/* Title: Pure/PIDE/xml.scala
Author: Makarius
Untyped XML trees and basic data representation.
package isabelle
object XML
/** XML trees **/
/* datatype representation */
type Attribute = Properties.Entry
type Attributes = Properties.T
sealed abstract class Tree { override def toString: String = string_of_tree(this) }
type Body = List[Tree]
case class Elem(markup: Markup, body: Body) extends Tree
private lazy val hash: Int = (markup, body).hashCode()
override def hashCode(): Int = hash
def name: String = markup.name
def update_attributes(more_attributes: Attributes): Elem =
if (more_attributes.isEmpty) this
else Elem(markup.update_properties(more_attributes), body)
def + (att: Attribute): Elem = Elem(markup + att, body)
case class Text(content: String) extends Tree
private lazy val hash: Int = content.hashCode()
override def hashCode(): Int = hash
def elem(markup: Markup): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(markup, Nil)
def elem(name: String, body: Body): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(Markup(name, Nil), body)
def elem(name: String): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(Markup(name, Nil), Nil)
val no_text: Text = Text("")
val newline: Text = Text("\n")
/* name space */
object Namespace
def apply(prefix: String, target: String): Namespace =
new Namespace(prefix, target)
final class Namespace private(prefix: String, target: String)
def apply(name: String): String = prefix + ":" + name
val attribute: XML.Attribute = ("xmlns:" + prefix, target)
override def toString: String = attribute.toString
/* wrapped elements */
val XML_ELEM = "xml_elem"
val XML_NAME = "xml_name"
val XML_BODY = "xml_body"
object Wrapped_Elem
def apply(markup: Markup, body1: Body, body2: Body): XML.Elem =
XML.Elem(Markup(XML_ELEM, (XML_NAME, markup.name) :: markup.properties),
XML.Elem(Markup(XML_BODY, Nil), body1) :: body2)
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Markup, Body, Body)] =
tree match {
XML.Elem(Markup(XML_ELEM, (XML_NAME, name) :: props),
XML.Elem(Markup(XML_BODY, Nil), body1) :: body2) =>
Some(Markup(name, props), body1, body2)
case _ => None
object Root_Elem
def apply(body: Body): XML.Elem = XML.Elem(Markup(XML_ELEM, Nil), body)
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Body] =
tree match {
case XML.Elem(Markup(XML_ELEM, Nil), body) => Some(body)
case _ => None
/* traverse text */
def traverse_text[A](body: Body)(a: A)(op: (A, String) => A): A =
def traverse(x: A, t: Tree): A =
t match {
case XML.Wrapped_Elem(_, _, ts) => (x /: ts)(traverse)
case XML.Elem(_, ts) => (x /: ts)(traverse)
case XML.Text(s) => op(x, s)
(a /: body)(traverse)
def text_length(body: Body): Int = traverse_text(body)(0) { case (n, s) => n + s.length }
/* text content */
def content(body: Body): String =
val text = new StringBuilder(text_length(body))
traverse_text(body)(()) { case (_, s) => text.append(s) }
def content(tree: Tree): String = content(List(tree))
/** string representation **/
val header: String = "1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
def output_char(s: StringBuilder, c: Char, permissive: Boolean = false)
c match {
case '<' => s ++= "<"
case '>' => s ++= ">"
case '&' => s ++= "&"
case '"' if !permissive => s ++= """
case '\'' if !permissive => s ++= "'"
case _ => s += c
def output_string(s: StringBuilder, str: String, permissive: Boolean = false)
if (str == null) s ++= str
else str.iterator.foreach(output_char(s, _, permissive = permissive))
def output_elem(s: StringBuilder, markup: Markup, end: Boolean = false)
s += '<'
s ++= markup.name
for ((a, b) <- markup.properties) {
s += ' '
s ++= a
s += '='
s += '"'
output_string(s, b)
s += '"'
if (end) s += '/'
s += '>'
def output_elem_end(s: StringBuilder, name: String)
s += '<'
s += '/'
s ++= name
s += '>'
def string_of_body(body: Body): String =
val s = new StringBuilder
def tree(t: Tree): Unit =
t match {
case XML.Elem(markup, Nil) =>
output_elem(s, markup, end = true)
case XML.Elem(markup, ts) =>
output_elem(s, markup)
output_elem_end(s, markup.name)
case XML.Text(txt) => output_string(s, txt)
def string_of_tree(tree: XML.Tree): String = string_of_body(List(tree))
/** cache **/
object Cache
def make(
xz: XZ.Cache = XZ.Cache.make(),
max_string: Int = isabelle.Cache.default_max_string,
initial_size: Int = isabelle.Cache.default_initial_size): Cache =
new Cache(xz, max_string, initial_size)
val none: Cache = make(XZ.Cache.none, max_string = 0)
class Cache private[XML](val xz: XZ.Cache, max_string: Int, initial_size: Int)
extends isabelle.Cache(max_string, initial_size)
protected def cache_props(x: Properties.T): Properties.T =
if (x.isEmpty) x
lookup(x) match {
case Some(y) => y
case None => store(x.map(p => (Library.isolate_substring(p._1).intern, cache_string(p._2))))
protected def cache_markup(x: Markup): Markup =
lookup(x) match {
case Some(y) => y
case None =>
x match {
case Markup(name, props) =>
store(Markup(cache_string(name), cache_props(props)))
protected def cache_tree(x: XML.Tree): XML.Tree =
lookup(x) match {
case Some(y) => y
case None =>
x match {
case XML.Elem(markup, body) =>
store(XML.Elem(cache_markup(markup), cache_body(body)))
case XML.Text(text) => store(XML.Text(cache_string(text)))
