(* Title: ZF/UNITY/AllocBase.thy
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2001 University of Cambridge
section\<open>Common declarations for Chandy and Charpentier's Allocator\<close>
theory AllocBase imports Follows MultisetSum Guar begin
abbreviation (input)
tokbag :: i (* tokbags could be multisets...or any ordered type?*)
"tokbag == nat"
NbT :: i and (* Number of tokens in system *)
Nclients :: i (* Number of clients *)
NbT_pos: "NbT \ nat-{0}" and
Nclients_pos: "Nclients \ nat-{0}"
text\<open>This function merely sums the elements of a list\<close>
consts tokens :: "i =>i"
item :: i (* Items to be merged/distributed *)
"tokens(Nil) = 0"
"tokens (Cons(x,xs)) = x #+ tokens(xs)"
consts bag_of :: "i => i"
"bag_of(Nil) = 0"
"bag_of(Cons(x,xs)) = {#x#} +# bag_of(xs)"
text\<open>Definitions needed in Client.thy. We define a recursive predicate
using 0 and 1 to code the truth values.\<close>
consts all_distinct0 :: "i=>i"
"all_distinct0(Nil) = 1"
"all_distinct0(Cons(a, l)) =
(if a \<in> set_of_list(l) then 0 else all_distinct0(l))"
all_distinct :: "i=>o" where
"all_distinct(l) == all_distinct0(l)=1"
state_of :: "i =>i" \<comment> \<open>coersion from anyting to state\<close> where
"state_of(s) == if s \ state then s else st0"
lift :: "i =>(i=>i)" \<comment> \<open>simplifies the expression of programs\<close> where
"lift(x) == %s. s`x"
text\<open>function to show that the set of variables is infinite\<close>
nat_list_inj :: "i=>i"
var_inj :: "i=>i"
"nat_list_inj(0) = Nil"
"nat_list_inj(succ(n)) = Cons(n, nat_list_inj(n))"
"var_inj(Var(l)) = length(l)"
nat_var_inj :: "i=>i" where
"nat_var_inj(n) == Var(nat_list_inj(n))"
subsection\<open>Various simple lemmas\<close>
lemma Nclients_NbT_gt_0 [simp]: "0 < Nclients & 0 < NbT"
apply (cut_tac Nclients_pos NbT_pos)
apply (auto intro: Ord_0_lt)
lemma Nclients_NbT_not_0 [simp]: "Nclients \ 0 & NbT \ 0"
by (cut_tac Nclients_pos NbT_pos, auto)
lemma Nclients_type [simp,TC]: "Nclients\nat"
by (cut_tac Nclients_pos NbT_pos, auto)
lemma NbT_type [simp,TC]: "NbT\nat"
by (cut_tac Nclients_pos NbT_pos, auto)
lemma INT_Nclient_iff [iff]:
"b\\(RepFun(Nclients, B)) \ (\x\Nclients. b\B(x))"
by (force simp add: INT_iff)
lemma setsum_fun_mono [rule_format]:
"n\nat ==>
(\<forall>i\<in>nat. i<n \<longrightarrow> f(i) $\<le> g(i)) \<longrightarrow>
setsum(f, n) $\<le> setsum(g,n)"
apply (induct_tac "n", simp_all)
apply (subgoal_tac "Finite(x) & x\x")
prefer 2 apply (simp add: nat_into_Finite mem_not_refl, clarify)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: succ_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "\i\nat. i f(i) $\ g(i) ")
prefer 2 apply (force dest: leI)
apply (rule zadd_zle_mono, simp_all)
lemma tokens_type [simp,TC]: "l\list(A) ==> tokens(l)\nat"
by (erule list.induct, auto)
lemma tokens_mono_aux [rule_format]:
"xs\list(A) ==> \ys\list(A). \prefix(A)
\<longrightarrow> tokens(xs) \<le> tokens(ys)"
apply (induct_tac "xs")
