(* Title: HOL/Lattices_Big.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow, Lawrence C Paulson and Markus Wenzel
with contributions by Jeremy Avigad
section \<open>Big infimum (minimum) and supremum (maximum) over finite (non-empty) sets\<close>
theory Lattices_Big
imports Option
subsection \<open>Generic lattice operations over a set\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Without neutral element\<close>
locale semilattice_set = semilattice
interpretation comp_fun_idem f
by standard (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff left_commute)
definition F :: "'a set \ 'a"
eq_fold': "F A = the (Finite_Set.fold (\x y. Some (case y of None \ x | Some z \ f x z)) None A)"
lemma eq_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "F (insert x A) = Finite_Set.fold f x A"
proof (rule sym)
let ?f = "\x y. Some (case y of None \ x | Some z \ f x z)"
interpret comp_fun_idem "?f"
by standard (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff commute left_commute split: option.split)
from assms show "Finite_Set.fold f x A = F (insert x A)"
proof induct
case empty then show ?case by (simp add: eq_fold')
case (insert y B) then show ?case by (simp add: insert_commute [of x] eq_fold')
lemma singleton [simp]:
"F {x} = x"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma insert_not_elem:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A" and "A \ {}"
shows "F (insert x A) = x \<^bold>* F A"
proof -
from \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> obtain b where "b \<in> A" by blast
then obtain B where *: "A = insert b B" "b \ B" by (blast dest: mk_disjoint_insert)
with \<open>finite A\<close> and \<open>x \<notin> A\<close>
have "finite (insert x B)" and "b \ insert x B" by auto
then have "F (insert b (insert x B)) = x \<^bold>* F (insert b B)"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: * insert_commute)
lemma in_idem:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "x \<^bold>* F A = F A"
proof -
from assms have "A \ {}" by auto
with \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis using \<open>x \<in> A\<close>
by (induct A rule: finite_ne_induct) (auto simp add: ac_simps insert_not_elem)
lemma insert [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "F (insert x A) = x \<^bold>* F A"
using assms by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: insert_absorb in_idem insert_not_elem)
lemma union:
assumes "finite A" "A \ {}" and "finite B" "B \ {}"
shows "F (A \ B) = F A \<^bold>* F B"
using assms by (induct A rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: ac_simps)
lemma remove:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "F A = (if A - {x} = {} then x else x \<^bold>* F (A - {x}))"
proof -
from assms obtain B where "A = insert x B" and "x \ B" by (blast dest: mk_disjoint_insert)
with assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma insert_remove:
assumes "finite A"
shows "F (insert x A) = (if A - {x} = {} then x else x \<^bold>* F (A - {x}))"
using assms by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: insert_absorb remove)
lemma subset:
assumes "finite A" "B \ {}" and "B \ A"
shows "F B \<^bold>* F A = F A"
proof -
from assms have "A \ {}" and "finite B" by (auto dest: finite_subset)
with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: union [symmetric] Un_absorb1)
lemma closed:
assumes "finite A" "A \ {}" and elem: "\x y. x \<^bold>* y \ {x, y}"
shows "F A \ A"
using \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton then show ?case by simp
case insert with elem show ?case by force
lemma hom_commute:
assumes hom: "\x y. h (x \<^bold>* y) = h x \<^bold>* h y"
and N: "finite N" "N \ {}"
shows "h (F N) = F (h ` N)"
using N proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton thus ?case by simp
case (insert n N)
then have "h (F (insert n N)) = h (n \<^bold>* F N)" by simp
also have "\ = h n \<^bold>* h (F N)" by (rule hom)
also have "h (F N) = F (h ` N)" by (rule insert)
also have "h n \<^bold>* \ = F (insert (h n) (h ` N))"
using insert by simp
also have "insert (h n) (h ` N) = h ` insert n N" by simp
finally show ?case .
