(* Title: ZF/UNITY/GenPrefix.thy
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2001 University of Cambridge
if ys = xs' @ zs where length(xs) = length(xs')
and corresponding elements of xs, xs' are pairwise related by r
Based on Lex/Prefix
section\<open>Charpentier's Generalized Prefix Relation\<close>
theory GenPrefix
imports ZF
definition (*really belongs in ZF/Trancl*)
part_order :: "[i, i] => o" where
"part_order(A, r) == refl(A,r) & trans[A](r) & antisym(r)"
gen_prefix :: "[i, i] => i"
(* Parameter A is the domain of zs's elements *)
domains "gen_prefix(A, r)" \<subseteq> "list(A)*list(A)"
Nil: "<[],[]>:gen_prefix(A, r)"
prepend: "[| :gen_prefix(A, r); :r; x \ A; y \ A |]
==> <Cons(x,xs), Cons(y,ys)>: gen_prefix(A, r)"
append: "[| :gen_prefix(A, r); zs:list(A) |]
==> <xs, ys@zs>:gen_prefix(A, r)"
type_intros app_type list.Nil list.Cons
prefix :: "i=>i" where
"prefix(A) == gen_prefix(A, id(A))"
strict_prefix :: "i=>i" where
"strict_prefix(A) == prefix(A) - id(list(A))"
(* less or equal and greater or equal over prefixes *)
pfixLe :: "[i, i] => o" (infixl \<open>pfixLe\<close> 50) where
"xs pfixLe ys == :gen_prefix(nat, Le)"
pfixGe :: "[i, i] => o" (infixl \<open>pfixGe\<close> 50) where
"xs pfixGe ys == :gen_prefix(nat, Ge)"
lemma reflD:
"[| refl(A, r); x \ A |] ==> :r"
apply (unfold refl_def, auto)
(*** preliminary lemmas ***)
lemma Nil_gen_prefix: "xs \ list(A) ==> <[], xs> \ gen_prefix(A, r)"
by (drule gen_prefix.append [OF gen_prefix.Nil], simp)
declare Nil_gen_prefix [simp]
lemma gen_prefix_length_le: " \ gen_prefix(A, r) ==> length(xs) \ length(ys)"
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (subgoal_tac [3] "ys \ list (A) ")
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD]
intro: le_trans simp add: length_app)
lemma Cons_gen_prefix_aux:
"[| \ gen_prefix(A, r) |]
==> (\<forall>x xs. x \<in> A \<longrightarrow> xs'= Cons(x,xs) \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists>y ys. y \<in> A & ys' = Cons(y,ys) &
<x,y>:r & <xs, ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)))"
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
prefer 3 apply (force intro: gen_prefix.append, auto)
lemma Cons_gen_prefixE:
"[| \ gen_prefix(A, r);
!!y ys. [|zs = Cons(y, ys); y \<in> A; x \<in> A; <x,y>:r;
<xs,ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r) |] ==> P |] ==> P"
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], auto)
apply (blast dest: Cons_gen_prefix_aux)
declare Cons_gen_prefixE [elim!]
