(* Title: HOL/Predicate.thy
Author: Lukas Bulwahn and Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Predicates as enumerations\<close>
theory Predicate
imports String
subsection \<open>The type of predicate enumerations (a monad)\<close>
datatype (plugins only: extraction) (dead 'a) pred = Pred (eval: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool")
lemma pred_eqI:
"(\w. eval P w \ eval Q w) \ P = Q"
by (cases P, cases Q) (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma pred_eq_iff:
"P = Q \ (\w. eval P w \ eval Q w)"
by (simp add: pred_eqI)
instantiation pred :: (type) complete_lattice
"P \ Q \ eval P \ eval Q"
"P < Q \ eval P < eval Q"
"\ = Pred \"
lemma eval_bot [simp]:
"eval \ = \"
by (simp add: bot_pred_def)
"\ = Pred \"
lemma eval_top [simp]:
"eval \ = \"
by (simp add: top_pred_def)
"P \ Q = Pred (eval P \ eval Q)"
lemma eval_inf [simp]:
"eval (P \ Q) = eval P \ eval Q"
by (simp add: inf_pred_def)
"P \ Q = Pred (eval P \ eval Q)"
lemma eval_sup [simp]:
"eval (P \ Q) = eval P \ eval Q"
by (simp add: sup_pred_def)
"\A = Pred (\(eval ` A))"
lemma eval_Inf [simp]:
"eval (\A) = \(eval ` A)"
by (simp add: Inf_pred_def)
"\A = Pred (\(eval ` A))"
lemma eval_Sup [simp]:
"eval (\A) = \(eval ` A)"
by (simp add: Sup_pred_def)
instance proof
qed (auto intro!: pred_eqI simp add: less_eq_pred_def less_pred_def le_fun_def less_fun_def)
lemma eval_INF [simp]:
"eval (\(f ` A)) = \((eval \ f) ` A)"
by (simp add: image_comp)
lemma eval_SUP [simp]:
"eval (\(f ` A)) = \((eval \ f) ` A)"
by (simp add: image_comp)
instantiation pred :: (type) complete_boolean_algebra
"- P = Pred (- eval P)"
lemma eval_compl [simp]:
"eval (- P) = - eval P"
by (simp add: uminus_pred_def)
"P - Q = Pred (eval P - eval Q)"
lemma eval_minus [simp]:
"eval (P - Q) = eval P - eval Q"
by (simp add: minus_pred_def)
instance proof
fix A::"'a pred set set"
show "\(Sup ` A) \ \(Inf ` {f ` A |f. \Y\A. f Y \ Y})"
proof (simp add: less_eq_pred_def Sup_fun_def Inf_fun_def, safe)
fix w
assume A: "\x\A. \f\x. eval f w"
define F where "F = (\ x . SOME f . f \ x \ eval f w)"
have [simp]: "(\f\ (F ` A). eval f w)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) A F_def image_iff some_eq_ex)
have "(\f. F ` A = f ` A \ (\Y\A. f Y \ Y)) \ (\f\(F ` A). eval f w)"
using A by (simp, metis (no_types, lifting) F_def someI)+
from this show "\x. (\f. x = f ` A \ (\Y\A. f Y \ Y)) \ (\f\x. eval f w)"
by (rule exI [of _ "F ` A"])
qed (auto intro!: pred_eqI)
definition single :: "'a \ 'a pred" where
"single x = Pred ((=) x)"
lemma eval_single [simp]:
"eval (single x) = (=) x"
by (simp add: single_def)
definition bind :: "'a pred \ ('a \ 'b pred) \ 'b pred" (infixl "\" 70) where
"P \ f = (\(f ` {x. eval P x}))"
lemma eval_bind [simp]:
"eval (P \ f) = eval (\(f ` {x. eval P x}))"
by (simp add: bind_def)
lemma bind_bind:
"(P \ Q) \ R = P \ (\x. Q x \ R)"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma bind_single:
"P \ single = P"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma single_bind:
"single x \ P = P x"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma bottom_bind:
"\ \ P = \"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma sup_bind:
"(P \ Q) \ R = P \ R \ Q \ R"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma Sup_bind:
"(\A \ f) = \((\x. x \ f) ` A)"
by (rule pred_eqI) auto
lemma pred_iffI:
assumes "\x. eval A x \ eval B x"
