(* Title: HOL/Complete_Partial_Order.thy
Author: Brian Huffman, Portland State University
Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Chain-complete partial orders and their fixpoints\<close>
theory Complete_Partial_Order
imports Product_Type
subsection \<open>Monotone functions\<close>
text \<open>Dictionary-passing version of \<^const>\<open>Orderings.mono\<close>.\<close>
definition monotone :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ ('b \ 'b \ bool) \ ('a \ 'b) \ bool"
where "monotone orda ordb f \ (\x y. orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y))"
lemma monotoneI[intro?]: "(\x y. orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)) \ monotone orda ordb f"
unfolding monotone_def by iprover
lemma monotoneD[dest?]: "monotone orda ordb f \ orda x y \ ordb (f x) (f y)"
unfolding monotone_def by iprover
subsection \<open>Chains\<close>
text \<open>
A chain is a totally-ordered set. Chains are parameterized over
the order for maximal flexibility, since type classes are not enough.
definition chain :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a set \ bool"
where "chain ord S \ (\x\S. \y\S. ord x y \ ord y x)"
lemma chainI:
assumes "\x y. x \ S \ y \ S \ ord x y \ ord y x"
shows "chain ord S"
using assms unfolding chain_def by fast
lemma chainD:
assumes "chain ord S" and "x \ S" and "y \ S"
shows "ord x y \ ord y x"
using assms unfolding chain_def by fast
lemma chainE:
assumes "chain ord S" and "x \ S" and "y \ S"
obtains "ord x y" | "ord y x"
using assms unfolding chain_def by fast
lemma chain_empty: "chain ord {}"
by (simp add: chain_def)
lemma chain_equality: "chain (=) A \ (\x\A. \y\A. x = y)"
by (auto simp add: chain_def)
lemma chain_subset: "chain ord A \ B \ A \ chain ord B"
by (rule chainI) (blast dest: chainD)
lemma chain_imageI:
assumes chain: "chain le_a Y"
and mono: "\x y. x \ Y \ y \ Y \ le_a x y \ le_b (f x) (f y)"
shows "chain le_b (f ` Y)"
by (blast intro: chainI dest: chainD[OF chain] mono)
subsection \<open>Chain-complete partial orders\<close>
text \<open>
A \<open>ccpo\<close> has a least upper bound for any chain. In particular, the
empty set is a chain, so every \<open>ccpo\<close> must have a bottom element.
class ccpo = order + Sup +
assumes ccpo_Sup_upper: "chain (\) A \ x \ A \ x \ Sup A"
assumes ccpo_Sup_least: "chain (\) A \ (\x. x \ A \ x \ z) \ Sup A \ z"
lemma chain_singleton: "Complete_Partial_Order.chain (\) {x}"
by (rule chainI) simp
lemma ccpo_Sup_singleton [simp]: "\{x} = x"
by (rule antisym) (auto intro: ccpo_Sup_least ccpo_Sup_upper simp add: chain_singleton)
subsection \<open>Transfinite iteration of a function\<close>
context notes [[inductive_internals]]
inductive_set iterates :: "('a \ 'a) \ 'a set"
for f :: "'a \ 'a"
step: "x \ iterates f \ f x \ iterates f"
| Sup: "chain (\) M \ \x\M. x \ iterates f \ Sup M \ iterates f"
lemma iterates_le_f: "x \ iterates f \ monotone (\) (\) f \ x \ f x"
by (induct x rule: iterates.induct)
(force dest: monotoneD intro!: ccpo_Sup_upper ccpo_Sup_least)+
lemma chain_iterates:
assumes f: "monotone (\) (\) f"
shows "chain (\) (iterates f)" (is "chain _ ?C")
proof (rule chainI)
fix x y
assume "x \ ?C" "y \ ?C"
then show "x \ y \ y \ x"
proof (induct x arbitrary: y rule: iterates.induct)
fix x y
assume y: "y \ ?C"
and IH: "\z. z \ ?C \ x \ z \ z \ x"
from y show "f x \ y \ y \ f x"
proof (induct y rule: iterates.induct)
case (step y)
with IH f show ?case by (auto dest: monotoneD)
case (Sup M)
then have chM: "chain (\) M"
and IH': "\z. z \ M \ f x \ z \ z \ f x" by auto
show "f x \ Sup M \ Sup M \ f x"
proof (cases "\z\M. f x \ z")
case True
then have "f x \ Sup M"
apply rule
apply (erule order_trans)
apply (rule ccpo_Sup_upper[OF chM])
apply assumption
then show ?thesis ..
