%%-------------------** Term Rewriting System (TRS) **------------------------
%% Authors : Andréia Borges Avelar and
%% Mauricio Ayala Rincon
%% Universidade de Brasília - Brasil
%% and
%% Andre Luiz Galdino
%% Universidade Federal de Goiás - Brasil
%% Last Modified On: June 15, 2011
robinsonunificationEF[variable: TYPE+, symbol: TYPE+, arity: [symbol -> nat]]: THEORY
IMPORTING variables_term[variable,symbol,arity],
var_countable : ASSUMPTION is_countably_infinite(V)
var_nonempty : ASSUMPTION nonempty?(V)
symbol_nonempty : ASSUMPTION nonempty?({f : symbol | arity(f) = 1})
IMPORTING robinsonunification[variable,symbol, arity]
Vs: VAR set[(V)]
V1, V2: VAR finite_set[(V)]
V3: VAR finite_set[term]
x, y, z: VAR (V)
tau, sig, sigma,
delta, rho, theta: VAR Sub
st, stp: VAR finseq[term]
r, s, t, t1, t2: VAR term
n: VAR nat
p, q, q1, p1, p2: VAR position
R: VAR pred[[term, term]]
%%%%% Function to compute the set of rigth positions of a %%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% given position of a given term %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
right_pos(s:term, p : position) : RECURSIVE positions =
IF NOT positionsOF(s)(p) THEN emptyset
IF p = empty_seq THEN only_empty_seq
LET p1 = delete(p,length(p) - 1) IN
LET i: nat = last(p) IN
LET n: nat = arity(f(subtermOF(s,p1))) IN
union( union(singleton(p), right_pos(s, p1)),
IUnion(LAMBDA (j : below(n - i)) :
{q | EXISTS q1 : positionsOF(subtermOF(s,
add_last(p1, i + j + 1)))(q1)
AND q = p1 o #( i + j + 1) o q1 }))
MEASURE length(p)
%%%%% Function to compute the next position of a given position %%%%%%%%
%%%%% where a conflict between two given terms occurs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
next_position(s, t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)):
RECURSIVE position =
IF p = empty_seq THEN empty_seq
LET pi0 = delete(p,length(p) - 1) IN
IF f(subtermOF(s,pi0)) /= f(subtermOF(t,pi0)) THEN pi0
LET pi = add_last(delete(p, length(p) - 1), last(p) + 1) IN
IF positionsOF(s)(pi) THEN
IF subtermOF(s, pi) /= subtermOF(t, pi) THEN pi
ELSE next_position(s,t, pi) ENDIF
ELSE IF pi0 /= empty_seq THEN
next_position(s, t, pi0)
ELSE empty_seq
MEASURE IF p = empty_seq
THEN lex2(0,0)
ELSE lex2(length(p),
delete(p,length(p) - 1)))) - last(p))
%%%%%%% auxiliary lemmas %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
right_pos_subset : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p)):
subset?(right_pos(s, p), positionsOF(s))
next_position_commute : LEMMA
FORALL (s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)):
next_position(s, t, p) = next_position(t, s, p)
next_position_is_position : LEMMA
FORALL (s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)):
positionsOF(s)(next_position(s, t, p))
next_pos_length_and_last : LEMMA
FORALL (s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p) AND p /= empty_seq):
length(next_position(s, t, p)) < length(p) OR
(length(next_position(s, t, p)) = length(p) AND
last(p) < last(next_position(s, t, p)))
next_pos_is_a_diff_pos : LEMMA
FORALL (s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)):
(NOT p = empty_seq) IMPLIES
next_position(s, t, p) /= p
member_right_pos : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p),
q : position | positionsOF(s)(q)):
(member(q, right_pos(s, p)) AND p /= q) IFF left_pos(p, q)
next_pos_member_right_pos : LEMMA
FORALL (s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p) AND p /= empty_seq):
member(next_position(s, t, p), right_pos(s, p))
equal_right_pos : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p),
q : position | positionsOF(s)(q)):
right_pos(s, p) = right_pos(s, q) IMPLIES p = q
subset_right_pos : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p),
q : position | positionsOF(s)(q)):
member(q, right_pos(s, p)) AND q /= p
IMPLIES strict_subset?(right_pos(s, q), right_pos(s, p))
next_pos_to_the_right : LEMMA
FORALL(s:term, t:term, p: position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p) AND p /= empty_seq ):
Card(right_pos(s, next_position(s, t, p)))
< Card(right_pos(s, p))
ext_link_remove_x : LEMMA
FORALL(s : term, t : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
(NOT sig = fail AND Dom(sig)(x)) IMPLIES
(NOT member(x, Vars(ext(sig)(s)))) AND
(NOT member(x, Vars(ext(sig)(t))))
vars_ext_link_s_subset : LEMMA
FORALL(s : term, t : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
NOT sig = fail IMPLIES
subset?(Vars(ext(sig)(s)), union( Vars(s), Vars(t)))
vars_ext_link_t_subset : LEMMA
FORALL(s : term, t : term, p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
NOT sig = fail IMPLIES
subset?(Vars(ext(sig)(t)), union( Vars(s), Vars(t)))
union_vars_ext_link_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)
AND subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
NOT sig = fail IMPLIES
union(Vars(ext(sig)(s)), Vars(ext(sig)(t)))
= difference(union( Vars(s), Vars(t)), Dom(sig))
termination_lemma_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)
AND subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
NOT sig = fail IMPLIES
Card(union( Vars(ext(sig)(s)), Vars(ext(sig)(t))))
