* Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#ifndef SHARE_C1_C1_LIR_HPP
#define SHARE_C1_C1_LIR_HPP
#include "c1/c1_Defs.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_ValueType.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
class BlockBegin;
class BlockList;
class LIR_Assembler;
class CodeEmitInfo;
class CodeStub;
class CodeStubList;
class C1SafepointPollStub;
class ArrayCopyStub;
class LIR_Op;
class ciType;
class ValueType;
class LIR_OpVisitState;
class FpuStackSim;
// LIR Operands
// LIR_OprPtr
// LIR_Const
// LIR_Address
class LIR_OprPtr;
class LIR_Const;
class LIR_Address;
class LIR_OprVisitor;
class LIR_Opr;
typedef int RegNr;
typedef GrowableArray<LIR_Opr> LIR_OprList;
typedef GrowableArray<LIR_Op*> LIR_OpArray;
typedef GrowableArray<LIR_Op*> LIR_OpList;
// define LIR_OprPtr early so LIR_Opr can refer to it
class LIR_OprPtr: public CompilationResourceObj {
bool is_oop_pointer() const { return (type() == T_OBJECT); }
bool is_float_kind() const { BasicType t = type(); return (t == T_FLOAT) || (t == T_DOUBLE); }
virtual LIR_Const* as_constant() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Address* as_address() { return NULL; }
virtual BasicType type() const = 0;
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* out) const = 0;
// LIR constants
class LIR_Const: public LIR_OprPtr {
JavaValue _value;
void type_check(BasicType t) const { assert(type() == t, "type check"); }
void type_check(BasicType t1, BasicType t2) const { assert(type() == t1 || type() == t2, "type check"); }
void type_check(BasicType t1, BasicType t2, BasicType t3) const { assert(type() == t1 || type() == t2 || type() == t3, "type check"); }
LIR_Const(jint i, bool is_address=false) { _value.set_type(is_address?T_ADDRESS:T_INT); _value.set_jint(i); }
LIR_Const(jlong l) { _value.set_type(T_LONG); _value.set_jlong(l); }
LIR_Const(jfloat f) { _value.set_type(T_FLOAT); _value.set_jfloat(f); }
LIR_Const(jdouble d) { _value.set_type(T_DOUBLE); _value.set_jdouble(d); }
LIR_Const(jobject o) { _value.set_type(T_OBJECT); _value.set_jobject(o); }
LIR_Const(void* p) {
#ifdef _LP64
assert(sizeof(jlong) >= sizeof(p), "too small");;
_value.set_type(T_LONG); _value.set_jlong((jlong)p);
assert(sizeof(jint) >= sizeof(p), "too small");;
_value.set_type(T_INT); _value.set_jint((jint)p);
LIR_Const(Metadata* m) {
#ifdef _LP64
#endif // _LP64
virtual BasicType type() const { return _value.get_type(); }
virtual LIR_Const* as_constant() { return this; }
jint as_jint() const { type_check(T_INT, T_ADDRESS); return _value.get_jint(); }
jlong as_jlong() const { type_check(T_LONG ); return _value.get_jlong(); }
jfloat as_jfloat() const { type_check(T_FLOAT ); return _value.get_jfloat(); }
jdouble as_jdouble() const { type_check(T_DOUBLE); return _value.get_jdouble(); }
jobject as_jobject() const { type_check(T_OBJECT); return _value.get_jobject(); }
jint as_jint_lo() const { type_check(T_LONG ); return low(_value.get_jlong()); }
jint as_jint_hi() const { type_check(T_LONG ); return high(_value.get_jlong()); }
#ifdef _LP64
address as_pointer() const { type_check(T_LONG ); return (address)_value.get_jlong(); }
Metadata* as_metadata() const { type_check(T_METADATA); return (Metadata*)_value.get_jlong(); }
address as_pointer() const { type_check(T_INT ); return (address)_value.get_jint(); }
Metadata* as_metadata() const { type_check(T_METADATA); return (Metadata*)_value.get_jint(); }
jint as_jint_bits() const { type_check(T_FLOAT, T_INT, T_ADDRESS); return _value.get_jint(); }
jint as_jint_lo_bits() const {
if (type() == T_DOUBLE) {
return low(jlong_cast(_value.get_jdouble()));
} else {
return as_jint_lo();
jint as_jint_hi_bits() const {
if (type() == T_DOUBLE) {
return high(jlong_cast(_value.get_jdouble()));
} else {
return as_jint_hi();
jlong as_jlong_bits() const {
if (type() == T_DOUBLE) {
return jlong_cast(_value.get_jdouble());
} else {
return as_jlong();
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
bool is_zero_float() {
jfloat f = as_jfloat();
jfloat ok = 0.0f;
return jint_cast(f) == jint_cast(ok);
bool is_one_float() {
jfloat f = as_jfloat();
return !g_isnan(f) && g_isfinite(f) && f == 1.0;
bool is_zero_double() {
jdouble d = as_jdouble();
jdouble ok = 0.0;
return jlong_cast(d) == jlong_cast(ok);
bool is_one_double() {
jdouble d = as_jdouble();
return !g_isnan(d) && g_isfinite(d) && d == 1.0;
//---------------------LIR Operand descriptor------------------------------------
// The class LIR_Opr represents a LIR instruction operand;
// it can be a register (ALU/FPU), stack location or a constant;
// Constants and addresses are represented as resource area allocated
// structures (see above), and pointers are stored in the _value field (cast to
// an intptr_t).
// Registers and stack locations are represented inline as integers.
// (see value function).
// Previously, this class was derived from CompilationResourceObj.
