(* Title: Tools/subtyping.ML
Author: Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen
Coercive subtyping via subtype constraints.
signature SUBTYPING =
val coercion_enabled: bool Config.T
val add_type_map: term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val add_coercion: term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val print_coercions: Proof.context -> unit
structure Subtyping: SUBTYPING =
(** coercions data **)
datatype coerce_arg = PERMIT | FORBID | LEAVE
datatype data = Data of
{coes: (term * ((typ list * typ list) * term list)) Symreltab.table, (*coercions table*)
(*full coercions graph - only used at coercion declaration/deletion*)
full_graph: int Graph.T,
(*coercions graph restricted to base types - for efficiency reasons stored in the context*)
coes_graph: int Graph.T,
tmaps: (term * variance list) Symtab.table, (*map functions*)
coerce_args: coerce_arg list Symtab.table (*special constants with non-coercible arguments*)};
fun make_data (coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args) =
Data {coes = coes, full_graph = full_graph, coes_graph = coes_graph,
tmaps = tmaps, coerce_args = coerce_args};
fun merge_error_coes (a, b) =
error ("Cannot merge coercion tables.\nConflicting declarations for coercions from " ^
quote a ^ " to " ^ quote b ^ ".");
fun merge_error_tmaps C =
error ("Cannot merge coercion map tables.\nConflicting declarations for the constructor " ^
quote C ^ ".");
fun merge_error_coerce_args C =
error ("Cannot merge tables for constants with coercion-invariant arguments.\n" ^
"Conflicting declarations for the constant " ^ quote C ^ ".");
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = data;
val empty = make_data (Symreltab.empty, Graph.empty, Graph.empty, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
val extend = I;
fun merge
(Data {coes = coes1, full_graph = full_graph1, coes_graph = coes_graph1,
tmaps = tmaps1, coerce_args = coerce_args1},
Data {coes = coes2, full_graph = full_graph2, coes_graph = coes_graph2,
tmaps = tmaps2, coerce_args = coerce_args2}) =
make_data (Symreltab.merge (eq_pair (op aconv)
(eq_pair (eq_pair (eq_list (op =)) (eq_list (op =))) (eq_list (op aconv))))
(coes1, coes2) handle Symreltab.DUP key => merge_error_coes key,
Graph.merge (op =) (full_graph1, full_graph2),
Graph.merge (op =) (coes_graph1, coes_graph2),
Symtab.merge (eq_pair (op aconv) (op =)) (tmaps1, tmaps2)
handle Symtab.DUP key => merge_error_tmaps key,
Symtab.merge (eq_list (op =)) (coerce_args1, coerce_args2)
handle Symtab.DUP key => merge_error_coerce_args key);
fun map_data f =
Data.map (fn Data {coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args} =>
make_data (f (coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args)));
fun map_coes_and_graphs f =
map_data (fn (coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args) =>
let val (coes', full_graph', coes_graph') = f (coes, full_graph, coes_graph);
in (coes', full_graph', coes_graph', tmaps, coerce_args) end);
fun map_tmaps f =
map_data (fn (coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args) =>
(coes, full_graph, coes_graph, f tmaps, coerce_args));
fun map_coerce_args f =
map_data (fn (coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, coerce_args) =>
(coes, full_graph, coes_graph, tmaps, f coerce_args));
val rep_data = (fn Data args => args) o Data.get o Context.Proof;
val coes_of = #coes o rep_data;
val coes_graph_of = #coes_graph o rep_data;
val tmaps_of = #tmaps o rep_data;
val coerce_args_of = #coerce_args o rep_data;
(** utils **)
fun restrict_graph G = Graph.restrict (fn x => Graph.get_node G x = 0) G;
fun nameT (Type (s, [])) = s;
fun t_of s = Type (s, []);
fun sort_of (TFree (_, S)) = SOME S
| sort_of (TVar (_, S)) = SOME S
| sort_of _ = NONE;
val is_typeT = fn (Type _) => true | _ => false;
val is_compT = fn (Type (_, _ :: _)) => true | _ => false;
val is_freeT = fn (TFree _) => true | _ => false;
val is_fixedvarT = fn (TVar (xi, _)) => not (Type_Infer.is_param xi) | _ => false;
val is_funtype = fn (Type ("fun", [_, _])) => true | _ => false;
fun mk_identity T = Abs (Name.uu, T, Bound 0);
val is_identity = fn (Abs (_, _, Bound 0)) => true | _ => false;
fun instantiate t Ts = Term.subst_TVars
((Term.add_tvar_namesT (fastype_of t) []) ~~ rev Ts) t;
exception COERCION_GEN_ERROR of unit -> string * Buffer.T;
infixr ++> (*composition with deferred error message*)
fun (err : unit -> string * Buffer.T) ++> s =
