Spracherkennung für: .bsh vermutete Sprache: Latech {Latech[45] CS[84] Ada[146]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
* Emulates the Emacs "center-line" command, documented as follows (in
* GNU Emacs):
* center-line is an interactive compiled Lisp function in
* `textmodes/text-mode'.
* (center-line &optional NLINES)
* Center the line point is on, within the width specified by `fill-column'.
* This means adjusting the indentation so that it equals
* the distance between the end of the text and `fill-column'.
* The argument NLINES says how many lines to center.
source (MiscUtilities.constructPath(dirname(scriptPath), "EmacsUtil.bsh"));
void emacsCenterLine()
caret = textArea.getCaretPosition();
caretLine = textArea.getCaretLine();
lineStart = textArea.getLineStartOffset (caretLine);
lineEnd = textArea.getLineEndOffset (caretLine);
lineIndex = textArea.getLineOfOffset (caretLine);
defaultFillColumn = getCardinalProperty ("buffer.maxLineLen", 79);
// Convert the buffer name into a property name.
propName = makeBufferPropertyName ("emacs.fillColumn.");
// Get the buffer-specific fill column.
fillColumn = getCardinalProperty (propName, defaultFillColumn);
if ((! atEndOfBuffer()) && (lineStart < lineEnd))
// Be sure to ignore trailing newline.
int len = lineEnd - lineStart - 1;
String line = textArea.getText (lineStart, len).trim();
StringBuffer paddedString = new StringBuffer (fillColumn);
int paddingNeeded;
int frontPadding;
int tailPadding;
int i;
len = line.length();
paddingNeeded = (fillColumn < len) ? 0 : (fillColumn - len);
i = paddingNeeded / 2;
frontPadding = i;
tailPadding = i + (paddingNeeded % 2);
for (i = 0; i < frontPadding; i++)
paddedString.append (' ');
paddedString.append (line);
selection = new Selection.Range (lineStart, lineEnd - 1);
textArea.setSelection (selection);
textArea.setSelectedText (paddedString.toString());
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.93 Sekunden