(* Title: HOL/TPTP/mash_eval.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
Copyright 2012
Evaluate proof suggestions from MaSh (Machine-learning for Sledgehammer).
signature MASH_EVAL =
type params = Sledgehammer_Prover.params
val evaluate_mash_suggestions : Proof.context -> params -> int * int option -> string option ->
string list -> string -> unit
structure MaSh_Eval : MASH_EVAL =
open Sledgehammer_Util
open Sledgehammer_Fact
open Sledgehammer_MePo
open Sledgehammer_MaSh
open Sledgehammer_Prover
open Sledgehammer_Prover_ATP
open Sledgehammer_Commands
open MaSh_Export
val prefix = Library.prefix
fun evaluate_mash_suggestions ctxt params range prob_dir_name file_names report_file_name =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val zeros = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
val report_path = report_file_name |> Path.explode
val _ = File.write report_path ""
fun print s = File.append report_path (s ^ "\n")
val {provers, max_facts, slice, type_enc, lam_trans, timeout, ...} = default_params thy []
val prover = hd provers
val max_suggs = generous_max_suggestions (the max_facts)
val method_of_file_name =
perhaps (try (unsuffix "_suggestions")) o List.last o space_explode "/"
val methods = "isar" :: map method_of_file_name file_names
val lines_of = Path.explode #> try File.read_lines #> these
val liness0 = map lines_of file_names
val num_lines = fold (Integer.max o length) liness0 0
fun pad lines = lines @ replicate (num_lines - length lines) ""
val liness' = Ctr_Sugar_Util.transpose (map pad liness0)
val css = clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
val facts = all_facts ctxt true false Keyword.empty_keywords [] [] css
val name_tabs = build_name_tables nickname_of_thm facts
fun with_index facts s = (find_index (curry (op =) s) facts + 1, s)
fun index_str (j, s) = s ^ "@" ^ string_of_int j
val str_of_method = enclose " " ": "
fun str_of_result method facts ({outcome, run_time, used_facts, ...} : prover_result) =
let val facts = facts |> map (fst o fst) in
str_of_method method ^
(if is_none outcome then
"Success (" ^ ATP_Util.string_of_time run_time ^ "): " ^
(used_facts |> map (with_index facts o fst)
|> sort (int_ord o apply2 fst)
|> map index_str
|> space_implode " ") ^
(if length facts < the max_facts then
" (of " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^ ")"
"Failure: " ^
(facts |> take (the max_facts) |> tag_list 1
|> map index_str
|> space_implode " "))
fun solve_goal (j, lines) =
if in_range range j andalso exists (curry (op <>) "") lines then
val get_suggs = extract_suggestions ##> (take max_suggs #> map fst)
val (names, suggss0) = split_list (map get_suggs lines)
val name =
(case names |> filter (curry (op <>) "") |> distinct (op =) of
[name] => name
| names => error ("Input files out of sync: facts " ^ commas (map quote names)))
val th =
case find_first (fn (_, th) => nickname_of_thm th = name) facts of
SOME (_, th) => th
| NONE => error ("No fact called \"" ^ name)
val goal = goal_of_thm (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) th
val (_, hyp_ts, concl_t) = ATP_Util.strip_subgoal goal 1 ctxt
val isar_deps = these (isar_dependencies_of name_tabs th)
val suggss = isar_deps :: suggss0
val facts = facts |> filter (fn (_, th') => thm_less (th', th))
(* adapted from "mirabelle_sledgehammer.ML" *)
fun set_file_name method (SOME dir) =
val prob_prefix = "goal_" ^ string_of_int j ^ "__" ^ encode_str name ^ "__" ^ method
Config.put atp_dest_dir dir
#> Config.put atp_problem_prefix (prob_prefix ^ "__")
#> Config.put SMT_Config.debug_files (dir ^ "/" ^ prob_prefix)
| set_file_name _ NONE = I
fun prove method suggs =
if null facts then
(str_of_method method ^ "Skipped", 0)
fun nickify ((_, stature), th) =
((K (encode_str (nickname_of_thm th)), stature), th)
val facts =
|> find_suggested_facts ctxt facts
|> map (fact_of_raw_fact #> nickify)
|> maybe_instantiate_inducts ctxt hyp_ts concl_t
|> take (the max_facts)
|> map fact_of_raw_fact
val ctxt = ctxt |> set_file_name method prob_dir_name
val res as {outcome, ...} = run_prover_for_mash ctxt params prover name facts goal
val ok = if is_none outcome then 1 else 0
(str_of_result method facts res, ok)
val ress = map2 prove methods suggss
"Goal " ^ string_of_int j ^ ": " ^ name :: map fst ress
|> cat_lines |> print;
map snd ress
val inst_inducts = Config.get ctxt instantiate_inducts
val options =
["prover = " ^ prover,
"max_facts = " ^ string_of_int (the max_facts),
"slice" |> not slice ? prefix "dont_",
"type_enc = " ^ the_default "smart" type_enc,
"lam_trans = " ^ the_default "smart" lam_trans,
"timeout = " ^ ATP_Util.string_of_time timeout,
"instantiate_inducts" |> not inst_inducts ? prefix "dont_"]
val _ = print " * * *";
val _ = print ("Options: " ^ commas options);
val oks = Par_List.map solve_goal (tag_list 1 liness')
val n = length oks
fun total_of method ok =
str_of_method method ^ string_of_int ok ^ " (" ^ Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 1))
(100.0 * Real.fromInt ok / Real.fromInt (Int.max (1, n))) ^ "%)"
val oks' = if n = 0 then zeros else map Integer.sum (map_transpose I oks)
"Successes (of " ^ string_of_int n ^ " goals)" ::
map2 total_of methods oks'
|> cat_lines |> print
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.26 Sekunden
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