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// Major contributions by ML, AHa.
#ifndef CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_HPP
#define CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_HPP
// C frame layout on ZARCH_64.
// In this figure the stack grows upwards, while memory grows
// downwards. See "Linux for zSeries: ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement",
// IBM Corp. (LINUX-1107-01)
// Square brackets denote stack regions possibly larger
// than a single 64 bit slot.
// 0 [C_FRAME] <-- SP after prolog (mod 8 = 0)
// [C_FRAME] <-- SP before prolog
// ...
// [C_FRAME]
// 0 [ABI_160]
// ABI_160:
// 0 [ABI_16]
// 16 CARG_1: spill slot for outgoing arg 1. used by next callee.
// 24 CARG_2: spill slot for outgoing arg 2. used by next callee.
// 32 CARG_3: spill slot for outgoing arg 3. used by next callee.
// 40 CARG_4: spill slot for outgoing arg 4. used by next callee.
// 48 GPR_6: spill slot for GPR_6. used by next callee.
// ... ...
// 120 GPR_15: spill slot for GPR_15. used by next callee.
// 128 CFARG_1: spill slot for outgoing fp arg 1. used by next callee.
// 136 CFARG_2: spill slot for outgoing fp arg 2. used by next callee.
// 144 CFARG_3: spill slot for outgoing fp arg 3. used by next callee.
// 152 CFARG_4: spill slot for outgoing fp arg 4. used by next callee.
// ABI_16:
// 0 callers_sp
// 8 return_pc
// C frame layout
typedef enum {
// stack alignment
alignment_in_bytes = 8,
// log_2(8*8 bits) = 6.
log_2_of_alignment_in_bits = 6
} frame_constants;
struct z_abi_16 {
uint64_t callers_sp;
uint64_t return_pc;
enum {
z_abi_16_size = sizeof(z_abi_16)
#define _z_abi16(_component) \
(offset_of(frame::z_abi_16, _component))
// ABI_160:
// REMARK: This structure should reflect the "minimal" ABI frame
// layout, but it doesn't. There is an extra field at the end of the
// structure that marks the area where arguments are passed, when
// the argument registers "overflow". Thus, sizeof(z_abi_160)
// doesn't yield the expected (and desired) result. Therefore, as
// long as we do not provide extra infrastructure, one should use
// either z_abi_160_size, or _z_abi(remaining_cargs) instead of
// sizeof(...).
struct z_abi_160 {
uint64_t callers_sp;
uint64_t return_pc;
uint64_t carg_1;
uint64_t carg_2;
uint64_t carg_3;
uint64_t carg_4;
uint64_t gpr6;
uint64_t gpr7;
uint64_t gpr8;
uint64_t gpr9;
uint64_t gpr10;
uint64_t gpr11;
uint64_t gpr12;
uint64_t gpr13;
uint64_t gpr14;
uint64_t gpr15;
uint64_t cfarg_1;
uint64_t cfarg_2;
uint64_t cfarg_3;
uint64_t cfarg_4;
uint64_t remaining_cargs;
enum {
z_abi_160_size = 160
#define _z_abi(_component) \
(offset_of(frame::z_abi_160, _component))
struct z_abi_160_spill : z_abi_160 {
// Additional spill slots. Use as 'offset_of(z_abi_160_spill, spill[n])'.
uint64_t spill[0];
// Aligned to frame::alignment_in_bytes (16).
// non-volatile GPRs:
struct z_spill_nonvolatiles {
uint64_t r6;
uint64_t r7;
uint64_t r8;
uint64_t r9;
uint64_t r10;
uint64_t r11;
uint64_t r12;
uint64_t r13;
enum {
z_spill_nonvolatiles_size = sizeof(z_spill_nonvolatiles)
#define _z_spill_nonvolatiles_neg(_component) \
(-frame::z_spill_nonvolatiles_size + offset_of(frame::z_spill_nonvolatiles, _component))
// Frame layout for the Java template interpreter on z/Architecture.
// In these figures the stack grows upwards, while memory grows
// downwards. Square brackets denote regions possibly larger than
// single 64 bit slots.
// STACK (no JNI, no compiled code, no library calls, template interpreter is active):
// ...
// [C_FRAME]
// ...
// [C_FRAME]
// 16 [operand stack]
// [monitors] (optional)
// note: Own locals are located in the caller frame.
// [callee's locals w/o arguments]
// [outgoing arguments]
// [used part of operand stack w/o arguments]
// [monitors] (optional)
// [callee's locals w/o arguments]
// [outgoing arguments]
// 0 [ABI_160]
// 0 [ABI_16]
// 0 method
// 8 locals
// monitors : monitor block top (i.e. lowest address)
// cpoolCache
// bcp
// mdx
// esp : Points to first slot above operands.