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD] simp add: prefix_def)
lemma tokens_mono: "\prefix(A) ==> tokens(xs) \ tokens(ys)"
apply (cut_tac prefix_type)
apply (blast intro: tokens_mono_aux)
lemma mono_tokens [iff]: "mono1(list(A), prefix(A), nat, Le,tokens)"
apply (unfold mono1_def)
apply (auto intro: tokens_mono simp add: Le_def)
lemma tokens_append [simp]:
"[| xs\list(A); ys\list(A) |] ==> tokens(xs@ys) = tokens(xs) #+ tokens(ys)"
apply (induct_tac "xs", auto)
subsection\<open>The function \<^term>\<open>bag_of\<close>\<close>
lemma bag_of_type [simp,TC]: "l\list(A) ==>bag_of(l)\Mult(A)"
apply (induct_tac "l")
apply (auto simp add: Mult_iff_multiset)
lemma bag_of_multiset:
"l\list(A) ==> multiset(bag_of(l)) & mset_of(bag_of(l))<=A"
apply (drule bag_of_type)
apply (auto simp add: Mult_iff_multiset)
lemma bag_of_append [simp]:
"[| xs\list(A); ys\list(A)|] ==> bag_of(xs@ys) = bag_of(xs) +# bag_of(ys)"
apply (induct_tac "xs")
apply (auto simp add: bag_of_multiset munion_assoc)
lemma bag_of_mono_aux [rule_format]:
"xs\list(A) ==> \ys\list(A). \prefix(A)
\<longrightarrow> <bag_of(xs), bag_of(ys)>\<in>MultLe(A, r)"
apply (induct_tac "xs", simp_all, clarify)
apply (frule_tac l = ys in bag_of_multiset)
apply (auto intro: empty_le_MultLe simp add: prefix_def)
apply (rule munion_mono)
apply (force simp add: MultLe_def Mult_iff_multiset)
apply (blast dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
lemma bag_of_mono [intro]:
"[| \prefix(A); xs\list(A); ys\list(A) |]
==> <bag_of(xs), bag_of(ys)>\<in>MultLe(A, r)"
apply (blast intro: bag_of_mono_aux)
lemma mono_bag_of [simp]:
"mono1(list(A), prefix(A), Mult(A), MultLe(A,r), bag_of)"
by (auto simp add: mono1_def bag_of_type)
subsection\<open>The function \<^term>\<open>msetsum\<close>\<close>
lemmas nat_into_Fin = eqpoll_refl [THEN [2] Fin_lemma]
lemma list_Int_length_Fin: "l \ list(A) ==> C \ length(l) \ Fin(length(l))"
apply (drule length_type)
apply (rule Fin_subset)
apply (rule Int_lower2)
apply (erule nat_into_Fin)
lemma mem_Int_imp_lt_length:
"[|xs \ list(A); k \ C \ length(xs)|] ==> k < length(xs)"
by (simp add: ltI)
lemma Int_succ_right:
"A \ succ(k) = (if k \ A then cons(k, A \ k) else A \ k)"
by auto
lemma bag_of_sublist_lemma:
"[|C \ nat; x \ A; xs \ list(A)|]
==> msetsum(\<lambda>i. {#nth(i, xs @ [x])#}, C \<inter> succ(length(xs)), A) =
(if length(xs) \<in> C then
{#x#} +# msetsum(\<lambda>x. {#nth(x, xs)#}, C \<inter> length(xs), A)
else msetsum(\<lambda>x. {#nth(x, xs)#}, C \<inter> length(xs), A))"
apply (simp add: subsetD nth_append lt_not_refl mem_Int_imp_lt_length cong add: msetsum_cong)
apply (simp add: Int_succ_right)
apply (simp add: lt_not_refl mem_Int_imp_lt_length cong add: msetsum_cong, clarify)
apply (subst msetsum_cons)
apply (rule_tac [3] succI1)
apply (blast intro: list_Int_length_Fin subset_succI [THEN Fin_mono, THEN subsetD])
apply (simp add: mem_not_refl)
apply (simp add: nth_type lt_not_refl)
