(* Title: ZF/AC/DC.thy
Author: Krzysztof Grabczewski
The proofs concerning the Axiom of Dependent Choice.
theory DC
imports AC_Equiv Hartog Cardinal_aux
lemma RepFun_lepoll: "Ord(a) ==> {P(b). b \ a} \ a"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "\z \ RepFun (a,P) . \ i. z=P (i) " in exI)
apply (rule_tac d="%z. P (z)" in lam_injective)
apply (fast intro!: Least_in_Ord)
apply (rule sym)
apply (fast intro: LeastI Ord_in_Ord)
text\<open>Trivial in the presence of AC, but here we need a wellordering of X\<close>
lemma image_Ord_lepoll: "[| f \ X->Y; Ord(X) |] ==> f``X \ X"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "\x \ f``X. \ y. f`y = x" in exI)
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. f`z" in lam_injective)
apply (fast intro!: Least_in_Ord apply_equality, clarify)
apply (rule LeastI)
apply (erule apply_equality, assumption+)
apply (blast intro: Ord_in_Ord)
lemma range_subset_domain:
"[| R \ X*X; !!g. g \ X ==> \u. \ R |]
==> range(R) \<subseteq> domain(R)"
by blast
lemma cons_fun_type: "g \ n->X ==> cons(, g) \ succ(n) -> cons(x, X)"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (fast intro!: fun_extend elim!: mem_irrefl)
lemma cons_fun_type2:
"[| g \ n->X; x \ X |] ==> cons(, g) \ succ(n) -> X"
by (erule cons_absorb [THEN subst], erule cons_fun_type)
lemma cons_image_n: "n \ nat ==> cons(, g)``n = g``n"
by (fast elim!: mem_irrefl)
lemma cons_val_n: "g \ n->X ==> cons(, g)`n = x"
by (fast intro!: apply_equality elim!: cons_fun_type)
lemma cons_image_k: "k \ n ==> cons(, g)``k = g``k"
by (fast elim: mem_asym)
lemma cons_val_k: "[| k \ n; g \ n->X |] ==> cons(, g)`k = g`k"
by (fast intro!: apply_equality consI2 elim!: cons_fun_type apply_Pair)
lemma domain_cons_eq_succ: "domain(f)=x ==> domain(cons(, f)) = succ(x)"
by (simp add: domain_cons succ_def)
lemma restrict_cons_eq: "g \ n->X ==> restrict(cons(, g), n) = g"
apply (simp add: restrict_def Pi_iff)
apply (blast intro: elim: mem_irrefl)
lemma succ_in_succ: "[| Ord(k); i \ k |] ==> succ(i) \ succ(k)"
apply (rule Ord_linear [of "succ(i)" "succ(k)", THEN disjE])
apply (fast elim: Ord_in_Ord mem_irrefl mem_asym)+
lemma restrict_eq_imp_val_eq:
"[|restrict(f, domain(g)) = g; x \ domain(g)|]
==> f`x = g`x"
by (erule subst, simp add: restrict)
lemma domain_eq_imp_fun_type: "[| domain(f)=A; f \ B->C |] ==> f \ A->C"
by (frule domain_of_fun, fast)
lemma ex_in_domain: "[| R \ A * B; R \ 0 |] ==> \x. x \ domain(R)"
by (fast elim!: not_emptyE)
DC :: "i => o" where
"DC(a) == \X R. R \ Pow(X)*X &
(\<forall>Y \<in> Pow(X). Y \<prec> a \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>x \<in> X. <Y,x> \<in> R))
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>f \<in> a->X. \<forall>b<a. <f``b,f`b> \<in> R)"
DC0 :: o where
"DC0 == \A B R. R \ A*B & R\0 & range(R) \ domain(R)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>f \<in> nat->domain(R). \<forall>n \<in> nat. <f`n,f`succ(n)>:R)"
ff :: "[i, i, i, i] => i" where
"ff(b, X, Q, R) ==
transrec(b, %c r. THE x. first(x, {x \<in> X. <r``c, x> \<in> R}, Q))"
locale DC0_imp =
fixes XX and RR and X and R
assumes all_ex: "\Y \ Pow(X). Y \ nat \ (\x \ X. \ R)"
defines XX_def: "XX == (\n \ nat. {f \ n->X. \k \ n. \ R})"