lemma infinite: "\ finite A \ F A = the None"
unfolding eq_fold' by (cases "finite (UNIV::'a set)") (auto intro: finite_subset fold_infinite)
locale semilattice_order_set = binary?: semilattice_order + semilattice_set
lemma bounded_iff:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "x \<^bold>\ F A \ (\a\A. x \<^bold>\ a)"
using assms by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) simp_all
lemma boundedI:
assumes "finite A"
assumes "A \ {}"
assumes "\a. a \ A \ x \<^bold>\ a"
shows "x \<^bold>\ F A"
using assms by (simp add: bounded_iff)
lemma boundedE:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}" and "x \<^bold>\ F A"
obtains "\a. a \ A \ x \<^bold>\ a"
using assms by (simp add: bounded_iff)
lemma coboundedI:
assumes "finite A"
and "a \ A"
shows "F A \<^bold>\ a"
proof -
from assms have "A \ {}" by auto
from \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>a \<in> A\<close> show ?thesis
proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton thus ?case by (simp add: refl)
case (insert x B)
from insert have "a = x \ a \ B" by simp
then show ?case using insert by (auto intro: coboundedI2)
lemma subset_imp:
assumes "A \ B" and "A \ {}" and "finite B"
shows "F B \<^bold>\ F A"
proof (cases "A = B")
case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: refl)
case False
have B: "B = A \ (B - A)" using \A \ B\ by blast
then have "F B = F (A \ (B - A))" by simp
also have "\ = F A \<^bold>* F (B - A)" using False assms by (subst union) (auto intro: finite_subset)
also have "\ \<^bold>\ F A" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection \<open>With neutral element\<close>
locale semilattice_neutr_set = semilattice_neutr
interpretation comp_fun_idem f
by standard (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff left_commute)
definition F :: "'a set \ 'a"
eq_fold: "F A = Finite_Set.fold f \<^bold>1 A"
lemma infinite [simp]:
"\ finite A \ F A = \<^bold>1"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma empty [simp]:
"F {} = \<^bold>1"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma insert [simp]:
assumes "finite A"
shows "F (insert x A) = x \<^bold>* F A"
using assms by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma in_idem:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "x \<^bold>* F A = F A"
proof -
from assms have "A \ {}" by auto
with \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis using \<open>x \<in> A\<close>
by (induct A rule: finite_ne_induct) (auto simp add: ac_simps)
lemma union:
assumes "finite A" and "finite B"
shows "F (A \ B) = F A \<^bold>* F B"
using assms by (induct A) (simp_all add: ac_simps)
lemma remove:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "F A = x \<^bold>* F (A - {x})"
proof -
from assms obtain B where "A = insert x B" and "x \ B" by (blast dest: mk_disjoint_insert)
with assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma insert_remove:
assumes "finite A"
shows "F (insert x A) = x \<^bold>* F (A - {x})"
using assms by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: insert_absorb remove)
lemma subset:
assumes "finite A" and "B \ A"
shows "F B \<^bold>* F A = F A"
proof -
from assms have "finite B" by (auto dest: finite_subset)
with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: union [symmetric] Un_absorb1)
lemma closed:
assumes "finite A" "A \ {}" and elem: "\x y. x \<^bold>* y \ {x, y}"
shows "F A \ A"
using \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton then show ?case by simp
case insert with elem show ?case by force
locale semilattice_order_neutr_set = binary?: semilattice_neutr_order + semilattice_neutr_set
lemma bounded_iff:
assumes "finite A"
shows "x \<^bold>\ F A \ (\a\A. x \<^bold>\ a)"
using assms by (induct A) simp_all
lemma boundedI:
assumes "finite A"
assumes "\a. a \ A \ x \<^bold>\ a"
shows "x \<^bold>\ F A"
using assms by (simp add: bounded_iff)
lemma boundedE:
assumes "finite A" and "x \<^bold>\ F A"
obtains "\a. a \ A \ x \<^bold>\ a"
using assms by (simp add: bounded_iff)
lemma coboundedI:
assumes "finite A"
and "a \ A"
shows "F A \<^bold>\ a"
proof -
from assms have "A \ {}" by auto
from \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>a \<in> A\<close> show ?thesis
proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton thus ?case by (simp add: refl)
case (insert x B)
from insert have "a = x \ a \ B" by simp
then show ?case using insert by (auto intro: coboundedI2)
lemma subset_imp:
assumes "A \ B" and "finite B"
shows "F B \<^bold>\ F A"
proof (cases "A = B")
case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: refl)
case False
have B: "B = A \ (B - A)" using \A \ B\ by blast
then have "F B = F (A \ (B - A))" by simp
also have "\ = F A \<^bold>* F (B - A)" using False assms by (subst union) (auto intro: finite_subset)
also have "\ \<^bold>\ F A" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
subsection \<open>Lattice operations on finite sets\<close>
context semilattice_inf
sublocale Inf_fin: semilattice_order_set inf less_eq less
Inf_fin ("\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n _" [900] 900) = Inf_fin.F ..
context semilattice_sup
sublocale Sup_fin: semilattice_order_set sup greater_eq greater
Sup_fin ("\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n _" [900] 900) = Sup_fin.F ..