// However, deriving from any of the "Obj" types in allocation.hpp seems
// detrimental, since in some build modes it would add a vtable to this class,
// which make it no longer be a 1-word trivially-copyable wrapper object,
// which is the entire point of it.
class LIR_Opr {
// value structure:
// data other-non-data opr-type opr-kind
// +-------------------+--------------+-------+-----+
// [max...............................|6 5 4 3|2 1 0]
// ^
// is_pointer bit
// lowest bit cleared, means it is a structure pointer
// we need 4 bits to represent types
friend class LIR_OprFact;
intptr_t _value;
// Conversion
intptr_t value() const { return _value; }
bool check_value_mask(intptr_t mask, intptr_t masked_value) const {
return (value() & mask) == masked_value;
enum OprKind {
pointer_value = 0
, stack_value = 1
, cpu_register = 3
, fpu_register = 5
, illegal_value = 7
enum OprBits {
pointer_bits = 1
, kind_bits = 3
, type_bits = 4
, size_bits = 2
, destroys_bits = 1
, virtual_bits = 1
, is_xmm_bits = 1
, last_use_bits = 1
, is_fpu_stack_offset_bits = 1 // used in assertion checking on x86 for FPU stack slot allocation
, non_data_bits = kind_bits + type_bits + size_bits + destroys_bits + virtual_bits
+ is_xmm_bits + last_use_bits + is_fpu_stack_offset_bits
, data_bits = BitsPerInt - non_data_bits
, reg_bits = data_bits / 2 // for two registers in one value encoding
enum OprShift : uintptr_t {
kind_shift = 0
, type_shift = kind_shift + kind_bits
, size_shift = type_shift + type_bits
, destroys_shift = size_shift + size_bits
, last_use_shift = destroys_shift + destroys_bits
, is_fpu_stack_offset_shift = last_use_shift + last_use_bits
, virtual_shift = is_fpu_stack_offset_shift + is_fpu_stack_offset_bits
, is_xmm_shift = virtual_shift + virtual_bits
, data_shift = is_xmm_shift + is_xmm_bits
, reg1_shift = data_shift
, reg2_shift = data_shift + reg_bits
enum OprSize {
single_size = 0 << size_shift
, double_size = 1 << size_shift
enum OprMask {
kind_mask = right_n_bits(kind_bits)
, type_mask = right_n_bits(type_bits) << type_shift
, size_mask = right_n_bits(size_bits) << size_shift
, last_use_mask = right_n_bits(last_use_bits) << last_use_shift
, is_fpu_stack_offset_mask = right_n_bits(is_fpu_stack_offset_bits) << is_fpu_stack_offset_shift
, virtual_mask = right_n_bits(virtual_bits) << virtual_shift
, is_xmm_mask = right_n_bits(is_xmm_bits) << is_xmm_shift
, pointer_mask = right_n_bits(pointer_bits)
, lower_reg_mask = right_n_bits(reg_bits)
, no_type_mask = (int)(~(type_mask | last_use_mask | is_fpu_stack_offset_mask))
uint32_t data() const { return (uint32_t)value() >> data_shift; }
int lo_reg_half() const { return data() & lower_reg_mask; }
int hi_reg_half() const { return (data() >> reg_bits) & lower_reg_mask; }
OprKind kind_field() const { return (OprKind)(value() & kind_mask); }
OprSize size_field() const { return (OprSize)(value() & size_mask); }
static char type_char(BasicType t);
LIR_Opr() : _value(0) {}
LIR_Opr(intptr_t val) : _value(val) {}
LIR_Opr(LIR_OprPtr *val) : _value(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(val)) {}
bool operator==(const LIR_Opr &other) const { return _value == other._value; }
bool operator!=(const LIR_Opr &other) const { return _value != other._value; }
explicit operator bool() const { return _value != 0; }
// UGLY HACK: make this value object look like a pointer (to itself). This
// operator overload should be removed, and all callers updated from
// `opr->fn()` to `opr.fn()`.
const LIR_Opr* operator->() const { return this; }
LIR_Opr* operator->() { return this; }
enum {
vreg_base = ConcreteRegisterImpl::number_of_registers,
data_max = (1 << data_bits) - 1, // max unsigned value for data bit field
vreg_limit = 10000, // choose a reasonable limit,
vreg_max = MIN2(vreg_limit, data_max) // and make sure if fits in the bit field
static inline LIR_Opr illegalOpr();
static inline LIR_Opr nullOpr();
enum OprType {
unknown_type = 0 << type_shift // means: not set (catch uninitialized types)
, int_type = 1 << type_shift
, long_type = 2 << type_shift
, object_type = 3 << type_shift
, address_type = 4 << type_shift
, float_type = 5 << type_shift
, double_type = 6 << type_shift
, metadata_type = 7 << type_shift
friend OprType as_OprType(BasicType t);
friend BasicType as_BasicType(OprType t);
OprType type_field_valid() const { assert(is_register() || is_stack(), "should not be called otherwise"); return (OprType)(value() & type_mask); }
OprType type_field() const { return is_illegal() ? unknown_type : (OprType)(value() & type_mask); }
static OprSize size_for(BasicType t) {
switch (t) {
case T_LONG:
case T_DOUBLE:
return double_size;
case T_FLOAT:
case T_CHAR:
case T_BYTE:
case T_SHORT:
case T_INT:
case T_OBJECT:
case T_ARRAY:
return single_size;
return single_size;
void validate_type() const PRODUCT_RETURN;
BasicType type() const {
if (is_pointer()) {
return pointer()->type();
return as_BasicType(type_field());
ValueType* value_type() const { return as_ValueType(type()); }
char type_char() const { return type_char((is_pointer()) ? pointer()->type() : type()); }
bool is_equal(LIR_Opr opr) const { return *this == opr; }
// checks whether types are same
bool is_same_type(LIR_Opr opr) const {
assert(type_field() != unknown_type &&
opr->type_field() != unknown_type, "shouldn't see unknown_type");
return type_field() == opr->type_field();
bool is_same_register(LIR_Opr opr) {
return (is_register() && opr->is_register() &&
kind_field() == opr->kind_field() &&
(value() & no_type_mask) == (opr->value() & no_type_mask));
bool is_pointer() const { return check_value_mask(pointer_mask, pointer_value); }
bool is_illegal() const { return kind_field() == illegal_value; }
bool is_valid() const { return kind_field() != illegal_value; }
bool is_register() const { return is_cpu_register() || is_fpu_register(); }
bool is_virtual() const { return is_virtual_cpu() || is_virtual_fpu(); }
bool is_constant() const { return is_pointer() && pointer()->as_constant() != NULL; }
bool is_address() const { return is_pointer() && pointer()->as_address() != NULL; }
bool is_float_kind() const { return is_pointer() ? pointer()->is_float_kind() : (kind_field() == fpu_register); }
bool is_oop() const;
// semantic for fpu- and xmm-registers:
