products/Sources/formale Sprachen/C/Lyx/src image not shown  


© Kompilation durch diese Firma

[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: LyXAction.C   Sprache: C

Original von: Lyx©

/* This file is part of
* ======================================================

*           LyX, The Document Processor
*     Copyright (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
*           Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation

#include "LyXAction.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "gettext.h"

     Here's the set of rules to apply when a new command name is introduced:
     1) Use the object.event order. That is, use `word-forward'
        instead of `forward-word'.
     2) Don't introduce an alias for an already named object. Same for events.
     3) Forward movement or focus is called `forward' (not `right').
     4) Backward movement or focus is called `backward' (not `left').
     5) Upward movement of focus is called `up'.
     6) Downward movement is called `down'.
     7) The begin of an object is called `begin' (not `start').
     8) The end of an object is called `end'.
     (May 19 1996, 12:04, RvdK)


// These are globals. 
LyXAction lyxaction;

/* This table is sorted alphabetically [asierra 14Jan96] */
/* This table MUST be sorted alphabetically, incidentally! */ 
kb_func_table const lyx_func_table[] = {
 { "accent-acute",                         LFUN_ACUTE },
 { "accent-breve",                         LFUN_BREVE },
 { "accent-caron",                         LFUN_CARON },
 { "accent-cedilla",                       LFUN_CEDILLA },
 { "accent-circle",                        LFUN_CIRCLE },
 { "accent-circumflex",                    LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX },
 { "accent-dot",                           LFUN_DOT },
 { "accent-grave",                         LFUN_GRAVE },
 { "accent-hungarian-umlaut",              LFUN_HUNG_UMLAUT },
 { "accent-macron",                        LFUN_MACRON },
 { "accent-ogonek",                        LFUN_OGONEK },
 { "accent-special-caron",                 LFUN_SPECIAL_CARON },
 { "accent-tie",                           LFUN_TIE },
 { "accent-tilde",                         LFUN_TILDE },
 { "accent-umlaut",                        LFUN_UMLAUT },
 { "accent-underbar",                      LFUN_UNDERBAR },
 { "accent-underdot",                      LFUN_UNDERDOT },
 { "accent-vector",                        LFUN_VECTOR }, 
 { "appendix",                         LFUN_APPENDIX }, 
 { "apropos",      LFUN_APROPOS },
 { "backward-select",                      LFUN_LEFTSEL },
 { "bibtex-database-add",                  LFUN_BIBDB_ADD },
 { "bibtex-database-del",                  LFUN_BIBDB_DEL },
 { "bibtex-insert",                        LFUN_INSERT_BIBTEX },
 { "bibtex-style",                         LFUN_BIBTEX_STYLE },
 { "break-line",                           LFUN_BREAKLINE },
 { "break-paragraph",                      LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH },
 { "break-paragraph-keep-layout",          LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPHKEEPLAYOUT },
 { "break-paragraph-skip",                 LFUN_BREAKPARAGRAPH_SKIP },
 { "buffer-auto-save",                     LFUN_AUTOSAVE },
 { "buffer-begin",                         LFUN_BEGINNINGBUF },
 { "buffer-begin-select",                  LFUN_BEGINNINGBUFSEL },
 { "buffer-child-insert",                  LFUN_CHILDINSERT },  // ale970521
 { "buffer-child-open",                    LFUN_CHILDOPEN },  // ale970528
 { "buffer-chktex",     LFUN_RUNCHKTEX }, // Asger 971030
 { "buffer-close",                         LFUN_CLOSEBUFFER },         
 { "buffer-end",                           LFUN_ENDBUF },
 { "buffer-end-select",                    LFUN_ENDBUFSEL },
