(* Title: ZF/OrderArith.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
section\<open>Combining Orderings: Foundations of Ordinal Arithmetic\<close>
theory OrderArith imports Order Sum Ordinal begin
(*disjoint sum of two relations; underlies ordinal addition*)
radd :: "[i,i,i,i]=>i" where
"radd(A,r,B,s) ==
{z: (A+B) * (A+B).
(\<exists>x y. z = <Inl(x), Inr(y)>) |
(\<exists>x' x. z = <Inl(x'), Inl(x)> & <x',x>:r) |
(\<exists>y' y. z = <Inr(y'), Inr(y)> & <y',y>:s)}"
(*lexicographic product of two relations; underlies ordinal multiplication*)
rmult :: "[i,i,i,i]=>i" where
"rmult(A,r,B,s) ==
{z: (A*B) * (A*B).
\<exists>x' y' x y. z = <<x',y'>, <x,y>> &
(<x',x>: r | (x'=x & <y',y>: s))}"
(*inverse image of a relation*)
rvimage :: "[i,i,i]=>i" where
"rvimage(A,f,r) == {z \ A*A. \x y. z = & : r}"
measure :: "[i, i\i] \ i" where
"measure(A,f) == {: A*A. f(x) < f(y)}"
subsection\<open>Addition of Relations -- Disjoint Sum\<close>
subsubsection\<open>Rewrite rules. Can be used to obtain introduction rules\<close>
lemma radd_Inl_Inr_iff [iff]:
" \ radd(A,r,B,s) \ a \ A & b \ B"
by (unfold radd_def, blast)
lemma radd_Inl_iff [iff]:
" \ radd(A,r,B,s) \ a':A & a \ A & :r"
by (unfold radd_def, blast)
lemma radd_Inr_iff [iff]:
" \ radd(A,r,B,s) \ b':B & b \ B & :s"
by (unfold radd_def, blast)
lemma radd_Inr_Inl_iff [simp]:
" \ radd(A,r,B,s) \ False"
by (unfold radd_def, blast)
declare radd_Inr_Inl_iff [THEN iffD1, dest!]
subsubsection\<open>Elimination Rule\<close>
lemma raddE:
"[| \ radd(A,r,B,s);
!!x y. [| p'=Inl(x); x \ A; p=Inr(y); y \ B |] ==> Q;
!!x' x. [| p'=Inl(x'); p=Inl(x); ,x>: r; x':A; x \ A |] ==> Q;
!!y' y. [| p'=Inr(y'); p=Inr(y); ,y>: s; y':B; y \ B |] ==> Q
|] ==> Q"
by (unfold radd_def, blast)
subsubsection\<open>Type checking\<close>
lemma radd_type: "radd(A,r,B,s) \ (A+B) * (A+B)"
apply (unfold radd_def)
apply (rule Collect_subset)
lemmas field_radd = radd_type [THEN field_rel_subset]
lemma linear_radd:
"[| linear(A,r); linear(B,s) |] ==> linear(A+B,radd(A,r,B,s))"
by (unfold linear_def, blast)
lemma wf_on_radd: "[| wf[A](r); wf[B](s) |] ==> wf[A+B](radd(A,r,B,s))"
apply (rule wf_onI2)
apply (subgoal_tac "\x\A. Inl (x) \ Ba")
\<comment> \<open>Proving the lemma, which is needed twice!\<close>
prefer 2
apply (erule_tac V = "y \ A + B" in thin_rl)
apply (rule_tac ballI)
apply (erule_tac r = r and a = x in wf_on_induct, assumption)
apply blast
txt\<open>Returning to main part of proof\<close>
apply safe
apply blast
apply (erule_tac r = s and a = ya in wf_on_induct, assumption, blast)
lemma wf_radd: "[| wf(r); wf(s) |] ==> wf(radd(field(r),r,field(s),s))"
apply (simp add: wf_iff_wf_on_field)
apply (rule wf_on_subset_A [OF _ field_radd])
apply (blast intro: wf_on_radd)
lemma well_ord_radd:
"[| well_ord(A,r); well_ord(B,s) |] ==> well_ord(A+B, radd(A,r,B,s))"
apply (rule well_ordI)
apply (simp add: well_ord_def wf_on_radd)