and "\x. eval B x \ eval A x"
shows "A = B"
using assms by (auto intro: pred_eqI)
lemma singleI: "eval (single x) x"
by simp
lemma singleI_unit: "eval (single ()) x"
by simp
lemma singleE: "eval (single x) y \ (y = x \ P) \ P"
by simp
lemma singleE': "eval (single x) y \ (x = y \ P) \ P"
by simp
lemma bindI: "eval P x \ eval (Q x) y \ eval (P \ Q) y"
by auto
lemma bindE: "eval (R \ Q) y \ (\x. eval R x \ eval (Q x) y \ P) \ P"
by auto
lemma botE: "eval \ x \ P"
by auto
lemma supI1: "eval A x \ eval (A \ B) x"
by auto
lemma supI2: "eval B x \ eval (A \ B) x"
by auto
lemma supE: "eval (A \ B) x \ (eval A x \ P) \ (eval B x \ P) \ P"
by auto
lemma single_not_bot [simp]:
"single x \ \"
by (auto simp add: single_def bot_pred_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma not_bot:
assumes "A \ \"
obtains x where "eval A x"
using assms by (cases A) (auto simp add: bot_pred_def)
subsection \<open>Emptiness check and definite choice\<close>
definition is_empty :: "'a pred \ bool" where
"is_empty A \ A = \"
lemma is_empty_bot:
"is_empty \"
by (simp add: is_empty_def)
lemma not_is_empty_single:
"\ is_empty (single x)"
by (auto simp add: is_empty_def single_def bot_pred_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma is_empty_sup:
"is_empty (A \ B) \ is_empty A \ is_empty B"
by (auto simp add: is_empty_def)
definition singleton :: "(unit \ 'a) \ 'a pred \ 'a" where
"singleton default A = (if \!x. eval A x then THE x. eval A x else default ())" for default
lemma singleton_eqI:
"\!x. eval A x \ eval A x \ singleton default A = x" for default
by (auto simp add: singleton_def)
lemma eval_singletonI:
"\!x. eval A x \ eval A (singleton default A)" for default
proof -
assume assm: "\!x. eval A x"
then obtain x where x: "eval A x" ..
with assm have "singleton default A = x" by (rule singleton_eqI)
with x show ?thesis by simp
lemma single_singleton:
"\!x. eval A x \ single (singleton default A) = A" for default
proof -
assume assm: "\!x. eval A x"
then have "eval A (singleton default A)"
by (rule eval_singletonI)
moreover from assm have "\x. eval A x \ singleton default A = x"
by (rule singleton_eqI)
ultimately have "eval (single (singleton default A)) = eval A"
by (simp (no_asm_use) add: single_def fun_eq_iff) blast
then have "\x. eval (single (singleton default A)) x = eval A x"
by simp
then show ?thesis by (rule pred_eqI)
lemma singleton_undefinedI:
"\ (\!x. eval A x) \ singleton default A = default ()" for default
by (simp add: singleton_def)
lemma singleton_bot:
"singleton default \ = default ()" for default
by (auto simp add: bot_pred_def intro: singleton_undefinedI)
lemma singleton_single:
"singleton default (single x) = x" for default
by (auto simp add: intro: singleton_eqI singleI elim: singleE)
lemma singleton_sup_single_single:
"singleton default (single x \ single y) = (if x = y then x else default ())" for default
proof (cases "x = y")
case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: singleton_single)
case False
have "eval (single x \ single y) x"
and "eval (single x \ single y) y"
by (auto intro: supI1 supI2 singleI)
with False have "\ (\!z. eval (single x \ single y) z)"
by blast
then have "singleton default (single x \ single y) = default ()"
by (rule singleton_undefinedI)
with False show ?thesis by simp
lemma singleton_sup_aux:
"singleton default (A \ B) = (if A = \ then singleton default B