err #> apsnd (Buffer.add s);
fun eval_err err =
let val (s, buf) = err ()
in s ^ Markup.markup Markup.text_fold (Buffer.content buf) end;
fun eval_error err = error (eval_err err);
fun inst_collect tye err T U =
(case (T, Type_Infer.deref tye U) of
(TVar (xi, _), U) => [(xi, U)]
| (Type (a, Ts), Type (b, Us)) =>
if a <> b then eval_error err else inst_collects tye err Ts Us
| (_, U') => if T <> U' then eval_error err else [])
and inst_collects tye err Ts Us =
fold2 (fn T => fn U => fn is => inst_collect tye err T U @ is) Ts Us [];
(* unification *)
exception NO_UNIFIER of string * typ Vartab.table;
fun unify weak ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val arity_sorts = Proof_Context.arity_sorts ctxt;
(* adjust sorts of parameters *)
fun not_of_sort x S' S =
"Variable " ^ x ^ "::" ^ Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S' ^ " not of sort " ^
Syntax.string_of_sort ctxt S;
fun meet (_, []) tye_idx = tye_idx
| meet (Type (a, Ts), S) (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
meets (Ts, arity_sorts a S handle ERROR msg => raise NO_UNIFIER (msg, tye)) tye_idx
| meet (TFree (x, S'), S) (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
if Sign.subsort thy (S', S) then tye_idx
else raise NO_UNIFIER (not_of_sort x S' S, tye)
| meet (TVar (xi, S'), S) (tye_idx as (tye, idx)) =
if Sign.subsort thy (S', S) then tye_idx
else if Type_Infer.is_param xi then
(xi, Type_Infer.mk_param idx (Sign.inter_sort thy (S', S))) tye, idx + 1)
else raise NO_UNIFIER (not_of_sort (Term.string_of_vname xi) S' S, tye)
and meets (T :: Ts, S :: Ss) (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
meets (Ts, Ss) (meet (Type_Infer.deref tye T, S) tye_idx)
| meets _ tye_idx = tye_idx;
val weak_meet = if weak then fn _ => I else meet;
(* occurs check and assignment *)
fun occurs_check tye xi (TVar (xi', _)) =
if xi = xi' then raise NO_UNIFIER ("Occurs check!", tye)
(case Vartab.lookup tye xi' of
NONE => ()
| SOME T => occurs_check tye xi T)
| occurs_check tye xi (Type (_, Ts)) = List.app (occurs_check tye xi) Ts
| occurs_check _ _ _ = ();
fun assign xi (T as TVar (xi', _)) S env =
if xi = xi' then env
else env |> weak_meet (T, S) |>> Vartab.update_new (xi, T)
| assign xi T S (env as (tye, _)) =
(occurs_check tye xi T; env |> weak_meet (T, S) |>> Vartab.update_new (xi, T));
(* unification *)
fun show_tycon (a, Ts) =
quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (Type (a, replicate (length Ts) dummyT)));
fun unif (T1, T2) (env as (tye, _)) =
(case apply2 (`Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) (T1, T2) of
((true, TVar (xi, S)), (_, T)) => assign xi T S env
| ((_, T), (true, TVar (xi, S))) => assign xi T S env
| ((_, Type (a, Ts)), (_, Type (b, Us))) =>
if weak andalso null Ts andalso null Us then env
else if a <> b then
("Clash of types " ^ show_tycon (a, Ts) ^ " and " ^ show_tycon (b, Us), tye)
else fold unif (Ts ~~ Us) env
| ((_, T), (_, U)) => if T = U then env else raise NO_UNIFIER ("", tye));
in unif end;
val weak_unify = unify true;
val strong_unify = unify false;
(* Typ_Graph shortcuts *)
fun get_preds G T = Typ_Graph.all_preds G [T];
fun get_succs G T = Typ_Graph.all_succs G [T];
fun maybe_new_typnode T G = perhaps (try (Typ_Graph.new_node (T, ()))) G;
fun maybe_new_typnodes Ts G = fold maybe_new_typnode Ts G;
fun new_imm_preds G Ts = (* FIXME inefficient *)
subtract (op =) Ts (distinct (op =) (maps (Typ_Graph.immediate_preds G) Ts));
fun new_imm_succs G Ts = (* FIXME inefficient *)
subtract (op =) Ts (distinct (op =) (maps (Typ_Graph.immediate_succs G) Ts));
(* Graph shortcuts *)
fun maybe_new_node s G = perhaps (try (Graph.new_node s)) G;
fun maybe_new_nodes ss G = fold maybe_new_node ss G;
(** error messages **)
fun gen_err err msg =
err ++> ("\nNow trying to infer coercions globally.\n\nCoercion inference failed" ^
(if msg = "" then "" else ":\n" ^ msg) ^ "\n");
val gen_msg = eval_err oo gen_err
fun prep_output ctxt tye bs ts Ts =
val (Ts_bTs', ts') = Type_Infer.finish ctxt tye (Ts @ map snd bs, ts);
val (Ts', Ts'') = chop (length Ts) Ts_bTs';
fun prep t =
let val xs = rev (Term.variant_frees t (rev (map fst bs ~~ Ts'')))
in Term.subst_bounds (map Syntax_Trans.mark_bound_abs xs, t) end;
in (map prep ts', Ts') end;
fun err_loose i = error ("Loose bound variable: B." ^ string_of_int i);
fun unif_failed msg =
"Type unification failed" ^ (if msg = "" then "" else ": " ^ msg) ^ "\n\n";
fun err_appl_msg ctxt msg tye bs t T u U () =