 { "buffer-export",                        LFUN_EXPORT },
 { "buffer-fax",                           LFUN_FAX },
 { "buffer-float-insert",                  LFUN_INSERTFOOTNOTE },
 { "buffer-import",                        LFUN_IMPORT },
 { "buffer-itemize-bullets-select",        LFUN_BUFFERBULLETSSELECT },
 { "buffer-new",                           LFUN_MENUNEW },     
 { "buffer-new-template",                  LFUN_MENUNEWTMPLT },
 { "buffer-open",                          LFUN_MENUOPEN },    
 { "buffer-previous",                      LFUN_PREVBUFFER },  
 { "buffer-print",                         LFUN_MENUPRINT },   
 { "buffer-reload",                        LFUN_MENURELOAD },   
 { "buffer-toggle-read-only",              LFUN_READ_ONLY_TOGGLE },
 { "buffer-typeset",                       LFUN_RUNLATEX },        // Alejandro's proposal
 { "buffer-typeset-ps",     LFUN_RUNDVIPS },
 { "buffer-view",                          LFUN_PREVIEW },
 { "buffer-view-ps",                       LFUN_PREVIEWPS },
 { "buffer-write",                         LFUN_MENUWRITE },   
 { "buffer-write-as",                      LFUN_MENUWRITEAS }, 
 { "cancel",                               LFUN_CANCEL },
 { "char-backward",     LFUN_LEFT },
 { "char-forward",     LFUN_RIGHT },
        { "citation-insert",     LFUN_INSERT_CITATION },
 { "command-execute",      LFUN_EXEC_COMMAND },
 { "command-prefix",                       LFUN_PREFIX },
 { "copy",                                 LFUN_COPY },
 { "cut",                                  LFUN_CUT },
 { "delete-backward",                      LFUN_BACKSPACE },
 { "delete-backward-skip",                 LFUN_BACKSPACE_SKIP },
 { "delete-forward",                       LFUN_DELETE },
 { "delete-forward-skip",                  LFUN_DELETE_SKIP },
 { "depth-decrement",                      LFUN_DEPTH_MIN },
 { "depth-increment",                      LFUN_DEPTH_PLUS },  
 { "depth-next",                           LFUN_DEPTH },
 { "dots-insert",     LFUN_LDOTS },
 { "down",                                 LFUN_DOWN },                 
 { "down-select",                          LFUN_DOWNSEL },
 { "drop-layouts-choice",                  LFUN_DROP_LAYOUTS_CHOICE },
 { "end-of-sentence-period-insert",   LFUN_END_OF_SENTENCE },
 { "error-next",                           LFUN_GOTOERROR },   
 { "error-remove-all",     LFUN_REMOVEERRORS },
 { "figure-insert",                        LFUN_FIGURE },
 { "file-insert",                          LFUN_FILE_INSERT },
 { "file-insert-ascii",                    LFUN_FILE_INSERT_ASCII },
 { "file-new",                             LFUN_FILE_NEW },
 { "file-open",                            LFUN_FILE_OPEN },
 { "find-replace",                         LFUN_MENUSEARCH },  
 { "font-bold",                            LFUN_BOLD },        
 { "font-code",                            LFUN_CODE },        
 { "font-default",                         LFUN_DEFAULT },
 { "font-emph",                            LFUN_EMPH },
 { "font-free",                            LFUN_FREE },
 { "font-noun",                            LFUN_NOUN },
 { "font-roman",                           LFUN_ROMAN },
 { "font-sans",                            LFUN_SANS },
 { "font-size",                            LFUN_FONT_SIZE },
 { "font-state",                           LFUN_FONT_STATE }, 
 { "font-underline",                       LFUN_UNDERLINE },   
 { "footnote-insert",                      LFUN_FOOTMELT },    
 { "forward-select",                       LFUN_RIGHTSEL },
 { "hfill-insert",                         LFUN_HFILL },
 { "html-insert",                          LFUN_HTMLURL },
 { "hyphenation-point-insert",             LFUN_HYPHENATION },
 { "index-insert",                         LFUN_INDEX_INSERT },
