Author: Tobias Nipkow, Daniel Stüwe
Based on the AFP entry AVL.
section "AVL Tree Implementation of Sets"
theory AVL_Set_Code
subsection \<open>Code\<close>
type_synonym 'a tree_ht = "('a*nat) tree"
definition empty :: "'a tree_ht" where
"empty = Leaf"
fun ht :: "'a tree_ht \ nat" where
"ht Leaf = 0" |
"ht (Node l (a,n) r) = n"
definition node :: "'a tree_ht \ 'a \ 'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht" where
"node l a r = Node l (a, max (ht l) (ht r) + 1) r"
definition balL :: "'a tree_ht \ 'a \ 'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht" where
"balL AB c C =
(if ht AB = ht C + 2 then
case AB of
Node A (a, _) B \<Rightarrow>
if ht A \<ge> ht B then node A a (node B c C)
case B of
Node B\<^sub>1 (b, _) B\<^sub>2 \<Rightarrow> node (node A a B\<^sub>1) b (node B\<^sub>2 c C)
else node AB c C)"
definition balR :: "'a tree_ht \ 'a \ 'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht" where
"balR A a BC =
(if ht BC = ht A + 2 then
case BC of
Node B (c, _) C \<Rightarrow>
if ht B \<le> ht C then node (node A a B) c C
case B of
Node B\<^sub>1 (b, _) B\<^sub>2 \<Rightarrow> node (node A a B\<^sub>1) b (node B\<^sub>2 c C)
else node A a BC)"
fun insert :: "'a::linorder \ 'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht" where
"insert x Leaf = Node Leaf (x, 1) Leaf" |
"insert x (Node l (a, n) r) = (case cmp x a of
EQ \<Rightarrow> Node l (a, n) r |
LT \<Rightarrow> balL (insert x l) a r |
GT \<Rightarrow> balR l a (insert x r))"
fun split_max :: "'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht * 'a" where
"split_max (Node l (a, _) r) =
(if r = Leaf then (l,a) else let (r',a') = split_max r in (balL l a r', a'))"
lemmas split_max_induct = split_max.induct[case_names Node Leaf]
fun delete :: "'a::linorder \ 'a tree_ht \ 'a tree_ht" where
"delete _ Leaf = Leaf" |
"delete x (Node l (a, n) r) =
(case cmp x a of
EQ \<Rightarrow> if l = Leaf then r
else let (l', a') = split_max l in balR l' a' r |
LT \<Rightarrow> balR (delete x l) a r |
GT \<Rightarrow> balL l a (delete x r))"
subsection \<open>Functional Correctness Proofs\<close>
text\<open>Very different from the AFP/AVL proofs\<close>
subsubsection "Proofs for insert"
lemma inorder_balL:
"inorder (balL l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
by (auto simp: node_def balL_def split:tree.splits)
lemma inorder_balR:
"inorder (balR l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
by (auto simp: node_def balR_def split:tree.splits)
theorem inorder_insert:
"sorted(inorder t) \ inorder(insert x t) = ins_list x (inorder t)"
by (induct t)
(auto simp: ins_list_simps inorder_balL inorder_balR)
subsubsection "Proofs for delete"
lemma inorder_split_maxD:
"\ split_max t = (t',a); t \ Leaf \ \
inorder t' @ [a] = inorder t"
by(induction t arbitrary: t' rule: split_max.induct)
(auto simp: inorder_balL split: if_splits prod.splits tree.split)
theorem inorder_delete:
"sorted(inorder t) \ inorder (delete x t) = del_list x (inorder t)"
by(induction t)
(auto simp: del_list_simps inorder_balL inorder_balR inorder_split_maxD split: prod.splits)
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