let val ([t', u'], [T', U']) = prep_output ctxt tye bs [t, u] [T, U] in
(unif_failed msg ^ Type.appl_error ctxt t' T' u' U' ^ "\n\n",
Buffer.empty |> Buffer.add "Coercion Inference:\n\n")
fun err_list ctxt err tye Ts =
let val (_, Ts') = prep_output ctxt tye [] [] Ts in
eval_error (err ++>
("\nCannot unify a list of types that should be the same:\n" ^
Pretty.string_of (Pretty.list "[" "]" (map (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt) Ts'))))
fun err_bound ctxt err tye packs =
val (ts, Ts) = fold
(fn (bs, t $ u, U, _, U') => fn (ts, Ts) =>
let val (t', T') = prep_output ctxt tye bs [t, u] [U', U]
in (t' :: ts, T' :: Ts) end)
packs ([], []);
val msg =
Pretty.string_of (Pretty.big_list "Cannot fulfil subtype constraints:"
(map2 (fn [t, u] => fn [T, U] =>
Pretty.block [
Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T, Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str "<:", Pretty.brk 2,
Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt U, Pretty.brk 3,
Pretty.str "from function application", Pretty.brk 2,
Pretty.block [Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (t $ u)]])
ts Ts));
in eval_error (err ++> ("\n" ^ msg)) end;
(** constraint generation **)
fun update_coerce_arg ctxt old t =
val mk_coerce_args = the_default [] o Symtab.lookup (coerce_args_of ctxt);
fun update _ [] = old
| update 0 (coerce :: _) = (case coerce of LEAVE => old | PERMIT => true | FORBID => false)
| update n (_ :: cs) = update (n - 1) cs;
val (f, n) = Term.strip_comb (Type.strip_constraints t) ||> length;
update n (case f of Const (name, _) => mk_coerce_args name | _ => [])
fun generate_constraints ctxt err =
fun gen _ cs _ (Const (_, T)) tye_idx = (T, tye_idx, cs)
| gen _ cs _ (Free (_, T)) tye_idx = (T, tye_idx, cs)
| gen _ cs _ (Var (_, T)) tye_idx = (T, tye_idx, cs)
| gen _ cs bs (Bound i) tye_idx =
(snd (nth bs i handle General.Subscript => err_loose i), tye_idx, cs)
| gen coerce cs bs (Abs (x, T, t)) tye_idx =
let val (U, tye_idx', cs') = gen coerce cs ((x, T) :: bs) t tye_idx
in (T --> U, tye_idx', cs') end
| gen coerce cs bs (t $ u) tye_idx =
val (T, tye_idx', cs') = gen coerce cs bs t tye_idx;
val coerce' = update_coerce_arg ctxt coerce t;
val (U', (tye, idx), cs'') = gen coerce' cs' bs u tye_idx';
val U = Type_Infer.mk_param idx [];
val V = Type_Infer.mk_param (idx + 1) [];
val tye_idx'' = strong_unify ctxt (U --> V, T) (tye, idx + 2)
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) => error (gen_msg err msg);
val error_pack = (bs, t $ u, U, V, U');
if coerce'
then (V, tye_idx'', ((U', U), error_pack) :: cs'')
else (V,
strong_unify ctxt (U, U') tye_idx''
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) => error (gen_msg err msg),
gen true [] []
(** constraint resolution **)
exception BOUND_ERROR of string;
fun process_constraints ctxt err cs tye_idx =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
val coes_graph = coes_graph_of ctxt;
val tmaps = tmaps_of ctxt;
val arity_sorts = Proof_Context.arity_sorts ctxt;
fun split_cs _ [] = ([], [])
| split_cs f (c :: cs) =
(case apply2 f (fst c) of
(false, false) => apsnd (cons c) (split_cs f cs)
| _ => apfst (cons c) (split_cs f cs));
fun unify_list (T :: Ts) tye_idx =
fold (fn U => fn tye_idx' => strong_unify ctxt (T, U) tye_idx') Ts tye_idx;
(* check whether constraint simplification will terminate using weak unification *)
val _ = fold (fn (TU, _) => fn tye_idx =>
weak_unify ctxt TU tye_idx handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) =>
error (gen_msg err ("weak unification of subtype constraints fails\n" ^ msg))) cs tye_idx;
(* simplify constraints *)
fun simplify_constraints cs tye_idx =
fun contract a Ts Us error_pack done todo tye idx =
val arg_var =
(case Symtab.lookup tmaps a of
(*everything is invariant for unknown constructors*)
NONE => replicate (length Ts) INVARIANT
| SOME av => snd av);
fun new_constraints (variance, constraint) (cs, tye_idx) =
(case variance of
COVARIANT => (constraint :: cs, tye_idx)
| CONTRAVARIANT => (swap constraint :: cs, tye_idx)
| INVARIANT_TO T => (cs, unify_list [T, fst constraint, snd constraint] tye_idx
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) =>
err_list ctxt (gen_err err
("failed to unify invariant arguments w.r.t. to the known map function\n" ^
(fst tye_idx) (T :: Ts))
| INVARIANT => (cs, strong_unify ctxt constraint tye_idx
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) =>
