eval_init: "G\s0 \Init C\n\ s1" and
alloc: "G\s1 \halloc CInst C\a\ s2" and
v: "v=Addr a"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_init P valid_A conf_s0 eval_init wt_init da_init
obtain "(Alloc G (CInst C) Q) \ s1 Z"
by (rule validE)
with alloc v have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s2\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (NewA A P T Q e R)
note valid_init = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} .init_comp_ty T. {Q} }\<close>
note valid_e = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Q} e-\<succ> {\<lambda>Val:i:. abupd (check_neg i) .;
Alloc G (Arr T (the_Intg i)) R}}\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} New T[e]-\ {R} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC arrT E v s3 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\New T[e]\-arrT"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0)) \\New T[e]\\<^sub>e\ E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \New T[e]-\v\n\ s3"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z \ s3\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain
wt_init: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\init_comp_ty T\\" and
wt_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e\-PrimT Integer"
by (rule wt_elim_cases) (auto intro: wt_init_comp_ty )
from da obtain
da_e:"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp
from eval obtain s1 i s2 a where
eval_init: "G\s0 \init_comp_ty T\n\ s1" and
eval_e: "G\s1 \e-\i\n\ s2" and
alloc: "G\abupd (check_neg i) s2 \halloc Arr T (the_Intg i)\a\ s3" and
v: "v=Addr a"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
obtain I where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0)) \\init_comp_ty T\\<^sub>s\ I"
proof (cases "\C. T = Class C")
case True
thus ?thesis
by - (rule that, (auto intro: da_Init [simplified]
simp add: init_comp_ty_def))
(* simplified: to rewrite \<langle>Init C\<rangle> to In1r (Init C) *)
case False
thus ?thesis
by - (rule that, (auto intro: da_Skip [simplified]
simp add: init_comp_ty_def))
(* simplified: to rewrite \<langle>Skip\<rangle> to In1r (Skip) *)
with valid_init P valid_A conf_s0 eval_init wt_init
obtain Q: "Q \ s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule validE)
obtain E' where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s1)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E'"
proof -
from eval_init
have "dom (locals (store s0)) \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_evaln_mono_elim)
with da_e show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
with valid_e Q valid_A conf_s1 eval_e wt_e
have "(\Val:i:. abupd (check_neg i) .;
Alloc G (Arr T (the_Intg i)) R) \<lfloor>i\<rfloor>\<^sub>e s2 Z"
by (rule validE)
with alloc v have "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s3\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Cast A P e T Q)
note valid_e = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} e-\<succ>
{\<lambda>Val:v:. \<lambda>s.. abupd (raise_if (\<not> G,s\<turnstile>v fits T) ClassCast) .;
Q\<leftarrow>In1 v} }\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} Cast T e-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC castT E v s2 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\Cast T e\-castT"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0)) \\Cast T e\\<^sub>e\ E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \Cast T e-\v\n\ s2"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z \ s2\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain eT where
wt_e: "\prg = G, cls = accC, lcl = L\\e\-eT"
by cases simp
from da obtain
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp
from eval obtain s1 where
eval_e: "G\s0 \e-\v\n\ s1" and
s2: "s2 = abupd (raise_if (\ G,snd s1\v fits T) ClassCast) s1"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e wt_e da_e
have "(\Val:v:. \s.. abupd (raise_if (\ G,s\v fits T) ClassCast) .;
Q\<leftarrow>In1 v) \<lfloor>v\<rfloor>\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by (rule validE)
with s2 have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s2\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Inst A P e Q T)
assume valid_e: "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} e-\
{\<lambda>Val:v:. \<lambda>s.. Q\<leftarrow>In1 (Bool (v \<noteq> Null \<and> G,s\<turnstile>v fits RefT T))} }"
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} e InstOf T-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC instT E v s1 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e InstOf T\-instT"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\e InstOf T\\<^sub>e\ E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \e InstOf T-\v\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain eT where
wt_e: "\prg = G, cls = accC, lcl = L\\e\-eT"
by cases simp
from da obtain
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp
