/* Title: Pure/System/options.scala
Author: Makarius
System options with external string representation.
package isabelle
object Options
type Spec = (String, Option[String])
val empty: Options = new Options()
/* representation */
sealed abstract class Type
def print: String = Word.lowercase(toString)
case object Bool extends Type
case object Int extends Type
case object Real extends Type
case object String extends Type
case object Unknown extends Type
case class Opt(
public: Boolean,
pos: Position.T,
name: String,
typ: Type,
value: String,
default_value: String,
description: String,
section: String)
private def print(default: Boolean): String =
val x = if (default) default_value else value
"option " + name + " : " + typ.print + " = " +
(if (typ == Options.String) quote(x) else x) +
(if (description == "") "" else "\n -- " + quote(description))
def print: String = print(false)
def print_default: String = print(true)
def title(strip: String = ""): String =
val words = Word.explode('_', name)
val words1 =
words match {
case word :: rest if word == strip => rest
case _ => words
def unknown: Boolean = typ == Unknown
/* parsing */
private val SECTION = "section"
private val PUBLIC = "public"
private val OPTION = "option"
private val OPTIONS = Path.explode("etc/options")
private val PREFS = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/preferences")
val options_syntax: Outer_Syntax =
Outer_Syntax.empty + ":" + "=" + "--" + Symbol.comment + Symbol.comment_decoded +
val prefs_syntax: Outer_Syntax = Outer_Syntax.empty + "="
trait Parser extends Parse.Parser
val option_name: Parser[String] = atom("option name", _.is_name)
val option_type: Parser[String] = atom("option type", _.is_name)
val option_value: Parser[String] =
opt(token("-", tok => tok.is_sym_ident && tok.content == "-")) ~ atom("nat", _.is_nat) ^^
{ case s ~ n => if (s.isDefined) "-" + n else n } |
atom("option value", tok => tok.is_name || tok.is_float)
private object Parser extends Parser
def comment_marker: Parser[String] =
$$$("--") | $$$(Symbol.comment) | $$$(Symbol.comment_decoded)
val option_entry: Parser[Options => Options] =
command(SECTION) ~! text ^^
{ case _ ~ a => (options: Options) => options.set_section(a) } |
opt($$$(PUBLIC)) ~ command(OPTION) ~! (position(option_name) ~ $$$(":") ~ option_type ~
$$$("=") ~ option_value ~ (comment_marker ~! text ^^ { case _ ~ x => x } | success(""))) ^^
{ case a ~ _ ~ ((b, pos) ~ _ ~ c ~ _ ~ d ~ e) =>
(options: Options) => options.declare(a.isDefined, pos, b, c, d, e) }
val prefs_entry: Parser[Options => Options] =
option_name ~ ($$$("=") ~! option_value) ^^
{ case a ~ (_ ~ b) => (options: Options) => options.add_permissive(a, b) }
def parse_file(options: Options, file_name: String, content: String,
syntax: Outer_Syntax = options_syntax,
parser: Parser[Options => Options] = option_entry): Options =
val toks = Token.explode(syntax.keywords, content)
val ops =
parse_all(rep(parser), Token.reader(toks, Token.Pos.file(file_name))) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case bad => error(bad.toString)
try { (options.set_section("") /: ops) { case (opts, op) => op(opts) } }
catch { case ERROR(msg) => error(msg + Position.here(Position.File(file_name))) }
def parse_prefs(options: Options, content: String): Options =
parse_file(options, PREFS.file_name, content, syntax = prefs_syntax, parser = prefs_entry)
def read_prefs(file: Path = PREFS): String =
if (file.is_file) File.read(file) else ""
def init(prefs: String = read_prefs(PREFS), opts: List[String] = Nil): Options =
var options = empty
for {
dir <- Isabelle_System.components()
file = dir + OPTIONS if file.is_file
} { options = Parser.parse_file(options, file.implode, File.read(file)) }
(Options.Parser.parse_prefs(options, prefs) /: opts)(_ + _)
/* encode */
val encode: XML.Encode.T[Options] = (options => options.encode)
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("options", "print Isabelle system options",
Scala_Project.here, args =>
var build_options = false
var get_option = ""
var list_options = false
var export_file = ""
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle options [OPTIONS] [MORE_OPTIONS ...]
Options are:
-g OPTION get value of OPTION
-l list options
-x FILE export options to FILE in YXML format
Report Isabelle system options, augmented by MORE_OPTIONS given as
arguments NAME=VAL or NAME.