subsection \<open>Infimum and Supremum over non-empty sets\<close>
context lattice
lemma Inf_fin_le_Sup_fin [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA \ \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA"
proof -
from \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> obtain a where "a \<in> A" by blast
with \<open>finite A\<close> have "\<Sqinter>\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA \<le> a" by (rule Inf_fin.coboundedI)
moreover from \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>a \<in> A\<close> have "a \<le> \<Squnion>\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA" by (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule order_trans)
lemma sup_Inf_absorb [simp]:
"finite A \ a \ A \ \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA \ a = a"
by (rule sup_absorb2) (rule Inf_fin.coboundedI)
lemma inf_Sup_absorb [simp]:
"finite A \ a \ A \ a \ \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA = a"
by (rule inf_absorb1) (rule Sup_fin.coboundedI)
context distrib_lattice
lemma sup_Inf1_distrib:
assumes "finite A"
and "A \ {}"
shows "sup x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{sup x a|a. a \ A}"
using assms by (simp add: image_def Inf_fin.hom_commute [where h="sup x", OF sup_inf_distrib1])
(rule arg_cong [where f="Inf_fin"], blast)
lemma sup_Inf2_distrib:
assumes A: "finite A" "A \ {}" and B: "finite B" "B \ {}"
shows "sup (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB) = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{sup a b|a b. a \ A \ b \ B}"
using A proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton then show ?case
by (simp add: sup_Inf1_distrib [OF B])
case (insert x A)
have finB: "finite {sup x b |b. b \ B}"
by (rule finite_surj [where f = "sup x", OF B(1)], auto)
have finAB: "finite {sup a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B}"
proof -
have "{sup a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B} = (\a\A. \b\B. {sup a b})"
by blast
thus ?thesis by(simp add: insert(1) B(1))
have ne: "{sup a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B} \ {}" using insert B by blast
have "sup (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n(insert x A)) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB) = sup (inf x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA)) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB)"
using insert by simp
also have "\ = inf (sup x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB)) (sup (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB))" by(rule sup_inf_distrib2)
also have "\ = inf (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{sup x b|b. b \ B}) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{sup a b|a b. a \ A \ b \ B})"
using insert by(simp add:sup_Inf1_distrib[OF B])
also have "\ = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n({sup x b |b. b \ B} \ {sup a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B})"
(is "_ = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n?M")
using B insert
by (simp add: Inf_fin.union [OF finB _ finAB ne])
also have "?M = {sup a b |a b. a \ insert x A \ b \ B}"
by blast
finally show ?case .
lemma inf_Sup1_distrib:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "inf x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{inf x a|a. a \ A}"
using assms by (simp add: image_def Sup_fin.hom_commute [where h="inf x", OF inf_sup_distrib1])
(rule arg_cong [where f="Sup_fin"], blast)
lemma inf_Sup2_distrib:
assumes A: "finite A" "A \ {}" and B: "finite B" "B \ {}"
shows "inf (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB) = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{inf a b|a b. a \ A \ b \ B}"
using A proof (induct rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton thus ?case
by(simp add: inf_Sup1_distrib [OF B])
case (insert x A)
have finB: "finite {inf x b |b. b \ B}"
by(rule finite_surj[where f = "%b. inf x b", OF B(1)], auto)
have finAB: "finite {inf a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B}"
proof -
have "{inf a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B} = (\a\A. \b\B. {inf a b})"
by blast
thus ?thesis by(simp add: insert(1) B(1))
have ne: "{inf a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B} \ {}" using insert B by blast
have "inf (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n(insert x A)) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB) = inf (sup x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA)) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB)"
using insert by simp
also have "\ = sup (inf x (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB)) (inf (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nB))" by(rule inf_sup_distrib2)
also have "\ = sup (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{inf x b|b. b \ B}) (\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n{inf a b|a b. a \ A \ b \ B})"
using insert by(simp add:inf_Sup1_distrib[OF B])
also have "\ = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n({inf x b |b. b \ B} \ {inf a b |a b. a \ A \ b \ B})"
(is "_ = \\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>n?M")
using B insert
by (simp add: Sup_fin.union [OF finB _ finAB ne])
also have "?M = {inf a b |a b. a \ insert x A \ b \ B}"
by blast
finally show ?case .
context complete_lattice
lemma Inf_fin_Inf:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA = \A"
proof -
from assms obtain b B where "A = insert b B" and "finite B" by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Inf_fin.eq_fold inf_Inf_fold_inf inf.commute [of b])
lemma Sup_fin_Sup:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "\\<^sub>f\<^sub>i\<^sub>nA = \A"
proof -
from assms obtain b B where "A = insert b B" and "finite B" by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Sup_fin.eq_fold sup_Sup_fold_sup sup.commute [of b])
subsection \<open>Minimum and Maximum over non-empty sets\<close>
context linorder
sublocale Min: semilattice_order_set min less_eq less
+ Max: semilattice_order_set max greater_eq greater
Min = Min.F and Max = Max.F ..
