(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Domain_Aux.thy
Author: Brian Huffman
section \<open>Domain package support\<close>
theory Domain_Aux
imports Map_Functions Fixrec
subsection \<open>Continuous isomorphisms\<close>
text \<open>A locale for continuous isomorphisms\<close>
locale iso =
fixes abs :: "'a \ 'b"
fixes rep :: "'b \ 'a"
assumes abs_iso [simp]: "rep\(abs\x) = x"
assumes rep_iso [simp]: "abs\(rep\y) = y"
lemma swap: "iso rep abs"
by (rule iso.intro [OF rep_iso abs_iso])
lemma abs_below: "(abs\x \ abs\y) = (x \ y)"
assume "abs\x \ abs\y"
then have "rep\(abs\x) \ rep\(abs\y)" by (rule monofun_cfun_arg)
then show "x \ y" by simp
assume "x \ y"
then show "abs\x \ abs\y" by (rule monofun_cfun_arg)
lemma rep_below: "(rep\x \ rep\y) = (x \ y)"
by (rule iso.abs_below [OF swap])
lemma abs_eq: "(abs\x = abs\y) = (x = y)"
by (simp add: po_eq_conv abs_below)
lemma rep_eq: "(rep\x = rep\y) = (x = y)"
by (rule iso.abs_eq [OF swap])
lemma abs_strict: "abs\\ = \"
proof -
have "\ \ rep\\" ..
then have "abs\\ \ abs\(rep\\)" by (rule monofun_cfun_arg)
then have "abs\\ \ \" by simp
then show ?thesis by (rule bottomI)
lemma rep_strict: "rep\\ = \"
by (rule iso.abs_strict [OF swap])
lemma abs_defin': "abs\x = \ \ x = \"
proof -
have "x = rep\(abs\x)" by simp
also assume "abs\x = \"
also note rep_strict
finally show "x = \" .
lemma rep_defin': "rep\z = \ \ z = \"
by (rule iso.abs_defin' [OF swap])
lemma abs_defined: "z \ \ \ abs\z \ \"
by (erule contrapos_nn, erule abs_defin')
lemma rep_defined: "z \ \ \ rep\z \ \"
by (rule iso.abs_defined [OF iso.swap]) (rule iso_axioms)
lemma abs_bottom_iff: "(abs\x = \) = (x = \)"
by (auto elim: abs_defin' intro: abs_strict)
lemma rep_bottom_iff: "(rep\x = \) = (x = \)"
by (rule iso.abs_bottom_iff [OF iso.swap]) (rule iso_axioms)
lemma casedist_rule: "rep\x = \ \ P \ x = \ \ P"
by (simp add: rep_bottom_iff)
lemma compact_abs_rev: "compact (abs\x) \ compact x"
proof (unfold compact_def)
assume "adm (\y. abs\x \ y)"
with cont_Rep_cfun2
have "adm (\y. abs\x \ abs\y)" by (rule adm_subst)
then show "adm (\y. x \ y)" using abs_below by simp
lemma compact_rep_rev: "compact (rep\x) \ compact x"
by (rule iso.compact_abs_rev [OF iso.swap]) (rule iso_axioms)
lemma compact_abs: "compact x \ compact (abs\x)"
by (rule compact_rep_rev) simp
lemma compact_rep: "compact x \ compact (rep\x)"
by (rule iso.compact_abs [OF iso.swap]) (rule iso_axioms)
lemma iso_swap: "(x = abs\y) = (rep\x = y)"
assume "x = abs\y"
then have "rep\x = rep\(abs\y)" by simp
then show "rep\x = y" by simp
assume "rep\x = y"
then have "abs\(rep\x) = abs\y" by simp
then show "x = abs\y" by simp
subsection \<open>Proofs about take functions\<close>
text \<open>
This section contains lemmas that are used in a module that supports
the domain isomorphism package; the module contains proofs related
to take functions and the finiteness predicate.