apply (simp add: well_ord_def tot_ord_def linear_radd)
subsubsection\<open>An \<^term>\<open>ord_iso\<close> congruence law\<close>
lemma sum_bij:
"[| f \ bij(A,C); g \ bij(B,D) |]
==> (\<lambda>z\<in>A+B. case(%x. Inl(f`x), %y. Inr(g`y), z)) \<in> bij(A+B, C+D)"
apply (rule_tac d = "case (%x. Inl (converse(f)`x), %y. Inr(converse(g)`y))"
in lam_bijective)
apply (typecheck add: bij_is_inj inj_is_fun)
apply (auto simp add: left_inverse_bij right_inverse_bij)
lemma sum_ord_iso_cong:
"[| f \ ord_iso(A,r,A',r'); g \ ord_iso(B,s,B',s') |] ==>
(\<lambda>z\<in>A+B. case(%x. Inl(f`x), %y. Inr(g`y), z))
\<in> ord_iso(A+B, radd(A,r,B,s), A'+B', radd(A',r',B',s'))"
apply (unfold ord_iso_def)
apply (safe intro!: sum_bij)
(*Do the beta-reductions now*)
apply (auto cong add: conj_cong simp add: bij_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
(*Could we prove an ord_iso result? Perhaps
ord_iso(A+B, radd(A,r,B,s), A \<union> B, r \<union> s) *)
lemma sum_disjoint_bij: "A \ B = 0 ==>
(\<lambda>z\<in>A+B. case(%x. x, %y. y, z)) \<in> bij(A+B, A \<union> B)"
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. if z \ A then Inl (z) else Inr (z) " in lam_bijective)
apply auto
lemma sum_assoc_bij:
"(\z\(A+B)+C. case(case(Inl, %y. Inr(Inl(y))), %y. Inr(Inr(y)), z))
\<in> bij((A+B)+C, A+(B+C))"
apply (rule_tac d = "case (%x. Inl (Inl (x)), case (%x. Inl (Inr (x)), Inr))"
in lam_bijective)
apply auto
lemma sum_assoc_ord_iso:
"(\z\(A+B)+C. case(case(Inl, %y. Inr(Inl(y))), %y. Inr(Inr(y)), z))
\<in> ord_iso((A+B)+C, radd(A+B, radd(A,r,B,s), C, t),
A+(B+C), radd(A, r, B+C, radd(B,s,C,t)))"
by (rule sum_assoc_bij [THEN ord_isoI], auto)
subsection\<open>Multiplication of Relations -- Lexicographic Product\<close>
subsubsection\<open>Rewrite rule. Can be used to obtain introduction rules\<close>
lemma rmult_iff [iff]:
"<, > \ rmult(A,r,B,s) \
(<a',a>: r & a':A & a \<in> A & b': B & b \<in> B) |
(<b',b>: s & a'=a & a \<in> A & b': B & b \<in> B)"
by (unfold rmult_def, blast)
lemma rmultE:
"[| <, > \ rmult(A,r,B,s);
[| <a',a>: r; a':A; a \<in> A; b':B; b \<in> B |] ==> Q;
[| <b',b>: s; a \ A; a'=a; b':B; b \ B |] ==> Q
|] ==> Q"
by blast
subsubsection\<open>Type checking\<close>
lemma rmult_type: "rmult(A,r,B,s) \ (A*B) * (A*B)"
by (unfold rmult_def, rule Collect_subset)
lemmas field_rmult = rmult_type [THEN field_rel_subset]
lemma linear_rmult:
"[| linear(A,r); linear(B,s) |] ==> linear(A*B,rmult(A,r,B,s))"
by (simp add: linear_def, blast)
lemma wf_on_rmult: "[| wf[A](r); wf[B](s) |] ==> wf[A*B](rmult(A,r,B,s))"
apply (rule wf_onI2)
apply (erule SigmaE)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (subgoal_tac "\b\B. : Ba", blast)
apply (erule_tac a = x in wf_on_induct, assumption)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (erule_tac a = b in wf_on_induct, assumption)
apply (best elim!: rmultE bspec [THEN mp])
lemma wf_rmult: "[| wf(r); wf(s) |] ==> wf(rmult(field(r),r,field(s),s))"