"_MIN1" :: "pttrns \ 'b \ 'b" ("(3MIN _./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"_MIN" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ 'b \ 'b" ("(3MIN _\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10)
"_MAX1" :: "pttrns \ 'b \ 'b" ("(3MAX _./ _)" [0, 10] 10)
"_MAX" :: "pttrn \ 'a set \ 'b \ 'b" ("(3MAX _\_./ _)" [0, 0, 10] 10)
"MIN x y. f" \<rightleftharpoons> "MIN x. MIN y. f"
"MIN x. f" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST Min (CONST range (\<lambda>x. f))"
"MIN x\A. f" \ "CONST Min ((\x. f) ` A)"
"MAX x y. f" \<rightleftharpoons> "MAX x. MAX y. f"
"MAX x. f" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST Max (CONST range (\<lambda>x. f))"
"MAX x\A. f" \ "CONST Max ((\x. f) ` A)"
text \<open>An aside: \<^const>\<open>Min\<close>/\<^const>\<open>Max\<close> on linear orders as special case of \<^const>\<open>Inf_fin\<close>/\<^const>\<open>Sup_fin\<close>\<close>
lemma Inf_fin_Min:
"Inf_fin = (Min :: 'a::{semilattice_inf, linorder} set \ 'a)"
by (simp add: Inf_fin_def Min_def inf_min)
lemma Sup_fin_Max:
"Sup_fin = (Max :: 'a::{semilattice_sup, linorder} set \ 'a)"
by (simp add: Sup_fin_def Max_def sup_max)
context linorder
lemma dual_min:
"ord.min greater_eq = max"
by (auto simp add: ord.min_def max_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma dual_max:
"ord.max greater_eq = min"
by (auto simp add: ord.max_def min_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma dual_Min:
"linorder.Min greater_eq = Max"
proof -
interpret dual: linorder greater_eq greater by (fact dual_linorder)
show ?thesis by (simp add: dual.Min_def dual_min Max_def)
lemma dual_Max:
"linorder.Max greater_eq = Min"
proof -
interpret dual: linorder greater_eq greater by (fact dual_linorder)
show ?thesis by (simp add: dual.Max_def dual_max Min_def)
lemmas Min_singleton = Min.singleton
lemmas Max_singleton = Max.singleton
lemmas Min_insert = Min.insert
lemmas Max_insert = Max.insert
lemmas Min_Un = Min.union
lemmas Max_Un = Max.union
lemmas hom_Min_commute = Min.hom_commute
lemmas hom_Max_commute = Max.hom_commute
lemma Min_in [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "Min A \ A"
using assms by (auto simp add: min_def Min.closed)
lemma Max_in [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "Max A \ A"
using assms by (auto simp add: max_def Max.closed)
lemma Min_insert2:
assumes "finite A" and min: "\b. b \ A \ a \ b"
shows "Min (insert a A) = a"
proof (cases "A = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
with \<open>finite A\<close> have "Min (insert a A) = min a (Min A)"
by simp
moreover from \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> min have "a \<le> Min A" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: min.absorb1)
lemma Max_insert2:
assumes "finite A" and max: "\b. b \ A \ b \ a"
shows "Max (insert a A) = a"
proof (cases "A = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
with \<open>finite A\<close> have "Max (insert a A) = max a (Max A)"
by simp
moreover from \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> max have "Max A \<le> a" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: max.absorb1)
lemma Min_le [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "Min A \ x"
using assms by (fact Min.coboundedI)
lemma Max_ge [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "x \ Max A"