else if B = \<bottom> then singleton default A
else singleton default
(single (singleton default A) \<squnion> single (singleton default B)))" for default
proof (cases "(\!x. eval A x) \ (\!y. eval B y)")
case True then show ?thesis by (simp add: single_singleton)
case False
from False have A_or_B:
"singleton default A = default () \ singleton default B = default ()"
by (auto intro!: singleton_undefinedI)
then have rhs: "singleton default
(single (singleton default A) \<squnion> single (singleton default B)) = default ()"
by (auto simp add: singleton_sup_single_single singleton_single)
from False have not_unique:
"\ (\!x. eval A x) \ \ (\!y. eval B y)" by simp
show ?thesis proof (cases "A \ \ \ B \ \")
case True
then obtain a b where a: "eval A a" and b: "eval B b"
by (blast elim: not_bot)
with True not_unique have "\ (\!x. eval (A \ B) x)"
by (auto simp add: sup_pred_def bot_pred_def)
then have "singleton default (A \ B) = default ()" by (rule singleton_undefinedI)
with True rhs show ?thesis by simp
case False then show ?thesis by auto
lemma singleton_sup:
"singleton default (A \ B) = (if A = \ then singleton default B
else if B = \<bottom> then singleton default A
else if singleton default A = singleton default B then singleton default A else default ())" for default
using singleton_sup_aux [of default A B] by (simp only: singleton_sup_single_single)
subsection \<open>Derived operations\<close>
definition if_pred :: "bool \ unit pred" where
if_pred_eq: "if_pred b = (if b then single () else \)"
definition holds :: "unit pred \ bool" where
holds_eq: "holds P = eval P ()"
definition not_pred :: "unit pred \ unit pred" where
not_pred_eq: "not_pred P = (if eval P () then \ else single ())"
lemma if_predI: "P \ eval (if_pred P) ()"
unfolding if_pred_eq by (auto intro: singleI)
lemma if_predE: "eval (if_pred b) x \ (b \ x = () \ P) \ P"
unfolding if_pred_eq by (cases b) (auto elim: botE)
lemma not_predI: "\ P \ eval (not_pred (Pred (\u. P))) ()"
unfolding not_pred_eq by (auto intro: singleI)
lemma not_predI': "\ eval P () \ eval (not_pred P) ()"
unfolding not_pred_eq by (auto intro: singleI)
lemma not_predE: "eval (not_pred (Pred (\u. P))) x \ (\ P \ thesis) \ thesis"
unfolding not_pred_eq
by (auto split: if_split_asm elim: botE)
lemma not_predE': "eval (not_pred P) x \ (\ eval P x \ thesis) \ thesis"
unfolding not_pred_eq
by (auto split: if_split_asm elim: botE)
lemma "f () = False \ f () = True"
by simp
lemma closure_of_bool_cases [no_atp]:
fixes f :: "unit \ bool"
assumes "f = (\u. False) \ P f"
assumes "f = (\u. True) \ P f"
shows "P f"
proof -
have "f = (\u. False) \ f = (\u. True)"
apply (cases "f ()")
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: unit_eq)
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: unit_eq)
from this assms show ?thesis by blast
lemma unit_pred_cases:
assumes "P \"
assumes "P (single ())"
shows "P Q"
using assms unfolding bot_pred_def bot_fun_def bot_bool_def empty_def single_def proof (cases Q)
fix f
assume "P (Pred (\u. False))" "P (Pred (\u. () = u))"
then have "P (Pred f)"
by (cases _ f rule: closure_of_bool_cases) simp_all
moreover assume "Q = Pred f"
ultimately show "P Q" by simp
lemma holds_if_pred:
"holds (if_pred b) = b"
unfolding if_pred_eq holds_eq
by (cases b) (auto intro: singleI elim: botE)
lemma if_pred_holds:
"if_pred (holds P) = P"
unfolding if_pred_eq holds_eq
by (rule unit_pred_cases) (auto intro: singleI elim: botE)