< Card(union( Vars(s), Vars(t)))
subtermOF_next_position : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term | s /= t,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p)) :
LET q = next_position(s, t, p) IN
subtermOF(s, q) /= subtermOF(t, q)
np_o_fd_is_position : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term | s /= t,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p)) :
LET q = next_position(s, t, p) IN
LET q1 = first_diff(subtermOF(s,q), subtermOF(t,q)) IN
positionsOF(t)(q o q1)
child_np_child_p : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p)) :
(FORALL (q: position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
child(next_position(s, t, p), q)
IMPLIES child(p, q))
next_pos_empty_equal_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
p /= empty_seq ) :
( next_position(s, t, p) = empty_seq AND
FORALL (p1 : position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
positionsOF(t)(p1) ):
child(p, p1) => f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1)) )
( FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
left_without_children(p, q) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q) )
next_pos_equal_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
p /= empty_seq ) :
( (FORALL (p1 : position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
positionsOF(t)(p1) ):
child(p, p1) =>
f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1)))
(FORALL (q: position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
left_without_children(q, p) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q))
subtermOF(s, p) = subtermOF(t, p)
next_position(s, t, p) /= empty_seq )
( FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
left_without_children(q, next_position(s, t, p)) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q) )
fd_equal_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term | s /= t,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) ):
LET fd = first_diff(s, t) IN
left_without_children(p, fd)
IMPLIES subtermOF(s,p) = subtermOF(t,p)
child_p_o_fd : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET fd = first_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
(FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
positionsOF(t)(q) ):
child(p, q) =>
f(subtermOF(s, q)) = f(subtermOF(t, q)))
IMPLIES (FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(ext(sig)(s))(q) AND
positionsOF(ext(sig)(t))(q) ):
child(p o fd, q) =>
f(subtermOF(ext(sig)(s), q)) = f(subtermOF(ext(sig)(t), q)))
separation_lwc_pos : LEMMA
left_without_children(q, p o p1) AND NOT left_without_children(q, p)
IMPLIES EXISTS q1: q = p o q1 AND left_without_children(q1, p1)
lwc_o_fd_empty_seq : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term | s /= t):
LET fd = first_diff(s, t) IN
( left_without_children(p, fd) AND positionsOF(s)(p)
AND p = p1 o p2 AND positionsOF(t)(p1)
AND vars?(subtermOF(t, p1)) )
IMPLIES p2 = empty_seq
lwc_p_o_fd : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET fd = first_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
(FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
positionsOF(t)(q) ):
left_without_children(q, p) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q))
IMPLIES (FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(ext(sig)(s))(q) AND
positionsOF(ext(sig)(t))(q) ):
left_without_children(q, p o fd) =>
subtermOF(ext(sig)(s), q) = subtermOF(ext(sig)(t), q))
np_p_o_fd_empty_unifiable_term : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET fd = first_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
( NOT sig = fail
next_position(ext(sig)(s), ext(sig)(t), p o fd) = empty_seq
(FORALL (q: position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
left_without_children(q, p) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q))
(FORALL (p1: position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
child(p, p1) =>
f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1))) )
ext(sig)(s) = ext(sig)(t)
np_p_o_fd_equal_subterm : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s,p) /= subtermOF(t,p)):
LET fd = first_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p), subtermOF(t,p)) IN
( NOT sig = fail
next_position(ext(sig)(s), ext(sig)(t), p o fd) /= empty_seq
(FORALL (q: position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
left_without_children(q, p) =>
subtermOF(s, q) = subtermOF(t, q))
(FORALL (p1: position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
child(p, p1) =>
f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1))) )
(FORALL (q: position | positionsOF(ext(sig)(s))(q) AND
next_position(ext(sig)(s), ext(sig)(t), p o fd)) =>
subtermOF(ext(sig)(s), q) = subtermOF(ext(sig)(t), q))
%%%% Function to compute mgu's of unifiable terms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t : term, p : position |
positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)) : RECURSIVE Sub =
IF subtermOF(s,p) = subtermOF(t,p) THEN
LET pi = next_position(s, t, p) IN
IF pi = empty_seq THEN identity
ELSE robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s,t,pi)