error (gen_msg err ("failed to unify invariant arguments\n" ^ msg))));
val (new, (tye', idx')) = apfst (fn cs => (cs ~~ replicate (length cs) error_pack))
(fold new_constraints (arg_var ~~ (Ts ~~ Us)) ([], (tye, idx)));
val test_update = is_typeT orf is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT;
val (ch, done') =
|> map (apfst (apply2 (Type_Infer.deref tye')))
|> (if not (null new) then rpair [] else split_cs test_update);
val todo' = ch @ todo;
simplify done' (new @ todo') (tye', idx')
(*xi is definitely a parameter*)
and expand varleq xi S a Ts error_pack done todo tye idx =
val n = length Ts;
val args = map2 Type_Infer.mk_param (idx upto idx + n - 1) (arity_sorts a S);
val tye' = Vartab.update_new (xi, Type(a, args)) tye;
val (ch, done') = split_cs (is_compT o Type_Infer.deref tye') done;
val todo' = ch @ todo;
val new =
if varleq then (Type(a, args), Type (a, Ts))
else (Type (a, Ts), Type (a, args));
simplify done' ((new, error_pack) :: todo') (tye', idx + n)
(*TU is a pair of a parameter and a free/fixed variable*)
and eliminate TU done todo tye idx =
val [TVar (xi, S)] = filter Type_Infer.is_paramT TU;
val [T] = filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT TU;
val SOME S' = sort_of T;
val test_update = if is_freeT T then is_freeT else is_fixedvarT;
val tye' = Vartab.update_new (xi, T) tye;
val (ch, done') = split_cs (test_update o Type_Infer.deref tye') done;
val todo' = ch @ todo;
if Sign.subsort thy (S', S) (*TODO check this*)
then simplify done' todo' (tye', idx)
else error (gen_msg err "sort mismatch")
and simplify done [] tye_idx = (done, tye_idx)
| simplify done (((T, U), error_pack) :: todo) (tye_idx as (tye, idx)) =
(case (Type_Infer.deref tye T, Type_Infer.deref tye U) of
(T1 as Type (a, []), T2 as Type (b, [])) =>
if a = b then simplify done todo tye_idx
else if Graph.is_edge coes_graph (a, b) then simplify done todo tye_idx
error (gen_msg err (quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T1) ^
" is not a subtype of " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T2)))
| (Type (a, Ts), Type (b, Us)) =>
if a <> b then
error (gen_msg err "different constructors") (fst tye_idx) error_pack
else contract a Ts Us error_pack done todo tye idx
| (TVar (xi, S), Type (a, Ts as (_ :: _))) =>
expand true xi S a Ts error_pack done todo tye idx
| (Type (a, Ts as (_ :: _)), TVar (xi, S)) =>
expand false xi S a Ts error_pack done todo tye idx
| (T, U) =>
if T = U then simplify done todo tye_idx
else if exists (is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT) [T, U] andalso
exists Type_Infer.is_paramT [T, U]
then eliminate [T, U] done todo tye idx
else if exists (is_freeT orf is_fixedvarT) [T, U]
then error (gen_msg err "not eliminated free/fixed variables")
else simplify (((T, U), error_pack) :: done) todo tye_idx);
simplify [] cs tye_idx
(* do simplification *)
val (cs', tye_idx') = simplify_constraints cs tye_idx;
fun find_error_pack lower T' = map_filter
(fn ((T, U), pack) => if if lower then T' = U else T' = T then SOME pack else NONE) cs';
fun find_cycle_packs nodes =
val (but_last, last) = split_last nodes
val pairs = (last, hd nodes) :: (but_last ~~ tl nodes);
(fn (TU, pack) => if member (op =) pairs TU then SOME pack else NONE)
(*styps stands either for supertypes or for subtypes of a type T
in terms of the subtype-relation (excluding T itself)*)
fun styps super T =
(if super then Graph.immediate_succs else Graph.immediate_preds) coes_graph T
handle Graph.UNDEF _ => [];
fun minmax sup (T :: Ts) =
fun adjust T U = if sup then (T, U) else (U, T);
fun extract T [] = T
| extract T (U :: Us) =
if Graph.is_edge coes_graph (adjust T U) then extract T Us
else if Graph.is_edge coes_graph (adjust U T) then extract U Us
else raise BOUND_ERROR "uncomparable types in type list";
t_of (extract T Ts)
fun ex_styp_of_sort super T styps_and_sorts =
fun adjust T U = if super then (T, U) else (U, T);
fun styp_test U Ts = forall
(fn T => T = U orelse Graph.is_edge coes_graph (adjust U T)) Ts;
fun fitting Ts S U = Sign.of_sort thy (t_of U, S) andalso styp_test U Ts;
forall (fn (Ts, S) => exists (fitting Ts S) (T :: styps super T)) styps_and_sorts
(* computes the tightest possible, correct assignment for 'a::S
e.g. in the supremum case (sup = true):
------- 'a::S---
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
'b::C1 'c::C2 ... T1 T2 ...
sorts - list of sorts [C1, C2, ...]
T::Ts - non-empty list of base types [T1, T2, ...]