lemma is_empty_holds:
"is_empty P \ \ holds P"
unfolding is_empty_def holds_eq
by (rule unit_pred_cases) (auto elim: botE intro: singleI)
definition map :: "('a \ 'b) \ 'a pred \ 'b pred" where
"map f P = P \ (single \ f)"
lemma eval_map [simp]:
"eval (map f P) = (\x\{x. eval P x}. (\y. f x = y))"
by (simp add: map_def comp_def image_comp)
functor map: map
by (rule ext, rule pred_eqI, auto)+
subsection \<open>Implementation\<close>
datatype (plugins only: code extraction) (dead 'a) seq =
| Insert "'a" "'a pred"
| Join "'a pred" "'a seq"
primrec pred_of_seq :: "'a seq \ 'a pred" where
"pred_of_seq Empty = \"
| "pred_of_seq (Insert x P) = single x \ P"
| "pred_of_seq (Join P xq) = P \ pred_of_seq xq"
definition Seq :: "(unit \ 'a seq) \ 'a pred" where
"Seq f = pred_of_seq (f ())"
code_datatype Seq
primrec member :: "'a seq \ 'a \ bool" where
"member Empty x \ False"
| "member (Insert y P) x \ x = y \ eval P x"
| "member (Join P xq) x \ eval P x \ member xq x"
lemma eval_member:
"member xq = eval (pred_of_seq xq)"
proof (induct xq)
case Empty show ?case
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff elim: botE)
case Insert show ?case
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff elim: supE singleE intro: supI1 supI2 singleI)
case Join then show ?case
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff elim: supE intro: supI1 supI2)
lemma eval_code [(* FIXME declare simp *)code]: "eval (Seq f) = member (f ())"
unfolding Seq_def by (rule sym, rule eval_member)
lemma single_code [code]:
"single x = Seq (\u. Insert x \)"
unfolding Seq_def by simp
primrec "apply" :: "('a \ 'b pred) \ 'a seq \ 'b seq" where
"apply f Empty = Empty"
| "apply f (Insert x P) = Join (f x) (Join (P \ f) Empty)"
| "apply f (Join P xq) = Join (P \ f) (apply f xq)"
lemma apply_bind:
"pred_of_seq (apply f xq) = pred_of_seq xq \ f"
proof (induct xq)
case Empty show ?case
by (simp add: bottom_bind)
case Insert show ?case
by (simp add: single_bind sup_bind)
case Join then show ?case
by (simp add: sup_bind)
lemma bind_code [code]:
"Seq g \ f = Seq (\u. apply f (g ()))"
unfolding Seq_def by (rule sym, rule apply_bind)
lemma bot_set_code [code]:
"\ = Seq (\u. Empty)"
unfolding Seq_def by simp
primrec adjunct :: "'a pred \ 'a seq \ 'a seq" where
"adjunct P Empty = Join P Empty"
| "adjunct P (Insert x Q) = Insert x (Q \ P)"
| "adjunct P (Join Q xq) = Join Q (adjunct P xq)"
lemma adjunct_sup:
"pred_of_seq (adjunct P xq) = P \ pred_of_seq xq"
by (induct xq) (simp_all add: sup_assoc sup_commute sup_left_commute)
lemma sup_code [code]:
"Seq f \ Seq g = Seq (\u. case f ()
of Empty \<Rightarrow> g ()
| Insert x P \<Rightarrow> Insert x (P \<squnion> Seq g)
| Join P xq \<Rightarrow> adjunct (Seq g) (Join P xq))"
proof (cases "f ()")
case Empty
thus ?thesis
unfolding Seq_def by (simp add: sup_commute [of "\"])
case Insert
thus ?thesis
unfolding Seq_def by (simp add: sup_assoc)
case Join
thus ?thesis
unfolding Seq_def
by (simp add: adjunct_sup sup_assoc sup_commute sup_left_commute)
primrec contained :: "'a seq \ 'a pred \ bool" where
"contained Empty Q \ True"
| "contained (Insert x P) Q \ eval Q x \ P \ Q"
| "contained (Join P xq) Q \ P \ Q \ contained xq Q"
lemma single_less_eq_eval:
"single x \ P \ eval P x"
by (auto simp add: less_eq_pred_def le_fun_def)
lemma contained_less_eq:
"contained xq Q \ pred_of_seq xq \ Q"
