products/sources/formale sprachen/REXX image not shown  


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[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: ZPRD.REXX   Sprache: REXX

Original von: REXX©

/* REXX  */                                                                     
/* EMailen des aktuellen Members oder eines ausgewählten      */                
/* Bereichs aus diesem Member.                                */                
/*                                                            */                
/* - EMail des gesamten Members:                              */                
/*   Absetzen von 'mail' in der Command-Zeile                 */                
/*                                                            */                
/* - EMail eines Bereiches:                                   */                
/*   - Markieren des Bereiches mit dem Line-Command '#'       */                
/*     oder dem Block-Command '##'                            */                
/*   - Absetzen von 'mail' in der Command-Zeile               */                
/*                                                            */                
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */                
/* trace all */                                                                 
   Version     = "Version 0.80 vom 2.12.2002"                                  
   Autor       = "JD"                                                           
   Redakteur01 = "JD Drucker U0021515 voreingestellt"                           
                 " "                            
   /* Parameter untersuchen */                                                  
   arg parm1                                                                    
   address isredit                                                              
   'ISREDIT MACRO (parm1) NOPROCESS'                                            
   if parm1 = "" then                                                           
      arg parm1                                                                 
   parm1 = translate(parm1)                                                     
   if parm1 = '?' then do                                                       
      call help                                                                 
   if parm1 <> '',                                                              
   &  index(parm1, '@') = 0,                                                    
   &  substr(parm1,1,1) <> "'" then do                                          
      call help                                                                 
   /* Ersatz-Datei mit DSN z.B.= 'ANWJ1.PROUT' (User = anwj1) */                
   user = userid()                                                              
   proutdat = '''' !! user !! '.PROUT'''                                        
   print_prout = 0                                                              
   /* Ermitteln von Dateiinformationen */                                       
   editor = 1                                                                   
   if substr(parm1, 1, 1) = "'" then do                                         
      /* Ermitteln von DSN bei Aufruf aus Command Line */                       
      editor = 0                                                                
      dsn_e = 0                                                                 
      do i = length(parm1) by -1 to 2                                           
         if substr(parm1, i, 1) = "'" then                                      
           dsn_e = i                                                            
      dsn = substr(parm1, 2, dsn_e-2)                                           
      full_dsn = "'" !! dsn !! "'"                                              
      mem = ""                                                                  
      print_prout = 0                                                           
      first = 1                                                                 
      last = 9999                                                               
   else do                                                                      
      /* Ermitteln von DSN und Membername:  */                                  
      'isredit (dsn) = dataset'                                                 
      rc_dsn = rc                                                               
      'isredit (mem) = member'                                                  
      rc_mem = rc                                                               
      /* Ermitteln von DSN bei Aufruf aus Editor       */                       
      if (rc_dsn /= 0 & rc_mem /= 0) ! (dsn = '' & mem = ''then               
        /* Weder DSN noch Membername ermittelbar */                             
        print_prout = 1                                                         
      else do                                                                   
        /* DSN oder Membername bekannt           */                             
         print_prout = 0                                                        
         first = 1                                                              
         last = 9999                                                            
         full_dsn = "'" !! dsn !! "'"                                           
         rc_list = listdsi(full_dsn)                                            
         if rc_list /= 0 then do                                                
            if rc_list = 16 then                                                
               print_prout = 1                                                  
            else do                                                             
               zedsmsg = 'Macro-Mail-Error **'                                  
               zedlmsg = 'RC from LISTDSI: ',                                   
                         rc_list ', REASON: ' SYSREASON                         
               say "zedmsg="zedlmsg                                             
               'setmsg msg(isrz000)'                                            
         /* Auswerten der Variablen nach erfolgreichem LISTDSI */               
         if sysdsorg /= 'PS' then                                               
            full_dsn = "'" !! dsn !! "(" !! mem !!")'"                          
         if index(dsn,'IKVTEMP') > 0 then do                                    
            'isredit save'                                                      
   /* Ermitteln der Satzlänge und Setzen der Seitenlänge */                     
   rc_list = listdsi(full_dsn)                                                  
   if rc_list /= 0 then do                                                      
      say "listdsi.rc="rc_list" syslrecl="syslrecl                              
      if editor = 1 then do                                                     
         'isredit (lq) = line' 1                                                
         lrecl = length(lq)                                                     
         lrecl = 133                                                            
      lrecl = syslrecl                                                          
   when lrecl > 87 then do                                                      
                          dfcb = "Q321"                                         
                          pagewidth = 133                                       
   when lrecl <= 87 then do                                                     
                           dfcb = "H326"                                        
                           pagewidth = 88                                       
   when parm1 = 'quer' ! parm1 = 'QUER' then do                                 
                          dfcb = "Q321"                                         
                          pagewidth = 133                                       
   when parm1 = 'hoch' ! parm1 = 'HOCH' then do                                 
                           dfcb = "H326"                                        
                           pagewidth = 88                                       
   if lrecl >= pagewidth then do                                                
     print_prout = 1                                                            