fun tightest sup S styps_and_sorts (T :: Ts) =
fun restriction T = Sign.of_sort thy (t_of T, S)
andalso ex_styp_of_sort (not sup) T styps_and_sorts;
fun candidates T = inter (op =) (filter restriction (T :: styps sup T));
(case fold candidates Ts (filter restriction (T :: styps sup T)) of
[] => raise BOUND_ERROR ("no " ^ (if sup then "supremum" else "infimum"))
| [T] => t_of T
| Ts => minmax sup Ts)
fun build_graph G [] tye_idx = (G, tye_idx)
| build_graph G ((T, U) :: cs) tye_idx =
if T = U then build_graph G cs tye_idx
val G' = maybe_new_typnodes [T, U] G;
val (G'', tye_idx') = (Typ_Graph.add_edge_acyclic (T, U) G', tye_idx)
handle Typ_Graph.CYCLES cycles =>
val (tye, idx) =
(fn cycle => fn tye_idx' => (unify_list cycle tye_idx'
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) =>
err_bound ctxt
(gen_err err ("constraint cycle not unifiable\n" ^ msg)) (fst tye_idx)
(find_cycle_packs cycle)))
cycles tye_idx
collapse (tye, idx) cycles G
build_graph G'' cs tye_idx'
and collapse (tye, idx) cycles G = (*nodes non-empty list*)
(*all cycles collapse to one node,
because all of them share at least the nodes x and y*)
val nodes = (distinct (op =) (flat cycles));
val T = Type_Infer.deref tye (hd nodes);
val P = new_imm_preds G nodes;
val S = new_imm_succs G nodes;
val G' = fold Typ_Graph.del_node (tl nodes) G;
fun check_and_gen super T' =
let val U = Type_Infer.deref tye T';
if not (is_typeT T) orelse not (is_typeT U) orelse T = U
then if super then (hd nodes, T') else (T', hd nodes)
if super andalso
Graph.is_edge coes_graph (nameT T, nameT U) then (hd nodes, T')
else if not super andalso
Graph.is_edge coes_graph (nameT U, nameT T) then (T', hd nodes)
err_bound ctxt (gen_err err "cycle elimination produces inconsistent graph")
(fst tye_idx)
(maps find_cycle_packs cycles @ find_error_pack super T')
build_graph G' (map (check_and_gen false) P @ map (check_and_gen true) S) (tye, idx)
fun assign_bound lower G key (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
if Type_Infer.is_paramT (Type_Infer.deref tye key) then
val TVar (xi, S) = Type_Infer.deref tye key;
val get_bound = if lower then get_preds else get_succs;
val raw_bound = get_bound G key;
val bound = map (Type_Infer.deref tye) raw_bound;
val not_params = filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT bound;
fun to_fulfil T =
(case sort_of T of
| SOME S =>
(map nameT
(filter_out Type_Infer.is_paramT
(map (Type_Infer.deref tye) (get_bound G T))), S));
val styps_and_sorts = distinct (op =) (map_filter to_fulfil raw_bound);
val assignment =
if null bound orelse null not_params then NONE
else SOME (tightest lower S styps_and_sorts (map nameT not_params)
handle BOUND_ERROR msg => err_bound ctxt (gen_err err msg) tye
(maps (find_error_pack (not lower)) raw_bound));
(case assignment of
NONE => tye_idx
| SOME T =>
if Type_Infer.is_paramT T then tye_idx
else if lower then (*upper bound check*)
val other_bound = map (Type_Infer.deref tye) (get_succs G key);
val s = nameT T;
if subset (op = o apfst nameT) (filter is_typeT other_bound, s :: styps true s)
then apfst (Vartab.update (xi, T)) tye_idx
err_bound ctxt
(gen_err err
(Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
[Pretty.str "assigned base type", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "clashes with the upper bound of variable", Pretty.brk 1,
Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (TVar (xi, S))])))
(maps (find_error_pack lower) other_bound)
else apfst (Vartab.update (xi, T)) tye_idx)
else tye_idx;
val assign_lb = assign_bound true;
val assign_ub = assign_bound false;
fun assign_alternating ts' ts G tye_idx =
if ts' = ts then tye_idx
val (tye_idx' as (tye, _)) = fold (assign_lb G) ts tye_idx
|> fold (assign_ub G) ts;
assign_alternating ts
(filter (Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) ts) G tye_idx'
(*Unify all weakly connected components of the constraint forest,
that contain only params. These are the only WCCs that contain
params anyway.*)
fun unify_params G (tye_idx as (tye, _)) =
val max_params =
filter (Type_Infer.is_paramT o Type_Infer.deref tye) (Typ_Graph.maximals G);
val to_unify = map (fn T => T :: get_preds G T) max_params;
(fn Ts => fn tye_idx' => unify_list Ts tye_idx'
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) => err_list ctxt (gen_err err msg) (fst tye_idx) Ts)
to_unify tye_idx
fun solve_constraints G tye_idx = tye_idx
|> assign_alternating [] (Typ_Graph.keys G) G
|> unify_params G;
build_graph Typ_Graph.empty (map fst cs') tye_idx'
|-> solve_constraints
(** coercion insertion **)
fun gen_coercion ctxt err tye TU =
fun gen (T1, T2) =
(case apply2 (Type_Infer.deref tye) (T1, T2) of
(T1 as (Type (a, [])), T2 as (Type (b, []))) =>
if a = b
then mk_identity T1
(case Symreltab.lookup (coes_of ctxt) (a, b) of
raise COERCION_GEN_ERROR (err ++>
(Pretty.string_of o Pretty.block)
[Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T1), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "is not a subtype of", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T2)])
| SOME (co, _) => co)
