/* Title: Tools/jEdit/src/output_dockable.scala
Author: Makarius
Dockable window with result message output.
package isabelle.jedit
import isabelle._
import isabelle.jedit_base.Dockable
import scala.swing.{Button, CheckBox}
import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
import java.awt.BorderLayout
import java.awt.event.{ComponentEvent, ComponentAdapter}
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.View
class Output_Dockable(view: View, position: String) extends Dockable(view, position)
/* component state -- owned by GUI thread */
private var do_update = true
private var current_output: List[XML.Tree] = Nil
/* pretty text area */
val pretty_text_area = new Pretty_Text_Area(view)
override def detach_operation: Option[() => Unit] = pretty_text_area.detach_operation
private def handle_resize()
GUI_Thread.require {}
Font_Info.main(PIDE.options.real("jedit_font_scale") * zoom.factor / 100))
private def handle_update(follow: Boolean, restriction: Option[Set[Command]])
GUI_Thread.require {}
for {
snapshot <- PIDE.editor.current_node_snapshot(view)
if follow && !snapshot.is_outdated
} {
val (command, results) =
PIDE.editor.current_command(view, snapshot) match {
case Some(command) => (command, snapshot.command_results(command))
case None => (Command.empty, Command.Results.empty)
val new_output =
if (restriction.isEmpty || restriction.get.contains(command))
else current_output
if (current_output != new_output) {
pretty_text_area.update(snapshot, results, Pretty.separate(new_output))
current_output = new_output
/* controls */
private def output_state: Boolean = PIDE.options.bool("editor_output_state")
private def output_state_=(b: Boolean)
if (output_state != b) {
PIDE.options.bool("editor_output_state") = b
PIDE.editor.flush_edits(hidden = true)
private val output_state_button = new CheckBox("Proof state")
tooltip = "Output of proof state (normally shown on State panel)"
reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => output_state = selected }
selected = output_state
private val auto_update_button = new CheckBox("Auto update") {
tooltip = "Indicate automatic update following cursor movement"
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => do_update = this.selected; handle_update(do_update, None) }
selected = do_update
private val update_button = new Button("Update") {
tooltip = "Update display according to the command at cursor position"
reactions += { case ButtonClicked(_) => handle_update(true, None) }
private val zoom = new Font_Info.Zoom_Box { def changed = handle_resize() }
private val controls =
List(output_state_button, auto_update_button,
update_button, pretty_text_area.search_label, pretty_text_area.search_field, zoom))
add(controls.peer, BorderLayout.NORTH)
/* main */
private val main =
Session.Consumer[Any](getClass.getName) {
case _: Session.Global_Options =>
GUI_Thread.later {
output_state_button.selected = output_state
handle_update(do_update, None)
case changed: Session.Commands_Changed =>
val restriction = if (changed.assignment) None else Some(changed.commands)
GUI_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, restriction) }
case Session.Caret_Focus =>
GUI_Thread.later { handle_update(do_update, None) }
override def init()
PIDE.session.global_options += main
PIDE.session.commands_changed += main
PIDE.session.caret_focus += main
handle_update(true, None)
override def exit()
PIDE.session.global_options -= main
PIDE.session.commands_changed -= main
PIDE.session.caret_focus -= main
/* resize */
private val delay_resize =
Delay.first(PIDE.options.seconds("editor_update_delay"), gui = true) { handle_resize() }
addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter {
override def componentResized(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
override def componentShown(e: ComponentEvent) { delay_resize.invoke() }
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.