products/sources/formale sprachen/Java/openjdk-20-36_src/test/jdk/tools/launcher/modules/patch/basic image not shown  


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Datei:   Sprache: JAVA

 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * @test
 * @bug 8142968 8166568 8166286 8170618 8168149 8240910 8276764 8276766
 * @summary Basic test for jmod
 * @library /test/lib
 * @modules jdk.compiler
 *          jdk.jlink
 * @build jdk.test.lib.compiler.CompilerUtils
 *        jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils
 *        jdk.test.lib.Platform
 * @run testng/othervm JmodTest

import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.spi.ToolProvider;
import jdk.test.lib.compiler.CompilerUtils;
import jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import static;
import static java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Version;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

public class JmodTest {

    static final ToolProvider JMOD_TOOL = ToolProvider.findFirst("jmod")
        .orElseThrow(() ->
            new RuntimeException("jmod tool not found")
    static final ToolProvider JAR_TOOL = ToolProvider.findFirst("jar")
        .orElseThrow(() ->
            new RuntimeException("jar tool not found")

    static final String TEST_SRC = System.getProperty("test.src"".");
    static final Path SRC_DIR = Paths.get(TEST_SRC, "src");
    static final Path EXPLODED_DIR = Paths.get("build");
    static final Path MODS_DIR = Paths.get("jmods");

    static final String CLASSES_PREFIX = "classes/";
    static final String CMDS_PREFIX = "bin/";
    static final String LIBS_PREFIX = "lib/";
    static final String CONFIGS_PREFIX = "conf/";

    public void buildExplodedModules() throws IOException {
        if (Files.exists(EXPLODED_DIR))

        for (String name : new String[] { "foo"/*, "bar", "baz"*/ } ) {
            Path dir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve(name);
            assertTrue(compileModule(name, dir.resolve("classes")));

        if (Files.exists(MODS_DIR))

    // JDK-8166286 - jmod fails on symlink to directory
    public void testDirSymlinks() throws IOException {
        Path apaDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa");
        Path classesDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa").resolve("classes");
        assertTrue(compileModule("apa", classesDir));
        Path libDir = apaDir.resolve("lib");
        createFiles(libDir, List.of("foo/bar/"));
        try {
            Path link = Files.createSymbolicLink(
                libDir.resolve("baz"), libDir.resolve("foo").toAbsolutePath());
        } catch (IOException|UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
            // OS does not support symlinks. Nothing to test!
            System.out.println("Creating symlink failed. Test passes vacuously.");

        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("apa.jmod");
             "--libs=" + libDir.toString(),
             "--class-path", classesDir.toString(),

    // JDK-8267583 - jmod fails on symlink to class file
    public void testFileSymlinks() throws IOException {
        Path apaDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa");
        Path classesDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa").resolve("classes");
        assertTrue(compileModule("apa", classesDir));

        try {
            Path link = Files.createSymbolicLink(
            link = Files.createSymbolicLink(
        } catch (IOException|UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
            // OS does not support symlinks. Nothing to test!
            System.out.println("Creating symlinks failed. Test passes vacuously.");

        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("apa.jmod");
             "--class-path", classesDir.toString(),

    // JDK-8170618 - jmod should validate if any exported or open package is missing
    public void testMissingPackages() throws IOException {
        Path apaDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa");
        Path classesDir = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("apa").resolve("classes");
        if (Files.exists(classesDir))
        assertTrue(compileModule("apa", classesDir));
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("apa.jmod");
             "--class-path", classesDir.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertContains(r.output, "Packages that are exported or open in apa are not present: [jdk.test.apa]");
        if (Files.exists(classesDir))

    public void testList() throws IOException {
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo.jmod");
             "--class-path", cp,

            .resultChecker(r -> {
                // asserts dependent on the exact contents of foo
                assertContains(r.output, CLASSES_PREFIX + "module-info.class");
                assertContains(r.output, CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/Foo.class");
                assertContains(r.output, CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/internal/Message.class");
                assertContains(r.output, CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/resources/");

                // JDK-8276764: Ensure the order is sorted for reproducible jmod content
                // module-info, followed by <sorted classes>
                int mod_info_i = r.output.indexOf(CLASSES_PREFIX + "module-info.class");
                int foo_cls_i  = r.output.indexOf(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/Foo.class");
                int msg_i      = r.output.indexOf(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/internal/Message.class");
                int res_i      = r.output.indexOf(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/resources/");
                System.out.println("jmod classes sort order check:\n"+r.output);
                assertTrue(mod_info_i < foo_cls_i);
                assertTrue(foo_cls_i < msg_i);
                assertTrue(msg_i < res_i);

    public void testSourceDateReproducible() throws IOException {
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
        Path jmod1 = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo1.jmod");
        Path jmod2 = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo2.jmod");
        Path jmod3 = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo3.jmod");