using assms by (fact Max.coboundedI)
lemma Min_eqI:
assumes "finite A"
assumes "\y. y \ A \ y \ x"
and "x \ A"
shows "Min A = x"
proof (rule antisym)
from \<open>x \<in> A\<close> have "A \<noteq> {}" by auto
with assms show "Min A \ x" by simp
from assms show "x \ Min A" by simp
lemma Max_eqI:
assumes "finite A"
assumes "\y. y \ A \ y \ x"
and "x \ A"
shows "Max A = x"
proof (rule antisym)
from \<open>x \<in> A\<close> have "A \<noteq> {}" by auto
with assms show "Max A \ x" by simp
from assms show "x \ Max A" by simp
lemma eq_Min_iff:
"\ finite A; A \ {} \ \ m = Min A \ m \ A \ (\a \ A. m \ a)"
by (meson Min_in Min_le antisym)
lemma Min_eq_iff:
"\ finite A; A \ {} \ \ Min A = m \ m \ A \ (\a \ A. m \ a)"
by (meson Min_in Min_le antisym)
lemma eq_Max_iff:
"\ finite A; A \ {} \ \ m = Max A \ m \ A \ (\a \ A. a \ m)"
by (meson Max_in Max_ge antisym)
lemma Max_eq_iff:
"\ finite A; A \ {} \ \ Max A = m \ m \ A \ (\a \ A. a \ m)"
by (meson Max_in Max_ge antisym)
fixes A :: "'a set"
assumes fin_nonempty: "finite A" "A \ {}"
lemma Min_ge_iff [simp]:
"x \ Min A \ (\a\A. x \ a)"
using fin_nonempty by (fact Min.bounded_iff)
lemma Max_le_iff [simp]:
"Max A \ x \ (\a\A. a \ x)"
using fin_nonempty by (fact Max.bounded_iff)
lemma Min_gr_iff [simp]:
"x < Min A \ (\a\A. x < a)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) simp_all
lemma Max_less_iff [simp]:
"Max A < x \ (\a\A. a < x)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) simp_all
lemma Min_le_iff:
"Min A \ x \ (\a\A. a \ x)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: min_le_iff_disj)
lemma Max_ge_iff:
"x \ Max A \ (\a\A. x \ a)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: le_max_iff_disj)
lemma Min_less_iff:
"Min A < x \ (\a\A. a < x)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: min_less_iff_disj)
lemma Max_gr_iff:
"x < Max A \ (\a\A. x < a)"
using fin_nonempty by (induct rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: less_max_iff_disj)
lemma Max_eq_if:
assumes "finite A" "finite B" "\a\A. \b\B. a \ b" "\b\B. \a\A. b \ a"
shows "Max A = Max B"
proof cases
assume "A = {}" thus ?thesis using assms by simp
assume "A \ {}" thus ?thesis using assms
by(blast intro: antisym Max_in Max_ge_iff[THEN iffD2])
lemma Min_antimono:
assumes "M \ N" and "M \ {}" and "finite N"
shows "Min N \ Min M"
using assms by (fact Min.subset_imp)
lemma Max_mono:
assumes "M \ N" and "M \ {}" and "finite N"
shows "Max M \ Max N"
using assms by (fact Max.subset_imp)
context linorder (* FIXME *)
lemma mono_Min_commute:
assumes "mono f"
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "f (Min A) = Min (f ` A)"
proof (rule linorder_class.Min_eqI [symmetric])
from \<open>finite A\<close> show "finite (f ` A)" by simp
from assms show "f (Min A) \ f ` A" by simp
fix x
assume "x \ f ` A"
then obtain y where "y \ A" and "x = f y" ..
with assms have "Min A \ y" by auto
with \<open>mono f\<close> have "f (Min A) \<le> f y" by (rule monoE)
with \<open>x = f y\<close> show "f (Min A) \<le> x" by simp
lemma mono_Max_commute:
assumes "mono f"
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "f (Max A) = Max (f ` A)"
proof (rule linorder_class.Max_eqI [symmetric])
from \<open>finite A\<close> show "finite (f ` A)" by simp
from assms show "f (Max A) \ f ` A" by simp
fix x
assume "x \ f ` A"
then obtain y where "y \ A" and "x = f y" ..