from eval obtain a where
eval_e: "G\s0 \e-\a\n\ s1" and
v: "v = Bool (a \ Null \ G,store s1\a fits RefT T)"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e wt_e da_e
have "(\Val:v:. \s.. Q\In1 (Bool (v \ Null \ G,s\v fits RefT T)))
\<lfloor>a\<rfloor>\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by (rule validE)
with v have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Lit A P v)
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal (P\In1 v)} Lit v-\ {P} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n L s0 s1 v' Y Z
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G, L)"
assume normal_s0: " normal s0"
assume eval: "G\s0 \Lit v-\v'\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal (P\In1 v)) Y s0 Z"
show "P \v'\\<^sub>e s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from eval have "s1=s0" and "v'=v"
using normal_s0 by (auto elim: evaln_elim_cases)
with P conf_s0 show ?thesis by simp
case (UnOp A P e Q unop)
assume valid_e: "G,A|\\{ {Normal P}e-\{\Val:v:. Q\In1 (eval_unop unop v)} }"
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} UnOp unop e-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s1 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\UnOp unop e\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\UnOp unop e\\<^sub>e\E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \UnOp unop e-\v\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain eT where
wt_e: "\prg = G, cls = accC, lcl = L\\e\-eT"
by cases simp
from da obtain
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp
from eval obtain ve where
eval_e: "G\s0 \e-\ve\n\ s1" and
v: "v = eval_unop unop ve"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e wt_e da_e
have "(\Val:v:. Q\In1 (eval_unop unop v)) \ve\\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by (rule validE)
with v have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (BinOp A P e1 Q binop e2 R)
assume valid_e1: "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} e1-\ {Q} }"
have valid_e2: "\ v1. G,A|\\{ {Q\In1 v1}
(if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2 else In1r Skip)\<succ>
{\<lambda>Val:v2:. R\<leftarrow>In1 (eval_binop binop v1 v2)} }"
using BinOp.hyps by simp
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} BinOp binop e1 e2-\ {R} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s2 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\BinOp binop e1 e2\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp binop e1 e2\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \BinOp binop e1 e2-\v\n\ s2"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "R \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z \ s2\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain e1T e2T where
wt_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e1\-e1T" and
wt_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e2\-e2T" and
wt_binop: "wt_binop G binop e1T e2T"
by cases simp
have wt_Skip: "\prg = G, cls = accC, lcl = L\\Skip\\"
by simp
obtain S where
daSkip: "\<lparr>prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\<rparr>
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>In1r Skip\<guillemotright> S"
by (auto intro: da_Skip [simplified] assigned.select_convs) *)
from da obtain E1 where
da_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e1\\<^sub>e\ E1"
by cases simp+
from eval obtain v1 s1 v2 where
eval_e1: "G\s0 \e1-\v1\n\ s1" and
eval_e2: "G\s1 \(if need_second_arg binop v1 then \e2\\<^sub>e else \Skip\\<^sub>s)
\<succ>\<midarrow>n\<rightarrow> (\<lfloor>v2\<rfloor>\<^sub>e, s2)" and
v: "v=eval_binop binop v1 v2"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e1 P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e1 wt_e1 da_e1
obtain Q: "Q \v1\\<^sub>e s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
from Q have Q': "\ v. (Q\In1 v1) v s1 Z"
by simp
have "(\Val:v2:. R\In1 (eval_binop binop v1 v2)) \v2\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
from eval_e1 wt_e1 da_e1 conf_s0 wf
have conf_v1: "G,store s1\v1\\e1T"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) (insert True,simp)
from eval_e1
have "G\s0 \e1-\v1\ s1"
by (rule evaln_eval)
from da wt_e1 wt_e2 wt_binop conf_s0 True this conf_v1 wf
obtain E2 where
da_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s1))
\<guillemotright>(if need_second_arg binop v1 then \<langle>e2\<rangle>\<^sub>e else \<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<^sub>s)\<guillemotright> E2"
by (rule da_e2_BinOp [elim_format]) iprover
from wt_e2 wt_Skip obtain T2
where "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile>(if need_second_arg binop v1 then \<langle>e2\<rangle>\<^sub>e else \<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<^sub>s)\<Colon>T2"
by (cases "need_second_arg binop v1") auto
note ve=validE [OF valid_e2,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e2 this da_e2]
