circle_optimum_2D: THEORY
% This file defines an algorithm that finds the point on a circle
% with the largest norm such that it lies between two half planes
% that are inputs
% Anthony N
% /-half plane 1
% /\
% / \
% / \ -circle
% 0 \
% \ |
% \ |
% \ /
% \X-point
% \- half plane 2
% This function uses Theta_D, which is defined in ACCoRD.
IMPORTING vectors@vectors_2D,
v,u,w,c,p : VAR Vect2
e1,e2 : VAR Nz_vect2
R,k : VAR posreal
t : VAR nnreal
circle?(c,R)(w): bool = norm(w-c) = R
segment?(v)(w): bool = EXISTS (t): w = t*v
% First, a function to compute the maximum norm of a point that lies both in the
% circle and along the vector v from the origin.
intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R): bool = (v/=zero AND Delta[R](-c,v)>=0 AND (c*v >=0 OR sqv(-c)<=sq(R)))
(v =zero AND sqv(c) = sq(R))
intersects_circle_fun_scal: LEMMA intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) IFF
intersects_circle_fun_def: LEMMA intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) IFF
(EXISTS (w): circle?(c,R)(w) AND segment?(v)(w))
intersects_circle_fun_inc: LEMMA v/=zero AND u/=zero AND intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) AND
^(v)*c<=^(u)*c IMPLIES intersects_circle_fun?(u,c,R)
inter_circle_max_time(v,c,R): nnreal =
IF v/=zero AND intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) THEN Theta_D[R](-c,v,1)
inter_circle_max_time_scal: LEMMA
FORALL (pt:posreal): inter_circle_max_time(pt*v,c,R) = (1/pt)*inter_circle_max_time(v,c,R)
inter_circle_max_time_def: LEMMA
LET t = inter_circle_max_time(v,c,R) IN
(intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) IMPLIES
circle?(c,R)(t*v)) AND
(FORALL (nnt:nnreal): circle?(c,R)(nnt*v) IMPLIES
norm(nnt*v) <= norm(t*v) AND
(nnt /= t AND v/=zero IMPLIES norm(nnt*v) < norm(t*v)))
inter_circle_max_norm(v,c,R): nnreal =
IF intersects_circle_fun?(v,c,R) THEN inter_circle_max_time(v,c,R)*norm(v)
inter_circle_max_norm_scal: LEMMA
FORALL (pt:posreal): inter_circle_max_norm(pt*v,c,R) = inter_circle_max_norm(v,c,R)
% inter_circle_max_norm_def: LEMMA
% LET maxnorm = inter_circle_max_norm(v,c,R) IN
% FORALL (nnt:nnreal): circle?(c,R)(nnt*v) IMPLIES norm(nnt*v) <= maxnorm
max_norm_increasing: LEMMA
(v/=zero AND u/=zero AND ^(v)*c<=^(u)*c) OR
((v=zero OR u=zero) AND norm(v)<=norm(u))
inter_circle_max_norm(v,c,R) <= inter_circle_max_norm(u,c,R)
%%%%%%% An algorithm that computes the point x with (1/norm(x))*x*c maximal such that
%%%%%%% x*e1 >= k1 AND x*e2 >= k2
%%%%%%% An algorithm that computes the point x on a circle of radius R around a point c
%%%%%%% that is the maximal point from p satisfying (x-p)*e1>=0 AND (x-p)*e2>=0