with assms have "y \ Max A" by auto
with \<open>mono f\<close> have "f y \<le> f (Max A)" by (rule monoE)
with \<open>x = f y\<close> show "x \<le> f (Max A)" by simp
lemma finite_linorder_max_induct [consumes 1, case_names empty insert]:
assumes fin: "finite A"
and empty: "P {}"
and insert: "\b A. finite A \ \a\A. a < b \ P A \ P (insert b A)"
shows "P A"
using fin empty insert
proof (induct rule: finite_psubset_induct)
case (psubset A)
have IH: "\B. \B < A; P {}; (\A b. \finite A; \a\A. a \ P (insert b A))\ \ P B" by fact
have fin: "finite A" by fact
have empty: "P {}" by fact
have step: "\b A. \finite A; \a\A. a < b; P A\ \ P (insert b A)" by fact
show "P A"
proof (cases "A = {}")
assume "A = {}"
then show "P A" using \<open>P {}\<close> by simp
let ?B = "A - {Max A}"
let ?A = "insert (Max A) ?B"
have "finite ?B" using \<open>finite A\<close> by simp
assume "A \ {}"
with \<open>finite A\<close> have "Max A \<in> A" by auto
then have A: "?A = A" using insert_Diff_single insert_absorb by auto
then have "P ?B" using \<open>P {}\<close> step IH [of ?B] by blast
have "\a\?B. a < Max A" using Max_ge [OF \finite A\] by fastforce
ultimately show "P A" using A insert_Diff_single step [OF \<open>finite ?B\<close>] by fastforce
lemma finite_linorder_min_induct [consumes 1, case_names empty insert]:
"\finite A; P {}; \b A. \finite A; \a\A. b < a; P A\ \ P (insert b A)\ \ P A"
by (rule linorder.finite_linorder_max_induct [OF dual_linorder])
lemma finite_ranking_induct[consumes 1, case_names empty insert]:
fixes f :: "'b \ 'a"
assumes "finite S"
assumes "P {}"
assumes "\x S. finite S \ (\y. y \ S \ f y \ f x) \ P S \ P (insert x S)"
shows "P S"
using \<open>finite S\<close>
proof (induction rule: finite_psubset_induct)
case (psubset A)
assume "A \ {}"
hence "f ` A \ {}" and "finite (f ` A)"
using psubset finite_image_iff by simp+
then obtain a where "f a = Max (f ` A)" and "a \ A"
by (metis Max_in[of "f ` A"] imageE)
then have "P (A - {a})"
using psubset member_remove by blast
have "\y. y \ A \ f y \ f a"
using \<open>f a = Max (f ` A)\<close> \<open>finite (f ` A)\<close> by simp
have ?case
by (metis \<open>a \<in> A\<close> DiffD1 insert_Diff assms(3) finite_Diff psubset.hyps)
thus ?case
using assms(2) by blast
lemma Least_Min:
assumes "finite {a. P a}" and "\a. P a"
shows "(LEAST a. P a) = Min {a. P a}"
proof -
{ fix A :: "'a set"
assume A: "finite A" "A \ {}"
have "(LEAST a. a \ A) = Min A"
using A proof (induct A rule: finite_ne_induct)
case singleton show ?case by (rule Least_equality) simp_all
case (insert a A)
have "(LEAST b. b = a \ b \ A) = min a (LEAST a. a \ A)"
by (auto intro!: Least_equality simp add: min_def not_le Min_le_iff insert.hyps dest!: less_imp_le)
with insert show ?case by simp
} from this [of "{a. P a}"] assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma infinite_growing:
assumes "X \ {}"
assumes *: "\x. x \ X \ \y\X. y > x"
shows "\ finite X"
assume "finite X"
with \<open>X \<noteq> {}\<close> have "Max X \<in> X" "\<forall>x\<in>X. x \<le> Max X"
by auto
with *[of "Max X"] show False
by auto
context linordered_ab_semigroup_add
lemma Min_add_commute:
fixes k
assumes "finite S" and "S \ {}"
shows "Min ((\x. f x + k) ` S) = Min(f ` S) + k"
proof -
have m: "\x y. min x y + k = min (x+k) (y+k)"
by(simp add: min_def antisym add_right_mono)
have "(\x. f x + k) ` S = (\y. y + k) ` (f ` S)" by auto
also have "Min \ = Min (f ` S) + k"
using assms hom_Min_commute [of "\y. y+k" "f ` S", OF m, symmetric] by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma Max_add_commute:
fixes k
assumes "finite S" and "S \ {}"
shows "Max ((\x. f x + k) ` S) = Max(f ` S) + k"
proof -
have m: "\x y. max x y + k = max (x+k) (y+k)"
by(simp add: max_def antisym add_right_mono)
