(* Title: Pure/General/ord_list.ML
Author: Makarius
Ordered lists without duplicates -- a light-weight representation of
finite sets, all operations take linear time and economize heap usage.
signature ORD_LIST =
type 'a T = 'a list
val make: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list -> 'a T
val member: ('b * 'a -> order) -> 'a T -> 'b -> bool
val insert: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a -> 'a T -> 'a T
val remove: ('b * 'a -> order) -> 'b -> 'a T -> 'a T
val subset: ('b * 'a -> order) -> 'b T * 'a T -> bool
val union: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a T -> 'a T -> 'a T
val unions: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a T list -> 'a T
val merge: ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a T * 'a T -> 'a T
val inter: ('b * 'a -> order) -> 'b T -> 'a T -> 'a T
val subtract: ('b * 'a -> order) -> 'b T -> 'a T -> 'a T
structure Ord_List: ORD_LIST =
type 'a T = 'a list;
fun make ord = sort_distinct ord;
(* single elements *)
fun find_index ord list x =
fun find i [] = ~ i
| find i (y :: ys) =
(case ord (x, y) of
LESS => ~ i
| EQUAL => i
| GREATER => find (i + 1) ys);
in find 1 list end;
fun member ord list x = find_index ord list x > 0;
fun insert ord x list =
fun insrt 1 ys = x :: ys
| insrt i (y :: ys) = y :: insrt (i - 1) ys;
val idx = find_index ord list x;
in if idx > 0 then list else insrt (~ idx) list end;
fun remove ord x list =
fun rmove 1 (_ :: ys) = ys
| rmove i (y :: ys) = y :: rmove (i - 1) ys;
val idx = find_index ord list x;
in if idx > 0 then rmove idx list else list end;
(* lists as sets *)
fun subset ord (list1, list2) =
fun sub [] _ = true
| sub _ [] = false
| sub (lst1 as x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
(case ord (x, y) of
LESS => false
| EQUAL => sub xs ys
| GREATER => sub lst1 ys);
in sub list1 list2 end;
(* algebraic operations *)
exception SAME;
fun handle_same f x = f x handle SAME => x;
(*union: insert elements of first list into second list*)
fun union ord list1 list2 =
fun unio [] _ = raise SAME
| unio xs [] = xs
| unio (lst1 as x :: xs) (lst2 as y :: ys) =
(case ord (x, y) of
LESS => x :: handle_same (unio xs) lst2
| EQUAL => y :: unio xs ys
| GREATER => y :: unio lst1 ys);
in if pointer_eq (list1, list2) then list1 else handle_same (unio list1) list2 end;
fun unions ord lists =
fun unios (xs :: ys :: rest) acc = unios rest (union ord xs ys :: acc)
| unios [xs] (ys :: acc) = unios (union ord xs ys :: acc) []
| unios [xs] [] = xs
| unios [] [] = []
| unios [] acc = unios acc [];
in unios lists [] end;
fun merge ord (list1, list2) = union ord list2 list1;
(*intersection: filter second list for elements present in first list*)
fun inter ord list1 list2 =
fun intr _ [] = raise SAME
| intr [] _ = []
| intr (lst1 as x :: xs) (lst2 as y :: ys) =
(case ord (x, y) of
LESS => intr xs lst2
| EQUAL => y :: intr xs ys
| GREATER => handle_same (intr lst1) ys);
in handle_same (intr list1) list2 end;
(*subtraction: filter second list for elements NOT present in first list*)
fun subtract ord list1 list2 =
fun subtr [] _ = raise SAME
| subtr _ [] = raise SAME
| subtr (lst1 as x :: xs) (lst2 as y :: ys) =
(case ord (x, y) of
LESS => subtr xs lst2
| EQUAL => handle_same (subtr xs) ys
| GREATER => y :: subtr lst1 ys);
in handle_same (subtr list1) list2 end;
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