apply (simp add: wf_iff_wf_on_field)
apply (rule wf_on_subset_A [OF _ field_rmult])
apply (blast intro: wf_on_rmult)
lemma well_ord_rmult:
"[| well_ord(A,r); well_ord(B,s) |] ==> well_ord(A*B, rmult(A,r,B,s))"
apply (rule well_ordI)
apply (simp add: well_ord_def wf_on_rmult)
apply (simp add: well_ord_def tot_ord_def linear_rmult)
subsubsection\<open>An \<^term>\<open>ord_iso\<close> congruence law\<close>
lemma prod_bij:
"[| f \ bij(A,C); g \ bij(B,D) |]
==> (lam <x,y>:A*B. <f`x, g`y>) \<in> bij(A*B, C*D)"
apply (rule_tac d = "%. "
in lam_bijective)
apply (typecheck add: bij_is_inj inj_is_fun)
apply (auto simp add: left_inverse_bij right_inverse_bij)
lemma prod_ord_iso_cong:
"[| f \ ord_iso(A,r,A',r'); g \ ord_iso(B,s,B',s') |]
==> (lam <x,y>:A*B. <f`x, g`y>)
\<in> ord_iso(A*B, rmult(A,r,B,s), A'*B', rmult(A',r',B',s'))"
apply (unfold ord_iso_def)
apply (safe intro!: prod_bij)
apply (simp_all add: bij_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
apply (blast intro: bij_is_inj [THEN inj_apply_equality])
lemma singleton_prod_bij: "(\z\A. ) \ bij(A, {x}*A)"
by (rule_tac d = snd in lam_bijective, auto)
lemma singleton_prod_ord_iso:
"well_ord({x},xr) ==>
(\<lambda>z\<in>A. <x,z>) \<in> ord_iso(A, r, {x}*A, rmult({x}, xr, A, r))"
apply (rule singleton_prod_bij [THEN ord_isoI])
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (blast dest: well_ord_is_wf [THEN wf_on_not_refl])
(*Here we build a complicated function term, then simplify it using
case_cong, id_conv, comp_lam, case_case.*)
lemma prod_sum_singleton_bij:
"a\C ==>
(\<lambda>x\<in>C*B + D. case(%x. x, %y.<a,y>, x))
\<in> bij(C*B + D, C*B \<union> {a}*D)"
apply (rule subst_elem)
apply (rule id_bij [THEN sum_bij, THEN comp_bij])
apply (rule singleton_prod_bij)
apply (rule sum_disjoint_bij, blast)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) cong add: case_cong)
apply (rule comp_lam [THEN trans, symmetric])
apply (fast elim!: case_type)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: case_case)
lemma prod_sum_singleton_ord_iso:
"[| a \ A; well_ord(A,r) |] ==>
(\<lambda>x\<in>pred(A,a,r)*B + pred(B,b,s). case(%x. x, %y.<a,y>, x))
\<in> ord_iso(pred(A,a,r)*B + pred(B,b,s),
radd(A*B, rmult(A,r,B,s), B, s),
pred(A,a,r)*B \<union> {a}*pred(B,b,s), rmult(A,r,B,s))"
apply (rule prod_sum_singleton_bij [THEN ord_isoI])
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: pred_iff well_ord_is_wf [THEN wf_on_not_refl])
apply (auto elim!: well_ord_is_wf [THEN wf_on_asym] predE)
subsubsection\<open>Distributive law\<close>
lemma sum_prod_distrib_bij:
"(lam :(A+B)*C. case(%y. Inl(), %y. Inr(), x))
\<in> bij((A+B)*C, (A*C)+(B*C))"
by (rule_tac d = "case (%., %.) "
in lam_bijective, auto)
lemma sum_prod_distrib_ord_iso:
"(lam :(A+B)*C. case(%y. Inl(), %y. Inr(), x))
\<in> ord_iso((A+B)*C, rmult(A+B, radd(A,r,B,s), C, t),
(A*C)+(B*C), radd(A*C, rmult(A,r,C,t), B*C, rmult(B,s,C,t)))"