have "(\x. f x + k) ` S = (\y. y + k) ` (f ` S)" by auto
also have "Max \ = Max (f ` S) + k"
using assms hom_Max_commute [of "\y. y+k" "f ` S", OF m, symmetric] by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
context linordered_ab_group_add
lemma minus_Max_eq_Min [simp]:
"finite S \ S \ {} \ - Max S = Min (uminus ` S)"
by (induct S rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: minus_max_eq_min)
lemma minus_Min_eq_Max [simp]:
"finite S \ S \ {} \ - Min S = Max (uminus ` S)"
by (induct S rule: finite_ne_induct) (simp_all add: minus_min_eq_max)
context complete_linorder
lemma Min_Inf:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "Min A = Inf A"
proof -
from assms obtain b B where "A = insert b B" and "finite B" by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Min.eq_fold complete_linorder_inf_min [symmetric] inf_Inf_fold_inf inf.commute [of b])
lemma Max_Sup:
assumes "finite A" and "A \ {}"
shows "Max A = Sup A"
proof -
from assms obtain b B where "A = insert b B" and "finite B" by auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Max.eq_fold complete_linorder_sup_max [symmetric] sup_Sup_fold_sup sup.commute [of b])
subsection \<open>Arg Min\<close>
context ord
definition is_arg_min :: "('b \ 'a) \ ('b \ bool) \ 'b \ bool" where
"is_arg_min f P x = (P x \ \(\y. P y \ f y < f x))"
definition arg_min :: "('b \ 'a) \ ('b \ bool) \ 'b" where
"arg_min f P = (SOME x. is_arg_min f P x)"
definition arg_min_on :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b set \ 'b" where
"arg_min_on f S = arg_min f (\x. x \ S)"
"_arg_min" :: "('b \ 'a) \ pttrn \ bool \ 'b"
("(3ARG'_MIN _ _./ _)" [1000, 0, 10] 10)
"ARG_MIN f x. P" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST arg_min f (\<lambda>x. P)"
lemma is_arg_min_linorder: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: linorder"
shows "is_arg_min f P x = (P x \ (\y. P y \ f x \ f y))"
by(auto simp add: is_arg_min_def)
lemma is_arg_min_antimono: fixes f :: "'a \ ('b::order)"
shows "\ is_arg_min f P x; f y \ f x; P y \ \ is_arg_min f P y"
by (simp add: order.order_iff_strict is_arg_min_def)
lemma arg_minI:
"\ P x;
\<And>y. P y \<Longrightarrow> \<not> f y < f x;
\<And>x. \<lbrakk> P x; \<forall>y. P y \<longrightarrow> \<not> f y < f x \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q x \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Q (arg_min f P)"
apply (simp add: arg_min_def is_arg_min_def)
apply (rule someI2_ex)
apply blast
apply blast
lemma arg_min_equality:
"\ P k; \x. P x \ f k \ f x \ \ f (arg_min f P) = f k"
for f :: "_ \ 'a::order"
apply (rule arg_minI)
apply assumption
apply (simp add: less_le_not_le)
by (metis le_less)
lemma wf_linord_ex_has_least:
"\ wf r; \x y. (x, y) \ r\<^sup>+ \ (y, x) \ r\<^sup>*; P k \
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>x. P x \<and> (\<forall>y. P y \<longrightarrow> (m x, m y) \<in> r\<^sup>*)"
apply (drule wf_trancl [THEN wf_eq_minimal [THEN iffD1]])
apply (drule_tac x = "m ` Collect P" in spec)
by force
lemma ex_has_least_nat: "P k \ \x. P x \ (\y. P y \ m x \ m y)"
for m :: "'a \ nat"
apply (simp only: pred_nat_trancl_eq_le [symmetric])
apply (rule wf_pred_nat [THEN wf_linord_ex_has_least])
apply (simp add: less_eq linorder_not_le pred_nat_trancl_eq_le)
by assumption
lemma arg_min_nat_lemma:
"P k \ P(arg_min m P) \ (\y. P y \ m (arg_min m P) \ m y)"
for m :: "'a \ nat"
apply (simp add: arg_min_def is_arg_min_linorder)
apply (rule someI_ex)
apply (erule ex_has_least_nat)
lemmas arg_min_natI = arg_min_nat_lemma [THEN conjunct1]
lemma is_arg_min_arg_min_nat: fixes m :: "'a \ nat"
shows "P x \ is_arg_min m P (arg_min m P)"
by (metis arg_min_nat_lemma is_arg_min_linorder)
lemma arg_min_nat_le: "P x \ m (arg_min m P) \ m x"
for m :: "'a \ nat"