apply (blast intro: nat_into_Ord ltI length_type)
apply (simp add: lt_not_refl mem_Int_imp_lt_length cong add: msetsum_cong)
lemma bag_of_sublist_lemma2:
"l\list(A) ==>
C \<subseteq> nat ==>
bag_of(sublist(l, C)) =
msetsum(%i. {#nth(i, l)#}, C \<inter> length(l), A)"
apply (erule list_append_induct)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: sublist_append nth_append bag_of_sublist_lemma munion_commute bag_of_sublist_lemma msetsum_multiset munion_0)
lemma nat_Int_length_eq: "l \ list(A) ==> nat \ length(l) = length(l)"
apply (rule Int_absorb1)
apply (rule OrdmemD, auto)
(*eliminating the assumption C<=nat*)
lemma bag_of_sublist:
"l\list(A) ==>
bag_of(sublist(l, C)) = msetsum(%i. {#nth(i, l)#}, C \<inter> length(l), A)"
apply (subgoal_tac " bag_of (sublist (l, C \ nat)) = msetsum (%i. {#nth (i, l) #}, C \ length (l), A) ")
apply (simp add: sublist_Int_eq)
apply (simp add: bag_of_sublist_lemma2 Int_lower2 Int_assoc nat_Int_length_eq)
lemma bag_of_sublist_Un_Int:
"l\list(A) ==>
bag_of(sublist(l, B \<union> C)) +# bag_of(sublist(l, B \<inter> C)) =
bag_of(sublist(l, B)) +# bag_of(sublist(l, C))"
apply (subgoal_tac "B \ C \ length (l) = (B \ length (l)) \ (C \ length (l))")
prefer 2 apply blast
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: bag_of_sublist Int_Un_distrib2 msetsum_Un_Int)
apply (rule msetsum_Un_Int)
apply (erule list_Int_length_Fin)+
apply (simp add: ltI nth_type)
lemma bag_of_sublist_Un_disjoint:
"[| l\list(A); B \ C = 0 |]
==> bag_of(sublist(l, B \<union> C)) =
bag_of(sublist(l, B)) +# bag_of(sublist(l, C))"
by (simp add: bag_of_sublist_Un_Int [symmetric] bag_of_multiset)
lemma bag_of_sublist_UN_disjoint [rule_format]:
"[|Finite(I); \i\I. \j\I. i\j \ A(i) \ A(j) = 0;
l\<in>list(B) |]
==> bag_of(sublist(l, \<Union>i\<in>I. A(i))) =
(msetsum(%i. bag_of(sublist(l, A(i))), I, B)) "
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) del: UN_simps
add: UN_simps [symmetric] bag_of_sublist)
apply (subst msetsum_UN_disjoint [of _ _ _ "length (l)"])
apply (drule Finite_into_Fin, assumption)
prefer 3 apply force
apply (auto intro!: Fin_IntI2 Finite_into_Fin simp add: ltI nth_type length_type nat_into_Finite)
lemma part_ord_Lt [simp]: "part_ord(nat, Lt)"
apply (unfold part_ord_def Lt_def irrefl_def trans_on_def)
apply (auto intro: lt_trans)
subsubsection\<open>The function \<^term>\<open>all_distinct\<close>\<close>
lemma all_distinct_Nil [simp]: "all_distinct(Nil)"
by (unfold all_distinct_def, auto)
lemma all_distinct_Cons [simp]:
"all_distinct(Cons(a,l)) \
(a\<in>set_of_list(l) \<longrightarrow> False) & (a \<notin> set_of_list(l) \<longrightarrow> all_distinct(l))"
apply (unfold all_distinct_def)
apply (auto elim: list.cases)
subsubsection\<open>The function \<^term>\<open>state_of\<close>\<close>
lemma state_of_state: "s\state ==> state_of(s)=s"
by (unfold state_of_def, auto)
declare state_of_state [simp]
lemma state_of_idem: "state_of(state_of(s))=state_of(s)"
