Haftungsausschluß.jcod KontaktMasm {Masm[241] CS[281] BAT[441]}diese Dinge liegen außhalb unserer Verantwortung
class T {
0; // minor version
49; // version
[73] { // Constant Pool
; // first element is empty
Utf8 "T"; // #1 at 0x0A
class #1; // #2 at 0x1A
Utf8 "Ljava/lang/Enum;"; // #3 at 0x1D
Utf8 "java/lang/Enum"; // #4 at 0x41
class #4; // #5 at 0x52
Utf8 "T.java"; // #6 at 0x55
Utf8 "T1"; // #7 at 0x61
Utf8 "LT;"; // #8 at 0x66
Utf8 "T2"; // #9 at 0x78
Utf8 "T3"; // #10 at 0x7D
Utf8 "myName"; // #11 at 0x82
Utf8 "Ljava/lang/String;"; // #12 at 0x8B
Utf8 "$VALUES"; // #13 at 0xA0
Utf8 "[LT;"; // #14 at 0xAA
Utf8 "values"; // #15 at 0xBD
Utf8 "()[LT;"; // #16 at 0xC6
NameAndType #13 #14; // #17 at 0xDB
Field #2 #17; // #18 at 0xE0
class #14; // #19 at 0xE5
Utf8 "clone"; // #20 at 0xE8
Utf8 "()Ljava/lang/Object;"; // #21 at 0xF0
NameAndType #20 #21; // #22 at 0x0107
Method #19 #22; // #23 at 0x010C
Utf8 "valueOf"; // #24 at 0x0111
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;)LT;"; // #25 at 0x011B
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Enum;"; // #26 at 0x0141
NameAndType #24 #26; // #27 at 0x0179
Method #5 #27; // #28 at 0x017E
Utf8 "name"; // #29 at 0x0183
Utf8 "getName"; // #30 at 0x018A
Utf8 "()Ljava/lang/String;"; // #31 at 0x0194
NameAndType #11 #12; // #32 at 0x01AB
Field #2 #32; // #33 at 0x01B0
Utf8 "this"; // #34 at 0x01B5
Utf8 ""; // #35 at 0x01BC
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V"; // #36 at 0x01C5
Utf8 "LNotNull;"; // #37 at 0x01F0
Utf8 "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"; // #38 at 0x0216
class #38; // #39 at 0x023B
Utf8 "Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of T. must not be null"; // #40 at 0x023E
String #40; // #41 at 0x028B
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"; // #42 at 0x028E
NameAndType #35 #42; // #43 at 0x02A6
Method #39 #43; // #44 at 0x02AB
Utf8 "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"; // #45 at 0x02B0
NameAndType #35 #45; // #46 at 0x02C9
Method #5 #46; // #47 at 0x02CE
Utf8 ""; // #48 at 0x02D3
Utf8 "()V"; // #49 at 0x02DE
String #7; // #50 at 0x02E4
Utf8 "type1"; // #51 at 0x02E7
String #51; // #52 at 0x02EF
NameAndType #35 #36; // #53 at 0x02F2
Method #2 #53; // #54 at 0x02F7
NameAndType #7 #8; // #55 at 0x02FC
Field #2 #55; // #56 at 0x0301
String #9; // #57 at 0x0306
Utf8 "type2"; // #58 at 0x0309
String #58; // #59 at 0x0311
NameAndType #9 #8; // #60 at 0x0314
Field #2 #60; // #61 at 0x0319
String #10; // #62 at 0x031E
Utf8 "type3"; // #63 at 0x0321
String #63; // #64 at 0x0329
NameAndType #10 #8; // #65 at 0x032C
Field #2 #65; // #66 at 0x0331
Utf8 "Code"; // #67 at 0x0336
Utf8 "LineNumberTable"; // #68 at 0x033D
Utf8 "LocalVariableTable"; // #69 at 0x034F
Utf8 "Signature"; // #70 at 0x0364
Utf8 "RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"; // #71 at 0x0370
Utf8 "SourceFile"; // #72 at 0x0397
} // Constant Pool
0x4031; // access
#2;// this_cpx
#5;// super_cpx
[0] { // Interfaces
} // Interfaces
[5] { // fields
{ // Member at 0x03AE
0x4019; // access
#7; // name_cpx
#8; // sig_cpx
[0] { // Attributes
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x03B6
0x4019; // access
#9; // name_cpx
#8; // sig_cpx
[0] { // Attributes
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x03BE
0x4019; // access
#10; // name_cpx
#8; // sig_cpx
[0] { // Attributes
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x03C6
0x0012; // access
#11; // name_cpx
#12; // sig_cpx
[0] { // Attributes
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x03CE
0x101A; // access
#13; // name_cpx
#14; // sig_cpx
[0] { // Attributes
} // Attributes
} // Member
} // fields
[5] { // methods
{ // Member at 0x03D8
0x0019; // access
#15; // name_cpx
#16; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 34) { // Code at 0x03E0
1; // max_stack
0; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#68, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x03FC
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 9; // at 0x0408
} // end LineNumberTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0408
0x0009; // access
#24; // name_cpx
#25; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 52) { // Code at 0x0410
2; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#69, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x042C
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 10 29 12 0; // at 0x043E
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#68, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x043E
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 9; // at 0x044A
} // end LineNumberTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x044A
0x0001; // access
#30; // name_cpx
#31; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 47) { // Code at 0x0452
1; // max_stack
1; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#69, 12) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x0469
[1] { // LocalVariableTable
0 5 34 8 0; // at 0x047B
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#68, 6) { // LineNumberTable at 0x047B
[1] { // LineNumberTable
0 17; // at 0x0487
} // end LineNumberTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0487
0x0002; // access
#35; // name_cpx
#36; // sig_cpx
[3] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 86) { // Code at 0x048F
3; // max_stack
4; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#69, 22) { // LocalVariableTable at 0x04BB
[2] { // LocalVariableTable
14 12 34 8 0; // at 0x04CD
14 12 29 12 3; // at 0x04D7
} // end LocalVariableTable
Attr(#68, 14) { // LineNumberTable at 0x04D7
[3] { // LineNumberTable
14 20; // at 0x04E3
20 21; // at 0x04E7
25 22; // at 0x04EB
} // end LineNumberTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
Attr(#70, 2) { // Signature at 0x04EB
} // end Signature
Attr(#71, 11) { // RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations at 0x04F3
[3]b { // parameters
[1] { // annotations
{ // annotation
[0] { // element_value_pairs
} // element_value_pairs
} // annotation
[0] { // annotations
[0] { // annotations
} // end RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations
} // Attributes
} // Member
{ // Member at 0x0504
0x0008; // access
#48; // name_cpx
#49; // sig_cpx
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#67, 107) { // Code at 0x050C
5; // max_stack
0; // max_locals
[0] { // Traps
} // end Traps
[1] { // Attributes
Attr(#68, 18) { // LineNumberTable at 0x0565
[4] { // LineNumberTable
0 10; // at 0x0571
15 11; // at 0x0575
30 12; // at 0x0579
45 9; // at 0x057D
} // end LineNumberTable
} // Attributes
} // end Code
} // Attributes
} // Member
} // methods
[2] { // Attributes
Attr(#70, 2) { // Signature at 0x057F
} // end Signature
Attr(#72, 2) { // SourceFile at 0x0587
} // end SourceFile
} // Attributes
} // end class T
[ Seitenstruktur0.128Drucken