// * is_float and is_double return true for xmm_registers
// (so is_single_fpu and is_single_xmm are true)
// * So you must always check for is_???_xmm prior to is_???_fpu to
// distinguish between fpu- and xmm-registers
bool is_stack() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask, stack_value); }
bool is_single_stack() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, stack_value | single_size); }
bool is_double_stack() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, stack_value | double_size); }
bool is_cpu_register() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask, cpu_register); }
bool is_virtual_cpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | virtual_mask, cpu_register | virtual_mask); }
bool is_fixed_cpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | virtual_mask, cpu_register); }
bool is_single_cpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, cpu_register | single_size); }
bool is_double_cpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, cpu_register | double_size); }
bool is_fpu_register() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask, fpu_register); }
bool is_virtual_fpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | virtual_mask, fpu_register | virtual_mask); }
bool is_fixed_fpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | virtual_mask, fpu_register); }
bool is_single_fpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, fpu_register | single_size); }
bool is_double_fpu() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask, fpu_register | double_size); }
bool is_xmm_register() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | is_xmm_mask, fpu_register | is_xmm_mask); }
bool is_single_xmm() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask | is_xmm_mask, fpu_register | single_size | is_xmm_mask); }
bool is_double_xmm() const { validate_type(); return check_value_mask(kind_mask | size_mask | is_xmm_mask, fpu_register | double_size | is_xmm_mask); }
// fast accessor functions for special bits that do not work for pointers
// (in this functions, the check for is_pointer() is omitted)
bool is_single_word() const { assert(is_register() || is_stack(), "type check"); return check_value_mask(size_mask, single_size); }
bool is_double_word() const { assert(is_register() || is_stack(), "type check"); return check_value_mask(size_mask, double_size); }
bool is_virtual_register() const { assert(is_register(), "type check"); return check_value_mask(virtual_mask, virtual_mask); }
bool is_oop_register() const { assert(is_register() || is_stack(), "type check"); return type_field_valid() == object_type; }
BasicType type_register() const { assert(is_register() || is_stack(), "type check"); return as_BasicType(type_field_valid()); }
bool is_last_use() const { assert(is_register(), "only works for registers"); return (value() & last_use_mask) != 0; }
bool is_fpu_stack_offset() const { assert(is_register(), "only works for registers"); return (value() & is_fpu_stack_offset_mask) != 0; }
LIR_Opr make_last_use() { assert(is_register(), "only works for registers"); return (LIR_Opr)(value() | last_use_mask); }
LIR_Opr make_fpu_stack_offset() { assert(is_register(), "only works for registers"); return (LIR_Opr)(value() | is_fpu_stack_offset_mask); }
int single_stack_ix() const { assert(is_single_stack() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (int)data(); }
int double_stack_ix() const { assert(is_double_stack() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (int)data(); }
RegNr cpu_regnr() const { assert(is_single_cpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)data(); }
RegNr cpu_regnrLo() const { assert(is_double_cpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)lo_reg_half(); }
RegNr cpu_regnrHi() const { assert(is_double_cpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)hi_reg_half(); }
RegNr fpu_regnr() const { assert(is_single_fpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)data(); }
RegNr fpu_regnrLo() const { assert(is_double_fpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)lo_reg_half(); }
RegNr fpu_regnrHi() const { assert(is_double_fpu() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)hi_reg_half(); }
RegNr xmm_regnr() const { assert(is_single_xmm() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)data(); }
RegNr xmm_regnrLo() const { assert(is_double_xmm() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)lo_reg_half(); }
RegNr xmm_regnrHi() const { assert(is_double_xmm() && !is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)hi_reg_half(); }
int vreg_number() const { assert(is_virtual(), "type check"); return (RegNr)data(); }
LIR_OprPtr* pointer() const { assert(_value != 0 && is_pointer(), "nullness and type check"); return (LIR_OprPtr*)_value; }
LIR_Const* as_constant_ptr() const { return pointer()->as_constant(); }
LIR_Address* as_address_ptr() const { return pointer()->as_address(); }
Register as_register() const;
Register as_register_lo() const;
Register as_register_hi() const;
Register as_pointer_register() {
#ifdef _LP64
if (is_double_cpu()) {
assert(as_register_lo() == as_register_hi(), "should be a single register");
return as_register_lo();
return as_register();
FloatRegister as_float_reg () const;
FloatRegister as_double_reg () const;
#ifdef X86
XMMRegister as_xmm_float_reg () const;
XMMRegister as_xmm_double_reg() const;
// for compatibility with RInfo
int fpu() const { return lo_reg_half(); }
jint as_jint() const { return as_constant_ptr()->as_jint(); }
jlong as_jlong() const { return as_constant_ptr()->as_jlong(); }
jfloat as_jfloat() const { return as_constant_ptr()->as_jfloat(); }
jdouble as_jdouble() const { return as_constant_ptr()->as_jdouble(); }
jobject as_jobject() const { return as_constant_ptr()->as_jobject(); }
void print() const PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
inline LIR_Opr::OprType as_OprType(BasicType type) {
switch (type) {
case T_INT: return LIR_Opr::int_type;
case T_LONG: return LIR_Opr::long_type;
case T_FLOAT: return LIR_Opr::float_type;
case T_DOUBLE: return LIR_Opr::double_type;
case T_OBJECT:
case T_ARRAY: return LIR_Opr::object_type;
case T_ADDRESS: return LIR_Opr::address_type;
case T_METADATA: return LIR_Opr::metadata_type;