(* chaining Q', without extra OF causes unification error *)
thus ?thesis
by (rule ve)
case False
note ve=validE [OF valid_e2,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e2]
with False show ?thesis
by iprover
with v have "R \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s2\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Super A P)
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal (\s.. P\In1 (val_this s))} Super-\ {P} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n L s0 s1 v Y Z
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G, L)"
assume normal_s0: " normal s0"
assume eval: "G\s0 \Super-\v\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal (\s.. P\In1 (val_this s))) Y s0 Z"
show "P \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from eval have "s1=s0" and "v=val_this (store s0)"
using normal_s0 by (auto elim: evaln_elim_cases)
with P conf_s0 show ?thesis by simp
case (Acc A P var Q)
note valid_var = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} var=\<succ> {\<lambda>Var:(v, f):. Q\<leftarrow>In1 v} }\<close>
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} Acc var-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s1 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\Acc var\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\Acc var\\<^sub>e\E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \Acc var-\v\n\ s1"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z \ s1\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain
wt_var: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\var\=T"
by cases simp
from da obtain V where
da_var: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \ dom (locals (store s0)) \\var\\<^sub>v\ V"
by (cases "\ n. var=LVar n") (insert da.LVar,auto elim!: da_elim_cases)
from eval obtain upd where
eval_var: "G\s0 \var=\(v, upd)\n\ s1"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_var P valid_A conf_s0 eval_var wt_var da_var
have "(\Var:(v, f):. Q\In1 v) \(v, upd)\\<^sub>v s1 Z"
by (rule validE)
then have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s1 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s1\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Ass A P var Q e R)
note valid_var = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} var=\<succ> {Q} }\<close>
have valid_e: "\ vf.
G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Q\<leftarrow>In2 vf} e-\<succ> {\<lambda>Val:v:. assign (snd vf) v .; R} }"
using Ass.hyps by simp
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} var:=e-\ {R} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s3 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\var:=e\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\var:=e\\<^sub>e\E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \var:=e-\v\n\ s3"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z \ s3\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain varT where
wt_var: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\var\=varT" and
wt_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e\-T"
by cases simp
from eval obtain w upd s1 s2 where
eval_var: "G\s0 \var=\(w, upd)\n\ s1" and
eval_e: "G\s1 \e-\v\n\ s2" and
s3: "s3=assign upd v s2"
using normal_s0 by (auto elim: evaln_elim_cases)
have "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z"
proof (cases "\ vn. var = LVar vn")
case False
with da obtain V where
da_var: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>var\<rangle>\<^sub>v\<guillemotright> V" and
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \ nrm V \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp+
from valid_var P valid_A conf_s0 eval_var wt_var da_var
obtain Q: "Q \(w,upd)\\<^sub>v s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
hence Q': "\ v. (Q\In2 (w,upd)) v s1 Z"
by simp
have "(\Val:v:. assign (snd (w,upd)) v .; R) \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
obtain E' where
da_e': "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s1)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E'"
proof -
from eval_var wt_var da_var wf True
have "nrm V \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (cases rule: da_good_approx_evalnE) iprover
with da_e show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
note ve=validE [OF valid_e,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e wt_e da_e']
show ?thesis
by (rule ve)
case False
note ve=validE [OF valid_e,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e]
with False show ?thesis
by iprover
with s3 show "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z"
by simp
case True
then obtain vn where
vn: "var = LVar vn"
by auto
with da obtain E where
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\ \ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e\\<^sub>e\ E"
by cases simp+
from da.LVar vn obtain V where
da_var: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>var\<rangle>\<^sub>v\<guillemotright> V"