lemma Cons_gen_prefix_Cons:
"( \ gen_prefix(A, r))
\<longleftrightarrow> (x \<in> A & y \<in> A & <x,y>:r & <xs,ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r))"
apply (auto intro: gen_prefix.prepend)
declare Cons_gen_prefix_Cons [iff]
(** Monotonicity of gen_prefix **)
lemma gen_prefix_mono2: "r<=s ==> gen_prefix(A, r) \ gen_prefix(A, s)"
apply clarify
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], clarify)
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (auto intro: gen_prefix.append)
lemma gen_prefix_mono1: "A<=B ==>gen_prefix(A, r) \ gen_prefix(B, r)"
apply clarify
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], clarify)
apply (erule rev_mp)
apply (erule_tac P = "y \ list (A) " in rev_mp)
apply (erule_tac P = "xa \ list (A) " in rev_mp)
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply clarify
apply (erule ConsE)+
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD]
intro: gen_prefix.append list_mono [THEN subsetD])
lemma gen_prefix_mono: "[| A \ B; r \ s |] ==> gen_prefix(A, r) \ gen_prefix(B, s)"
apply (rule subset_trans)
apply (rule gen_prefix_mono1)
apply (rule_tac [2] gen_prefix_mono2, auto)
(*** gen_prefix order ***)
(* reflexivity *)
lemma refl_gen_prefix: "refl(A, r) ==> refl(list(A), gen_prefix(A, r))"
apply (unfold refl_def, auto)
apply (induct_tac "x", auto)
declare refl_gen_prefix [THEN reflD, simp]
(* Transitivity *)
(* A lemma for proving gen_prefix_trans_comp *)
lemma append_gen_prefix [rule_format (no_asm)]: "xs \ list(A) ==>
\<forall>zs. <xs @ ys, zs> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r) \<longrightarrow> <xs, zs>: gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (erule list.induct)
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
(* Lemma proving transitivity and more*)
lemma gen_prefix_trans_comp [rule_format (no_asm)]:
": gen_prefix(A, r) ==>
(\<forall>z \<in> list(A). <y,z> \<in> gen_prefix(A, s)\<longrightarrow><x, z> \<in> gen_prefix(A, s O r))"
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (auto elim: ConsE simp add: Nil_gen_prefix)
apply (subgoal_tac "ys \ list (A) ")
prefer 2 apply (blast dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (drule_tac xs = ys and r = s in append_gen_prefix, auto)
lemma trans_comp_subset: "trans(r) ==> r O r \ r"
by (auto dest: transD)
lemma trans_gen_prefix: "trans(r) ==> trans(gen_prefix(A,r))"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: trans_def)
apply clarify
apply (rule trans_comp_subset [THEN gen_prefix_mono2, THEN subsetD], assumption)
apply (rule gen_prefix_trans_comp)
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
lemma trans_on_gen_prefix:
"trans(r) ==> trans[list(A)](gen_prefix(A, r))"
apply (drule_tac A = A in trans_gen_prefix)
apply (unfold trans_def trans_on_def, blast)
lemma prefix_gen_prefix_trans:
"[| \ prefix(A); \ gen_prefix(A, r); r<=A*A |]
==> <x, z> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule_tac P = "%r. \ gen_prefix (A, r) " in right_comp_id [THEN subst])
apply (blast dest: gen_prefix_trans_comp gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])+
lemma gen_prefix_prefix_trans:
"[| \ gen_prefix(A,r); \ prefix(A); r<=A*A |]
==> <x, z> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule_tac P = "%r. \ gen_prefix (A, r) " in left_comp_id [THEN subst])
apply (blast dest: gen_prefix_trans_comp gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])+
(** Antisymmetry **)
lemma nat_le_lemma [rule_format]: "n \ nat ==> \b \ nat. n #+ b \ n \ b = 0"
by (induct_tac "n", auto)
lemma antisym_gen_prefix: "antisym(r) ==> antisym(gen_prefix(A, r))"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: antisym_def)
apply (rule impI [THEN allI, THEN allI])
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct, blast)
apply (simp add: antisym_def, blast)
txt\<open>append case is hardest\<close>
apply clarify
apply (subgoal_tac "length (zs) = 0")
apply (subgoal_tac "ys \ list (A) ")