case T_ILLEGAL: // fall through
default: ShouldNotReachHere(); return LIR_Opr::unknown_type;
inline BasicType as_BasicType(LIR_Opr::OprType t) {
switch (t) {
case LIR_Opr::int_type: return T_INT;
case LIR_Opr::long_type: return T_LONG;
case LIR_Opr::float_type: return T_FLOAT;
case LIR_Opr::double_type: return T_DOUBLE;
case LIR_Opr::object_type: return T_OBJECT;
case LIR_Opr::address_type: return T_ADDRESS;
case LIR_Opr::metadata_type:return T_METADATA;
case LIR_Opr::unknown_type: // fall through
default: ShouldNotReachHere(); return T_ILLEGAL;
// LIR_Address
class LIR_Address: public LIR_OprPtr {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
// NOTE: currently these must be the log2 of the scale factor (and
// must also be equivalent to the ScaleFactor enum in
// assembler_i486.hpp)
enum Scale {
times_1 = 0,
times_2 = 1,
times_4 = 2,
times_8 = 3
LIR_Opr _base;
LIR_Opr _index;
Scale _scale;
intx _disp;
BasicType _type;
LIR_Address(LIR_Opr base, LIR_Opr index, BasicType type):
, _index(index)
, _scale(times_1)
, _disp(0)
, _type(type) { verify(); }
LIR_Address(LIR_Opr base, intx disp, BasicType type):
, _index(LIR_Opr::illegalOpr())
, _scale(times_1)
, _disp(disp)
, _type(type) { verify(); }
LIR_Address(LIR_Opr base, BasicType type):
, _index(LIR_Opr::illegalOpr())
, _scale(times_1)
, _disp(0)
, _type(type) { verify(); }
LIR_Address(LIR_Opr base, LIR_Opr index, intx disp, BasicType type):
, _index(index)
, _scale(times_1)
, _disp(disp)
, _type(type) { verify(); }
LIR_Address(LIR_Opr base, LIR_Opr index, Scale scale, intx disp, BasicType type):
, _index(index)
, _scale(scale)
, _disp(disp)
, _type(type) { verify(); }
LIR_Opr base() const { return _base; }
LIR_Opr index() const { return _index; }
Scale scale() const { return _scale; }
intx disp() const { return _disp; }
bool equals(LIR_Address* other) const { return base() == other->base() && index() == other->index() && disp() == other->disp() && scale() == other->scale(); }
virtual LIR_Address* as_address() { return this; }
virtual BasicType type() const { return _type; }
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
void verify() const PRODUCT_RETURN;
static Scale scale(BasicType type);
// operand factory
class LIR_OprFact: public AllStatic {
static LIR_Opr illegalOpr;
static LIR_Opr nullOpr;
static LIR_Opr single_cpu(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::int_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr single_cpu_oop(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::object_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr single_cpu_address(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::address_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr single_cpu_metadata(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::metadata_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr double_cpu(int reg1, int reg2) {
LP64_ONLY(assert(reg1 == reg2, "must be identical"));
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg1 << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
(reg2 << LIR_Opr::reg2_shift) |
LIR_Opr::long_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr single_fpu(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::fpu_register |
// Platform dependent.
static LIR_Opr double_fpu(int reg1, int reg2 = -1 /*fnoreg*/);
#ifdef ARM32
static LIR_Opr single_softfp(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
static LIR_Opr double_softfp(int reg1, int reg2) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg1 << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
(reg2 << LIR_Opr::reg2_shift) |
LIR_Opr::double_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
#endif // ARM32
#if defined(X86)
static LIR_Opr single_xmm(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::fpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
static LIR_Opr double_xmm(int reg) {
return (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((reg << LIR_Opr::reg1_shift) |
(reg << LIR_Opr::reg2_shift) |
LIR_Opr::double_type |
LIR_Opr::fpu_register |
LIR_Opr::double_size |
#endif // X86
static LIR_Opr virtual_register(int index, BasicType type) {
if (index > LIR_Opr::vreg_max) {
// Running out of virtual registers. Caller should bailout.
return illegalOpr;
LIR_Opr res;
switch (type) {
case T_OBJECT: // fall through
case T_ARRAY:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::object_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
case T_INT:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::int_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::address_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
case T_LONG:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::long_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::double_size |
#ifdef __SOFTFP__
case T_FLOAT:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
case T_DOUBLE:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::double_type |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::double_size |
#else // __SOFTFP__
case T_FLOAT:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::fpu_register |
LIR_Opr::single_size |
T_DOUBLE: res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::double_type |
LIR_Opr::fpu_register |
LIR_Opr::double_size |
#endif // __SOFTFP__
default: ShouldNotReachHere(); res = illegalOpr;
#ifdef ASSERT
assert(res->vreg_number() == index, "conversion check");
assert(index >= LIR_Opr::vreg_base, "must start at vreg_base");
// old-style calculation; check if old and new method are equal
LIR_Opr::OprType t = as_OprType(type);
#ifdef __SOFTFP__
LIR_Opr old_res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
t |
LIR_Opr::cpu_register |
LIR_Opr::size_for(type) | LIR_Opr::virtual_mask);
#else // __SOFTFP__
LIR_Opr old_res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) | t |
((type == T_FLOAT || type == T_DOUBLE) ? LIR_Opr::fpu_register : LIR_Opr::cpu_register) |
LIR_Opr::size_for(type) | LIR_Opr::virtual_mask);
assert(res == old_res, "old and new method not equal");
#endif // __SOFTFP__
#endif // ASSERT
return res;
// 'index' is computed by FrameMap::local_stack_pos(index); do not use other parameters as
// the index is platform independent; a double stack using indices 2 and 3 has always
// index 2.