// sender_sp : See comment in z_ijava_state.
// top_frame_sp : Own SP before modification by i2c adapter.
// oop_tmp
// lresult
// fresult
// ---------
// 3 monitors, 5 operand stack slots max. / 3 allocated
// F0 callers_sp <- Z_SP (callers_sp == Z_fp (own fp))
// return_pc
// [rest of ABI_160]
// /slot 4: free
// oper. | slot 3: free <- Z_esp points to first free slot
// stack | slot 2: ref val v2 caches IJAVA_STATE.esp
// | slot 1: unused
// \slot 0: long val v1
// /slot 5 <- IJAVA_STATE.monitors = monitor block top
// | slot 4
// monitors| slot 3
// | slot 2
// | slot 1
// \slot 0
// [IJAVA_STATE] <- monitor block bot (points to first byte in IJAVA_STATE)
// F1 [PARENT_IJAVA_FRAME_ABI] <- Z_fp (== *Z_SP, points to slot just below IJAVA_STATE)
// [F0's locals] <- Z_locals, locals[i] := *(Z_locals - i*BytesPerWord)
// [F1's operand stack]
// [F1's monitors] (optional)
struct z_parent_ijava_frame_abi : z_abi_16 {
enum {
z_parent_ijava_frame_abi_size = sizeof(z_parent_ijava_frame_abi)
#define _z_parent_ijava_frame_abi(_component) \
(offset_of(frame::z_parent_ijava_frame_abi, _component))
struct z_top_ijava_frame_abi : z_abi_160 {
enum {
z_top_ijava_frame_abi_size = sizeof(z_top_ijava_frame_abi)
#define _z_top_ijava_frame_abi(_component) \
(offset_of(frame::z_top_ijava_frame_abi, _component))
struct z_ijava_state{
DEBUG_ONLY(uint64_t magic;) // wrong magic -> wrong state!
uint64_t method;
uint64_t mirror;
uint64_t locals; // Z_locals
uint64_t monitors;
uint64_t cpoolCache;
uint64_t bcp; // Z_bcp
uint64_t mdx;
uint64_t esp; // Z_esp
// Caller's original SP before modification by c2i adapter (if caller is compiled)
// and before top -> parent frame conversion by the interpreter entry.
// Note: for i2i calls a correct sender_sp is required, too, because there
// we cannot use the caller's top_frame_sp as sp when removing the callee
// frame (caller could be compiled or entry frame). Therefore the sender_sp
// has to be the interpreted caller's sp as TOP_IJAVA_FRAME. See also
// AbstractInterpreter::layout_activation() used by deoptimization.
uint64_t sender_sp;
// Own SP before modification by i2c adapter and top-2-parent-resize
// by interpreted callee.
uint64_t top_frame_sp;
// Slots only needed for native calls. Maybe better to move elsewhere.
uint64_t oop_tmp;
uint64_t lresult;
uint64_t fresult;
enum {
z_ijava_state_size = sizeof(z_ijava_state)
#ifdef ASSERT
enum {
z_istate_magic_number = 0x900d // ~= good magic
#define _z_ijava_state_neg(_component) \
(int) (-frame::z_ijava_state_size + offset_of(frame::z_ijava_state, _component))
struct z_entry_frame_locals {
uint64_t call_wrapper_address;
uint64_t result_address;
uint64_t result_type;
uint64_t arguments_tos_address;
// Callee saved registers are spilled to caller frame.
// Caller must have z_abi_160.
enum {
z_entry_frame_locals_size = sizeof(z_entry_frame_locals)
#define _z_entry_frame_locals_neg(_component) \
(int) (-frame::z_entry_frame_locals_size + offset_of(frame::z_entry_frame_locals, _component))
// Frame layout for JIT generated methods
// In these figures the stack grows upwards, while memory grows
// downwards. Square brackets denote regions possibly larger than single
// 64 bit slots.
// STACK (interpreted Java calls JIT generated Java):
// [JIT_FRAME] <-- SP (mod 16 = 0)
// ...
// JIT_FRAME (is a C frame according to z/Architecture ABI):
// [out_preserve]
// [out_args]
// [spills]
// [monitor] (optional)
// ...
// [monitor] (optional)
// [in_preserve] added / removed by prolog / epilog
struct z_top_jit_abi_32 {
uint64_t callers_sp;
uint64_t return_pc;
uint64_t toc;
uint64_t tmp;
#define _z_top_jit_abi(_component) \
(offset_of(frame::z_top_jit_abi_32, _component))
struct jit_monitor {
uint64_t monitor[1];
struct jit_in_preserve {
// Used to provide a z/Architecture ABI on top of a jit frame.