 { "index-insert-last",                    LFUN_INDEX_INSERT_LAST },
 { "index-print",                          LFUN_INDEX_PRINT },
 { "inset-latex-insert",                   LFUN_INSERT_INSET_LATEX },
 { "keymap-off",                           LFUN_KMAP_OFF },
 { "keymap-primary",                       LFUN_KMAP_PRIM },
 { "keymap-secondary",                     LFUN_KMAP_SEC },
 { "keymap-toggle",                        LFUN_KMAP_TOGGLE },
 { "label-insert",                         LFUN_INSERT_LABEL },
 { "latex-view-log",                       LFUN_LATEX_LOG },
 { "layout",                               LFUN_LAYOUT },
 { "layout-character",                     LFUN_LAYOUT_CHARACTER },
 { "layout-copy",     LFUN_LAYOUT_COPY },
 { "layout-document",                      LFUN_LAYOUT_DOCUMENT },
 //{ "layout-number",                      LFUN_LAYOUTNO }, // internal only
 { "layout-paper",     LFUN_LAYOUT_PAPER },
 { "layout-paragraph",                     LFUN_LAYOUT_PARAGRAPH },
 { "layout-paste",     LFUN_LAYOUT_PASTE },
 { "layout-preamble",                      LFUN_LAYOUT_PREAMBLE },
 { "layout-quotes",                        LFUN_LAYOUT_QUOTES },
 { "layout-save-default",                  LFUN_LAYOUT_SAVE_DEFAULT },
 { "layout-table",                         LFUN_LAYOUT_TABLE },
 { "line-begin",                           LFUN_HOME },        
 { "line-begin-select",                    LFUN_HOMESEL },     
 { "line-delete-forward",                  LFUN_DELETE_LINE_FORWARD },  
 { "line-end",                             LFUN_END },         
 { "line-end-select",                      LFUN_ENDSEL },
 { "loa-insert",                           LFUN_LOA_INSERT },
 { "lof-insert",                           LFUN_LOF_INSERT },
 { "lot-insert",                           LFUN_LOT_INSERT },
 { "lyx-quit",                             LFUN_QUIT },
 { "marginpar-insert",                     LFUN_MARGINMELT },  
 { "mark-off",                             LFUN_MARK_OFF },    
 { "mark-on",                              LFUN_MARK_ON },     
 { "mark-toggle",                          LFUN_SETMARK }, 
 { "math-delim",                           LFUN_MATH_DELIM },
 { "math-display",                         LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY }, // Alejandro's proposal
 { "math-greek",                           LFUN_GREEK },   
 { "math-greek-toggle",                    LFUN_GREEK_TOGGLE },   
 { "math-insert",                          LFUN_INSERT_MATH },   
 { "math-limits",                          LFUN_MATH_LIMITS },
        { "math-macro",                           LFUN_MATH_MACRO },
        { "math-macro-arg",                       LFUN_MATH_MACROARG },
 { "math-matrix",                          LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX }, 
 { "math-mode",                            LFUN_MATH_MODE },
 { "math-nonumber",                        LFUN_MATH_NONUMBER },
 { "math-number",                          LFUN_MATH_NUMBER }, 
 { "math-size",                            LFUN_MATH_SIZE }, 
 { "melt",                                 LFUN_MELT },            // Needs better name. What about "float-disolve" or "float-extract" (Lgb)
 { "menu-open",                            LFUN_MENU_OPEN_BY_NAME },
 { "meta-prefix",                          LFUN_META_FAKE },
 { "note-insert",                          LFUN_INSERT_NOTE },
 { "note-next",                            LFUN_GOTONOTE },
 { "open-stuff",                           LFUN_OPENSTUFF },       // Needs better name.
 { "paragraph-down",     LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPH },
 { "paragraph-down-select",    LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPHSEL },
 { "paragraph-up",     LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPH },
 { "paragraph-up-select",    LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPHSEL },
        { "parent-insert",            LFUN_PARENTINSERT },
 { "paste",                                LFUN_PASTE },
 { "primary-selection-paste",              LFUN_PASTESELECTION },
 { "protected-space-insert",               LFUN_PROTECTEDSPACE },
 { "quote-insert",                         LFUN_QUOTE },
 { "reconfigure",     LFUN_RECONFIGURE },
 { "redo",                                 LFUN_REDO },
        { "reference-back",                       LFUN_REFBACK },
        { "reference-goto",                       LFUN_REFGOTO }, 
 { "reference-insert",                     LFUN_INSERT_REF },
 { "reference-toggle",                     LFUN_REFTOGGLE },
 { "screen-down",                          LFUN_NEXT },        
 { "screen-down-select",                   LFUN_NEXTSEL },     
 { "screen-recenter",                      LFUN_CENTER },
 { "screen-up",                            LFUN_PRIOR },       
 { "screen-up-select",                     LFUN_PRIORSEL },    
 { "self-insert",                          LFUN_SELFINSERT },
 { "server-char-after",                    LFUN_CHARATCURSOR },
 { "server-get-font",                      LFUN_GETFONT },
 { "server-get-latex",                     LFUN_GETLATEX },
 { "server-get-layout",                    LFUN_GETLAYOUT },
 { "server-get-name",                      LFUN_GETNAME },
 { "server-get-tip",                       LFUN_GETTIP },
 { "server-get-xy",                        LFUN_GETXY },
 { "server-goto-file-row",                 LFUN_GOTOFILEROW },
 { "server-notify",                        LFUN_NOTIFY },
 { "server-set-xy",                        LFUN_SETXY },
 { "spellchecker",                         LFUN_SPELLCHECK },  
 { "symbol-insert",                        LFUN_INSERT_MATH },
 { "tab-forward",                          LFUN_TAB },
 { "tab-insert",                           LFUN_TABINSERT },
 { "table-insert",                         LFUN_TABLE },
 { "tex-mode",                             LFUN_TEX },
 { "toc-insert",                           LFUN_TOC_INSERT },
 { "toc-view",                             LFUN_TOCVIEW },
 { "toggle-cursor-follows-scrollbar",      LFUN_TOGGLECURSORFOLLOW },
 { "toolbar-add-to",                       LFUN_ADD_TO_TOOLBAR },
 { "toolbar-push",                         LFUN_PUSH_TOOLBAR },
 { "undo",                                 LFUN_UNDO },
 { "up",                                   LFUN_UP },          
 { "up-select",                            LFUN_UPSEL },
 { "url-insert",                           LFUN_URL },
 { "vc-check-in",                          LFUN_VC_CHECKIN }, 
 { "vc-check-out",                         LFUN_VC_CHECKOUT }, 
 { "vc-history",                           LFUN_VC_HISTORY }, 
 { "vc-register",                          LFUN_VC_REGISTER }, 
 { "vc-revert",                            LFUN_VC_REVERT }, 
 { "vc-undo-last",                         LFUN_VC_UNDO }, 
 { "word-backward",                        LFUN_WORDLEFT },
 { "word-backward-select",                 LFUN_WORDLEFTSEL },
 { "word-capitalize",                      LFUN_CAPITALIZE_WORD },
 { "word-delete-backward",                 LFUN_DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD },
 { "word-delete-forward",                  LFUN_DELETE_WORD_FORWARD }, 
 { "word-find-backward",                   LFUN_WORDFINDBACKWARD },
 { "word-find-forward",                    LFUN_WORDFINDFORWARD },
 { "word-forward",                         LFUN_WORDRIGHT },
 { "word-forward-select",                  LFUN_WORDRIGHTSEL },
 { "word-lowcase",                         LFUN_LOWCASE_WORD },
 { "word-upcase",                          LFUN_UPCASE_WORD }