static LIR_Opr stack(int index, BasicType type) {
LIR_Opr res;
switch (type) {
case T_OBJECT: // fall through
case T_ARRAY:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::object_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::metadata_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
case T_INT:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::int_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::address_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
case T_LONG:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::long_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
case T_FLOAT:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::float_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
case T_DOUBLE:
res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::double_type |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
default: ShouldNotReachHere(); res = illegalOpr;
#ifdef ASSERT
assert(index >= 0, "index must be positive");
assert(index == (int)res->data(), "conversion check");
LIR_Opr old_res = (LIR_Opr)(intptr_t)((index << LIR_Opr::data_shift) |
LIR_Opr::stack_value |
as_OprType(type) |
assert(res == old_res, "old and new method not equal");
return res;
static LIR_Opr intConst(jint i) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(i)); }
static LIR_Opr longConst(jlong l) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(l)); }
static LIR_Opr floatConst(jfloat f) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(f)); }
static LIR_Opr doubleConst(jdouble d) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(d)); }
static LIR_Opr oopConst(jobject o) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(o)); }
static LIR_Opr address(LIR_Address* a) { return (LIR_Opr)a; }
static LIR_Opr intptrConst(void* p) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(p)); }
static LIR_Opr intptrConst(intptr_t v) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const((void*)v)); }
static LIR_Opr illegal() { return (LIR_Opr)-1; }
static LIR_Opr addressConst(jint i) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(i, true)); }
static LIR_Opr metadataConst(Metadata* m) { return (LIR_Opr)(new LIR_Const(m)); }
static LIR_Opr value_type(ValueType* type);
// LIR Instructions
// Note:
// - every instruction has a result operand
// - every instruction has an CodeEmitInfo operand (can be revisited later)
// - every instruction has a LIR_OpCode operand
// - LIR_OpN, means an instruction that has N input operands
// class hierarchy:
class LIR_Op;
class LIR_Op0;
class LIR_OpLabel;
class LIR_Op1;
class LIR_OpBranch;
class LIR_OpConvert;
class LIR_OpAllocObj;
class LIR_OpReturn;
class LIR_OpRoundFP;
class LIR_Op2;
class LIR_OpDelay;
class LIR_Op3;
class LIR_OpAllocArray;
class LIR_Op4;
class LIR_OpCall;
class LIR_OpJavaCall;
class LIR_OpRTCall;
class LIR_OpArrayCopy;
class LIR_OpUpdateCRC32;
class LIR_OpLock;
class LIR_OpTypeCheck;
class LIR_OpCompareAndSwap;
class LIR_OpLoadKlass;
class LIR_OpProfileCall;
class LIR_OpProfileType;
#ifdef ASSERT
class LIR_OpAssert;
// LIR operation codes
enum LIR_Code {
, begin_op0
, lir_label
, lir_nop
, lir_std_entry
, lir_osr_entry
, lir_fpop_raw
, lir_breakpoint
, lir_rtcall
, lir_membar
, lir_membar_acquire
, lir_membar_release
, lir_membar_loadload
, lir_membar_storestore
, lir_membar_loadstore
, lir_membar_storeload
, lir_get_thread
, lir_on_spin_wait
, end_op0
, begin_op1
, lir_fxch
, lir_fld
, lir_push
, lir_pop
, lir_null_check
, lir_return
, lir_leal
, lir_move
, lir_convert
, lir_alloc_object
, lir_monaddr
, lir_roundfp
, lir_safepoint
, lir_unwind
, lir_load_klass
, end_op1
, begin_op2
, lir_branch
, lir_cond_float_branch
, lir_cmp
, lir_cmp_l2i
, lir_ucmp_fd2i
, lir_cmp_fd2i
, lir_add
, lir_sub
, lir_mul
, lir_div
, lir_rem
, lir_sqrt
, lir_abs
, lir_neg
, lir_tan
, lir_log10
, lir_logic_and
, lir_logic_or
, lir_logic_xor
, lir_shl
, lir_shr
, lir_ushr
, lir_alloc_array
, lir_throw
, lir_xadd
, lir_xchg
, end_op2
, begin_op3
, lir_idiv
, lir_irem
, lir_fmad
, lir_fmaf
, end_op3
, begin_op4
, lir_cmove
, end_op4
, begin_opJavaCall
, lir_static_call
, lir_optvirtual_call
, lir_icvirtual_call
, lir_dynamic_call
, end_opJavaCall
, begin_opArrayCopy
, lir_arraycopy
, end_opArrayCopy
, begin_opUpdateCRC32
, lir_updatecrc32
, end_opUpdateCRC32
, begin_opLock
, lir_lock
, lir_unlock
, end_opLock
, begin_delay_slot
, lir_delay_slot
, end_delay_slot
, begin_opTypeCheck
, lir_instanceof
, lir_checkcast
, lir_store_check
, end_opTypeCheck
, begin_opCompareAndSwap
, lir_cas_long
, lir_cas_obj
, lir_cas_int
, end_opCompareAndSwap
, begin_opMDOProfile
, lir_profile_call
, lir_profile_type
, end_opMDOProfile
, begin_opAssert
, lir_assert
, end_opAssert
, begin_opZLoadBarrierTest
, lir_zloadbarrier_test
, end_opZLoadBarrierTest
enum LIR_Condition {
, lir_cond_notEqual
, lir_cond_less
, lir_cond_lessEqual
, lir_cond_greaterEqual
, lir_cond_greater
, lir_cond_belowEqual
, lir_cond_aboveEqual
, lir_cond_always
, lir_cond_unknown = -1
enum LIR_PatchCode {
enum LIR_MoveKind {
// --------------------------------------------------
// LIR_Op
// --------------------------------------------------
class LIR_Op: public CompilationResourceObj {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
#ifdef ASSERT
const char * _file;
int _line;
LIR_Opr _result;
unsigned short _code;
unsigned short _flags;
CodeEmitInfo* _info;
int _id; // value id for register allocation
int _fpu_pop_count;
Instruction* _source; // for debugging
static void print_condition(outputStream* out, LIR_Condition cond) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static bool is_in_range(LIR_Code test, LIR_Code start, LIR_Code end) { return start < test && test < end; }
#ifdef ASSERT
, _line(0),
, _code(lir_none)
, _flags(0)
, _info(NULL)
, _id(-1)
, _fpu_pop_count(0)
, _source(NULL) {}
LIR_Op(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info)
#ifdef ASSERT
, _line(0),
, _code(code)
, _flags(0)
, _info(info)
, _id(-1)
, _fpu_pop_count(0)
, _source(NULL) {}
CodeEmitInfo* info() const { return _info; }
LIR_Code code() const { return (LIR_Code)_code; }
LIR_Opr result_opr() const { return _result; }
void set_result_opr(LIR_Opr opr) { _result = opr; }
#ifdef ASSERT
void set_file_and_line(const char * file, int line) {
_file = file;
_line = line;
virtual const char * name() const PRODUCT_RETURN0;
virtual void visit(LIR_OpVisitState* state);
int id() const { return _id; }
void set_id(int id) { _id = id; }
// FPU stack simulation helpers -- only used on Intel
void set_fpu_pop_count(int count) { assert(count >= 0 && count <= 1, "currently only 0 and 1 are valid"); _fpu_pop_count = count; }
int fpu_pop_count() const { return _fpu_pop_count; }
bool pop_fpu_stack() { return _fpu_pop_count > 0; }
Instruction* source() const { return _source; }
void set_source(Instruction* ins) { _source = ins; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm) = 0;
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const = 0;
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
virtual bool is_patching() { return false; }