case False
with IH' show ?thesis
by (auto intro: ccpo_Sup_least[OF chM])
case (Sup M y)
show ?case
proof (cases "\x\M. y \ x")
case True
then have "y \ Sup M"
apply rule
apply (erule order_trans)
apply (rule ccpo_Sup_upper[OF Sup(1)])
apply assumption
then show ?thesis ..
case False with Sup
show ?thesis by (auto intro: ccpo_Sup_least)
lemma bot_in_iterates: "Sup {} \ iterates f"
by (auto intro: iterates.Sup simp add: chain_empty)
subsection \<open>Fixpoint combinator\<close>
definition fixp :: "('a \ 'a) \ 'a"
where "fixp f = Sup (iterates f)"
lemma iterates_fixp:
assumes f: "monotone (\) (\) f"
shows "fixp f \ iterates f"
unfolding fixp_def
by (simp add: iterates.Sup chain_iterates f)
lemma fixp_unfold:
assumes f: "monotone (\) (\) f"
shows "fixp f = f (fixp f)"
proof (rule antisym)
show "fixp f \ f (fixp f)"
by (intro iterates_le_f iterates_fixp f)
have "f (fixp f) \ Sup (iterates f)"
by (intro ccpo_Sup_upper chain_iterates f iterates.step iterates_fixp)
then show "f (fixp f) \ fixp f"
by (simp only: fixp_def)
lemma fixp_lowerbound:
assumes f: "monotone (\) (\) f"
and z: "f z \ z"
shows "fixp f \ z"
unfolding fixp_def
proof (rule ccpo_Sup_least[OF chain_iterates[OF f]])
fix x
assume "x \ iterates f"
then show "x \ z"
proof (induct x rule: iterates.induct)
case (step x)
from f \<open>x \<le> z\<close> have "f x \<le> f z" by (rule monotoneD)
also note z
finally show "f x \ z" .
case (Sup M)
then show ?case
by (auto intro: ccpo_Sup_least)
subsection \<open>Fixpoint induction\<close>
setup \<open>Sign.map_naming (Name_Space.mandatory_path "ccpo")\<close>
definition admissible :: "('a set \ 'a) \ ('a \ 'a \ bool) \ ('a \ bool) \ bool"
where "admissible lub ord P \ (\A. chain ord A \ A \ {} \ (\x\A. P x) \ P (lub A))"
lemma admissibleI:
assumes "\A. chain ord A \ A \ {} \ \x\A. P x \ P (lub A)"
shows "ccpo.admissible lub ord P"
using assms unfolding ccpo.admissible_def by fast
lemma admissibleD:
assumes "ccpo.admissible lub ord P"
assumes "chain ord A"
assumes "A \ {}"
assumes "\x. x \ A \ P x"
shows "P (lub A)"
using assms by (auto simp: ccpo.admissible_def)
setup \<open>Sign.map_naming Name_Space.parent_path\<close>
lemma (in ccpo) fixp_induct:
assumes adm: "ccpo.admissible Sup (\) P"
assumes mono: "monotone (\) (\) f"
assumes bot: "P (Sup {})"
assumes step: "\x. P x \ P (f x)"
shows "P (fixp f)"
unfolding fixp_def
using adm chain_iterates[OF mono]
proof (rule ccpo.admissibleD)
show "iterates f \ {}"
using bot_in_iterates by auto
fix x
assume "x \ iterates f"
then show "P x"
proof (induct rule: iterates.induct)
case prems: (step x)
from this(2) show ?case by (rule step)
case (Sup M)
then show ?case by (cases "M = {}") (auto intro: step bot ccpo.admissibleD adm)
lemma admissible_True: "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. True)"
unfolding ccpo.admissible_def by simp
(*lemma admissible_False: "\<not> ccpo.admissible lub ord (\<lambda>x. False)"
unfolding ccpo.admissible_def chain_def by simp
lemma admissible_const: "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. t)"
by (auto intro: ccpo.admissibleI)
lemma admissible_conj:
assumes "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. P x)"