        // Use source date of 15/03/2022
        String sourceDate = "2022-03-15T00:00:00+00:00";

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--date", sourceDate,

        try {
            // Sleep 5 seconds to ensure zip timestamps might be different if they could be
        } catch(InterruptedException ex) {}

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--date", sourceDate,

        // Compare file byte content to see if they are identical
        assertSameContent(jmod1, jmod2);

        // Use a date before 1980 and assert failure error
        sourceDate = "1976-03-15T00:00:00+00:00";

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--date", sourceDate,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertContains(r.output, "is out of the valid range");

        // Use a date after 2099 and assert failure error
        sourceDate = "2100-03-15T00:00:00+00:00";

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--date", sourceDate,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertContains(r.output, "is out of the valid range");

    public void testExtractCWD() throws IOException {
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),

            .resultChecker(r -> {
                // module-info should exist, but jmod will have added its Packages attr.

    public void testExtractDir() throws IOException {
        if (Files.exists(Paths.get("extractTestDir")))
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path bp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("bin");
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");
        Path cf = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("conf");

             "--conf", cf.toString(),
             "--cmds", bp.toString(),
             "--libs", lp.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),


            .resultChecker(r -> {
                // check a sample of the extracted files
                Path p = Paths.get("extractTestDir");

    public void testMainClass() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooMainClass.jmod");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();

             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                Optional<String> omc = getModuleDescriptor(jmod).mainClass();
                assertEquals(omc.get(), "");

    public void testModuleVersion() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooVersion.jmod");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();

             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                Optional<Version> ov = getModuleDescriptor(jmod).version();
                assertEquals(ov.get().toString(), "5.4.3");

    public void testConfig() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooConfig.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path cf = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("conf");

             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
             "--config", cf.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                try (Stream<String> s1 = findFiles(cf).map(p -> CONFIGS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s2 = findFiles(cp).map(p -> CLASSES_PREFIX + p)) {
                    Set<String> expectedFilenames = Stream.concat(s1, s2)
                    assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

    public void testCmds() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooCmds.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path bp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("bin");

             "--cmds", bp.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                try (Stream<String> s1 = findFiles(bp).map(p -> CMDS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s2 = findFiles(cp).map(p -> CLASSES_PREFIX + p)) {
                    Set<String> expectedFilenames = Stream.concat(s1,s2)
                    assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

    public void testLibs() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooLibs.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");

             "--libs=" + lp.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                try (Stream<String> s1 = findFiles(lp).map(p -> LIBS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s2 = findFiles(cp).map(p -> CLASSES_PREFIX + p)) {
                    Set<String> expectedFilenames = Stream.concat(s1,s2)
                    assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

    public void testAll() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooAll.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path bp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("bin");
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");
        Path cf = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("conf");

             "--conf", cf.toString(),
             "--cmds=" + bp.toString(),
             "--libs=" + lp.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                try (Stream<String> s1 = findFiles(lp).map(p -> LIBS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s2 = findFiles(cp).map(p -> CLASSES_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s3 = findFiles(bp).map(p -> CMDS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s4 = findFiles(cf).map(p -> CONFIGS_PREFIX + p)) {
                    Set<String> expectedFilenames = Stream.concat(Stream.concat(s1,s2),
                                                                  Stream.concat(s3, s4))
                    assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

    public void testExcludes() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("fooLibs.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");

             "--libs=" + lp.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
             .resultChecker(r -> {
                 Set<String> expectedFilenames = new HashSet<>();
                 expectedFilenames.add(CLASSES_PREFIX + "module-info.class");
                 expectedFilenames.add(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/Foo.class");
                 expectedFilenames.add(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/resources/");
                 expectedFilenames.add(LIBS_PREFIX + "");
                 expectedFilenames.add(LIBS_PREFIX + "third/");
                 assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

                 Set<String> unexpectedFilenames = new HashSet<>();
                 unexpectedFilenames.add(CLASSES_PREFIX + "jdk/test/foo/internal/Message.class");
                 unexpectedFilenames.add(LIBS_PREFIX + "");
                 assertJmodDoesNotContain(jmod, unexpectedFilenames);

    public void describe() throws IOException {
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
             "--class-path", cp,