by (rule sum_prod_distrib_bij [THEN ord_isoI], auto)
lemma prod_assoc_bij:
"(lam <, z>:(A*B)*C. >) \ bij((A*B)*C, A*(B*C))"
by (rule_tac d = "%>. <, z>" in lam_bijective, auto)
lemma prod_assoc_ord_iso:
"(lam <, z>:(A*B)*C. >)
\<in> ord_iso((A*B)*C, rmult(A*B, rmult(A,r,B,s), C, t),
A*(B*C), rmult(A, r, B*C, rmult(B,s,C,t)))"
by (rule prod_assoc_bij [THEN ord_isoI], auto)
subsection\<open>Inverse Image of a Relation\<close>
subsubsection\<open>Rewrite rule\<close>
lemma rvimage_iff: " \ rvimage(A,f,r) \ : r & a \ A & b \ A"
by (unfold rvimage_def, blast)
subsubsection\<open>Type checking\<close>
lemma rvimage_type: "rvimage(A,f,r) \ A*A"
by (unfold rvimage_def, rule Collect_subset)
lemmas field_rvimage = rvimage_type [THEN field_rel_subset]
lemma rvimage_converse: "rvimage(A,f, converse(r)) = converse(rvimage(A,f,r))"
by (unfold rvimage_def, blast)
subsubsection\<open>Partial Ordering Properties\<close>
lemma irrefl_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); irrefl(B,r) |] ==> irrefl(A, rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (unfold irrefl_def rvimage_def)
apply (blast intro: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
lemma trans_on_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); trans[B](r) |] ==> trans[A](rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (unfold trans_on_def rvimage_def)
apply (blast intro: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
lemma part_ord_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); part_ord(B,r) |] ==> part_ord(A, rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (unfold part_ord_def)
apply (blast intro!: irrefl_rvimage trans_on_rvimage)
lemma linear_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); linear(B,r) |] ==> linear(A,rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (simp add: inj_def linear_def rvimage_iff)
apply (blast intro: apply_funtype)
lemma tot_ord_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); tot_ord(B,r) |] ==> tot_ord(A, rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (unfold tot_ord_def)
apply (blast intro!: part_ord_rvimage linear_rvimage)
lemma wf_rvimage [intro!]: "wf(r) ==> wf(rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: rvimage_def wf_eq_minimal)
apply clarify
apply (subgoal_tac "\w. w \ {w: {f`x. x \ Q}. \x. x \ Q & (f`x = w) }")
apply (erule allE)
apply (erule impE)
apply assumption
apply blast
apply blast
text\<open>But note that the combination of \<open>wf_imp_wf_on\<close> and
\<open>wf_rvimage\<close> gives \<^prop>\<open>wf(r) ==> wf[C](rvimage(A,f,r))\<close>\<close>
lemma wf_on_rvimage: "[| f \ A->B; wf[B](r) |] ==> wf[A](rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (rule wf_onI2)
apply (subgoal_tac "\z\A. f`z=f`y \ z \ Ba")
apply blast
apply (erule_tac a = "f`y" in wf_on_induct)
apply (blast intro!: apply_funtype)
apply (blast intro!: apply_funtype dest!: rvimage_iff [THEN iffD1])