max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e1,e2): Vect2 =
IF c = p AND perpR(e1)*e2>=0
THEN p + (R/norm(e1))*perpR(e1)
ELSIF c = p
THEN p - (R/norm(e1))*perpR(e1)
ELSIF (c-p)*e1 >= 0 AND (c-p)*e2 >= 0
THEN p + (1+R/norm(c-p))*(c-p)
LET e1perp = IF perpR(e1)*e2 >= 0 THEN perpR(e1) ELSE -perpR(e1) ENDIF,
e2perp = IF (-sign(e1*e2))*(perpR(e2)*e1) >= 0 THEN (-sign(e1*e2))*perpR(e2) ELSE sign(e1*e2)*perpR(e2) ENDIF,
e1vect = p + inter_circle_max_time(e1perp,c-p,R)*e1perp,
e2vect = p + inter_circle_max_time(e2perp,c-p,R)*e2perp
IF (e2perp/=zero AND e1perp/=zero AND ^(e2perp)*(c-p)<=^(e1perp)*(c-p)) OR
((e2perp=zero OR e1perp=zero) AND norm(e2vect-p)<=norm(e1vect-p))
% max_circle_point_in_slice_composition: LEMMA
% LET vv = max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e1,e2),
% ww = max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e2,e3),
% zz = max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e1,e3)
% IN intersects_circle_fun?(vv-p,c-p,R) AND
% intersects_circle_fun?(ww-p,c-p,R) AND
% intersects_circle_fun?(ww-p,c-p,R)
lem1: LEMMA FORALL (v1,v2:Vect2): norm(v1) = 1 AND norm(v2) = 1
IMPLIES ((v1*v2>=0 IFF norm(v1-v2)<=sqrt(2)) AND
(v1*v2> 0 IFF norm(v1-v2)<sqrt(2)))
lem2: LEMMA FORALL (v1,v2,v3:Vect2): norm(v1) = 1 AND norm(v2) = 1 AND
norm(v3) = 1
IMPLIES ((v1*v3 <= v2*v3) IFF norm(v1-v3)>=norm(v2-v3)) AND
((v1*v3 < v2*v3) IFF norm(v1-v3)>norm(v2-v3))
max_circle_point_in_slice_intersection: LEMMA
FORALL (aa, bb, cc, dd, ap, bp, cp, dp, h, g: Nz_vect2):
orthonormal?(aa, ap) AND orthonormal?(bb, bp)
AND orthonormal?(cc, cp) AND orthonormal?(dd, dp) AND norm(h) = 1 and norm(g) = 1
AND bp * aa >= 0 AND ap * bb >= 0 AND cp * dd >= 0 AND dp * cc >= 0
AND (aa = bb IMPLIES ap/=bp)
AND h * aa > 0 AND h * bb > 0
AND h * cc > 0 AND h * dd > 0 AND g*cc>0 AND g*dd>0 AND (NOT (g*aa>=0 AND g*bb>=0))
(ap * cc > 0 AND ap * dd > 0) OR
(bp * cc > 0 AND bp * dd > 0)
max_circle_point_in_slice_union: LEMMA
FORALL (aa, bb, cc, dd, ap, bp, cp, dp, h, g: Nz_vect2):
orthonormal?(aa, ap) AND orthonormal?(bb, bp)
AND orthonormal?(cc, cp) AND orthonormal?(dd, dp) AND norm(h) = 1 and norm(g) = 1
AND bp * aa >= 0 AND ap * bb >= 0 AND cp * dd >= 0 AND dp * cc >= 0
AND (aa = bb IMPLIES ap/=bp)
AND h * aa > 0 AND h * bb > 0 AND g*cc = g*dd
AND (h * cc > 0 OR h * dd > 0) AND (g*cc>0 OR g*dd>0) AND (NOT (g*aa>=0 AND g*bb>=0))
(ap * cc > 0 OR ap * dd > 0) OR
(bp * cc > 0 OR bp * dd > 0)
dot_gt_dot_equals_slice_intersection: LEMMA
FORALL (g,rp:Vect2): rp*g>=0 AND norm(g) = 1 AND norm(rp) = 1
IMPLIES (EXISTS (vv1, vv2: Nz_vect2): norm(vv1) = 1 AND norm(vv2) = 1 AND
g*vv1 = g*vv2 AND
(FORALL (ww: Nz_vect2): norm(ww) = 1 IMPLIES