by (induct xq) (simp_all add: single_less_eq_eval)
lemma less_eq_pred_code [code]:
"Seq f \ Q = (case f ()
of Empty \<Rightarrow> True
| Insert x P \<Rightarrow> eval Q x \<and> P \<le> Q
| Join P xq \<Rightarrow> P \<le> Q \<and> contained xq Q)"
by (cases "f ()")
(simp_all add: Seq_def single_less_eq_eval contained_less_eq)
instantiation pred :: (type) equal
definition equal_pred
where [simp]: "HOL.equal P Q \ P = (Q :: 'a pred)"
instance by standard simp
lemma [code]:
"HOL.equal P Q \ P \ Q \ Q \ P" for P Q :: "'a pred"
by auto
lemma [code nbe]:
"HOL.equal P P \ True" for P :: "'a pred"
by (fact equal_refl)
lemma [code]:
"case_pred f P = f (eval P)"
by (fact pred.case_eq_if)
lemma [code]:
"rec_pred f P = f (eval P)"
by (cases P) simp
inductive eq :: "'a \ 'a \ bool" where "eq x x"
lemma eq_is_eq: "eq x y \ (x = y)"
by (rule eq_reflection) (auto intro: eq.intros elim: eq.cases)
primrec null :: "'a seq \ bool" where
"null Empty \ True"
| "null (Insert x P) \ False"
| "null (Join P xq) \ is_empty P \ null xq"
lemma null_is_empty:
"null xq \ is_empty (pred_of_seq xq)"
by (induct xq) (simp_all add: is_empty_bot not_is_empty_single is_empty_sup)
lemma is_empty_code [code]:
"is_empty (Seq f) \ null (f ())"
by (simp add: null_is_empty Seq_def)
primrec the_only :: "(unit \ 'a) \ 'a seq \ 'a" where
"the_only default Empty = default ()" for default
| "the_only default (Insert x P) =
(if is_empty P then x else let y = singleton default P in if x = y then x else default ())" for default
| "the_only default (Join P xq) =
(if is_empty P then the_only default xq else if null xq then singleton default P
else let x = singleton default P; y = the_only default xq in
if x = y then x else default ())" for default
lemma the_only_singleton:
"the_only default xq = singleton default (pred_of_seq xq)" for default
by (induct xq)
(auto simp add: singleton_bot singleton_single is_empty_def
null_is_empty Let_def singleton_sup)
lemma singleton_code [code]:
"singleton default (Seq f) =
(case f () of
Empty \<Rightarrow> default ()
| Insert x P \<Rightarrow> if is_empty P then x
else let y = singleton default P in
if x = y then x else default ()
| Join P xq \<Rightarrow> if is_empty P then the_only default xq
else if null xq then singleton default P
else let x = singleton default P; y = the_only default xq in
if x = y then x else default ())" for default
by (cases "f ()")
(auto simp add: Seq_def the_only_singleton is_empty_def
null_is_empty singleton_bot singleton_single singleton_sup Let_def)
definition the :: "'a pred \ 'a" where
"the A = (THE x. eval A x)"
lemma the_eqI:
"(THE x. eval P x) = x \ the P = x"
by (simp add: the_def)
lemma the_eq [code]: "the A = singleton (\x. Code.abort (STR ''not_unique'') (\_. the A)) A"
by (rule the_eqI) (simp add: singleton_def the_def)
code_reflect Predicate
datatypes pred = Seq and seq = Empty | Insert | Join
ML \<open>
signature PREDICATE =
val anamorph: ('a -> ('b * 'a) option) -> int -> 'a -> 'b list * 'a
datatype 'a pred = Seq of (unit -> 'a seq)
and 'a seq = Empty | Insert of 'a * 'a pred | Join of 'a pred * 'a seq
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a pred -> 'b pred
val yield: 'a pred -> ('a * 'a pred) option
val yieldn: int -> 'a pred -> 'a list * 'a pred
structure Predicate : PREDICATE =
fun anamorph f k x =
(if k = 0 then ([], x)
else case f x
of NONE => ([], x)
| SOME (v, y) => let
val k' = k - 1;