| (T1 as Type (a, Ts), T2 as Type (b, Us)) =>
if a <> b
(case Symreltab.lookup (coes_of ctxt) (a, b) of
(*immediate error - cannot fix complex coercion with the global algorithm*)
eval_error (err ++>
("No coercion known for type constructors: " ^
quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt a) ^ " and " ^
quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt b)))
| SOME (co, ((Ts', Us'), _)) =>
val co_before = gen (T1, Type (a, Ts'));
val coT = range_type (fastype_of co_before);
val insts =
inst_collect tye (err ++> "Could not insert complex coercion")
(domain_type (fastype_of co)) coT;
val co' = Term.subst_TVars insts co;
val co_after = gen (Type (b, (map (typ_subst_TVars insts) Us')), T2);
Abs (Name.uu, T1, Library.foldr (op $)
(filter (not o is_identity) [co_after, co', co_before], Bound 0))
fun sub_co (COVARIANT, TU) = (SOME (gen TU), NONE)
| sub_co (CONTRAVARIANT, TU) = (SOME (gen (swap TU)), NONE)
| sub_co (INVARIANT, (T, _)) = (NONE, SOME T)
| sub_co (INVARIANT_TO T, _) = (NONE, NONE);
fun ts_of [] = []
| ts_of (Type ("fun", [x1, x2]) :: xs) = x1 :: x2 :: (ts_of xs);
(case Symtab.lookup (tmaps_of ctxt) a of
if Type.could_unify (T1, T2)
then mk_identity T1
(err ++>
("No map function for " ^ quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt a)
^ " known"))
| SOME (tmap, variances) =>
val (used_coes, invarTs) =
map_split sub_co (variances ~~ (Ts ~~ Us))
|>> map_filter I
||> map_filter I;
val Tinsts = ts_of (map fastype_of used_coes) @ invarTs;
if null (filter (not o is_identity) used_coes)
then mk_identity (Type (a, Ts))
else Term.list_comb (instantiate tmap Tinsts, used_coes)
| (T, U) =>
if Type.could_unify (T, U)
then mk_identity T
else raise COERCION_GEN_ERROR (err ++>
(Pretty.string_of o Pretty.block)
[Pretty.str "Cannot generate coercion from", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "to", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt U)]));
gen TU
fun function_of ctxt err tye T =
(case Type_Infer.deref tye T of
Type (C, Ts) =>
(case Symreltab.lookup (coes_of ctxt) (C, "fun") of
eval_error (err ++> ("No complex coercion from " ^
quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt C) ^ " to " ^
quote (Proof_Context.markup_type ctxt "fun")))
| SOME (co, ((Ts', _), _)) =>
val co_before = gen_coercion ctxt err tye (Type (C, Ts), Type (C, Ts'));
val coT = range_type (fastype_of co_before);
val insts =
inst_collect tye (err ++> "Could not insert complex coercion")
(domain_type (fastype_of co)) coT;
val co' = Term.subst_TVars insts co;
Abs (Name.uu, Type (C, Ts), Library.foldr (op $)
(filter (not o is_identity) [co', co_before], Bound 0))
| T' =>
eval_error (err ++>
(Pretty.string_of o Pretty.block)
[Pretty.str "No complex coercion from", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T'), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "to", Pretty.brk 1, Proof_Context.pretty_type ctxt "fun"]));
fun insert_coercions ctxt (tye, idx) ts =
fun insert _ (Const (c, T)) = (Const (c, T), T)
| insert _ (Free (x, T)) = (Free (x, T), T)
| insert _ (Var (xi, T)) = (Var (xi, T), T)
| insert bs (Bound i) =
let val T = nth bs i handle General.Subscript => err_loose i;
in (Bound i, T) end
| insert bs (Abs (x, T, t)) =
let val (t', T') = insert (T :: bs) t;
in (Abs (x, T, t'), T --> T') end
| insert bs (t $ u) =
val (t', Type ("fun", [U, T])) = apsnd (Type_Infer.deref tye) (insert bs t);
val (u', U') = insert bs u;
if can (fn TU => strong_unify ctxt TU (tye, 0)) (U, U')
then (t' $ u', T)
else (t' $ (gen_coercion ctxt (K ("", Buffer.empty)) tye (U', U) $ u'), T)
map (fst o insert []) ts
(** assembling the pipeline **)
fun coercion_infer_types ctxt raw_ts =
val (idx, ts) = Type_Infer_Context.prepare ctxt raw_ts;
fun inf _ _ (t as (Const (_, T))) tye_idx = (t, T, tye_idx)
| inf _ _ (t as (Free (_, T))) tye_idx = (t, T, tye_idx)
| inf _ _ (t as (Var (_, T))) tye_idx = (t, T, tye_idx)
| inf _ bs (t as (Bound i)) tye_idx =
(t, snd (nth bs i handle General.Subscript => err_loose i), tye_idx)
| inf coerce bs (Abs (x, T, t)) tye_idx =
let val (t', U, tye_idx') = inf coerce ((x, T) :: bs) t tye_idx
in (Abs (x, T, t'), T --> U, tye_idx') end
| inf coerce bs (t $ u) tye_idx =
val (t', T, tye_idx') = inf coerce bs t tye_idx;
val coerce' = update_coerce_arg ctxt coerce t;
val (u', U, (tye, idx)) = inf coerce' bs u tye_idx';
val V = Type_Infer.mk_param idx [];
val (tu, tye_idx'') = (t' $ u', strong_unify ctxt (U --> V, T) (tye, idx + 1))
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, tye') =>
val err = err_appl_msg ctxt msg tye' bs t T u U;
val W = Type_Infer.mk_param (idx + 1) [];
val (t'', (tye', idx')) =
(t', strong_unify ctxt (W --> V, T) (tye, idx + 2))
handle NO_UNIFIER _ =>
val err' = err ++> "Local coercion insertion on the operator failed:\n";
val co = function_of ctxt err' tye T;
val (t'', T'', tye_idx'') = inf coerce bs (co $ t') (tye, idx + 2);
(t'', strong_unify ctxt (W --> V, T'') tye_idx''
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) => eval_error (err' ++> msg))
val err' = err ++>
((if t' aconv t'' then ""
