(* Title: HOL/Hoare/Separation.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Copyright 2003 TUM
A first attempt at a nice syntactic embedding of separation logic.
Already builds on the theory for list abstractions.
If we suppress the H parameter for "List", we have to hardwired this
into parser and pretty printer, which is not very modular.
Alternative: some syntax like <P> which stands for P H. No more
compact, but avoids the funny H.
section \<open>Separation logic\<close>
theory Separation
imports Hoare_Logic_Abort SepLogHeap
text\<open>The semantic definition of a few connectives:\<close>
definition ortho :: "heap \ heap \ bool" (infix "\" 55)
where "h1 \ h2 \ dom h1 \ dom h2 = {}"
definition is_empty :: "heap \ bool"
where "is_empty h \ h = Map.empty"
definition singl:: "heap \ nat \ nat \ bool"
where "singl h x y \ dom h = {x} & h x = Some y"
definition star:: "(heap \ bool) \ (heap \ bool) \ (heap \ bool)"
where "star P Q = (\h. \h1 h2. h = h1++h2 \ h1 \ h2 \ P h1 \ Q h2)"
definition wand:: "(heap \ bool) \ (heap \ bool) \ (heap \ bool)"
where "wand P Q = (\h. \h'. h' \ h \ P h' \ Q(h++h'))"
text\<open>This is what assertions look like without any syntactic sugar:\<close>
lemma "VARS x y z w h
{star (%h. singl h x y) (%h. singl h z w) h}
{x \<noteq> z}"
apply vcg
apply(auto simp:star_def ortho_def singl_def)
text\<open>Now we add nice input syntax. To suppress the heap parameter
of the connectives, we assume it is always called H and add/remove it
upon parsing/printing. Thus every pointer program needs to have a
program variable H, and assertions should not contain any locally
bound Hs - otherwise they may bind the implicit H.\<close>
"_emp" :: "bool" ("emp")
"_singl" :: "nat \ nat \ bool" ("[_ \ _]")
"_star" :: "bool \ bool \ bool" (infixl "**" 60)
"_wand" :: "bool \ bool \ bool" (infixl "-*" 60)
(* FIXME does not handle "_idtdummy" *)
ML \<open>
\<comment> \<open>\<open>free_tr\<close> takes care of free vars in the scope of separation logic connectives:
they are implicitly applied to the heap\<close>
fun free_tr(t as Free _) = t $ Syntax.free "H"
\<^cancel>\<open>| free_tr((list as Free("List",_))$ p $ ps) = list $ Syntax.free "H" $ p $ ps\<close>
| free_tr t = t
fun emp_tr [] = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>is_empty\<close> $ Syntax.free "H"
| emp_tr ts = raise TERM ("emp_tr", ts);
fun singl_tr [p, q] = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>singl\<close> $ Syntax.free "H" $ p $ q
| singl_tr ts = raise TERM ("singl_tr", ts);
fun star_tr [P,Q] = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>star\<close> $
absfree ("H", dummyT) (free_tr P) $ absfree ("H", dummyT) (free_tr Q) $
Syntax.free "H"
| star_tr ts = raise TERM ("star_tr", ts);
fun wand_tr [P, Q] = Syntax.const \<^const_syntax>\<open>wand\<close> $
absfree ("H", dummyT) P $ absfree ("H", dummyT) Q $ Syntax.free "H"
| wand_tr ts = raise TERM ("wand_tr", ts);
parse_translation \<open>
[(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_emp\<close>, K emp_tr),
(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_singl\<close>, K singl_tr),
(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_star\<close>, K star_tr),
(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_wand\<close>, K wand_tr)]
text\<open>Now it looks much better:\<close>
lemma "VARS H x y z w
{[x\<mapsto>y] ** [z\<mapsto>w]}
{x \<noteq> z}"
apply vcg
apply(auto simp:star_def ortho_def singl_def)
lemma "VARS H x y z w
{emp ** emp}
apply vcg
apply(auto simp:star_def ortho_def is_empty_def)
text\<open>But the output is still unreadable. Thus we also strip the heap
parameters upon output:\<close>
ML \<open>
fun strip (Abs(_,_,(t as Const("_free",_) $ Free _) $ Bound 0)) = t
| strip (Abs(_,_,(t as Free _) $ Bound 0)) = t
\<^cancel>\<open>| strip (Abs(_,_,((list as Const("List",_))$ Bound 0 $ p $ ps))) = list$p$ps\<close>
| strip (Abs(_,_,(t as Const("_var",_) $ Var _) $ Bound 0)) = t
| strip (Abs(_,_,P)) = P
| strip (Const(\<^const_syntax>\<open>is_empty\<close>,_)) = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_emp\<close>
| strip t = t;
fun is_empty_tr' [_] = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_emp\
fun singl_tr' [_,p,q] = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_singl\ $ p $ q
fun star_tr' [P,Q,_] = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_star\ $ strip P $ strip Q
fun wand_tr' [P,Q,_] = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_wand\ $ strip P $ strip Q
print_translation \<open>
[(\<^const_syntax>\<open>is_empty\<close>, K is_empty_tr'),
(\<^const_syntax>\<open>singl\<close>, K singl_tr'),
(\<^const_syntax>\<open>star\<close>, K star_tr'),
(\<^const_syntax>\<open>wand\<close>, K wand_tr')]
text\<open>Now the intermediate proof states are also readable:\<close>
lemma "VARS H x y z w
{[x\<mapsto>y] ** [z\<mapsto>w]}
y := w
{x \<noteq> z}"
apply vcg
apply(auto simp:star_def ortho_def singl_def)
lemma "VARS H x y z w
{emp ** emp}
apply vcg
apply(auto simp:star_def ortho_def is_empty_def)
text\<open>So far we have unfolded the separation logic connectives in
proofs. Here comes a simple example of a program proof that uses a law
of separation logic instead.\<close>
\<comment> \<open>a law of separation logic\<close>
lemma star_comm: "P ** Q = Q ** P"
by(auto simp add:star_def ortho_def dest: map_add_comm)
lemma "VARS H x y z w
{P ** Q}
{Q ** P}"
apply vcg
apply(simp add: star_comm)
lemma "VARS H
{p\<noteq>0 \<and> [p \<mapsto> x] ** List H q qs}
H := H(p \<mapsto> q)
{List H p (p#qs)}"
apply vcg
apply(simp add: star_def ortho_def singl_def)
apply clarify
apply(subgoal_tac "p \ set qs")
prefer 2
apply(blast dest:list_in_heap)
apply simp
lemma "VARS H p q r
{List H p Ps ** List H q Qs}
WHILE p \<noteq> 0
INV {\<exists>ps qs. (List H p ps ** List H q qs) \<and> rev ps @ qs = rev Ps @ Qs}
DO r := p; p := the(H p); H := H(r \<mapsto> q); q := r OD
{List H q (rev Ps @ Qs)}"
apply vcg
apply(simp_all add: star_def ortho_def singl_def)
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp add:List_non_null)
apply(rename_tac ps')
apply(rule_tac x = ps' in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = "p#qs" in exI)
apply simp
apply(rule_tac x = "h1(p:=None)" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = "h2(p\q)" in exI)
apply simp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule ext)
apply(simp add:map_add_def split:option.split)
apply(rule conjI)
apply blast
apply(simp add:map_add_def split:option.split)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(subgoal_tac "p \ set qs")
prefer 2
apply(blast dest:list_in_heap)
apply fast
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.