by auto
from valid_var P valid_A conf_s0 eval_var wt_var da_var
obtain Q: "Q \(w,upd)\\<^sub>v s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
hence Q': "\ v. (Q\In2 (w,upd)) v s1 Z"
by simp
have "(\Val:v:. assign (snd (w,upd)) v .; R) \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
obtain E' where
da_e': "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E'"
proof -
from eval_var
have "dom (locals (store s0)) \ dom (locals (store (s1)))"
by (rule dom_locals_evaln_mono_elim)
with da_e show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
note ve=validE [OF valid_e,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e wt_e da_e']
show ?thesis
by (rule ve)
case False
note ve=validE [OF valid_e,OF Q' valid_A conf_s1 eval_e]
with False show ?thesis
by iprover
with s3 show "R \v\\<^sub>e s3 Z"
by simp
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s3\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Cond A P e0 P' e1 e2 Q)
note valid_e0 = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} e0-\<succ> {P'} }\<close>
have valid_then_else:"\ b. G,A|\\{ {P'\=b} (if b then e1 else e2)-\ {Q} }"
using Cond.hyps by simp
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} e0 ? e1 : e2-\ {Q} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s2 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e0 ? e1 : e2\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))\\e0 ? e1:e2\\<^sub>e\E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \e0 ? e1 : e2-\v\n\ s2"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z \ s2\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain T1 T2 where
wt_e0: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e0\-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e1\-T1" and
wt_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e2\-T2"
by cases simp
from da obtain E0 E1 E2 where
da_e0: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s0)) \\e0\\<^sub>e\ E0" and
da_e1: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile>(dom (locals (store s0)) \<union> assigns_if True e0)\<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E1" and
da_e2: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\
\<turnstile>(dom (locals (store s0)) \<union> assigns_if False e0)\<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E2"
by cases simp+
from eval obtain b s1 where
eval_e0: "G\s0 \e0-\b\n\ s1" and
eval_then_else: "G\s1 \(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)-\v\n\ s2"
using normal_s0 by (fastforce elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from valid_e0 P valid_A conf_s0 eval_e0 wt_e0 da_e0
obtain "P' \b\\<^sub>e s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
hence P': "\ v. (P'\=(the_Bool b)) v s1 Z"
by (cases "normal s1") auto
have "Q \v\\<^sub>e s2 Z"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
note normal_s1=this
from wt_e1 wt_e2 obtain T' where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\(if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)\-T'"
by (cases "the_Bool b") simp+
have s0_s1: "dom (locals (store s0))
\<union> assigns_if (the_Bool b) e0 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval_e0
have eval_e0': "G\s0 \e0-\b\ s1"
by (rule evaln_eval)
"dom (locals (store s0)) \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from eval_e0' True wt_e0
have "assigns_if (the_Bool b) e0 \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx')
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule Un_least)
obtain E' where
\<turnstile>dom (locals (store s1))\<guillemotright>\<langle>if the_Bool b then e1 else e2\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E'"
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with that da_e1 s0_s1 show ?thesis
by simp (erule da_weakenE,auto)
case False
with that da_e2 s0_s1 show ?thesis
by simp (erule da_weakenE,auto)
with valid_then_else P' valid_A conf_s1 eval_then_else wt_then_else
show ?thesis
by (rule validE)
case False
with valid_then_else P' valid_A conf_s1 eval_then_else
show ?thesis
by (cases rule: validE) iprover+
from eval wt da conf_s0 wf
have "s2\\(G, L)"
by (rule evaln_type_sound [elim_format]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case (Call A P e Q args R mode statT mn pTs' S accC')
note valid_e = \<open>G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {Normal P} e-\<succ> {Q} }\<close>
have valid_args: "\ a. G,A|\\{ {Q\In1 a} args\\ {R a} }"
using Call.hyps by simp
have valid_methd: "\ a vs invC declC l.
G,A|\<Turnstile>\<Colon>{ {R a\<leftarrow>In3 vs \<and>.
(\<lambda>s. declC =
invocation_declclass G mode (store s) a statT
\<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs'\<rparr> \<and>
invC = invocation_class mode (store s) a statT \<and>
l = locals (store s)) ;.
init_lvars G declC \<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs'\<rparr> mode a vs \<and>.