else "Successfully coerced the operator to a function of type:\n" ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt
(the_single (snd (prep_output ctxt tye' bs [] [W --> V]))) ^ "\n") ^
(if coerce' then "Local coercion insertion on the operand failed:\n"
else "Local coercion insertion on the operand disallowed:\n"));
val (u'', U', tye_idx') =
if coerce' then
let val co = gen_coercion ctxt err' tye' (U, W);
in inf coerce' bs (if is_identity co then u else co $ u) (tye', idx') end
else (u, U, (tye', idx'));
(t'' $ u'', strong_unify ctxt (U', W) tye_idx'
handle NO_UNIFIER (msg, _) => raise COERCION_GEN_ERROR (err' ++> msg))
in (tu, V, tye_idx'') end;
fun infer_single t tye_idx =
let val (t, _, tye_idx') = inf true [] t tye_idx
in (t, tye_idx') end;
val (ts', (tye, _)) = (fold_map infer_single ts (Vartab.empty, idx)
handle COERCION_GEN_ERROR err =>
fun gen_single t (tye_idx, constraints) =
let val (_, tye_idx', constraints') =
generate_constraints ctxt (err ++> "\n") t tye_idx
in (tye_idx', constraints' @ constraints) end;
val (tye_idx, constraints) = fold gen_single ts ((Vartab.empty, idx), []);
val (tye, idx) = process_constraints ctxt (err ++> "\n") constraints tye_idx;
(insert_coercions ctxt (tye, idx) ts, (tye, idx))
val (_, ts'') = Type_Infer.finish ctxt tye ([], ts');
in ts'' end;
(** installation **)
(* term check *)
val coercion_enabled = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>\<open>coercion_enabled\<close> (K false);
val _ =
(Syntax_Phases.term_check ~100 "coercions"
(fn ctxt => Config.get ctxt coercion_enabled ? coercion_infer_types ctxt)));
(* declarations *)
fun add_type_map raw_t context =
val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
val t = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) raw_t;
fun err_str t = "\n\nThe provided function has the type:\n" ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t) ^
"\n\nThe general type signature of a map function is:" ^
"\nf1 => f2 => ... => fn => C [x1, ..., xn] => C [y1, ..., yn]" ^
"\nwhere C is a constructor and fi is of type (xi => yi) or (yi => xi).";
val ((fis, T1), T2) = apfst split_last (strip_type (fastype_of t))
handle List.Empty => error ("Not a proper map function:" ^ err_str t);
fun gen_arg_var ([], []) = []
| gen_arg_var (Ts, (U, U') :: Us) =
if U = U' then
if null (Term.add_tvarsT U []) then INVARIANT_TO U :: gen_arg_var (Ts, Us)
else if Term.is_TVar U then INVARIANT :: gen_arg_var (Ts, Us)
else error ("Invariant xi and yi should be variables or variable-free:" ^ err_str t)
(case Ts of
[] => error ("Different numbers of functions and variant arguments\n" ^ err_str t)
| (T, T') :: Ts =>
if T = U andalso T' = U' then COVARIANT :: gen_arg_var (Ts, Us)
else if T = U' andalso T' = U then CONTRAVARIANT :: gen_arg_var (Ts, Us)
else error ("Functions do not apply to arguments correctly:" ^ err_str t));
(*retry flag needed to adjust the type lists, when given a map over type constructor fun*)
fun check_map_fun fis (Type (C1, Ts)) (Type (C2, Us)) _ =
if C1 = C2 andalso not (null fis) andalso forall is_funtype fis
then ((map dest_funT fis, Ts ~~ Us), C1)
else error ("Not a proper map function:" ^ err_str t)
| check_map_fun fis T1 T2 true =
let val (fis', T') = split_last fis
in check_map_fun fis' T' (T1 --> T2) false end
| check_map_fun _ _ _ _ = error ("Not a proper map function:" ^ err_str t);
val res = check_map_fun fis T1 T2 true;
val res_av = gen_arg_var (fst res);
map_tmaps (Symtab.update (snd res, (t, res_av))) context
fun transitive_coercion ctxt tab G (a, b) =
fun safe_app t (Abs (x, T', u)) =
val t' = map_types Type_Infer.paramify_vars t;
singleton (coercion_infer_types ctxt) (Abs(x, T', (t' $ u)))
val path = hd (Graph.irreducible_paths G (a, b));
val path' = fst (split_last path) ~~ tl path;
val coercions = map (fst o the o Symreltab.lookup tab) path';
val trans_co = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt)
(fold safe_app coercions (mk_identity dummyT));
val (Ts, Us) = apply2 (snd o Term.dest_Type) (Term.dest_funT (type_of trans_co));
(trans_co, ((Ts, Us), coercions))
fun add_coercion raw_t context =
val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
val t = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) raw_t;
fun err_coercion () =
error ("Bad type for a coercion:\n" ^
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " :: " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t));
val (T1, T2) = Term.dest_funT (fastype_of t)
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion ();
val (a, Ts) = Term.dest_Type T1
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion ();
val (b, Us) = Term.dest_Type T2
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion ();
fun coercion_data_update (tab, G, _) =
val G' = maybe_new_nodes [(a, length Ts), (b, length Us)] G
val G'' = Graph.add_edge_trans_acyclic (a, b) G'
handle Graph.CYCLES _ => error (
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T2 ^ " is already a subtype of " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T1 ^ "!\n\nCannot add coercion of type: " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (T1 --> T2));