and RR_def: "RR == {:XX*XX. domain(z2)=succ(domain(z1))
& restrict(z2, domain(z1)) = z1}"
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* DC ==> DC(omega) *)
(* *)
(* The scheme of the proof: *)
(* *)
(* Assume DC. Let R and X satisfy the premise of DC(omega). *)
(* *)
(* Define XX and RR as follows: *)
(* *)
(* XX = (\<Union>n \<in> nat. {f \<in> n->X. \<forall>k \<in> n. <f``k, f`k> \<in> R}) *)
(* f RR g iff domain(g)=succ(domain(f)) & *)
(* restrict(g, domain(f)) = f *)
(* *)
(* Then RR satisfies the hypotheses of DC. *)
(* So applying DC: *)
(* *)
(* \<exists>f \<in> nat->XX. \<forall>n \<in> nat. f`n RR f`succ(n) *)
(* *)
(* Thence *)
(* *)
(* ff = {<n, f`succ(n)`n>. n \<in> nat} *)
(* *)
(* is the desired function. *)
(* *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
lemma lemma1_1: "RR \ XX*XX"
by (unfold RR_def, fast)
lemma lemma1_2: "RR \ 0"
apply (unfold RR_def XX_def)
apply (rule all_ex [THEN ballE])
apply (erule_tac [2] notE [OF _ empty_subsetI [THEN PowI]])
apply (erule_tac impE [OF _ nat_0I [THEN n_lesspoll_nat]])
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac a = "<0, {<0, x>}>" in not_emptyI)
apply (rule CollectI)
apply (rule SigmaI)
apply (rule nat_0I [THEN UN_I])
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: nat_0I [THEN UN_I])
apply (rule nat_1I [THEN UN_I])
apply (force intro!: singleton_fun [THEN Pi_type]
simp add: singleton_0 [symmetric])
apply (simp add: singleton_0)
lemma lemma1_3: "range(RR) \ domain(RR)"
apply (unfold RR_def XX_def)
apply (rule range_subset_domain, blast, clarify)
apply (frule fun_is_rel [THEN image_subset, THEN PowI,
THEN all_ex [THEN bspec]])
apply (erule impE[OF _ lesspoll_trans1[OF image_Ord_lepoll
[OF _ nat_into_Ord] n_lesspoll_nat]],
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x = "cons (, g) " in exI)
apply (rule CollectI)
apply (force elim!: cons_fun_type2
simp add: cons_image_n cons_val_n cons_image_k cons_val_k)
apply (simp add: domain_of_fun succ_def restrict_cons_eq)
lemma lemma2:
"[| \n \ nat. \ RR; f \ nat -> XX; n \ nat |]
==> \<exists>k \<in> nat. f`succ(n) \<in> k -> X & n \<in> k
& <f`succ(n)``n, f`succ(n)`n> \<in> R"
apply (induct_tac "n")
apply (drule apply_type [OF _ nat_1I])
apply (drule bspec [OF _ nat_0I])
apply (simp add: XX_def, safe)
apply (rule rev_bexI, assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "0 \ y", force)
apply (force simp add: RR_def
intro: ltD elim!: nat_0_le [THEN leE])
(** LEVEL 7, other subgoal **)
apply (drule bspec [OF _ nat_succI], assumption)
apply (subgoal_tac "f ` succ (succ (x)) \ succ (k) ->X")
apply (drule apply_type [OF _ nat_succI [THEN nat_succI]], assumption)
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: XX_def RR_def)
apply safe
apply (frule_tac a="succ(k)" in domain_of_fun [symmetric, THEN trans],
apply (frule_tac a=y in domain_of_fun [symmetric, THEN trans],
apply (fast elim!: nat_into_Ord [THEN succ_in_succ]
dest!: bspec [OF _ nat_into_Ord [THEN succ_in_succ]])
apply (drule domain_of_fun)
apply (simp add: XX_def RR_def, clarify)
apply (blast dest: domain_of_fun [symmetric, THEN trans] )
lemma lemma3_1:
"[| \n \ nat. \ RR; f \ nat -> XX; m \ nat |]