             .resultChecker(r -> {
                 // Expect similar output: "foo... exports ...
                 //   ... requires java.base mandated... contains"
                 Pattern p = Pattern.compile("foo\\s+exports\\");
                           "Expecting to find \"foo... exports\"" +
                                "in output, but did not: [" + r.output + "]");
                 p = Pattern.compile(
                           "Expecting to find \"requires java.base mandated..., " +
                                "contains ...\"" +
                                "in output, but did not: [" + r.output + "]");

    public void testDuplicateEntries() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("testDuplicates.jmod");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");

             "--class-path", cp + pathSeparator + cp,
             .resultChecker(r ->
                 assertContains(r.output, "Warning: ignoring duplicate entry")

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--libs", lp.toString() + pathSeparator + lp.toString(),
             .resultChecker(r ->
                 assertContains(r.output, "Warning: ignoring duplicate entry")

    public void testDuplicateEntriesFromJarFile() throws IOException {
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
        Path jar = Paths.get("foo.jar");
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("testDuplicates.jmod");
        // create JAR file
        assertTrue(, System.err, "cf", jar.toString(), "-C", cp, ".") == 0);

             "--class-path", jar.toString() + pathSeparator + jar.toString(),
             .resultChecker(r ->
                 assertContains(r.output, "Warning: ignoring duplicate entry")

    public void testIgnoreModuleInfoInOtherSections() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("testIgnoreModuleInfoInOtherSections.jmod");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();

            "--class-path", cp,
            "--libs", cp,
            .resultChecker(r ->
                assertContains(r.output, "Warning: ignoring entry")

             "--class-path", cp,
             "--cmds", cp,
             .resultChecker(r ->
                 assertContains(r.output, "Warning: ignoring entry")

    public void testLastOneWins() throws IOException {
        Path workDir = Paths.get("lastOneWins");
        if (Files.exists(workDir))
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("lastOneWins.jmod");
        Path cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes");
        Path bp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("bin");
        Path lp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("lib");
        Path cf = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("conf");

        Path shouldNotBeAdded = workDir.resolve("shouldNotBeAdded");
        Files.write(shouldNotBeAdded.resolve("aFile"), "hello".getBytes(UTF_8));

        // Pairs of options. For options with required arguments the last one
        // should win ( first should be effectively ignored, but may still be
        // validated ).
             "--conf", shouldNotBeAdded.toString(),
             "--conf", cf.toString(),
             "--cmds", shouldNotBeAdded.toString(),
             "--cmds", bp.toString(),
             "--libs", shouldNotBeAdded.toString(),
             "--libs", lp.toString(),
             "--class-path", shouldNotBeAdded.toString(),
             "--class-path", cp.toString(),
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                ModuleDescriptor md = getModuleDescriptor(jmod);
                Optional<String> omc = md.mainClass();
                assertEquals(omc.get(), "");
                Optional<Version> ov = md.version();
                assertEquals(ov.get().toString(), "5.4.3");

                try (Stream<String> s1 = findFiles(lp).map(p -> LIBS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s2 = findFiles(cp).map(p -> CLASSES_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s3 = findFiles(bp).map(p -> CMDS_PREFIX + p);
                     Stream<String> s4 = findFiles(cf).map(p -> CONFIGS_PREFIX + p)) {
                    Set<String> expectedFilenames = Stream.concat(Stream.concat(s1,s2),
                                                                  Stream.concat(s3, s4))
                    assertJmodContent(jmod, expectedFilenames);

            .resultChecker(r -> {

    public void testPackagesAttribute() throws IOException {
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo.jmod");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();

        Set<String> expectedPackages = Set.of("",

             "--class-path", cp,
             .resultChecker(r -> {
                 Set<String> pkgs = getModuleDescriptor(jmod).packages();
                 assertEquals(pkgs, expectedPackages);

    public void testVersion() {
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertContains(r.output, System.getProperty("java.version"));

    public void testHelp() {
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.startsWith("Usage: jmod"), "Help not printed");

    public void testHelpExtra() {
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.startsWith("Usage: jmod"), "Extra help not printed");
                assertContains(r.output, "--do-not-resolve-by-default");
                assertContains(r.output, "--warn-if-resolved");

    public void testTmpFileRemoved() throws IOException {
        // Implementation detail: jmod tool creates <jmod-file>.tmp
        // Ensure that it is removed in the event of a failure.
        // The failure in this case is a class in the unnamed package.