virtual LIR_OpCall* as_OpCall() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpJavaCall* as_OpJavaCall() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpLabel* as_OpLabel() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpDelay* as_OpDelay() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpLock* as_OpLock() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpAllocArray* as_OpAllocArray() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpAllocObj* as_OpAllocObj() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpRoundFP* as_OpRoundFP() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpBranch* as_OpBranch() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpReturn* as_OpReturn() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpRTCall* as_OpRTCall() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpConvert* as_OpConvert() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Op0* as_Op0() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Op1* as_Op1() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Op2* as_Op2() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Op3* as_Op3() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_Op4* as_Op4() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpArrayCopy* as_OpArrayCopy() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpUpdateCRC32* as_OpUpdateCRC32() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpTypeCheck* as_OpTypeCheck() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpCompareAndSwap* as_OpCompareAndSwap() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpLoadKlass* as_OpLoadKlass() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpProfileCall* as_OpProfileCall() { return NULL; }
virtual LIR_OpProfileType* as_OpProfileType() { return NULL; }
#ifdef ASSERT
virtual LIR_OpAssert* as_OpAssert() { return NULL; }
virtual void verify() const {}
// for calls
class LIR_OpCall: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
address _addr;
LIR_OprList* _arguments;
LIR_OpCall(LIR_Code code, address addr, LIR_Opr result,
LIR_OprList* arguments, CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL)
: LIR_Op(code, result, info)
, _addr(addr)
, _arguments(arguments) {}
address addr() const { return _addr; }
const LIR_OprList* arguments() const { return _arguments; }
virtual LIR_OpCall* as_OpCall() { return this; }
// --------------------------------------------------
// LIR_OpJavaCall
// --------------------------------------------------
class LIR_OpJavaCall: public LIR_OpCall {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
ciMethod* _method;
LIR_Opr _receiver;
LIR_Opr _method_handle_invoke_SP_save_opr; // Used in LIR_OpVisitState::visit to store the reference to FrameMap::method_handle_invoke_SP_save_opr.
LIR_OpJavaCall(LIR_Code code, ciMethod* method,
LIR_Opr receiver, LIR_Opr result,
address addr, LIR_OprList* arguments,
CodeEmitInfo* info)
: LIR_OpCall(code, addr, result, arguments, info)
, _method(method)
, _receiver(receiver)
, _method_handle_invoke_SP_save_opr(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
{ assert(is_in_range(code, begin_opJavaCall, end_opJavaCall), "code check"); }
LIR_OpJavaCall(LIR_Code code, ciMethod* method,
LIR_Opr receiver, LIR_Opr result, intptr_t vtable_offset,
LIR_OprList* arguments, CodeEmitInfo* info)
: LIR_OpCall(code, (address)vtable_offset, result, arguments, info)
, _method(method)
, _receiver(receiver)
, _method_handle_invoke_SP_save_opr(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
{ assert(is_in_range(code, begin_opJavaCall, end_opJavaCall), "code check"); }
LIR_Opr receiver() const { return _receiver; }
ciMethod* method() const { return _method; }
// JSR 292 support.
bool is_invokedynamic() const { return code() == lir_dynamic_call; }
bool is_method_handle_invoke() const {
return method()->is_compiled_lambda_form() || // Java-generated lambda form
method()->is_method_handle_intrinsic(); // JVM-generated MH intrinsic
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpJavaCall* as_OpJavaCall() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// --------------------------------------------------
// LIR_OpLabel
// --------------------------------------------------
// Location where a branch can continue
class LIR_OpLabel: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
Label* _label;
LIR_OpLabel(Label* lbl)
: LIR_Op(lir_label, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, NULL)
, _label(lbl) {}
Label* label() const { return _label; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpLabel* as_OpLabel() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_OpArrayCopy
class LIR_OpArrayCopy: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
ArrayCopyStub* _stub;
LIR_Opr _src;
LIR_Opr _src_pos;
LIR_Opr _dst;
LIR_Opr _dst_pos;
LIR_Opr _length;
LIR_Opr _tmp;
ciArrayKlass* _expected_type;
int _flags;
enum Flags {
src_null_check = 1 << 0,
dst_null_check = 1 << 1,
src_pos_positive_check = 1 << 2,
dst_pos_positive_check = 1 << 3,
length_positive_check = 1 << 4,
src_range_check = 1 << 5,
dst_range_check = 1 << 6,
type_check = 1 << 7,
overlapping = 1 << 8,
unaligned = 1 << 9,
src_objarray = 1 << 10,
dst_objarray = 1 << 11,
all_flags = (1 << 12) - 1
LIR_OpArrayCopy(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr src_pos, LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr dst_pos, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr tmp,
ciArrayKlass* expected_type, int flags, CodeEmitInfo* info);
LIR_Opr src() const { return _src; }
LIR_Opr src_pos() const { return _src_pos; }
LIR_Opr dst() const { return _dst; }
LIR_Opr dst_pos() const { return _dst_pos; }
LIR_Opr length() const { return _length; }
LIR_Opr tmp() const { return _tmp; }
int flags() const { return _flags; }
ciArrayKlass* expected_type() const { return _expected_type; }
ArrayCopyStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpArrayCopy* as_OpArrayCopy() { return this; }
void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_OpUpdateCRC32
class LIR_OpUpdateCRC32: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _crc;
LIR_Opr _val;
LIR_OpUpdateCRC32(LIR_Opr crc, LIR_Opr val, LIR_Opr res);
LIR_Opr crc() const { return _crc; }
LIR_Opr val() const { return _val; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpUpdateCRC32* as_OpUpdateCRC32() { return this; }
void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// --------------------------------------------------
// LIR_Op0
// --------------------------------------------------
class LIR_Op0: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Op0(LIR_Code code)
: LIR_Op(code, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, NULL) { assert(is_in_range(code, begin_op0, end_op0), "code check"); }
LIR_Op0(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL)
: LIR_Op(code, result, info) { assert(is_in_range(code, begin_op0, end_op0), "code check"); }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_Op0* as_Op0() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// --------------------------------------------------
// LIR_Op1
// --------------------------------------------------
class LIR_Op1: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _opr; // input operand
BasicType _type; // Operand types
LIR_PatchCode _patch; // only required with patchin (NEEDS_CLEANUP: do we want a special instruction for patching?)