==> {f`succ(x)`x. x \<in> m} = {f`succ(m)`x. x \<in> m}"
apply (subgoal_tac "\x \ m. f`succ (m) `x = f`succ (x) `x")
apply simp
apply (induct_tac "m", blast)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (erule succE)
apply (rule restrict_eq_imp_val_eq)
apply (drule bspec [OF _ nat_succI], assumption)
apply (simp add: RR_def)
apply (drule lemma2, assumption+)
apply (fast dest!: domain_of_fun)
apply (drule_tac x = xa in bspec, assumption)
apply (erule sym [THEN trans, symmetric])
apply (rule restrict_eq_imp_val_eq [symmetric])
apply (drule bspec [OF _ nat_succI], assumption)
apply (simp add: RR_def)
apply (drule lemma2, assumption+)
apply (blast dest!: domain_of_fun
intro: nat_into_Ord OrdmemD [THEN subsetD])
lemma lemma3:
"[| \n \ nat. \ RR; f \ nat -> XX; m \ nat |]
==> (\<lambda>x \<in> nat. f`succ(x)`x) `` m = f`succ(m)``m"
apply (erule natE, simp)
apply (subst image_lam)
apply (fast elim!: OrdmemD [OF nat_succI Ord_nat])
apply (subst lemma3_1, assumption+)
apply fast
apply (fast dest!: lemma2
elim!: image_fun [symmetric, OF _ OrdmemD [OF _ nat_into_Ord]])
theorem DC0_imp_DC_nat: "DC0 ==> DC(nat)"
apply (unfold DC_def DC0_def, clarify)
apply (elim allE)
apply (erule impE)
(*these three results comprise Lemma 1*)
apply (blast intro!: DC0_imp.lemma1_1 [OF DC0_imp.intro] DC0_imp.lemma1_2 [OF DC0_imp.intro] DC0_imp.lemma1_3 [OF DC0_imp.intro])
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x = "\n \ nat. f`succ (n) `n" in rev_bexI)
apply (rule lam_type, blast dest!: DC0_imp.lemma2 [OF DC0_imp.intro] intro: fun_weaken_type)
apply (rule oallI)
apply (frule DC0_imp.lemma2 [OF DC0_imp.intro], assumption)
apply (blast intro: fun_weaken_type)
apply (erule ltD)
(** LEVEL 11: last subgoal **)
apply (subst DC0_imp.lemma3 [OF DC0_imp.intro], assumption+)
apply (fast elim!: fun_weaken_type)
apply (erule ltD)
apply (force simp add: lt_def)
(* ************************************************************************
DC(omega) ==> DC
The scheme of the proof:
Assume DC(omega). Let R and x satisfy the premise of DC.
Define XX and RR as follows:
XX = (\<Union>n \<in> nat. {f \<in> succ(n)->domain(R). \<forall>k \<in> n. <f`k, f`succ(k)> \<in> R})
RR = {<z1,z2>:Fin(XX)*XX.
(domain(z2)=succ(\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f)) &
(\<forall>f \<in> z1. restrict(z2, domain(f)) = f)) |
(~ (\<exists>g \<in> XX. domain(g)=succ(\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f)) &
(\<forall>f \<in> z1. restrict(g, domain(f)) = f)) &
Then XX and RR satisfy the hypotheses of DC(omega).
So applying DC:
\<exists>f \<in> nat->XX. \<forall>n \<in> nat. f``n RR f`n
ff = {<n, f`n`n>. n \<in> nat}
is the desired function.
************************************************************************* *)
lemma singleton_in_funs:
"x \ X ==> {<0,x>} \
(\<Union>n \<in> nat. {f \<in> succ(n)->X. \<forall>k \<in> n. <f`k, f`succ(k)> \<in> R})"
apply (rule nat_0I [THEN UN_I])
apply (force simp add: singleton_0 [symmetric]
intro!: singleton_fun [THEN Pi_type])
locale imp_DC0 =
fixes XX and RR and x and R and f and allRR
defines XX_def: "XX == (\n \ nat.
{f \<in> succ(n)->domain(R). \<forall>k \<in> n. <f`k, f`succ(k)> \<in> R})"
and RR_def:
"RR == {:Fin(XX)*XX.
