% Complex Numbers
% Author: David Lester, Manchester University & NIA
% The complex numbers are defined (axiomatically) in this way so that we can
% conveniently use the numeric constants 0, 1, 2 etc.
% The alternative -- using pairs of reals to represent the real and imaginary
% components -- would lead to the somewhat unappealing formulation of Euler's
% result as "exp((0,1)*(pi,0)) = (-1,0)". As a matter of taste, I prefer the
% somewhat more elegant formulation: "exp(i*pi) = -1".
% When theory interpretations can handle this, we'll be able to prove that the
% two formulations are equivalent, and hence use the beautiful version, and
% consigning the undignified version to the background!
% If we get really lucky, the number_fields_bis ("bis" from the Italian for
% extra) can be consigned to the dustbin of history, and it's functions
% incorporated into the general PVS decision procedures. In the mean time...
% Version 1.0 5/29/04 Initial version (DRL)
% Version 2.9 4/25/07
IMPORTING complex_types, % Basic Definitions of Complex Number Types
polar, % Polar coordinate complex numbers
arithmetic, % Basic Arithmetic on Complex Numbers
exp, % Complex logarithm and exponential functions
complex_sqrt, % sqrt of a complex number
complex_field, % complex numbers form a field
complex_sets % set-valued complex functions
END top
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