apply (unfold state_of_def, auto)
declare state_of_idem [simp]
lemma state_of_type [simp,TC]: "state_of(s)\state"
by (unfold state_of_def, auto)
lemma lift_apply [simp]: "lift(x, s)=s`x"
by (simp add: lift_def)
(** Used in ClientImp **)
lemma gen_Increains_state_of_eq:
"Increasing(A, r, %s. f(state_of(s))) = Increasing(A, r, f)"
apply (unfold Increasing_def, auto)
lemmas Increasing_state_ofD1 =
gen_Increains_state_of_eq [THEN equalityD1, THEN subsetD]
lemmas Increasing_state_ofD2 =
gen_Increains_state_of_eq [THEN equalityD2, THEN subsetD]
lemma Follows_state_of_eq:
"Follows(A, r, %s. f(state_of(s)), %s. g(state_of(s))) =
Follows(A, r, f, g)"
apply (unfold Follows_def Increasing_def, auto)
lemmas Follows_state_ofD1 =
Follows_state_of_eq [THEN equalityD1, THEN subsetD]
lemmas Follows_state_ofD2 =
Follows_state_of_eq [THEN equalityD2, THEN subsetD]
lemma nat_list_inj_type: "n\nat ==> nat_list_inj(n)\list(nat)"
by (induct_tac "n", auto)
lemma length_nat_list_inj: "n\nat ==> length(nat_list_inj(n)) = n"
by (induct_tac "n", auto)
lemma var_infinite_lemma:
"(\x\nat. nat_var_inj(x))\inj(nat, var)"
apply (unfold nat_var_inj_def)
apply (rule_tac d = var_inj in lam_injective)
apply (auto simp add: var.intros nat_list_inj_type)
apply (simp add: length_nat_list_inj)
lemma nat_lepoll_var: "nat \ var"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (rule_tac x = " (\x\nat. nat_var_inj (x))" in exI)
apply (rule var_infinite_lemma)
lemma var_not_Finite: "~Finite(var)"
apply (insert nat_not_Finite)
apply (blast intro: lepoll_Finite [OF nat_lepoll_var])
lemma not_Finite_imp_exist: "~Finite(A) ==> \x. x\A"
apply (subgoal_tac "A\0")
apply (auto simp add: Finite_0)
lemma Inter_Diff_var_iff:
"Finite(A) ==> b\(\(RepFun(var-A, B))) \ (\x\var-A. b\B(x))"
apply (subgoal_tac "\x. x\var-A", auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "~Finite (var-A) ")
apply (drule not_Finite_imp_exist, auto)
apply (cut_tac var_not_Finite)
apply (erule swap)
apply (rule_tac B = A in Diff_Finite, auto)
lemma Inter_var_DiffD:
"[| b\\(RepFun(var-A, B)); Finite(A); x\var-A |] ==> b\B(x)"
by (simp add: Inter_Diff_var_iff)
(* [| Finite(A); (\<forall>x\<in>var-A. b\<in>B(x)) |] ==> b\<in>\<Inter>(RepFun(var-A, B)) *)
lemmas Inter_var_DiffI = Inter_Diff_var_iff [THEN iffD2]
declare Inter_var_DiffI [intro!]
lemma Acts_subset_Int_Pow_simp [simp]:
"Acts(F)<= A \ Pow(state*state) \ Acts(F)<=A"
by (insert Acts_type [of F], auto)
lemma setsum_nsetsum_eq:
"[| Finite(A); \x\A. g(x)\nat |]
==> setsum(%x. $#(g(x)), A) = $# nsetsum(%x. g(x), A)"
apply (erule Finite_induct)
apply (auto simp add: int_of_add)
lemma nsetsum_cong:
"[| A=B; \x\A. f(x)=g(x); \x\A. g(x)\nat; Finite(A) |]
==> nsetsum(f, A) = nsetsum(g, B)"
apply (subgoal_tac "$# nsetsum (f, A) = $# nsetsum (g, B)", simp)
apply (simp add: setsum_nsetsum_eq [symmetric] cong: setsum_cong)
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