val new_edges =
flat (Graph.dest G'' |> map (fn ((x, _), ys) => ys |> map_filter (fn y =>
if Graph.is_edge G' (x, y) then NONE else SOME (x, y))));
val G_and_new = Graph.add_edge (a, b) G';
val tab' = fold
(fn pair => fn tab =>
Symreltab.update (pair, transitive_coercion ctxt tab G_and_new pair) tab)
(filter (fn pair => pair <> (a, b)) new_edges)
(Symreltab.update ((a, b), (t, ((Ts, Us), []))) tab);
(tab', G'', restrict_graph G'')
map_coes_and_graphs coercion_data_update context
fun delete_coercion raw_t context =
val ctxt = Context.proof_of context;
val t = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) raw_t;
fun err_coercion the =
error ("Not" ^
(if the then " the defined " else " a ") ^ "coercion:\n" ^
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " :: " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t));
val (T1, T2) = Term.dest_funT (fastype_of t)
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion false;
val (a, _) = dest_Type T1
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion false;
val (b, _) = dest_Type T2
handle TYPE _ => err_coercion false;
fun delete_and_insert tab G =
val pairs =
Symreltab.fold (fn ((a, b), (_, (_, ts))) => fn pairs =>
if member (op aconv) ts t then (a, b) :: pairs else pairs) tab [(a, b)];
fun delete pair (G, tab) = (Graph.del_edge pair G, Symreltab.delete_safe pair tab);
val (G', tab') = fold delete pairs (G, tab);
fun reinsert pair (G, xs) =
(case Graph.irreducible_paths G pair of
[] => (G, xs)
| _ => (Graph.add_edge pair G, (pair, transitive_coercion ctxt tab' G' pair) :: xs));
val (G'', ins) = fold reinsert pairs (G', []);
(fold Symreltab.update ins tab', G'', restrict_graph G'')
fun show_term t =
Pretty.block [Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t,
Pretty.str " :: ", Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (fastype_of t)];
fun coercion_data_update (tab, G, _) =
(case Symreltab.lookup tab (a, b) of
NONE => err_coercion false
| SOME (t', (_, [])) =>
if t aconv t'
then delete_and_insert tab G
else err_coercion true
| SOME (t', (_, ts)) =>
if t aconv t' then
error ("Cannot delete the automatically derived coercion:\n" ^
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " :: " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t) ^ "\n\n" ^
(Pretty.big_list "Deleting one of the coercions:" (map show_term ts)) ^
"\nwill also remove the transitive coercion.")
else err_coercion true);
map_coes_and_graphs coercion_data_update context
fun print_coercions ctxt =
fun separate _ [] = ([], [])
| separate P (x :: xs) = (if P x then apfst else apsnd) (cons x) (separate P xs);
val (simple, complex) =
separate (fn (_, (_, ((Ts, Us), _))) => null Ts andalso null Us)
(Symreltab.dest (coes_of ctxt));
fun show_coercion ((a, b), (t, ((Ts, Us), _))) =
Pretty.item [Pretty.block
[Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (Type (a, Ts)), Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str "<:", Pretty.brk 1,
Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (Type (b, Us)), Pretty.brk 3,
[Pretty.keyword2 "using", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)]]];
val type_space = Proof_Context.type_space ctxt;
val tmaps =
sort (Name_Space.extern_ord ctxt type_space o apply2 #1)
(Symtab.dest (tmaps_of ctxt));
fun show_map (c, (t, _)) =
[Name_Space.pretty ctxt type_space c, Pretty.str ":",
Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.quote (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)];
[Pretty.big_list "coercions between base types:" (map show_coercion simple),
Pretty.big_list "other coercions:" (map show_coercion complex),
Pretty.big_list "coercion maps:" (map show_map tmaps)]
end |> Pretty.writeln_chunks;
(* attribute setup *)
val parse_coerce_args =
Args.$$$ "+" >> K PERMIT || Args.$$$ "-" >> K FORBID || Args.$$$ "0" >> K LEAVE
val _ =
(Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>coercion\<close>
(Args.term >> (fn t => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (add_coercion t))))
"declaration of new coercions" #>
Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>coercion_delete\<close>
(Args.term >> (fn t => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (delete_coercion t))))
"deletion of coercions" #>
Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>coercion_map\<close>
(Args.term >> (fn t => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (add_type_map t))))
"declaration of new map functions" #>
Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>coercion_args\<close>
(Args.const {proper = false, strict = false} -- Scan.lift (Scan.repeat1 parse_coerce_args) >>
(fn spec => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (map_coerce_args (Symtab.update spec)))))
"declaration of new constants with coercion-invariant arguments");
(* outer syntax commands *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>print_coercions\<close>
"print information about coercions"
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (print_coercions o Toplevel.context_of)));
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