(ww * g > rp * g IFF (ww * vv1 > 0 AND ww * vv2 > 0))))
dot_gt_dot_equals_slice_union: LEMMA
FORALL (g,rp:Vect2): rp*g<0 AND norm(g) = 1 AND norm(rp) = 1 AND rp/=-g
IMPLIES (EXISTS (vv1, vv2: Nz_vect2): norm(vv1) = 1 AND norm(vv2) = 1 AND
g * vv1 = g * vv2 AND
(FORALL (ww: Nz_vect2): norm(ww) = 1 IMPLIES
(ww * g > rp * g IFF (ww * vv1 > 0 OR ww * vv2 > 0))))
max_circle_point_in_slice_lem: LEMMA
(FORALL (r, s, g, h, rp, sp: Vect2):
norm(r) = 1 AND norm(s) = 1 AND norm(g) = 1 AND norm(h) = 1
AND norm(rp) = 1 AND norm(sp) = 1
AND (NOT (g * r >= 0 AND g * s >= 0)) AND sp * g <= rp * g
AND h * r >= 0 AND h * s >= 0 AND orthonormal?(r, rp)
AND orthonormal?(s, sp) AND rp * s >= 0 AND sp * r >= 0 AND (r=s IMPLIES rp/=sp)
AND (NOT (sp * g <= 0 AND r = -s AND rp = sp AND h = -sp))
IMPLIES h * g <= rp * g)
max_circle_point_in_slice_lem_eq: LEMMA
(FORALL (r, s, g, h, rp, sp: Vect2):
norm(r) = 1 AND norm(s) = 1 AND norm(g) = 1 AND norm(h) = 1
AND norm(rp) = 1 AND norm(sp) = 1
AND (NOT (g * r >= 0 AND g * s >= 0)) AND sp * g <= rp * g
AND h * r >= 0 AND h * s >= 0 AND orthonormal?(r, rp)
AND orthonormal?(s, sp) AND rp * s >= 0 AND sp * r >= 0 AND r=s and rp = -sp
IMPLIES h * g <= rp * g)
max_circle_point_in_slide_sym_lem: LEMMA FORALL (vv:Vect2,e1perp,e2perp:Nz_vect2):
vv = p + inter_circle_max_time(e1perp, c - p, R) * e1perp AND circle?(c, R)(w) AND
(w - p) * e1 >= 0 AND (w - p) * e2 >= 0 AND orthogonal?(e1, e1perp)
AND orthogonal?(e2, e2perp) AND e1perp * e2 >= 0 AND e2perp * e1 >= 0
AND ((e2perp /= zero AND e1perp /= zero AND ^(e2perp) * (c - p) <= ^(e1perp) * (c - p) AND
(c-p/=zero AND (NOT (^(c - p) * ^(e1) >= 0 AND ^(c - p) * ^(e2) >= 0)) AND
^(e1) = ^(e2) AND ^(e1perp) = -^(e2perp) OR (c-p/=zero AND NOT (^(c - p) * ^(e1) >= 0 AND ^(c - p) * ^(e2) >= 0)) AND
(^(e1) = ^(e2) IMPLIES ^(e1perp) /= ^(e2perp)) AND
(NOT (^(e2perp) * ^(c - p) <= 0 AND
^(e1) = -^(e2) AND
^(e1perp) = ^(e2perp) AND w-p /= zero AND ^(w - p) = -^(e2perp)))))
OR ((e2perp = zero OR e1perp = zero) AND norm(perpR(e2)) <= norm(perpR(e1))))
IMPLIES (((c - p) * e1 >= 0 AND (c - p) * e2 >= 0) OR norm(w - p) <= norm(vv - p) OR c = p)
max_circle_point_in_slice_def: LEMMA
LET vv = max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e1,e2) IN
IMPLIES circle?(c,R)(vv) AND
(vv-p)*e1 >= 0 AND
(vv-p)*e2 >= 0) AND
(FORALL (w): circle?(c,R)(w) AND (w-p)*e1 >= 0 AND (w-p)*e2 >= 0
IMPLIES norm(w-p) <= norm(vv-p))
max_circle_point_in_slice_complete: LEMMA
LET vv = max_circle_point_in_slice(p,c,R,e1,e2) IN
FORALL (w): circle?(c,R)(w) AND (w-p)*e1 >= 0 AND (w-p)*e2 >= 0
END circle_optimum_2D
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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