static void print_patch_code(outputStream* out, LIR_PatchCode code);
void set_kind(LIR_MoveKind kind) {
assert(code() == lir_move, "must be");
_flags = kind;
LIR_Op1(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr opr, LIR_Opr result = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL, LIR_PatchCode patch = lir_patch_none, CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL)
: LIR_Op(code, result, info)
, _opr(opr)
, _type(type)
, _patch(patch) { assert(is_in_range(code, begin_op1, end_op1), "code check"); }
LIR_Op1(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr opr, LIR_Opr result, BasicType type, LIR_PatchCode patch, CodeEmitInfo* info, LIR_MoveKind kind)
: LIR_Op(code, result, info)
, _opr(opr)
, _type(type)
, _patch(patch) {
assert(code == lir_move, "must be");
LIR_Op1(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr opr, CodeEmitInfo* info)
: LIR_Op(code, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, info)
, _opr(opr)
, _type(T_ILLEGAL)
, _patch(lir_patch_none) { assert(is_in_range(code, begin_op1, end_op1), "code check"); }
LIR_Opr in_opr() const { return _opr; }
LIR_PatchCode patch_code() const { return _patch; }
BasicType type() const { return _type; }
LIR_MoveKind move_kind() const {
assert(code() == lir_move, "must be");
return (LIR_MoveKind)_flags;
virtual bool is_patching() { return _patch != lir_patch_none; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_Op1* as_Op1() { return this; }
virtual const char * name() const PRODUCT_RETURN0;
void set_in_opr(LIR_Opr opr) { _opr = opr; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
virtual void verify() const;
// for runtime calls
class LIR_OpRTCall: public LIR_OpCall {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _tmp;
LIR_OpRTCall(address addr, LIR_Opr tmp,
LIR_Opr result, LIR_OprList* arguments, CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL)
: LIR_OpCall(lir_rtcall, addr, result, arguments, info)
, _tmp(tmp) {}
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpRTCall* as_OpRTCall() { return this; }
LIR_Opr tmp() const { return _tmp; }
virtual void verify() const;
class LIR_OpReturn: public LIR_Op1 {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
C1SafepointPollStub* _stub;
LIR_OpReturn(LIR_Opr opr);
C1SafepointPollStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
virtual LIR_OpReturn* as_OpReturn() { return this; }
class ConversionStub;
class LIR_OpConvert: public LIR_Op1 {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
Bytecodes::Code _bytecode;
ConversionStub* _stub;
LIR_OpConvert(Bytecodes::Code code, LIR_Opr opr, LIR_Opr result, ConversionStub* stub)
: LIR_Op1(lir_convert, opr, result)
, _bytecode(code)
, _stub(stub) {}
Bytecodes::Code bytecode() const { return _bytecode; }
ConversionStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpConvert* as_OpConvert() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
static void print_bytecode(outputStream* out, Bytecodes::Code code) PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_OpAllocObj
class LIR_OpAllocObj : public LIR_Op1 {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _tmp1;
LIR_Opr _tmp2;
LIR_Opr _tmp3;
LIR_Opr _tmp4;
int _hdr_size;
int _obj_size;
CodeStub* _stub;
bool _init_check;
LIR_OpAllocObj(LIR_Opr klass, LIR_Opr result,
LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4,
int hdr_size, int obj_size, bool init_check, CodeStub* stub)
: LIR_Op1(lir_alloc_object, klass, result)
, _tmp1(t1)
, _tmp2(t2)
, _tmp3(t3)
, _tmp4(t4)
, _hdr_size(hdr_size)
, _obj_size(obj_size)
, _stub(stub)
, _init_check(init_check) { }
LIR_Opr klass() const { return in_opr(); }
LIR_Opr obj() const { return result_opr(); }
LIR_Opr tmp1() const { return _tmp1; }
LIR_Opr tmp2() const { return _tmp2; }
LIR_Opr tmp3() const { return _tmp3; }
LIR_Opr tmp4() const { return _tmp4; }
int header_size() const { return _hdr_size; }
int object_size() const { return _obj_size; }
bool init_check() const { return _init_check; }
CodeStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpAllocObj * as_OpAllocObj () { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_OpRoundFP
class LIR_OpRoundFP : public LIR_Op1 {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _tmp;
LIR_OpRoundFP(LIR_Opr reg, LIR_Opr stack_loc_temp, LIR_Opr result)
: LIR_Op1(lir_roundfp, reg, result)
, _tmp(stack_loc_temp) {}
LIR_Opr tmp() const { return _tmp; }
virtual LIR_OpRoundFP* as_OpRoundFP() { return this; }
void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_OpTypeCheck
class LIR_OpTypeCheck: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _object;
LIR_Opr _array;
ciKlass* _klass;
LIR_Opr _tmp1;
LIR_Opr _tmp2;
LIR_Opr _tmp3;
bool _fast_check;
CodeEmitInfo* _info_for_patch;
CodeEmitInfo* _info_for_exception;
CodeStub* _stub;
ciMethod* _profiled_method;
int _profiled_bci;
bool _should_profile;
LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass,
LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check,
CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, CodeStub* stub);
LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr object, LIR_Opr array,
LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception);
LIR_Opr object() const { return _object; }
LIR_Opr array() const { assert(code() == lir_store_check, "not valid"); return _array; }
LIR_Opr tmp1() const { return _tmp1; }
LIR_Opr tmp2() const { return _tmp2; }
LIR_Opr tmp3() const { return _tmp3; }
ciKlass* klass() const { assert(code() == lir_instanceof || code() == lir_checkcast, "not valid"); return _klass; }
bool fast_check() const { assert(code() == lir_instanceof || code() == lir_checkcast, "not valid"); return _fast_check; }
CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch() const { return _info_for_patch; }
CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception() const { return _info_for_exception; }
CodeStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
// MethodData* profiling
void set_profiled_method(ciMethod *method) { _profiled_method = method; }
void set_profiled_bci(int bci) { _profiled_bci = bci; }
void set_should_profile(bool b) { _should_profile = b; }
ciMethod* profiled_method() const { return _profiled_method; }
int profiled_bci() const { return _profiled_bci; }
bool should_profile() const { return _should_profile; }
virtual bool is_patching() { return _info_for_patch != NULL; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpTypeCheck* as_OpTypeCheck() { return this; }