// nothing to add here!
struct jit_out_preserve : z_top_jit_abi_32 {
// Nothing to add here!
enum {
z_jit_out_preserve_size = sizeof(jit_out_preserve)
typedef enum {
jit_monitor_size_in_4_byte_units = sizeof(jit_monitor) / 4,
// Stack alignment requirement. Log_2 of alignment size in bits.
// log_2(16*8 bits) = 7.
jit_log_2_of_stack_alignment_in_bits = 7,
jit_out_preserve_size_in_4_byte_units = sizeof(jit_out_preserve) / 4,
jit_in_preserve_size_in_4_byte_units = sizeof(jit_in_preserve) / 4
} jit_frame_constants;
// C2I adapter frames:
// STACK (interpreted called from compiled, on entry to frame manager):
// ...
// STACK (interpreted called from compiled, after interpreter has been pushed):
// ...
// [outgoing Java arguments]
// alignment (optional)
// alignment (optional)
// [callee's locals w/o arguments]
// [outgoing Java arguments]
// alignment (optional)
// ...
// [THIS_FRAME] <-- this._sp (stack pointer for this frame)
// [CALLER_FRAME] <-- this.fp() (_sp of caller's frame)
// ...
// NOTE: Stack pointer is now held in the base class, so remove it from here.
// Needed by deoptimization.
intptr_t* _unextended_sp;
// Frame pointer for this frame.
intptr_t* _fp;
// Interface for all frames:
// Accessors
inline intptr_t* fp() const { return _fp; }
// Initialize frame members (_pc and _sp must be given)
inline void setup();
const ImmutableOopMap* get_oop_map() const;
// Constructors
// To be used, if sp was not extended to match callee's calling convention.
inline frame(intptr_t* sp, address pc, intptr_t* unextended_sp = nullptr, intptr_t* fp = nullptr, CodeBlob* cb = nullptr);
// Access frame via stack pointer.
inline intptr_t* sp_addr_at(int index) const { return &sp()[index]; }
inline intptr_t sp_at( int index) const { return *sp_addr_at(index); }
// Access ABIs.
inline z_abi_16* own_abi() const { return (z_abi_16*) sp(); }
inline z_abi_160* callers_abi() const { return (z_abi_160*) fp(); }
address* sender_pc_addr(void) const;
template <typename RegisterMapT>
static void update_map_with_saved_link(RegisterMapT* map, intptr_t** link_addr);
// Additional interface for interpreter frames:
static int interpreter_frame_interpreterstate_size_in_bytes();
static int interpreter_frame_monitor_size_in_bytes();
// template interpreter state
inline z_ijava_state* ijava_state_unchecked() const;
inline z_ijava_state* ijava_state() const;
// Where z_ijava_state.monitors is saved.
inline BasicObjectLock** interpreter_frame_monitors_addr() const;
// Where z_ijava_state.esp is saved.
inline intptr_t** interpreter_frame_esp_addr() const;
inline intptr_t* interpreter_frame_top_frame_sp();
inline void interpreter_frame_set_tos_address(intptr_t* x);
inline void interpreter_frame_set_top_frame_sp(intptr_t* top_frame_sp);
inline void interpreter_frame_set_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp);
#ifdef ASSERT
inline void interpreter_frame_set_magic();
// monitors:
// Next two functions read and write z_ijava_state.monitors.
inline BasicObjectLock* interpreter_frame_monitors() const;
inline void interpreter_frame_set_monitors(BasicObjectLock* monitors);
// Additional interface for entry frames:
inline z_entry_frame_locals* entry_frame_locals() const {
return (z_entry_frame_locals*) (((address) fp()) - z_entry_frame_locals_size);
// Get caller pc from stack slot of gpr14.
address native_sender_pc() const;
// Get caller pc from stack slot of gpr10.
address callstub_sender_pc() const;
// Dump all frames starting at a given C stack pointer.
// max_frames: Limit number of traced frames.
// <= 0 --> full trace
// > 0 --> trace the #max_frames topmost frames
static void back_trace(outputStream* st, intptr_t* start_sp, intptr_t* top_pc,
unsigned long flags, int max_frames = 0);
enum {
// This enum value specifies the offset from the pc remembered by
// call instructions to the location where control returns to
// after a normal return. Most architectures remember the return
// location directly, i.e. the offset is zero. This is the case
// for z/Architecture, too.
// Normal return address is the instruction following the branch.
pc_return_offset = 0,
metadata_words = 0,
metadata_words_at_bottom = 0,
metadata_words_at_top = 0,
frame_alignment = 16,
// size, in words, of maximum shift in frame position due to alignment
align_wiggle = 1
static jint interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() { return -1; }
#endif // CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_HPP
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