(domain(z2)=succ(\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f))
& (\<forall>f \<in> z1. restrict(z2, domain(f)) = f))
| (~ (\<exists>g \<in> XX. domain(g)=succ(\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f))
& (\<forall>f \<in> z1. restrict(g, domain(f)) = f)) & z2={<0,x>})}"
and allRR_def:
"allRR == \b
<f``b, f`b> \<in>
{<z1,z2>\<in>Fin(XX)*XX. (domain(z2)=succ(\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f))
& (\<Union>f \<in> z1. domain(f)) = b
& (\<forall>f \<in> z1. restrict(z2,domain(f)) = f))}"
lemma lemma4:
"[| range(R) \ domain(R); x \ domain(R) |]
==> RR \<subseteq> Pow(XX)*XX &
(\<forall>Y \<in> Pow(XX). Y \<prec> nat \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>x \<in> XX. <Y,x>:RR))"
apply (rule conjI)
apply (force dest!: FinD [THEN PowI] simp add: RR_def)
apply (rule impI [THEN ballI])
apply (drule Finite_Fin [OF lesspoll_nat_is_Finite PowD], assumption)
apply (case_tac
"\g \ XX. domain (g) =
succ(\<Union>f \<in> Y. domain(f)) & (\<forall>f\<in>Y. restrict(g, domain(f)) = f)")
apply (simp add: RR_def, blast)
apply (safe del: domainE)
apply (unfold XX_def RR_def)
apply (rule rev_bexI, erule singleton_in_funs)
apply (simp add: nat_0I [THEN rev_bexI] cons_fun_type2)
lemma UN_image_succ_eq:
"[| f \ nat->X; n \ nat |]
==> (\<Union>x \<in> f``succ(n). P(x)) = P(f`n) \<union> (\<Union>x \<in> f``n. P(x))"
by (simp add: image_fun OrdmemD)
lemma UN_image_succ_eq_succ:
"[| (\x \ f``n. P(x)) = y; P(f`n) = succ(y);
f \<in> nat -> X; n \<in> nat |] ==> (\<Union>x \<in> f``succ(n). P(x)) = succ(y)"
by (simp add: UN_image_succ_eq, blast)
lemma apply_domain_type:
"[| h \ succ(n) -> D; n \ nat; domain(h)=succ(y) |] ==> h`y \ D"
by (fast elim: apply_type dest!: trans [OF sym domain_of_fun])
lemma image_fun_succ:
"[| h \ nat -> X; n \ nat |] ==> h``succ(n) = cons(h`n, h``n)"
by (simp add: image_fun OrdmemD)
lemma f_n_type:
"[| domain(f`n) = succ(k); f \ nat -> XX; n \ nat |]
==> f`n \<in> succ(k) -> domain(R)"
apply (unfold XX_def)
apply (drule apply_type, assumption)
apply (fast elim: domain_eq_imp_fun_type)
lemma f_n_pairs_in_R [rule_format]:
"[| h \ nat -> XX; domain(h`n) = succ(k); n \ nat |]
==> \<forall>i \<in> k. <h`n`i, h`n`succ(i)> \<in> R"
apply (unfold XX_def)
apply (drule apply_type, assumption)
apply (elim UN_E CollectE)
apply (drule domain_of_fun [symmetric, THEN trans], assumption, simp)
lemma restrict_cons_eq_restrict:
"[| restrict(h, domain(u))=u; h \ n->X; domain(u) \ n |]
==> restrict(cons(<n, y>, h), domain(u)) = u"
apply (unfold restrict_def)
apply (simp add: restrict_def Pi_iff)
apply (erule sym [THEN trans, symmetric])
apply (blast elim: mem_irrefl)
lemma all_in_image_restrict_eq:
"[| \x \ f``n. restrict(f`n, domain(x))=x;
f \<in> nat -> XX;
n \<in> nat; domain(f`n) = succ(n);
(\<Union>x \<in> f``n. domain(x)) \<subseteq> n |]
==> \<forall>x \<in> f``succ(n). restrict(cons(<succ(n),y>, f`n), domain(x)) = x"
apply (rule ballI)
apply (simp add: image_fun_succ)
apply (drule f_n_type, assumption+)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (simp add: domain_of_fun restrict_cons_eq)
apply (blast intro!: restrict_cons_eq_restrict)
lemma simplify_recursion:
"[| \b \ RR;
f \<in> nat -> XX; range(R) \<subseteq> domain(R); x \<in> domain(R)|]
==> allRR"
apply (unfold RR_def allRR_def)
apply (rule oallI, drule ltD)