prefer 2 apply (blast dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (drule_tac psi = " \ gen_prefix (A,r) " in asm_rl)
apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "length (ys @ zs) = length (ys) #+ length (zs) &ys \ list (A) &xs \ list (A) ")
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: length_app dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (drule gen_prefix_length_le)+
apply clarify
apply simp
apply (drule_tac j = "length (xs) " in le_trans)
apply blast
apply (auto intro: nat_le_lemma)
(*** recursion equations ***)
lemma gen_prefix_Nil: "xs \ list(A) ==> \ gen_prefix(A,r) \ (xs = [])"
by (induct_tac "xs", auto)
declare gen_prefix_Nil [simp]
lemma same_gen_prefix_gen_prefix:
"[| refl(A, r); xs \ list(A) |] ==>
<xs@ys, xs@zs>: gen_prefix(A, r) \<longleftrightarrow> <ys,zs> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (unfold refl_def)
apply (induct_tac "xs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
declare same_gen_prefix_gen_prefix [simp]
lemma gen_prefix_Cons: "[| xs \ list(A); ys \ list(A); y \ A |] ==>
<xs, Cons(y,ys)> \<in> gen_prefix(A,r) \<longleftrightarrow>
(xs=[] | (\<exists>z zs. xs=Cons(z,zs) & z \<in> A & <z,y>:r & <zs,ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A,r)))"
apply (induct_tac "xs", auto)
lemma gen_prefix_take_append: "[| refl(A,r); \ gen_prefix(A, r); zs \ list(A) |]
==> <xs@zs, take(length(xs), ys) @ zs> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (frule_tac [!] gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], auto)
apply (frule gen_prefix_length_le)
apply (subgoal_tac "take (length (xs), ys) \ list (A) ")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: diff_is_0_iff [THEN iffD2] take_type)
lemma gen_prefix_append_both: "[| refl(A, r); \ gen_prefix(A,r);
length(xs) = length(ys); zs \<in> list(A) |]
==> <xs@zs, ys @ zs> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (drule_tac zs = zs in gen_prefix_take_append, assumption+)
apply (subgoal_tac "take (length (xs), ys) =ys")
apply (auto intro!: take_all dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
(*NOT suitable for rewriting since [y] has the form y#ys*)
lemma append_cons_conv: "xs \ list(A) ==> xs @ Cons(y, ys) = (xs @ [y]) @ ys"
by (auto simp add: app_assoc)
lemma append_one_gen_prefix_lemma [rule_format]:
"[| \ gen_prefix(A, r); refl(A, r) |]
==> length(xs) < length(ys) \<longrightarrow>
<xs @ [nth(length(xs), ys)], ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct, blast)
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], clarify)
apply (simp_all add: length_type)
(* Append case is hardest *)
apply (frule gen_prefix_length_le [THEN le_iff [THEN iffD1]])
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD], clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac "length (xs) :nat&length (ys) :nat &length (zs) :nat")
prefer 2 apply (blast intro: length_type, clarify)
apply (simp_all add: nth_append length_type length_app)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (blast intro: gen_prefix.append)
apply (erule_tac V = "length (xs) < length (ys) \u" for u in thin_rl)
apply (erule_tac a = zs in list.cases, auto)
apply (rule_tac P1 = "%x. :w" for u v w in nat_diff_split [THEN iffD2])
apply auto
apply (simplesubst append_cons_conv)
apply (rule_tac [2] gen_prefix.append)
apply (auto elim: ConsE simp add: gen_prefix_append_both)
lemma append_one_gen_prefix: "[| : gen_prefix(A, r); length(xs) < length(ys); refl(A, r) |]
==> <xs @ [nth(length(xs), ys)], ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (blast intro: append_one_gen_prefix_lemma)
(** Proving the equivalence with Charpentier's definition **)
lemma gen_prefix_imp_nth_lemma [rule_format]: "xs \ list(A) ==>
\<forall>ys \<in> list(A). \<forall>i \<in> nat. i < length(xs)
\<longrightarrow> <xs, ys>: gen_prefix(A, r) \<longrightarrow> <nth(i, xs), nth(i, ys)>:r"
apply (induct_tac "xs", simp, clarify)
apply simp
apply (erule natE, auto)