        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("testTmpFileRemoved.jmod");
        Path tmp = MODS_DIR.resolve(".testTmpFileRemoved.jmod.tmp");
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes") + File.pathSeparator +

             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertContains(r.output, "unnamed package");
                assertTrue(Files.notExists(tmp), "Unexpected tmp file:" + tmp);

    public void testCompressionLevel() throws IOException {
        String cp = EXPLODED_DIR.resolve("foo").resolve("classes").toString();
        Path jmod = MODS_DIR.resolve("foo.jmod");

             "--class-path", cp,

            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress is only accepted with create mode"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");


             "--class-path", cp,
            .resultChecker(r -> {
                assertTrue(r.output.contains("--compress value is invalid"), "Error message printed");

    // ---

    static boolean compileModule(String name, Path dest) throws IOException {
        return CompilerUtils.compile(SRC_DIR.resolve(name), dest);

    static void assertContains(String output, String subString) {
        if (output.contains(subString))
            assertTrue(false,"Expected to find [" + subString + "], in output ["
                           + output + "]" + "\n");

    static ModuleDescriptor getModuleDescriptor(Path jmod) {
        ClassLoader cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
        try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(jmod, cl)) {
            String p = "/classes/module-info.class";
            try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(fs.getPath(p))) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);

    static Stream<String> findFiles(Path dir) {
        try {
            return Files.find(dir, Integer.MAX_VALUE, (p, a) -> a.isRegularFile())
                        .map(p -> p.replace(File.separator, "/"));
        } catch (IOException x) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(x);

    static Set<String> getJmodContent(Path jmod) {
        JmodResult r = jmod("list", jmod.toString()).assertSuccess();
        return Stream.of(r.output.split("\r?\n")).collect(toSet());

    static void assertJmodContent(Path jmod, Set<String> expected) {
        Set<String> actual = getJmodContent(jmod);
        if (!Objects.equals(actual, expected)) {
            Set<String> unexpected = new HashSet<>(actual);
            Set<String> notFound = new HashSet<>(expected);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("Unexpected but found:\n");
            unexpected.forEach(s -> sb.append("\t" + s + "\n"));
            sb.append("Expected but not found:\n");
            notFound.forEach(s -> sb.append("\t" + s + "\n"));
            assertTrue(false"Jmod content check failed.\n" + sb.toString());

    static void assertJmodDoesNotContain(Path jmod, Set<String> unexpectedNames) {
        Set<String> actual = getJmodContent(jmod);
        Set<String> unexpected = new HashSet<>();
        for (String name : unexpectedNames) {
            if (actual.contains(name))
        if (!unexpected.isEmpty()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String s : unexpected)
                sb.append("Unexpected but found: " + s + "\n");
            sb.append("In :");
            for (String s : actual)
                sb.append("\t" + s + "\n");
            assertTrue(false"Jmod content check failed.\n" + sb.toString());

    static void assertSameContent(Path p1, Path p2) {
        try {
            byte[] ba1 = Files.readAllBytes(p1);
            byte[] ba2 = Files.readAllBytes(p2);
            assertEquals(ba1, ba2);
        } catch (IOException x) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(x);

    static JmodResult jmod(String... args) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
        System.out.println("jmod " + Arrays.asList(args));
        int ec =, ps, args);
        return new JmodResult(ec, new String(baos.toByteArray(), UTF_8));

    static class JmodResult {
        final int exitCode;
        final String output;

        JmodResult(int exitValue, String output) {
            this.exitCode = exitValue;
            this.output = output;
        JmodResult assertSuccess() { assertTrue(exitCode == 0, output); return this; }
        JmodResult assertFailure() { assertTrue(exitCode != 0, output); return this; }
        JmodResult resultChecker(Consumer<JmodResult> r) { r.accept(this); return this; }

    static void createCmds(Path dir) throws IOException {
        List<String> files = Arrays.asList(
                "first""second""third" + File.separator + "third");
        createFiles(dir, files);

    static void createLibs(Path dir) throws IOException {
        List<String> files = Arrays.asList(
                """""third" + File.separator + "");
        createFiles(dir, files);

    static void createConfigs(Path dir) throws IOException {
        List<String> files = Arrays.asList(
                "first.cfg""second.cfg""third" + File.separator + "third.cfg");
        createFiles(dir, files);

    static void createFiles(Path dir, List<String> filenames) throws IOException {
        for (String name : filenames) {
            Path file = dir.resolve(name);
            try (OutputStream os  = Files.newOutputStream(file)) {

    static void copyResource(Path srcDir, Path dir, String resource) throws IOException {
        Path dest = dir.resolve(resource);

        Files.copy(srcDir.resolve(resource), dest);

    // Standalone entry point.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        JmodTest test = new JmodTest();
        for (Method m : JmodTest.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            if (m.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) {
                System.out.println("Invoking " + m.getName());

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