"b" -> (_ => build_options = true),
"g:" -> (arg => get_option = arg),
"l" -> (_ => list_options = true),
"x:" -> (arg => export_file = arg))
val more_options = getopts(args)
if (get_option == "" && !list_options && export_file == "") getopts.usage()
val options =
val options0 = Options.init()
val options1 =
if (build_options)
(options0 /: Word.explode(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS")))(_ + _)
else options0
(options1 /: more_options)(_ + _)
if (get_option != "")
Output.writeln(options.check_name(get_option).value, stdout = true)
if (export_file != "")
File.write(Path.explode(export_file), YXML.string_of_body(options.encode))
if (get_option == "" && export_file == "")
Output.writeln(options.print, stdout = true)
final class Options private(
val options: Map[String, Options.Opt] = Map.empty,
val section: String = "")
override def toString: String = options.iterator.mkString("Options(", ",", ")")
private def print_opt(opt: Options.Opt): String =
if (opt.public) "public " + opt.print else opt.print
def print: String = cat_lines(options.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(p => print_opt(p._2)))
def description(name: String): String = check_name(name).description
/* check */
def check_name(name: String): Options.Opt =
options.get(name) match {
case Some(opt) if !opt.unknown => opt
case _ => error("Unknown option " + quote(name))
private def check_type(name: String, typ: Options.Type): Options.Opt =
val opt = check_name(name)
if (opt.typ == typ) opt
else error("Ill-typed option " + quote(name) + " : " + opt.typ.print + " vs. " + typ.print)
/* basic operations */
private def put[A](name: String, typ: Options.Type, value: String): Options =
val opt = check_type(name, typ)
new Options(options + (name -> opt.copy(value = value)), section)
private def get[A](name: String, typ: Options.Type, parse: String => Option[A]): A =
val opt = check_type(name, typ)
parse(opt.value) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None =>
error("Malformed value for option " + quote(name) +
" : " + typ.print + " =\n" + quote(opt.value))
/* internal lookup and update */
class Bool_Access
def apply(name: String): Boolean = get(name, Options.Bool, Value.Boolean.unapply)
def update(name: String, x: Boolean): Options =
put(name, Options.Bool, Value.Boolean(x))
val bool = new Bool_Access
class Int_Access
def apply(name: String): Int = get(name, Options.Int, Value.Int.unapply)
def update(name: String, x: Int): Options =
put(name, Options.Int, Value.Int(x))
val int = new Int_Access
class Real_Access
def apply(name: String): Double = get(name, Options.Real, Value.Double.unapply)
def update(name: String, x: Double): Options =
put(name, Options.Real, Value.Double(x))
val real = new Real_Access
class String_Access
def apply(name: String): String = get(name, Options.String, s => Some(s))
def update(name: String, x: String): Options = put(name, Options.String, x)
val string = new String_Access
def proper_string(name: String): Option[String] =
def seconds(name: String): Time = Time.seconds(real(name))
/* external updates */
private def check_value(name: String): Options =
val opt = check_name(name)
opt.typ match {
case Options.Bool => bool(name); this
case Options.Int => int(name); this
case Options.Real => real(name); this
case Options.String => string(name); this
case Options.Unknown => this
def declare(
public: Boolean,
pos: Position.T,
name: String,
typ_name: String,
value: String,
description: String): Options =
options.get(name) match {
case Some(other) =>
error("Duplicate declaration of option " + quote(name) + Position.here(pos) +
case None =>
val typ =
typ_name match {
case "bool" => Options.Bool
case "int" => Options.Int
case "real" => Options.Real
case "string" => Options.String
case _ =>
error("Unknown type for option " + quote(name) + " : " + quote(typ_name) +
val opt = Options.Opt(public, pos, name, typ, value, value, description, section)
(new Options(options + (name -> opt), section)).check_value(name)
def add_permissive(name: String, value: String): Options =
if (options.isDefinedAt(name)) this + (name, value)
else {
val opt = Options.Opt(false, Position.none, name, Options.Unknown, value, value, "", "")
new Options(options + (name -> opt), section)
def + (name: String, value: String): Options =
val opt = check_name(name)
(new Options(options + (name -> opt.copy(value = value)), section)).check_value(name)
def + (name: String, opt_value: Option[String]): Options =
val opt = check_name(name)
opt_value match {
case Some(value) => this + (name, value)
case None if opt.typ == Options.Bool => this + (name, "true")
case None => error("Missing value for option " + quote(name) + " : " + opt.typ.print)
def + (str: String): Options =
str.indexOf('=') match {
case -1 => this + (str, None)
case i => this + (str.substring(0, i), str.substring(i + 1))
def ++ (specs: List[Options.Spec]): Options =
(this /: specs)({ case (x, (y, z)) => x + (y, z) })
/* sections */
def set_section(new_section: String): Options =
new Options(options, new_section)
def sections: List[(String, List[Options.Opt])] =
options.groupBy(_._2.section).toList.map({ case (a, opts) => (a, opts.toList.map(_._2)) })
/* encode */
def encode: XML.Body =
val opts =
for ((_, opt) <- options.toList; if !opt.unknown)
yield (opt.pos, (opt.name, (opt.typ.print, opt.value)))
import XML.Encode.{string => string_, _}
list(pair(properties, pair(string_, pair(string_, string_))))(opts)
/* save preferences */
def save_prefs(file: Path = Options.PREFS)
val defaults: Options = Options.init(prefs = "")
val changed =
(for {
(name, opt2) <- options.iterator
opt1 = defaults.options.get(name)
if opt1.isEmpty || opt1.get.value != opt2.value
} yield (name, opt2.value, if (opt1.isEmpty) " (* unknown *)" else "")).toList
val prefs =
.map({ case (x, y, z) => x + " = " + Outer_Syntax.quote_string(y) + z + "\n" }).mkString
File.write_backup(file, "(* generated by Isabelle " + Date.now() + " *)\n\n" + prefs)
class Options_Variable(init_options: Options)
private var options = init_options
def value: Options = synchronized { options }
private def upd(f: Options => Options): Unit = synchronized { options = f(options) }
def += (name: String, x: String): Unit = upd(opts => opts + (name, x))
class Bool_Access
def apply(name: String): Boolean = value.bool(name)
def update(name: String, x: Boolean): Unit = upd(opts => opts.bool.update(name, x))
val bool = new Bool_Access
class Int_Access
def apply(name: String): Int = value.int(name)
def update(name: String, x: Int): Unit = upd(opts => opts.int.update(name, x))
val int = new Int_Access
class Real_Access
def apply(name: String): Double = value.real(name)
def update(name: String, x: Double): Unit = upd(opts => opts.real.update(name, x))
val real = new Real_Access
class String_Access
def apply(name: String): String = value.string(name)
def update(name: String, x: String): Unit = upd(opts => opts.string.update(name, x))
val string = new String_Access
def proper_string(name: String): Option[String] =
def seconds(name: String): Time = value.seconds(name)
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