lemma gen_prefix_imp_nth: "[| \ gen_prefix(A,r); i < length(xs)|]
==> <nth(i, xs), nth(i, ys)>:r"
apply (cut_tac A = A in gen_prefix.dom_subset)
apply (rule gen_prefix_imp_nth_lemma)
apply (auto simp add: lt_nat_in_nat)
lemma nth_imp_gen_prefix [rule_format]: "xs \ list(A) ==>
\<forall>ys \<in> list(A). length(xs) \<le> length(ys)
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall>i. i < length(xs) \<longrightarrow> <nth(i, xs), nth(i,ys)>:r)
\<longrightarrow> <xs, ys> \<in> gen_prefix(A, r)"
apply (induct_tac "xs")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp))
apply clarify
apply (erule_tac a = ys in list.cases, simp)
apply (force intro!: nat_0_le simp add: lt_nat_in_nat)
lemma gen_prefix_iff_nth: "( \ gen_prefix(A,r)) \
(xs \<in> list(A) & ys \<in> list(A) & length(xs) \<le> length(ys) &
(\<forall>i. i < length(xs) \<longrightarrow> <nth(i,xs), nth(i, ys)>: r))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (frule gen_prefix_length_le, auto)
apply (rule_tac [2] nth_imp_gen_prefix)
apply (drule gen_prefix_imp_nth)
apply (auto simp add: lt_nat_in_nat)
(** prefix is a partial order: **)
lemma refl_prefix: "refl(list(A), prefix(A))"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule refl_gen_prefix)
apply (auto simp add: refl_def)
declare refl_prefix [THEN reflD, simp]
lemma trans_prefix: "trans(prefix(A))"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule trans_gen_prefix)
apply (auto simp add: trans_def)
lemmas prefix_trans = trans_prefix [THEN transD]
lemma trans_on_prefix: "trans[list(A)](prefix(A))"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule trans_on_gen_prefix)
apply (auto simp add: trans_def)
lemmas prefix_trans_on = trans_on_prefix [THEN trans_onD]
(* Monotonicity of "set" operator WRT prefix *)
lemma set_of_list_prefix_mono:
" \ prefix(A) ==> set_of_list(xs) \ set_of_list(ys)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (subgoal_tac [3] "xs \ list (A) &ys \ list (A) ")
prefer 4 apply (blast dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (auto simp add: set_of_list_append)
(** recursion equations **)
lemma Nil_prefix: "xs \ list(A) ==> <[],xs> \ prefix(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Nil_gen_prefix)
declare Nil_prefix [simp]
lemma prefix_Nil: " \ prefix(A) \ (xs = [])"
apply (unfold prefix_def, auto)
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (drule_tac psi = " \ gen_prefix (A, id (A))" in asm_rl)
apply (simp add: gen_prefix_Nil)
declare prefix_Nil [iff]
lemma Cons_prefix_Cons:
" \ prefix(A) \ (x=y & \ prefix(A) & y \ A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def, auto)
declare Cons_prefix_Cons [iff]
lemma same_prefix_prefix:
"xs \ list(A)==> \ prefix(A) \ ( \ prefix(A))"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "refl (A,id (A))")
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (auto simp add: refl_def)
declare same_prefix_prefix [simp]
lemma same_prefix_prefix_Nil: "xs \ list(A) ==> \ prefix(A) \ ( \ prefix(A))"
apply (rule_tac P = "%x. :v \ w(x)" for u v w in app_right_Nil [THEN subst])
apply (rule_tac [2] same_prefix_prefix, auto)
declare same_prefix_prefix_Nil [simp]
lemma prefix_appendI:
"[| \ prefix(A); zs \ list(A) |] ==> \ prefix(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (erule gen_prefix.append, assumption)
declare prefix_appendI [simp]
lemma prefix_Cons:
"[| xs \ list(A); ys \ list(A); y \ A |] ==>
<xs,Cons(y,ys)> \<in> prefix(A) \<longleftrightarrow>
(xs=[] | (\<exists>zs. xs=Cons(y,zs) & <zs,ys> \<in> prefix(A)))"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (auto simp add: gen_prefix_Cons)
lemma append_one_prefix:
"[| \ prefix(A); length(xs) < length(ys) |]
==> <xs @ [nth(length(xs),ys)], ys> \<in> prefix(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "refl (A, id (A))")
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: append_one_gen_prefix)
apply (auto simp add: refl_def)
lemma prefix_length_le:
" \ prefix(A) ==> length(xs) \ length(ys)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (blast dest: gen_prefix_length_le)
lemma prefix_type: "prefix(A)<=list(A)*list(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (blast intro!: gen_prefix.dom_subset)
lemma strict_prefix_type:
"strict_prefix(A) \ list(A)*list(A)"
apply (unfold strict_prefix_def)
apply (blast intro!: prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
lemma strict_prefix_length_lt_aux:
" \ prefix(A) ==> xs\ys \ length(xs) < length(ys)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct, clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac [!] "ys \ list(A) & xs \ list(A)")
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD]
simp add: length_type)
apply (subgoal_tac "length (zs) =0")
apply (drule_tac [2] not_lt_imp_le)
apply (rule_tac [5] j = "length (ys) " in lt_trans2)
apply auto
lemma strict_prefix_length_lt:
":strict_prefix(A) ==> length(xs) < length(ys)"
apply (unfold strict_prefix_def)
apply (rule strict_prefix_length_lt_aux [THEN mp])
apply (auto dest: prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
(*Equivalence to the definition used in Lex/Prefix.thy*)
lemma prefix_iff:
" \ prefix(A) \ (\ys \ list(A). zs = xs@ys) & xs \ list(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (auto simp add: gen_prefix_iff_nth lt_nat_in_nat nth_append nth_type app_type length_app)
apply (subgoal_tac "drop (length (xs), zs) \ list (A) ")
apply (rule_tac x = "drop (length (xs), zs) " in bexI)
apply safe
prefer 2 apply (simp add: length_type drop_type)
apply (rule nth_equalityI)
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: nth_append app_type drop_type length_app length_drop)
apply (rule nat_diff_split [THEN iffD2], simp_all, clarify)
apply (drule_tac i = "length (zs) " in leI)
apply (force simp add: le_subset_iff, safe)
apply (subgoal_tac "length (xs) #+ (i #- length (xs)) = i")
apply (subst nth_drop)
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: leI split: nat_diff_split)
lemma prefix_snoc:
"[|xs \ list(A); ys \ list(A); y \ A |] ==>
<xs, ys@[y]> \<in> prefix(A) \<longleftrightarrow> (xs = ys@[y] | <xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A))"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: prefix_iff)
apply (rule iffI, clarify)
apply (erule_tac xs = ysa in rev_list_elim, simp)
apply (simp add: app_type app_assoc [symmetric])
apply (auto simp add: app_assoc app_type)
declare prefix_snoc [simp]
lemma prefix_append_iff [rule_format]: "zs \ list(A) ==> \xs \ list(A). \ys \ list(A).
(<xs, ys@zs> \<in> prefix(A)) \<longleftrightarrow>
(<xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A) | (\<exists>us. xs = ys@us & <us,zs> \<in> prefix(A)))"
apply (erule list_append_induct, force, clarify)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: add: app_assoc [symmetric])
apply (erule disjE)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (rule_tac x = "y @ [x]" in exI)
apply (simp add: add: app_assoc [symmetric], force+)
(*Although the prefix ordering is not linear, the prefixes of a list
are linearly ordered.*)
lemma common_prefix_linear_lemma [rule_format]: "[| zs \ list(A); xs \ list(A); ys \ list(A) |]
==> <xs, zs> \<in> prefix(A) \<longrightarrow> <ys,zs> \<in> prefix(A)
\<longrightarrow><xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A) | <ys,xs> \<in> prefix(A)"
apply (erule list_append_induct, auto)
lemma common_prefix_linear: "[| \ prefix(A); \ prefix(A) |]
==> <xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A) | <ys,xs> \<in> prefix(A)"
apply (cut_tac prefix_type)
apply (blast del: disjCI intro: common_prefix_linear_lemma)
(*** pfixLe, pfixGe \<in> properties inherited from the translations ***)
(** pfixLe **)
lemma refl_Le: "refl(nat,Le)"
apply (unfold refl_def, auto)
declare refl_Le [simp]
lemma antisym_Le: "antisym(Le)"
apply (unfold antisym_def)
apply (auto intro: le_anti_sym)
declare antisym_Le [simp]
lemma trans_on_Le: "trans[nat](Le)"
apply (unfold trans_on_def, auto)
apply (blast intro: le_trans)