(*Note that we need only wf[A](...) and linear(A,...) to get the result!*)
lemma well_ord_rvimage:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); well_ord(B,r) |] ==> well_ord(A, rvimage(A,f,r))"
apply (rule well_ordI)
apply (unfold well_ord_def tot_ord_def)
apply (blast intro!: wf_on_rvimage inj_is_fun)
apply (blast intro!: linear_rvimage)
lemma ord_iso_rvimage:
"f \ bij(A,B) ==> f \ ord_iso(A, rvimage(A,f,s), B, s)"
apply (unfold ord_iso_def)
apply (simp add: rvimage_iff)
lemma ord_iso_rvimage_eq:
"f \ ord_iso(A,r, B,s) ==> rvimage(A,f,s) = r \ A*A"
by (unfold ord_iso_def rvimage_def, blast)
subsection\<open>Every well-founded relation is a subset of some inverse image of
an ordinal\<close>
lemma wf_rvimage_Ord: "Ord(i) \ wf(rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
by (blast intro: wf_rvimage wf_Memrel)
wfrank :: "[i,i]=>i" where
"wfrank(r,a) == wfrec(r, a, %x f. \y \ r-``{x}. succ(f`y))"
wftype :: "i=>i" where
"wftype(r) == \y \ range(r). succ(wfrank(r,y))"
lemma wfrank: "wf(r) ==> wfrank(r,a) = (\y \ r-``{a}. succ(wfrank(r,y)))"
by (subst wfrank_def [THEN def_wfrec], simp_all)
lemma Ord_wfrank: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wfrank(r,a))"
apply (rule_tac a=a in wf_induct, assumption)
apply (subst wfrank, assumption)
apply (rule Ord_succ [THEN Ord_UN], blast)
lemma wfrank_lt: "[|wf(r); \ r|] ==> wfrank(r,a) < wfrank(r,b)"
apply (rule_tac a1 = b in wfrank [THEN ssubst], assumption)
apply (rule UN_I [THEN ltI])
apply (simp add: Ord_wfrank vimage_iff)+
lemma Ord_wftype: "wf(r) ==> Ord(wftype(r))"
by (simp add: wftype_def Ord_wfrank)
lemma wftypeI: "\wf(r); x \ field(r)\ \ wfrank(r,x) \ wftype(r)"
apply (simp add: wftype_def)
apply (blast intro: wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
lemma wf_imp_subset_rvimage:
"[|wf(r); r \ A*A|] ==> \i f. Ord(i) & r \ rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i))"
apply (rule_tac x="wftype(r)" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="\x\A. wfrank(r,x)" in exI)
apply (simp add: Ord_wftype, clarify)
apply (frule subsetD, assumption, clarify)
apply (simp add: rvimage_iff wfrank_lt [THEN ltD])
apply (blast intro: wftypeI)
theorem wf_iff_subset_rvimage:
"relation(r) ==> wf(r) \ (\i f A. Ord(i) & r \ rvimage(A, f, Memrel(i)))"
by (blast dest!: relation_field_times_field wf_imp_subset_rvimage
intro: wf_rvimage_Ord [THEN wf_subset])
subsection\<open>Other Results\<close>
lemma wf_times: "A \ B = 0 ==> wf(A*B)"
by (simp add: wf_def, blast)
text\<open>Could also be used to prove \<open>wf_radd\<close>\<close>
lemma wf_Un:
"[| range(r) \ domain(s) = 0; wf(r); wf(s) |] ==> wf(r \ s)"
apply (simp add: wf_def, clarify)
apply (rule equalityI)
prefer 2 apply blast
apply clarify
apply (drule_tac x=Z in spec)
apply (drule_tac x="Z \ domain(s)" in spec)
apply simp
apply (blast intro: elim: equalityE)