protected def cache_body(x: XML.Body): XML.Body =
if (x.isEmpty) x
lookup(x) match {
case Some(y) => y
case None => x.map(cache_tree)
// support hash-consing
def tree0(x: XML.Tree): XML.Tree =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { lookup(x) getOrElse store(x) }
// main methods
def props(x: Properties.T): Properties.T =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { cache_props(x) }
def markup(x: Markup): Markup =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { cache_markup(x) }
def tree(x: XML.Tree): XML.Tree =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { cache_tree(x) }
def body(x: XML.Body): XML.Body =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { cache_body(x) }
def elem(x: XML.Elem): XML.Elem =
if (no_cache) x else synchronized { cache_tree(x).asInstanceOf[XML.Elem] }
/** XML as data representation language **/
abstract class Error(s: String) extends Exception(s)
class XML_Atom(s: String) extends Error(s)
class XML_Body(body: XML.Body) extends Error("")
object Encode
type T[A] = A => XML.Body
type V[A] = PartialFunction[A, (List[String], XML.Body)]
type P[A] = PartialFunction[A, List[String]]
/* atomic values */
def long_atom(i: Long): String = Library.signed_string_of_long(i)
def int_atom(i: Int): String = Library.signed_string_of_int(i)
def bool_atom(b: Boolean): String = if (b) "1" else "0"
def unit_atom(u: Unit) = ""
/* structural nodes */
private def node(ts: XML.Body): XML.Tree = XML.Elem(Markup(":", Nil), ts)
private def vector(xs: List[String]): XML.Attributes =
xs.zipWithIndex.map({ case (x, i) => (int_atom(i), x) })
private def tagged(tag: Int, data: (List[String], XML.Body)): XML.Tree =
XML.Elem(Markup(int_atom(tag), vector(data._1)), data._2)
/* representation of standard types */
val tree: T[XML.Tree] = (t => List(t))
val properties: T[Properties.T] =
(props => List(XML.Elem(Markup(":", props), Nil)))
val string: T[String] = (s => if (s.isEmpty) Nil else List(XML.Text(s)))
val long: T[Long] = (x => string(long_atom(x)))
val int: T[Int] = (x => string(int_atom(x)))
val bool: T[Boolean] = (x => string(bool_atom(x)))
val unit: T[Unit] = (x => string(unit_atom(x)))
def pair[A, B](f: T[A], g: T[B]): T[(A, B)] =
(x => List(node(f(x._1)), node(g(x._2))))
def triple[A, B, C](f: T[A], g: T[B], h: T[C]): T[(A, B, C)] =
(x => List(node(f(x._1)), node(g(x._2)), node(h(x._3))))
def list[A](f: T[A]): T[List[A]] =
(xs => xs.map((x: A) => node(f(x))))
def option[A](f: T[A]): T[Option[A]] =
case None => Nil
case Some(x) => List(node(f(x)))
def variant[A](fs: List[V[A]]): T[A] =
case x =>
val (f, tag) = fs.iterator.zipWithIndex.find(p => p._1.isDefinedAt(x)).get
List(tagged(tag, f(x)))
object Decode
type T[A] = XML.Body => A
type V[A] = (List[String], XML.Body) => A
type P[A] = PartialFunction[List[String], A]
/* atomic values */
def long_atom(s: String): Long =
try { java.lang.Long.parseLong(s) }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => throw new XML_Atom(s) }
def int_atom(s: String): Int =
try { Integer.parseInt(s) }
catch { case e: NumberFormatException => throw new XML_Atom(s) }
def bool_atom(s: String): Boolean =
if (s == "1") true
else if (s == "0") false
else throw new XML_Atom(s)
def unit_atom(s: String): Unit =
if (s == "") () else throw new XML_Atom(s)
/* structural nodes */
private def node(t: XML.Tree): XML.Body =
t match {
case XML.Elem(Markup(":", Nil), ts) => ts
case _ => throw new XML_Body(List(t))
private def vector(atts: XML.Attributes): List[String] =
{ case ((a, x), i) => if (int_atom(a) == i) x else throw new XML_Atom(a) }).toList
private def tagged(t: XML.Tree): (Int, (List[String], XML.Body)) =
t match {
case XML.Elem(Markup(name, atts), ts) => (int_atom(name), (vector(atts), ts))
case _ => throw new XML_Body(List(t))
/* representation of standard types */
val tree: T[XML.Tree] =
case List(t) => t
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
val properties: T[Properties.T] =
case List(XML.Elem(Markup(":", props), Nil)) => props
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
val string: T[String] =
case Nil => ""
case List(XML.Text(s)) => s
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
val long: T[Long] = (x => long_atom(string(x)))
val int: T[Int] = (x => int_atom(string(x)))
val bool: T[Boolean] = (x => bool_atom(string(x)))
val unit: T[Unit] = (x => unit_atom(string(x)))
def pair[A, B](f: T[A], g: T[B]): T[(A, B)] =
case List(t1, t2) => (f(node(t1)), g(node(t2)))
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
def triple[A, B, C](f: T[A], g: T[B], h: T[C]): T[(A, B, C)] =
case List(t1, t2, t3) => (f(node(t1)), g(node(t2)), h(node(t3)))
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
def list[A](f: T[A]): T[List[A]] =
(ts => ts.map(t => f(node(t))))
def option[A](f: T[A]): T[Option[A]] =
case Nil => None
case List(t) => Some(f(node(t)))
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
def variant[A](fs: List[V[A]]): T[A] =
case List(t) =>
val (tag, (xs, ts)) = tagged(t)
val f =
try { fs(tag) }
catch { case _: IndexOutOfBoundsException => throw new XML_Body(List(t)) }
f(xs, ts)
case ts => throw new XML_Body(ts)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.10 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.