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s,p),subtermOF(t,p))
IF sig = fail THEN fail
LET pi = next_position(ext(sig)(s), ext(sig)(t),
p o first_diff(subtermOF(s,p),subtermOF(t,p)))
IF pi = empty_seq THEN sig
ELSE LET sigma = robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(
ext(sig)(s), ext(sig)(t), pi) IN
IF sigma = fail THEN fail ELSE comp(sigma, sig) ENDIF
MEASURE lex2(Card(union(Vars(s), Vars(t))),
robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s, t : term) : Sub =
robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t , empty_seq)
unifiable_implies_not_fail1 : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s, p) /= subtermOF(t, p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s, p), subtermOF(t, p)) IN
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES
NOT sig = fail
preserving_generality1 : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s, p) /= subtermOF(t, p)):
member(rho, U(s, t)) IMPLIES
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s, p), subtermOF(t, p)) IN
EXISTS theta : rho = comp(theta, sig)
unifiable_preserves_unifiability1 : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s, p) /= subtermOF(t, p)):
LET sig = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s, p), subtermOF(t, p)) IN
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES unifiable(ext(sig)(s), (ext(sig)(t)))
dom_ruaEF_subset_union_vars_aux : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)) :
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES
LET sigma = robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t, p) IN
subset?( Dom(sigma), union(Vars(s), Vars(t)) )
dom_ruaEF_subset_union_vars : LEMMA
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES
LET sigma = robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s, t) IN
subset?( Dom(sigma), union(Vars(s), Vars(t)) )
vran_ruaEF_subset_union_aux : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) AND
subtermOF(s, p) /= subtermOF(t, p)) :
LET pi = first_diff(subtermOF(s, p), subtermOF(t, p)) IN
LET sig1 = link_of_frst_diff(subtermOF(s, p), subtermOF(t, p)) IN
LET np = next_position(ext(sig1)(s), ext(sig1)(t), p o pi) IN
LET sig2 = robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(ext(sig1)(s), ext(sig1)(t), np) IN
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES
subset?(VRan(comp(sig2, sig1)),
union(VRan(sig2), difference(VRan(sig1), Dom(sig2))))
dom_ran_ruaEF_disjoint : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term, t : term,
p: position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND positionsOF(t)(p)) :
unifiable(s, t) IMPLIES
LET sigma = robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t, p) IN
subset?( VRan(sigma) ,
difference( union(Vars(s), Vars(t)), Dom(sigma) ))
ruaEF_fails_iff_non_unifiable_aux : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) ):
( FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
positionsOF(t)(q) ):
left_without_children(q, p) => subtermOF(s,q) = subtermOF(t, q) )
( FORALL (p1 : position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
positionsOF(t)(p1) ):
child(p, p1) => f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1)) )
( NOT unifiable(s,t) IFF
robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t, p) = fail)
ruaEF_gives_unifier_aux : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) ):
( FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
positionsOF(t)(q) ):
left_without_children(q, p) => subtermOF(s,q) = subtermOF(t, q) )
( FORALL (p1 : position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
positionsOF(t)(p1) ):
child(p, p1) => f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1)) )
( unifiable(s,t) IFF
member(robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t, p), U(s, t)) )
ruaEF_gives_mg_subs_aux : LEMMA
FORALL (s : term,
t : term,
p : position | positionsOF(s)(p) AND
positionsOF(t)(p) ):
( FORALL (q : position | positionsOF(s)(q) AND
positionsOF(t)(q) ):
left_without_children(q, p) => subtermOF(s,q) = subtermOF(t, q) )
( FORALL (p1 : position | positionsOF(s)(p1) AND
positionsOF(t)(p1) ):
child(p, p1) => f(subtermOF(s, p1)) = f(subtermOF(t, p1)) )
( member(rho, U(s, t)) IMPLIES
robinson_unification_algorithm_aux(s, t, p) <= rho )
ruaEF_fails_iff_non_unifiable : LEMMA
NOT unifiable(s,t) IFF robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s,t) = fail
%%%% Soundness of "robinson_unification_algorithm_EF" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ruaEF_gives_unifier : LEMMA
unifiable(s,t) IFF member(robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s, t), U(s, t))
ruaEF_gives_mg_subs : LEMMA
member(rho, U(s, t)) IMPLIES robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s, t) <= rho
%%%% Completeness of "robinson_unification_algorithm_EF" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
completeness_ruaEF : LEMMA
IF unifiable(s,t) THEN mgu(robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s,t))(s,t)
ELSE robinson_unification_algorithm_EF(s,t) = fail
END robinsonunificationEF
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