     first = 1                                                                  
     last = 9999                                                                
   /* Ermitteln, welcher Bereich gedruckt werden soll.   */                     
   if editor = 1 then do                                                        
      address isredit                                                           
      'isredit process range #'                                                 
      when rc = 0   then print_prout = 1                                        
      when rc = 4   then say 'RC from Edit-Cmd PROCESS RANGE = 'rc              
      when rc = 8   then say 'RC from Edit-Cmd PROCESS RANGE = 'rc              
      when rc = 12  then say 'RC from Edit-Cmd PROCESS RANGE = 'rc              
      otherwise          say 'Error on Edit-Cmd PROCESS RANGE, RC = 'rc         
                         exit (12)                                              
      'isredit (cmd) = range_cmd'                                               
      when rc = 0   then do                                                     
                         say '==> the selected lines will be mailed',           
                             ' to account 'userem()'.'                          
      when rc = 4   then                                                        
                         say '==> the whole member will be emailed',            
                             ' to account 'userem()'.'                          
      otherwise          say 'Error on Edit-Cmd RANGE_CMD, RC = 'rc             
                         exit (12)                                              
      say 'Type to proceed or ''N'' to stop'                            
      pull answer                                                               
      if answer = '' then nop                                                   
                     else exit(4)                                               
      'isredit (first) = linenum .zfrange'                                    
      'isredit (last) = linenum .zlrange'                                    
   address tso                                                                  
   if print_prout = 1 then do                                                   
     /* DSN of currently edited Source is not available   */                    
     /* or Record Length > 133                            */                    
     /* ==> put the marked lines to the stack, write them */                    
     /*     to the auxiliary file 'Userid.PROUT' and print*/                    
     /*     the whole file 'Userid.PROUT'                 */                    
     'NEWSTACK'             /* get a new stack */                               
     if editor = 1 then do                                                      
       do lnr = first to last by 1                                              
          'isredit (lq) = line' lnr                                             
          if lrecl <= pagewidth+10 then do                                      
            record=' 'substr(lq,1,pagewidth-1)                                  
            /* put current linenr to the stack  */                              
            queue record                                                        
            do j = 1 to length(lq)                                              
              if substr(lq,j,1) <= "4A"X & substr(lq,j,1)<>" " then             
          else do                                                               
            /* Zeile  länger als pagewidth */                                   
            /* also aufbrechen             */                                   
            queue ' +++'lnr':'                                                  
            do i = 0 while i < lrecl                                            
              lr = substr(lq,i+1, pagewidth-5)                                  
              if i >= pagewidth-5 then do                                       
               if substr(lq,1,10)='---------+' then                             
                  if substr(lq,11,10)='---------+' then                         
                     if substr(lq,21,10)='---------+' then                      
                        lq = substr(lq,1,pagewidth-5)                           
              do j = 1 to length(lr)                                            
                if substr(lr,j,1) <= "4A"X & substr(lr,j,1)<>" " then           
              record=' 'lr                                                      
              if substr(lq,i+1,lrecl) /= ' ' then                               
                 queue record                                                   
              i =i+pagewidth-5-1                                                
       end  /* do lnr = 1 to last */                                            
     else do  /* editor /= 1 */                                                 
       'ALLOC F(IN) DA('FULL_DSN') SHR'                                         
       'EXECIO * DISKR IN (FINIS'       /* READ  FILE TO STACK  */              
       'FREE F(IN)'                                                             
     /* delete previous dataset */                                              
     'DEL ('proutdat')'                                                         
     if rc <> 0 then say 'rc1='rc                                               
     /* allocate new dataset */                                                 
     'ALLOC DA('proutdat') NEW CATALOG SPACE(30,10)',                           
     'BLKSIZE('pw*10') LRECL('pw')'                                             
     if rc <> 0 then say 'rc2='rc                                               
     /* write the current stack to the file  */                                 
     queue ''                                                                   
     'ALLOC F(OUT) DA('proutdat') OLD'                                          
     'EXECIO * DISKW OUT (FINIS'       /* write stack to the file */            
     'FREE F(OUT)'                                                              
     'DELSTACK'                        /* delete stack */                       
     call email proutdat                                                        
     rc_pr = rc                                                                 
     dsn = proutdat                                                             
     full_dsn = proutdat                                                        
   else do                                                                      
     /* DSN of currently edited Source has been determined;   */                
     /* print the marked lines via TSO-Print-Command directly */                
     call email full_dsn                                                        
     rc_pr = rc                                                                 
   if mem /= '' then                                                            
      say 'EMail of Member 'mem' in Dataset 'dsn                                
      say 'EMail of Dataset 'dsn                                                
   say 'from line 'first' to 'last' ended with rc='rc_pr                        
say ' '          
say 'ISPF/PDF edit macro to email the current member to Lotus Notes '          
say 'with destination ' userem() ' for user ' userid() '.'                      
say ' '          
say 'To run: '          
say '1. If you want to email the whole member being edited: '          
say ' Enter ''mail'' on the COMMAND line and type . '         
say ' '          
say '2. If you what to email only a part of the member being edited: '          
say ' Use the # line command to mark the range to be emailed (for '          
say ' example: #120 - 120 lines or a block marked by the ## ...## '          
say ' command). Type ''mail'' on the COMMAND line to email the '          
say ' range. '          
say ' '          
say '3. If you have a linelength > 132 characters the output will '          
say ' be broken into several lines per input line. '          
say ' '          
say '4. Do not send binary files '          
say ' '          
say '5. If you have questions about this command, '          
say ' contact Hamburg -4244. '          

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.32 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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