lemma deflation_abs_rep:
fixes abs and rep and d
assumes abs_iso: "\x. rep\(abs\x) = x"
assumes rep_iso: "\y. abs\(rep\y) = y"
shows "deflation d \ deflation (abs oo d oo rep)"
by (rule ep_pair.deflation_e_d_p) (simp add: ep_pair.intro assms)
lemma deflation_chain_min:
assumes chain: "chain d"
assumes defl: "\n. deflation (d n)"
shows "d m\(d n\x) = d (min m n)\x"
proof (rule linorder_le_cases)
assume "m \ n"
with chain have "d m \ d n" by (rule chain_mono)
then have "d m\(d n\x) = d m\x"
by (rule deflation_below_comp1 [OF defl defl])
moreover from \<open>m \<le> n\<close> have "min m n = m" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
assume "n \ m"
with chain have "d n \ d m" by (rule chain_mono)
then have "d m\(d n\x) = d n\x"
by (rule deflation_below_comp2 [OF defl defl])
moreover from \<open>n \<le> m\<close> have "min m n = n" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma lub_ID_take_lemma:
assumes "chain t" and "(\n. t n) = ID"
assumes "\n. t n\x = t n\y" shows "x = y"
proof -
have "(\n. t n\x) = (\n. t n\y)"
using assms(3) by simp
then have "(\n. t n)\x = (\n. t n)\y"
using assms(1) by (simp add: lub_distribs)
then show "x = y"
using assms(2) by simp
lemma lub_ID_reach:
assumes "chain t" and "(\n. t n) = ID"
shows "(\n. t n\x) = x"
using assms by (simp add: lub_distribs)
lemma lub_ID_take_induct:
assumes "chain t" and "(\n. t n) = ID"
assumes "adm P" and "\n. P (t n\x)" shows "P x"
proof -
from \<open>chain t\<close> have "chain (\<lambda>n. t n\<cdot>x)" by simp
from \<open>adm P\<close> this \<open>\<And>n. P (t n\<cdot>x)\<close> have "P (\<Squnion>n. t n\<cdot>x)" by (rule admD)
with \<open>chain t\<close> \<open>(\<Squnion>n. t n) = ID\<close> show "P x" by (simp add: lub_distribs)
subsection \<open>Finiteness\<close>
text \<open>
Let a ``decisive'' function be a deflation that maps every input to
either itself or bottom. Then if a domain's take functions are all
decisive, then all values in the domain are finite.
decisive :: "('a::pcpo \ 'a) \ bool"
"decisive d \ (\x. d\x = x \ d\x = \)"
lemma decisiveI: "(\x. d\x = x \ d\x = \) \ decisive d"
unfolding decisive_def by simp
lemma decisive_cases:
assumes "decisive d" obtains "d\x = x" | "d\x = \"
using assms unfolding decisive_def by auto
lemma decisive_bottom: "decisive \"
unfolding decisive_def by simp
lemma decisive_ID: "decisive ID"
unfolding decisive_def by simp
lemma decisive_ssum_map:
assumes f: "decisive f"
assumes g: "decisive g"
shows "decisive (ssum_map\f\g)"
apply (rule decisiveI)
subgoal for s
apply (cases s, simp_all)
apply (rule_tac x=x in decisive_cases [OF f], simp_all)
apply (rule_tac x=y in decisive_cases [OF g], simp_all)
lemma decisive_sprod_map:
assumes f: "decisive f"
assumes g: "decisive g"
shows "decisive (sprod_map\f\g)"
apply (rule decisiveI)
subgoal for s
apply (cases s, simp)
subgoal for x y
apply (rule decisive_cases [OF f, where x = x], simp_all)
apply (rule decisive_cases [OF g, where x = y], simp_all)
lemma decisive_abs_rep:
fixes abs rep
assumes iso: "iso abs rep"
assumes d: "decisive d"
shows "decisive (abs oo d oo rep)"
apply (rule decisiveI)
subgoal for s
apply (rule decisive_cases [OF d, where x="rep\s"])
apply (simp add: iso.rep_iso [OF iso])
apply (simp add: iso.abs_strict [OF iso])
lemma lub_ID_finite:
assumes chain: "chain d"
assumes lub: "(\n. d n) = ID"
assumes decisive: "\n. decisive (d n)"
shows "\n. d n\x = x"
proof -
have 1: "chain (\n. d n\x)" using chain by simp