subsubsection\<open>The Empty Relation\<close>
lemma wf0: "wf(0)"
by (simp add: wf_def, blast)
lemma linear0: "linear(0,0)"
by (simp add: linear_def)
lemma well_ord0: "well_ord(0,0)"
by (blast intro: wf_imp_wf_on well_ordI wf0 linear0)
subsubsection\<open>The "measure" relation is useful with wfrec\<close>
lemma measure_eq_rvimage_Memrel:
"measure(A,f) = rvimage(A,Lambda(A,f),Memrel(Collect(RepFun(A,f),Ord)))"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: measure_def rvimage_def Memrel_iff)
apply (rule equalityI, auto)
apply (auto intro: Ord_in_Ord simp add: lt_def)
lemma wf_measure [iff]: "wf(measure(A,f))"
by (simp (no_asm) add: measure_eq_rvimage_Memrel wf_Memrel wf_rvimage)
lemma measure_iff [iff]: " \ measure(A,f) \ x \ A & y \ A & f(x)
by (simp (no_asm) add: measure_def)
lemma linear_measure:
assumes Ordf: "!!x. x \ A ==> Ord(f(x))"
and inj: "!!x y. [|x \ A; y \ A; f(x) = f(y) |] ==> x=y"
shows "linear(A, measure(A,f))"
apply (auto simp add: linear_def)
apply (rule_tac i="f(x)" and j="f(y)" in Ord_linear_lt)
apply (simp_all add: Ordf)
apply (blast intro: inj)
lemma wf_on_measure: "wf[B](measure(A,f))"
by (rule wf_imp_wf_on [OF wf_measure])
lemma well_ord_measure:
assumes Ordf: "!!x. x \ A ==> Ord(f(x))"
and inj: "!!x y. [|x \ A; y \ A; f(x) = f(y) |] ==> x=y"
shows "well_ord(A, measure(A,f))"
apply (rule well_ordI)
apply (rule wf_on_measure)
apply (blast intro: linear_measure Ordf inj)
lemma measure_type: "measure(A,f) \ A*A"
by (auto simp add: measure_def)
subsubsection\<open>Well-foundedness of Unions\<close>
lemma wf_on_Union:
assumes wfA: "wf[A](r)"
and wfB: "!!a. a\A ==> wf[B(a)](s)"
and ok: "!!a u v. [| \ s; v \ B(a); a \ A|]
==> (\<exists>a'\<in>A. <a',a> \<in> r & u \<in> B(a')) | u \<in> B(a)"
shows "wf[\a\A. B(a)](s)"
apply (rule wf_onI2)
apply (erule UN_E)
apply (subgoal_tac "\z \ B(a). z \ Ba", blast)
apply (rule_tac a = a in wf_on_induct [OF wfA], assumption)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (rule_tac a = z in wf_on_induct [OF wfB], assumption, assumption)
apply (rename_tac u)
apply (drule_tac x=u in bspec, blast)
apply (erule mp, clarify)
apply (frule ok, assumption+, blast)
subsubsection\<open>Bijections involving Powersets\<close>
lemma Pow_sum_bij:
"(\Z \ Pow(A+B). <{x \ A. Inl(x) \ Z}, {y \ B. Inr(y) \ Z}>)
\<in> bij(Pow(A+B), Pow(A)*Pow(B))"
apply (rule_tac d = "%. {Inl (x). x \ X} \ {Inr (y). y \ Y}"
in lam_bijective)
apply force+
text\<open>As a special case, we have \<^term>\<open>bij(Pow(A*B), A -> Pow(B))\<close>\<close>
lemma Pow_Sigma_bij:
"(\r \ Pow(Sigma(A,B)). \x \ A. r``{x})
\<in> bij(Pow(Sigma(A,B)), \<Prod>x \<in> A. Pow(B(x)))"
apply (rule_tac d = "%f. \x \ A. \y \ f`x. {}" in lam_bijective)
apply (blast intro: lam_type)
apply (blast dest: apply_type, simp_all)
apply fast (*strange, but blast can't do it*)
apply (rule fun_extension, auto)
by blast
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