val (vs, z) = anamorph f k' y
in (v :: vs, z) end);
datatype pred = datatype Predicate.pred
datatype seq = datatype Predicate.seq
fun map f = @{code Predicate.map} f;
fun yield (Seq f) = next (f ())
and next Empty = NONE
| next (Insert (x, P)) = SOME (x, P)
| next (Join (P, xq)) = (case yield P
of NONE => next xq
| SOME (x, Q) => SOME (x, Seq (fn _ => Join (Q, xq))));
fun yieldn k = anamorph yield k;
text \<open>Conversion from and to sets\<close>
definition pred_of_set :: "'a set \ 'a pred" where
"pred_of_set = Pred \ (\A x. x \ A)"
lemma eval_pred_of_set [simp]:
"eval (pred_of_set A) x \ x \A"
by (simp add: pred_of_set_def)
definition set_of_pred :: "'a pred \ 'a set" where
"set_of_pred = Collect \ eval"
lemma member_set_of_pred [simp]:
"x \ set_of_pred P \ Predicate.eval P x"
by (simp add: set_of_pred_def)
definition set_of_seq :: "'a seq \ 'a set" where
"set_of_seq = set_of_pred \ pred_of_seq"
lemma member_set_of_seq [simp]:
"x \ set_of_seq xq = Predicate.member xq x"
by (simp add: set_of_seq_def eval_member)
lemma of_pred_code [code]:
"set_of_pred (Predicate.Seq f) = (case f () of
Predicate.Empty \<Rightarrow> {}
| Predicate.Insert x P \<Rightarrow> insert x (set_of_pred P)
| Predicate.Join P xq \<Rightarrow> set_of_pred P \<union> set_of_seq xq)"
by (auto split: seq.split simp add: eval_code)
lemma of_seq_code [code]:
"set_of_seq Predicate.Empty = {}"
"set_of_seq (Predicate.Insert x P) = insert x (set_of_pred P)"
"set_of_seq (Predicate.Join P xq) = set_of_pred P \ set_of_seq xq"
by auto
text \<open>Lazy Evaluation of an indexed function\<close>
function iterate_upto :: "(natural \ 'a) \ natural \ natural \ 'a Predicate.pred"
"iterate_upto f n m =
Predicate.Seq (%u. if n > m then Predicate.Empty
else Predicate.Insert (f n) (iterate_upto f (n + 1) m))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by (relation "measure (%(f, n, m). nat_of_natural (m + 1 - n))")
(auto simp add: less_natural_def)
text \<open>Misc\<close>
declare Inf_set_fold [where 'a = "'a Predicate.pred", code]
declare Sup_set_fold [where 'a = "'a Predicate.pred", code]
(* FIXME: better implement conversion by bisection *)
lemma pred_of_set_fold_sup:
assumes "finite A"
shows "pred_of_set A = Finite_Set.fold sup bot (Predicate.single ` A)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule sym)
interpret comp_fun_idem "sup :: 'a Predicate.pred \ 'a Predicate.pred \ 'a Predicate.pred"
by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup)
from \<open>finite A\<close> show "?rhs = ?lhs" by (induct A) (auto intro!: pred_eqI)
lemma pred_of_set_set_fold_sup:
"pred_of_set (set xs) = fold sup (List.map Predicate.single xs) bot"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem "sup :: 'a Predicate.pred \ 'a Predicate.pred \ 'a Predicate.pred"
by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup)
show ?thesis by (simp add: pred_of_set_fold_sup fold_set_fold [symmetric])
lemma pred_of_set_set_foldr_sup [code]:
"pred_of_set (set xs) = foldr sup (List.map Predicate.single xs) bot"
by (simp add: pred_of_set_set_fold_sup ac_simps foldr_fold fun_eq_iff)
bind (infixl "\" 70)
hide_type (open) pred seq
hide_const (open) Pred eval single bind is_empty singleton if_pred not_pred holds
Empty Insert Join Seq member pred_of_seq "apply" adjunct null the_only eq map the
hide_fact (open) null_def member_def
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