apply (erule nat_induct)
apply (drule_tac x=0 in ospec, blast intro: Limit_has_0)
apply (force simp add: singleton_fun [THEN domain_of_fun] singleton_in_funs)
(*induction step*) (** LEVEL 5 **)
(*prevent simplification of ~\<exists> to \<forall>~ *)
apply (simp only: separation split)
apply (drule_tac x="succ(xa)" in ospec, blast intro: ltI)
apply (elim conjE disjE)
apply (force elim!: trans subst_context
intro!: UN_image_succ_eq_succ)
apply (erule notE)
apply (simp add: XX_def UN_image_succ_eq_succ)
apply (elim conjE bexE)
apply (drule apply_domain_type, assumption+)
apply (erule domainE)+
apply (frule f_n_type)
apply (simp add: XX_def, assumption+)
apply (rule rev_bexI, erule nat_succI)
apply (rename_tac m i j y z)
apply (rule_tac x = "cons(, f`m)" in bexI)
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: cons_fun_type2)
apply (rule conjI)
prefer 2 apply (fast del: ballI subsetI
elim: trans [OF _ subst_context, THEN domain_cons_eq_succ]
all_in_image_restrict_eq [simplified XX_def]
trans equalityD1)
(*one remaining subgoal*)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (erule succE)
(** LEVEL 25 **)
apply (simp add: cons_val_n cons_val_k)
(*assumption+ will not perform the required backtracking!*)
apply (drule f_n_pairs_in_R [simplified XX_def, OF _ domain_of_fun],
assumption, assumption, assumption)
apply (simp add: nat_into_Ord [THEN succ_in_succ] succI2 cons_val_k)
lemma lemma2:
"[| allRR; f \ nat->XX; range(R) \ domain(R); x \ domain(R); n \ nat |]
==> f`n \<in> succ(n) -> domain(R) & (\<forall>i \<in> n. <f`n`i, f`n`succ(i)>:R)"
apply (unfold allRR_def)
apply (drule ospec)
apply (erule ltI [OF _ Ord_nat])
apply (erule CollectE, simp)
apply (rule conjI)
prefer 2 apply (fast elim!: f_n_pairs_in_R trans subst_context)
apply (unfold XX_def)
apply (fast elim!: trans [THEN domain_eq_imp_fun_type] subst_context)
lemma lemma3:
"[| allRR; f \ nat->XX; n\nat; range(R) \ domain(R); x \ domain(R) |]
==> f`n`n = f`succ(n)`n"
apply (frule lemma2 [THEN conjunct1, THEN domain_of_fun], assumption+)
apply (unfold allRR_def)
apply (drule ospec)
apply (drule ltI [OF nat_succI Ord_nat], assumption, simp)
apply (elim conjE ballE)
apply (erule restrict_eq_imp_val_eq [symmetric], force)
apply (simp add: image_fun OrdmemD)
theorem DC_nat_imp_DC0: "DC(nat) ==> DC0"
apply (unfold DC_def DC0_def)
apply (intro allI impI)
apply (erule asm_rl conjE ex_in_domain [THEN exE] allE)+
apply (erule impE [OF _ imp_DC0.lemma4], assumption+)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (drule imp_DC0.simplify_recursion, assumption+)
apply (rule_tac x = "\n \ nat. f`n`n" in bexI)
apply (rule_tac [2] lam_type)
apply (erule_tac [2] apply_type [OF imp_DC0.lemma2 [THEN conjunct1] succI1])
apply (rule ballI)
apply (frule_tac n="succ(n)" in imp_DC0.lemma2,
(assumption|erule nat_succI)+)
apply (drule imp_DC0.lemma3, auto)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* \<forall>K. Card(K) \<longrightarrow> DC(K) ==> WO3 *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
lemma fun_Ord_inj:
"[| f \ a->X; Ord(a);
!!b c. [| b<c; c \<in> a |] ==> f`b\<noteq>f`c |]
==> f \<in> inj(a, X)"
apply (unfold inj_def, simp)
apply (intro ballI impI)
apply (rule_tac j=x in Ord_in_Ord [THEN Ord_linear_lt], assumption+)
apply (blast intro: Ord_in_Ord, auto)
apply (atomize, blast dest: not_sym)