by (rule arg_min_nat_lemma [THEN conjunct2, THEN spec, THEN mp])
lemma ex_min_if_finite:
"\ finite S; S \ {} \ \ \m\S. \(\x\S. x < (m::'a::order))"
by(induction rule: finite.induct) (auto intro: order.strict_trans)
lemma ex_is_arg_min_if_finite: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: order"
shows "\ finite S; S \ {} \ \ \x. is_arg_min f (\x. x \ S) x"
unfolding is_arg_min_def
using ex_min_if_finite[of "f ` S"]
by auto
lemma arg_min_SOME_Min:
"finite S \ arg_min_on f S = (SOME y. y \ S \ f y = Min(f ` S))"
unfolding arg_min_on_def arg_min_def is_arg_min_linorder
apply(rule arg_cong[where f = Eps])
apply (auto simp: fun_eq_iff intro: Min_eqI[symmetric])
lemma arg_min_if_finite: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: order"
assumes "finite S" "S \ {}"
shows "arg_min_on f S \ S" and "\(\x\S. f x < f (arg_min_on f S))"
using ex_is_arg_min_if_finite[OF assms, of f]
unfolding arg_min_on_def arg_min_def is_arg_min_def
by(auto dest!: someI_ex)
lemma arg_min_least: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: linorder"
shows "\ finite S; S \ {}; y \ S \ \ f(arg_min_on f S) \ f y"
by(simp add: arg_min_SOME_Min inv_into_def2[symmetric] f_inv_into_f)
lemma arg_min_inj_eq: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: order"
shows "\ inj_on f {x. P x}; P a; \y. P y \ f a \ f y \ \ arg_min f P = a"
apply(simp add: arg_min_def is_arg_min_def)
apply(rule someI2[of _ a])
apply (simp add: less_le_not_le)
by (metis inj_on_eq_iff less_le mem_Collect_eq)
subsection \<open>Arg Max\<close>
context ord
definition is_arg_max :: "('b \ 'a) \ ('b \ bool) \ 'b \ bool" where
"is_arg_max f P x = (P x \ \(\y. P y \ f y > f x))"
definition arg_max :: "('b \ 'a) \ ('b \ bool) \ 'b" where
"arg_max f P = (SOME x. is_arg_max f P x)"
definition arg_max_on :: "('b \ 'a) \ 'b set \ 'b" where
"arg_max_on f S = arg_max f (\x. x \ S)"
"_arg_max" :: "('b \ 'a) \ pttrn \ bool \ 'a"
("(3ARG'_MAX _ _./ _)" [1000, 0, 10] 10)
"ARG_MAX f x. P" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST arg_max f (\<lambda>x. P)"
lemma is_arg_max_linorder: fixes f :: "'a \ 'b :: linorder"
shows "is_arg_max f P x = (P x \ (\y. P y \ f x \ f y))"
by(auto simp add: is_arg_max_def)
lemma arg_maxI:
"P x \
(\<And>y. P y \<Longrightarrow> \<not> f y > f x) \<Longrightarrow>
(\<And>x. P x \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>y. P y \<longrightarrow> \<not> f y > f x \<Longrightarrow> Q x) \<Longrightarrow>
Q (arg_max f P)"
apply (simp add: arg_max_def is_arg_max_def)
apply (rule someI2_ex)
apply blast
apply blast
lemma arg_max_equality:
"\ P k; \x. P x \ f x \ f k \ \ f (arg_max f P) = f k"
for f :: "_ \ 'a::order"
apply (rule arg_maxI [where f = f])
apply assumption
apply (simp add: less_le_not_le)
by (metis le_less)
lemma ex_has_greatest_nat_lemma:
"P k \ \x. P x \ (\y. P y \ \ f y \ f x) \ \y. P y \ \ f y < f k + n"
for f :: "'a \ nat"
by (induct n) (force simp: le_Suc_eq)+
lemma ex_has_greatest_nat:
"P k \ \y. P y \ f y < b \ \x. P x \ (\y. P y \ f y \ f x)"
for f :: "'a \ nat"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (cut_tac P = P and n = "b - f k" in ex_has_greatest_nat_lemma)
apply (subgoal_tac [3] "f k \ b")
apply auto
lemma arg_max_nat_lemma:
"\ P k; \y. P y \ f y < b \
\<Longrightarrow> P (arg_max f P) \<and> (\<forall>y. P y \<longrightarrow> f y \<le> f (arg_max f P))"
for f :: "'a \ nat"
apply (simp add: arg_max_def is_arg_max_linorder)
apply (rule someI_ex)
apply (erule (1) ex_has_greatest_nat)
lemmas arg_max_natI = arg_max_nat_lemma [THEN conjunct1]
lemma arg_max_nat_le: "P x \ \y. P y \ f y < b \ f x \ f (arg_max f P)"
for f :: "'a \ nat"
by (blast dest: arg_max_nat_lemma [THEN conjunct2, THEN spec, of P])
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