assumes "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. Q x)"
shows "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. P x \ Q x)"
using assms unfolding ccpo.admissible_def by simp
lemma admissible_all:
assumes "\y. ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. P x y)"
shows "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. \y. P x y)"
using assms unfolding ccpo.admissible_def by fast
lemma admissible_ball:
assumes "\y. y \ A \ ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. P x y)"
shows "ccpo.admissible lub ord (\x. \y\A. P x y)"
using assms unfolding ccpo.admissible_def by fast
lemma chain_compr: "chain ord A \ chain ord {x \ A. P x}"
unfolding chain_def by fast
context ccpo
lemma admissible_disj:
fixes P Q :: "'a \ bool"
assumes P: "ccpo.admissible Sup (\) (\x. P x)"
assumes Q: "ccpo.admissible Sup (\) (\x. Q x)"
shows "ccpo.admissible Sup (\) (\x. P x \ Q x)"
proof (rule ccpo.admissibleI)
fix A :: "'a set"
assume chain: "chain (\) A"
assume A: "A \ {}" and P_Q: "\x\A. P x \ Q x"
have "(\x\A. P x) \ (\x\A. \y\A. x \ y \ P y) \ (\x\A. Q x) \ (\x\A. \y\A. x \ y \ Q y)"
(is "?P \ ?Q" is "?P1 \ ?P2 \ _")
proof (rule disjCI)
assume "\ ?Q"
then consider "\x\A. \ Q x" | a where "a \ A" "\y\A. a \ y \ \ Q y"
by blast
then show ?P
proof cases
case 1
with P_Q have "\x\A. P x" by blast
with A show ?P by blast
case 2
note a = \<open>a \<in> A\<close>
show ?P
from P_Q 2 have *: "\y\A. a \ y \ P y" by blast
with a have "P a" by blast
with a show ?P1 by blast
show ?P2
fix x
assume x: "x \ A"
with chain a show "\y\A. x \ y \ P y"
proof (rule chainE)
assume le: "a \ x"
with * a x have "P x" by blast
with x le show ?thesis by blast
assume "a \ x"
with a \<open>P a\<close> show ?thesis by blast
have "Sup A = Sup {x \ A. P x}" if "\x\A. \y\A. x \ y \ P y" for P
proof (rule antisym)
have chain_P: "chain (\) {x \ A. P x}"
by (rule chain_compr [OF chain])
show "Sup A \ Sup {x \ A. P x}"
apply (rule ccpo_Sup_least [OF chain])
apply (drule that [rule_format])
apply clarify
apply (erule order_trans)
apply (simp add: ccpo_Sup_upper [OF chain_P])
show "Sup {x \ A. P x} \ Sup A"
apply (rule ccpo_Sup_least [OF chain_P])
apply clarify
apply (simp add: ccpo_Sup_upper [OF chain])
consider "\x. x \ A \ P x" "Sup A = Sup {x \ A. P x}"
| "\x. x \ A \ Q x" "Sup A = Sup {x \ A. Q x}"
by blast
then show "P (Sup A) \ Q (Sup A)"
apply cases
apply simp_all
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleD [OF P chain_compr [OF chain]]; simp)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule ccpo.admissibleD [OF Q chain_compr [OF chain]]; simp)
instance complete_lattice \<subseteq> ccpo
by standard (fast intro: Sup_upper Sup_least)+
lemma lfp_eq_fixp:
assumes mono: "mono f"
shows "lfp f = fixp f"
proof (rule antisym)
from mono have f': "monotone (\) (\) f"
unfolding mono_def monotone_def .
show "lfp f \ fixp f"
by (rule lfp_lowerbound, subst fixp_unfold [OF f'], rule order_refl)
show "fixp f \ lfp f"
by (rule fixp_lowerbound [OF f']) (simp add: lfp_fixpoint [OF mono])
hide_const (open) iterates fixp
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