declare trans_on_Le [simp]
lemma trans_Le: "trans(Le)"
apply (unfold trans_def, auto)
apply (blast intro: le_trans)
declare trans_Le [simp]
lemma part_order_Le: "part_order(nat,Le)"
by (unfold part_order_def, auto)
declare part_order_Le [simp]
lemma pfixLe_refl: "x \ list(nat) ==> x pfixLe x"
by (blast intro: refl_gen_prefix [THEN reflD] refl_Le)
declare pfixLe_refl [simp]
lemma pfixLe_trans: "[| x pfixLe y; y pfixLe z |] ==> x pfixLe z"
by (blast intro: trans_gen_prefix [THEN transD] trans_Le)
lemma pfixLe_antisym: "[| x pfixLe y; y pfixLe x |] ==> x = y"
by (blast intro: antisym_gen_prefix [THEN antisymE] antisym_Le)
lemma prefix_imp_pfixLe:
":prefix(nat)==> xs pfixLe ys"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (rule gen_prefix_mono [THEN subsetD], auto)
lemma refl_Ge: "refl(nat, Ge)"
by (unfold refl_def Ge_def, auto)
declare refl_Ge [iff]
lemma antisym_Ge: "antisym(Ge)"
apply (unfold antisym_def Ge_def)
apply (auto intro: le_anti_sym)
declare antisym_Ge [iff]
lemma trans_Ge: "trans(Ge)"
apply (unfold trans_def Ge_def)
apply (auto intro: le_trans)
declare trans_Ge [iff]
lemma pfixGe_refl: "x \ list(nat) ==> x pfixGe x"
by (blast intro: refl_gen_prefix [THEN reflD])
declare pfixGe_refl [simp]
lemma pfixGe_trans: "[| x pfixGe y; y pfixGe z |] ==> x pfixGe z"
by (blast intro: trans_gen_prefix [THEN transD])
lemma pfixGe_antisym: "[| x pfixGe y; y pfixGe x |] ==> x = y"
by (blast intro: antisym_gen_prefix [THEN antisymE])
lemma prefix_imp_pfixGe:
":prefix(nat) ==> xs pfixGe ys"
apply (unfold prefix_def Ge_def)
apply (rule gen_prefix_mono [THEN subsetD], auto)
(* Added by Sidi \<in> prefix and take *)
lemma prefix_imp_take:
" \ prefix(A) ==> xs = take(length(xs), ys)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (erule gen_prefix.induct)
apply (subgoal_tac [3] "length (xs) :nat")
apply (auto dest: gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD] simp add: length_type)
apply (frule gen_prefix.dom_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (frule gen_prefix_length_le)
apply (auto simp add: take_append)
apply (subgoal_tac "length (xs) #- length (ys) =0")
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: diff_is_0_iff)
lemma prefix_length_equal: "[| \ prefix(A); length(xs)=length(ys)|] ==> xs = ys"
apply (cut_tac A = A in prefix_type)
apply (drule subsetD, auto)
apply (drule prefix_imp_take)
apply (erule trans, simp)
lemma prefix_length_le_equal: "[| \ prefix(A); length(ys) \ length(xs)|] ==> xs = ys"
by (blast intro: prefix_length_equal le_anti_sym prefix_length_le)
lemma take_prefix [rule_format]: "xs \ list(A) ==> \n \ nat. \ prefix(A)"
apply (unfold prefix_def)
apply (erule list.induct, simp, clarify)
apply (erule natE, auto)
lemma prefix_take_iff: " \ prefix(A) \ (xs=take(length(xs), ys) & xs \ list(A) & ys \ list(A))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (frule prefix_type [THEN subsetD])
apply (blast intro: prefix_imp_take, clarify)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (blast intro: take_prefix length_type)
lemma prefix_imp_nth: "[| \ prefix(A); i < length(xs)|] ==> nth(i,xs) = nth(i,ys)"
by (auto dest!: gen_prefix_imp_nth simp add: prefix_def)
lemma nth_imp_prefix:
"[|xs \ list(A); ys \ list(A); length(xs) \ length(ys);
!!i. i < length(xs) ==> nth(i, xs) = nth(i,ys)|]
==> <xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A)"
apply (auto simp add: prefix_def nth_imp_gen_prefix)
apply (auto intro!: nth_imp_gen_prefix simp add: prefix_def)
apply (blast intro: nth_type lt_trans2)
lemma length_le_prefix_imp_prefix: "[|length(xs) \ length(ys);
<xs,zs> \<in> prefix(A); <ys,zs> \<in> prefix(A)|] ==> <xs,ys> \<in> prefix(A)"
apply (cut_tac A = A in prefix_type)
apply (rule nth_imp_prefix, blast, blast)
apply assumption
apply (rule_tac b = "nth (i,zs)" in trans)
apply (blast intro: prefix_imp_nth)
apply (blast intro: sym prefix_imp_nth prefix_length_le lt_trans2)
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