have 2: "(\n. d n\x) = x" using chain lub by (rule lub_ID_reach)
have "\n. d n\x = x \ d n\x = \"
using decisive unfolding decisive_def by simp
hence "range (\n. d n\x) \ {x, \}"
by auto
hence "finite (range (\n. d n\x))"
by (rule finite_subset, simp)
with 1 have "finite_chain (\n. d n\x)"
by (rule finite_range_imp_finch)
then have "\n. (\n. d n\x) = d n\x"
unfolding finite_chain_def by (auto simp add: maxinch_is_thelub)
with 2 show "\n. d n\x = x" by (auto elim: sym)
lemma lub_ID_finite_take_induct:
assumes "chain d" and "(\n. d n) = ID" and "\n. decisive (d n)"
shows "(\n. P (d n\x)) \ P x"
using lub_ID_finite [OF assms] by metis
subsection \<open>Proofs about constructor functions\<close>
text \<open>Lemmas for proving nchotomy rule:\<close>
lemma ex_one_bottom_iff:
"(\x. P x \ x \ \) = P ONE"
by simp
lemma ex_up_bottom_iff:
"(\x. P x \ x \ \) = (\x. P (up\x))"
by (safe, case_tac x, auto)
lemma ex_sprod_bottom_iff:
"(\y. P y \ y \ \) =
(\<exists>x y. (P (:x, y:) \<and> x \<noteq> \<bottom>) \<and> y \<noteq> \<bottom>)"
by (safe, case_tac y, auto)
lemma ex_sprod_up_bottom_iff:
"(\y. P y \ y \ \) =
(\<exists>x y. P (:up\<cdot>x, y:) \<and> y \<noteq> \<bottom>)"
by (safe, case_tac y, simp, case_tac x, auto)
lemma ex_ssum_bottom_iff:
"(\x. P x \ x \ \) =
((\<exists>x. P (sinl\<cdot>x) \<and> x \<noteq> \<bottom>) \<or>
(\<exists>x. P (sinr\<cdot>x) \<and> x \<noteq> \<bottom>))"
by (safe, case_tac x, auto)
lemma exh_start: "p = \ \ (\x. p = x \ x \ \)"
by auto
lemmas ex_bottom_iffs =
text \<open>Rules for turning nchotomy into exhaust:\<close>
lemma exh_casedist0: "\R; R \ P\ \ P" (* like make_elim *)
by auto
lemma exh_casedist1: "((P \ Q \ R) \ S) \ (\P \ R; Q \ R\ \ S)"
by rule auto
lemma exh_casedist2: "(\x. P x \ Q) \ (\x. P x \ Q)"
by rule auto
lemma exh_casedist3: "(P \ Q \ R) \ (P \ Q \ R)"
by rule auto
lemmas exh_casedists = exh_casedist1 exh_casedist2 exh_casedist3
text \<open>Rules for proving constructor properties\<close>
lemmas con_strict_rules =
sinl_strict sinr_strict spair_strict1 spair_strict2
lemmas con_bottom_iff_rules =
sinl_bottom_iff sinr_bottom_iff spair_bottom_iff up_defined ONE_defined
lemmas con_below_iff_rules =
sinl_below sinr_below sinl_below_sinr sinr_below_sinl con_bottom_iff_rules
lemmas con_eq_iff_rules =
sinl_eq sinr_eq sinl_eq_sinr sinr_eq_sinl con_bottom_iff_rules
lemmas sel_strict_rules =
cfcomp2 sscase1 sfst_strict ssnd_strict fup1
lemma sel_app_extra_rules:
"sscase\ID\\\(sinr\x) = \"
"sscase\ID\\\(sinl\x) = x"
"sscase\\\ID\(sinl\x) = \"
"sscase\\\ID\(sinr\x) = x"
"fup\ID\(up\x) = x"
by (cases "x = \", simp, simp)+
lemmas sel_app_rules =
sel_strict_rules sel_app_extra_rules
ssnd_spair sfst_spair up_defined spair_defined
lemmas sel_bottom_iff_rules =
cfcomp2 sfst_bottom_iff ssnd_bottom_iff
lemmas take_con_rules =
ssum_map_sinl' ssum_map_sinr' sprod_map_spair' u_map_up
deflation_strict deflation_ID ID1 cfcomp2
subsection \<open>ML setup\<close>
named_theorems domain_deflation "theorems like deflation a ==> deflation (foo_map$a)"
and domain_map_ID "theorems like foo_map$ID = ID"
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain_take_proofs.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/cont_consts.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/cont_proc.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain_constructors.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain_induction.ML\<close>
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