lemma value_in_image: "[| f \ X->Y; A \ X; a \ A |] ==> f`a \ f``A"
by (fast elim!: image_fun [THEN ssubst])
lemma lesspoll_lemma: "[| ~ A \ B; C \ B |] ==> A - C \ 0"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (fast dest!: Diff_eq_0_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN subset_imp_lepoll]
intro!: eqpollI elim: notE
elim!: eqpollE lepoll_trans)
theorem DC_WO3: "(\K. Card(K) \ DC(K)) ==> WO3"
apply (unfold DC_def WO3_def)
apply (rule allI)
apply (case_tac "A \ Hartog (A)")
apply (fast dest!: lesspoll_imp_ex_lt_eqpoll
intro!: Ord_Hartog leI [THEN le_imp_subset])
apply (erule allE impE)+
apply (rule Card_Hartog)
apply (erule_tac x = A in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "{ \ Pow (A) *A . z1 \ Hartog (A) & z2 \ z1}"
in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule impE, fast elim: lesspoll_lemma [THEN not_emptyE])
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule Hartog_lepoll_selfE)
apply (rule lepoll_def [THEN def_imp_iff, THEN iffD2])
apply (rule exI, rule fun_Ord_inj, assumption, rule Ord_Hartog)
apply (drule value_in_image)
apply (drule OrdmemD, rule Ord_Hartog, assumption+, erule ltD)
apply (drule ospec)
apply (blast intro: ltI Ord_Hartog, force)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* WO1 ==> \<forall>K. Card(K) \<longrightarrow> DC(K) *)
(* ********************************************************************** *)
lemma images_eq:
"[| \x \ A. f`x=g`x; f \ Df->Cf; g \ Dg->Cg; A \ Df; A \ Dg |]
==> f``A = g``A"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: image_fun)
lemma lam_images_eq:
"[| Ord(a); b \ a |] ==> (\x \ a. h(x))``b = (\x \ b. h(x))``b"
apply (rule images_eq)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (drule OrdmemD [THEN subsetD], assumption+)
apply simp
apply (fast elim!: RepFunI OrdmemD intro!: lam_type)+
lemma lam_type_RepFun: "(\b \ a. h(b)) \ a -> {h(b). b \ a}"
by (fast intro!: lam_type RepFunI)
lemma lemmaX:
"[| \Y \ Pow(X). Y \ K \ (\x \ X. \ R);
b \<in> K; Z \<in> Pow(X); Z \<prec> K |]
==> {x \<in> X. <Z,x> \<in> R} \<noteq> 0"
by blast
lemma WO1_DC_lemma:
"[| Card(K); well_ord(X,Q);
\<forall>Y \<in> Pow(X). Y \<prec> K \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>x \<in> X. <Y, x> \<in> R); b \<in> K |]
==> ff(b, X, Q, R) \<in> {x \<in> X. <(\<lambda>c \<in> b. ff(c, X, Q, R))``b, x> \<in> R}"
apply (rule_tac P = "b \ K" in impE, (erule_tac [2] asm_rl)+)
apply (rule_tac i=b in Card_is_Ord [THEN Ord_in_Ord, THEN trans_induct],
apply (rule impI)
apply (rule ff_def [THEN def_transrec, THEN ssubst])
apply (erule the_first_in, fast)
apply (simp add: image_fun [OF lam_type_RepFun subset_refl])
apply (erule lemmaX, assumption)
apply (blast intro: Card_is_Ord OrdmemD [THEN subsetD])
apply (blast intro: lesspoll_trans1 in_Card_imp_lesspoll RepFun_lepoll)
theorem WO1_DC_Card: "WO1 ==> \K. Card(K) \ DC(K)"
apply (unfold DC_def WO1_def)
apply (rule allI impI)+
apply (erule allE exE conjE)+
apply (rule_tac x = "\b \ K. ff (b, X, Ra, R) " in bexI)
apply (simp add: lam_images_eq [OF Card_is_Ord ltD])
apply (fast elim!: ltE WO1_DC_lemma [THEN CollectD2])
apply (rule_tac lam_type)
apply (rule WO1_DC_lemma [THEN CollectD1], assumption+)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.23 Sekunden
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