(\<lambda>s. normal s \<longrightarrow> G\<turnstile>mode\<rightarrow>invC\<preceq>statT)}
Methd declC \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs'\<rparr>-\<succ> {set_lvars l .; S} }"
using Call.hyps by simp
show "G,A|\\{ {Normal P} {accC',statT,mode}e\mn( {pTs'}args)-\ {S} }"
proof (rule valid_expr_NormalI)
fix n s0 L accC T E v s5 Y Z
assume valid_A: "\t\A. G\n\t"
assume conf_s0: "s0\\(G,L)"
assume normal_s0: "normal s0"
assume wt: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\{accC',statT,mode}e\mn( {pTs'}args)\-T"
assume da: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\dom (locals (store s0))
\<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC',statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs'}args)\<rangle>\<^sub>e\<guillemotright> E"
assume eval: "G\s0 \{accC',statT,mode}e\mn( {pTs'}args)-\v\n\ s5"
assume P: "(Normal P) Y s0 Z"
show "S \v\\<^sub>e s5 Z \ s5\\(G, L)"
proof -
from wt obtain pTs statDeclT statM where
wt_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\e\-RefT statT" and
wt_args: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\args\\pTs" and
statM: "max_spec G accC statT \name=mn,parTs=pTs\
= {((statDeclT,statM),pTs')}" and
mode: "mode = invmode statM e" and
T: "T =(resTy statM)" and
eq_accC_accC': "accC=accC'"
by cases fastforce+
from da obtain C where
da_e: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ (dom (locals (store s0)))\\e\\<^sub>e\ C" and
da_args: "\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ nrm C \\args\\<^sub>l\ E"
by cases simp
from eval eq_accC_accC' obtain a s1 vs s2 s3 s3' s4 invDeclC where
evaln_e: "G\s0 \e-\a\n\ s1" and
evaln_args: "G\s1 \args\\vs\n\ s2" and
invDeclC: "invDeclC = invocation_declclass
G mode (store s2) a statT \<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs'\<rparr>" and
s3: "s3 = init_lvars G invDeclC \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\ mode a vs s2" and
check: "s3' = check_method_access G
accC' statT mode \name = mn, parTs = pTs'\ a s3" and
"G\s3' \Methd invDeclC \name=mn,parTs=pTs'\-\v\n\ s4" and
s5: "s5=(set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4"
using normal_s0 by (auto elim: evaln_elim_cases)
from evaln_e
have eval_e: "G\s0 \e-\a\ s1"
by (rule evaln_eval)
from eval_e _ wt_e wf
have s1_no_return: "abrupt s1 \ Some (Jump Ret)"
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump
[where ?Env="\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\",simplified])
(insert normal_s0,auto)
from valid_e P valid_A conf_s0 evaln_e wt_e da_e
obtain "Q \a\\<^sub>e s1 Z" and conf_s1: "s1\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
hence Q: "\ v. (Q\In1 a) v s1 Z"
by simp
R: "(R a) \vs\\<^sub>l s2 Z" and
conf_s2: "s2\\(G,L)" and
s2_no_return: "abrupt s2 \ Some (Jump Ret)"
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
obtain E' where
"\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\\ dom (locals (store s1)) \\args\\<^sub>l\ E'"
proof -
from evaln_e wt_e da_e wf True
have "nrm C \ dom (locals (store s1))"
by (cases rule: da_good_approx_evalnE) iprover
with da_args show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
with valid_args Q valid_A conf_s1 evaln_args wt_args
obtain "(R a) \vs\\<^sub>l s2 Z" "s2\\(G,L)"
by (rule validE)
from evaln_args
have e: "G\s1 \args\\vs\ s2"
by (rule evaln_eval)
from this s1_no_return wt_args wf
have "abrupt s2 \ Some (Jump Ret)"
by (rule eval_expression_list_no_jump
[where ?Env="\prg=G,cls=accC,lcl=L\",simplified])
ultimately show ?thesis ..
case False
with valid_args Q valid_A conf_s1 evaln_args
obtain "(R a) \vs\\<^sub>l s2 Z" "s2\\(G,L)"
by (cases rule: validE) iprover+
from False evaln_args have "s2=s1"
by auto
with s1_no_return have "abrupt s2 \ Some (Jump Ret)"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis ..
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