void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
// LIR_Op2
class LIR_Op2: public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
int _fpu_stack_size; // for sin/cos implementation on Intel
LIR_Opr _opr1;
LIR_Opr _opr2;
BasicType _type;
LIR_Opr _tmp1;
LIR_Opr _tmp2;
LIR_Opr _tmp3;
LIR_Opr _tmp4;
LIR_Opr _tmp5;
LIR_Condition _condition;
void verify() const;
LIR_Op2(LIR_Code code, LIR_Condition condition, LIR_Opr opr1, LIR_Opr opr2, CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL, BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL)
: LIR_Op(code, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, info)
, _fpu_stack_size(0)
, _opr1(opr1)
, _opr2(opr2)
, _type(type)
, _tmp1(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp2(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp3(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp4(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp5(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _condition(condition) {
assert(code == lir_cmp || code == lir_branch || code == lir_cond_float_branch || code == lir_assert, "code check");
LIR_Op2(LIR_Code code, LIR_Condition condition, LIR_Opr opr1, LIR_Opr opr2, LIR_Opr result, BasicType type)
: LIR_Op(code, result, NULL)
, _fpu_stack_size(0)
, _opr1(opr1)
, _opr2(opr2)
, _type(type)
, _tmp1(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp2(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp3(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp4(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp5(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _condition(condition) {
assert(code == lir_cmove, "code check");
assert(type != T_ILLEGAL, "cmove should have type");
LIR_Op2(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr opr1, LIR_Opr opr2, LIR_Opr result = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr,
CodeEmitInfo* info = NULL, BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL)
: LIR_Op(code, result, info)
, _fpu_stack_size(0)
, _opr1(opr1)
, _opr2(opr2)
, _type(type)
, _tmp1(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp2(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp3(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp4(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _tmp5(LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
, _condition(lir_cond_unknown) {
assert(code != lir_cmp && code != lir_branch && code != lir_cond_float_branch && is_in_range(code, begin_op2, end_op2), "code check");
LIR_Op2(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr opr1, LIR_Opr opr2, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2 = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr,
LIR_Opr tmp3 = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, LIR_Opr tmp4 = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, LIR_Opr tmp5 = LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr)
: LIR_Op(code, result, NULL)
, _fpu_stack_size(0)
, _opr1(opr1)
, _opr2(opr2)
, _type(T_ILLEGAL)
, _tmp1(tmp1)
, _tmp2(tmp2)
, _tmp3(tmp3)
, _tmp4(tmp4)
, _tmp5(tmp5)
, _condition(lir_cond_unknown) {
assert(code != lir_cmp && code != lir_branch && code != lir_cond_float_branch && is_in_range(code, begin_op2, end_op2), "code check");
LIR_Opr in_opr1() const { return _opr1; }
LIR_Opr in_opr2() const { return _opr2; }
BasicType type() const { return _type; }
LIR_Opr tmp1_opr() const { return _tmp1; }
LIR_Opr tmp2_opr() const { return _tmp2; }
LIR_Opr tmp3_opr() const { return _tmp3; }
LIR_Opr tmp4_opr() const { return _tmp4; }
LIR_Opr tmp5_opr() const { return _tmp5; }
LIR_Condition condition() const {
assert(code() == lir_cmp || code() == lir_branch || code() == lir_cond_float_branch || code() == lir_assert, "only valid for branch and assert"); return _condition;
void set_condition(LIR_Condition condition) {
assert(code() == lir_cmp || code() == lir_branch || code() == lir_cond_float_branch, "only valid for branch"); _condition = condition;
void set_fpu_stack_size(int size) { _fpu_stack_size = size; }
int fpu_stack_size() const { return _fpu_stack_size; }
void set_in_opr1(LIR_Opr opr) { _opr1 = opr; }
void set_in_opr2(LIR_Opr opr) { _opr2 = opr; }
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_Op2* as_Op2() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
class LIR_OpBranch: public LIR_Op2 {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
Label* _label;
BlockBegin* _block; // if this is a branch to a block, this is the block
BlockBegin* _ublock; // if this is a float-branch, this is the unordered block
CodeStub* _stub; // if this is a branch to a stub, this is the stub
LIR_OpBranch(LIR_Condition cond, Label* lbl)
: LIR_Op2(lir_branch, cond, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, (CodeEmitInfo*) NULL)
, _label(lbl)
, _block(NULL)
, _ublock(NULL)
, _stub(NULL) { }
LIR_OpBranch(LIR_Condition cond, BlockBegin* block);
LIR_OpBranch(LIR_Condition cond, CodeStub* stub);
// for unordered comparisons
LIR_OpBranch(LIR_Condition cond, BlockBegin* block, BlockBegin* ublock);
LIR_Condition cond() const {
return condition();
void set_cond(LIR_Condition cond) {
Label* label() const { return _label; }
BlockBegin* block() const { return _block; }
BlockBegin* ublock() const { return _ublock; }
CodeStub* stub() const { return _stub; }
void change_block(BlockBegin* b);
void change_ublock(BlockBegin* b);
void negate_cond();
virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
virtual LIR_OpBranch* as_OpBranch() { return this; }
virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
class LIR_OpAllocArray : public LIR_Op {
friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
LIR_Opr _klass;
LIR_Opr _len;
LIR_Opr _tmp1;
LIR_Opr _tmp2;
LIR_Opr _tmp3;
LIR_Opr _tmp4;
BasicType _type;
CodeStub* _stub;
LIR_OpAllocArray(LIR_Opr klass, LIR_Opr len, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4, BasicType type, CodeStub* stub)
: LIR_Op(lir_alloc_array, result, NULL)
, _klass(klass)
, _len(len)
, _tmp1(t1)
, _tmp2(t2)
, _tmp3(t3)
, _tmp4(t4)
, _type(type)
, _stub(stub) {}
LIR_Opr klass() const { return _klass; }
LIR_Opr len() const { return _len; }
LIR_Opr obj() const { return result_opr(); }
LIR_Opr tmp1() const { return _tmp1; }
LIR_Opr tmp2() const { return _tmp2; }
LIR_Opr tmp3() const { return _tmp3; }
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
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