   This table contains the actions that modify a buffer and therefore
   are not allowed for RO files. Do you think we have too much tables?
   Each single integer in this table replaces 5 lines of code in lyxfunc
   that include at least 3 function calls (several integers in the 
   code segment).
   The table could in the near future be expanded adding a second integer 
   field with attributes using these tags:

    LFAT_NONE=0,     // Nothing special
    LFAT_ISRO=1,     // Is readonly (does not modify a buffer)
    LFAT_ISIA=2,     // Is interactive (requires a GUI)
    LFAT_REQARG=4,   // Requires argument
    LFAT_ISMO=8,     // Only math mode

struct {
    kb_action action;
    unsigned  attrib; 


kb_action func_attrib_table[] = {

int LyXAction::psd_idx = 0;
kb_func_table const * LyXAction::lyx_func_table = &::lyx_func_table[0];
kb_func_table* LyXAction::lyx_func_args = 0;
/* === code ============================================================== */

/* This routines allow binding actions with argument.
 * Provisionally a fixed size array and global functions are used.
 * [asierra 20Jan96]


 lyx_func_args= new kb_func_table[MAX_PSEUDO_ACTION];
        funcCount = sizeof(::lyx_func_table) / sizeof(::kb_func_table);

 if (lyx_func_args) {
// This is wrong, so I'll just disable it for now.
// The problem is that we might free memory twice in some situations...
// It's better to leak a bit that to crash. (Asger)
// for (int i=0; i < psd_idx; i++) {
// free(lyx_func_args[i].name);
// }
  delete[] lyx_func_args;
  lyx_func_args = 0;

// Search for an existent pseudoaction, return -1 if it doesn't exist.
int  LyXAction::searchActionArg(kb_action action, char const *arg)
 kb_func_table *tb = &lyx_func_args[0];
 for (int i=0; i<psd_idx; i++) {
  if (action==tb->action && !strcmp(tb->name, arg)) {  

   lyxerr.debug(LString("Pseudoaction already exist["
         + int(action) + '|' 
         + PTR_AS_INT(arg) + ']',

   return LFUN_LASTACTION+i;
 return -1;

// Returns a pseudo-action given an action and its argument.
int LyXAction::getPseudoAction(kb_action action, char const *arg)
 // Check if the pseudo-action already exist.
 int psdaction = searchActionArg(action, arg);
 if (psdaction >= 0) return psdaction;

 if (psd_idx>=MAX_PSEUDO_ACTION) {
  lyxerr.print("Lyx Error: No more pseudo-actions allowed");
  lyxerr.print(" Tell the developers.");
  return -1;
 lyx_func_args[psd_idx].name = strdup(arg);
 lyx_func_args[psd_idx].action = action;
 return LFUN_LASTACTION+psd_idx-1;

// Retrieves the real action and its argument.
int LyXAction::retrieveActionArg(int i, char const** arg)
 if (i >= 0 &&  i <psd_idx) {
  *arg = lyx_func_args[i].name;
  return (int)lyx_func_args[i].action;
 } else {
  lyxerr.print("Lyx Error: Unrecognized pseudo-action");
  return -1;

// Returns an action tag from a string.
int LyXAction::LookupFunc(char const *func)
 if (!func) 
  return LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION;         
 if (func[0] == '\0')
   /* In the scan loop below, l can never become r, so set r one past the last
      valid func table slot. RVDK_PATCH_5 */

 int k, l= 0, r = funcCount;
 int action = LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION;
 char *arg = strchr(func, ' ');

 if (arg) *(arg++) = '\0';      

 while (l < r) {
  last_action_idx = (l+r)/2;
  k = strcmp(lyx_func_table[last_action_idx].name, func);
  if (k==0) {
   action = lyx_func_table[last_action_idx].action;
  } else
   if (k<0) l = last_action_idx+1; else r = last_action_idx;
 if (arg && action >= 0) {
  action = getPseudoAction((kb_action)action, arg);
  lyxerr.debug(LString("Pseudo action_arg[")
        + int(action) + '|' 
        + PTR_AS_INT(arg) + ']',Error::KEY);
 return action;

int LyXAction::getApproxFunc(char const *func)
    int action = LookupFunc(func);
    if (action<0) {
 int k = strncmp(lyx_func_table[last_action_idx].name,
   func, strlen(func));
 if (k<0 && last_action_idx<funcCount-1) 
 else if (k>0 && last_action_idx>0)
 action = lyx_func_table[last_action_idx].action;
    } else if (last_action_idx<funcCount-1)
    return action;

char const *LyXAction::getApproxFuncName(char const *func)
    return lyx_func_table[last_action_idx].name;

char const *LyXAction::getActionName(int action) const
 // why LFUN_LASTACTION -1? Because LFUN_LASTACTION is too
 // large an because there is one internal command, hence
 // lyx_func_table is 2 less then LFUN_LASTACTION (Lgb)
    for (int i=0; i < funcCount; i++) {
 if (lyx_func_table[i].action==action)
   return lyx_func_table[i].name;
    // Hmm.. let's see whether this is a pseudoaction
    action -= LFUN_LASTACTION;
    if (action>=0 && action<psd_idx) {
 return lyx_func_args[action].name;
    return "";

// Returns one line help associated with function
// Now the missing strings are replaced by the command names. (Alejandro)
char const *LyXAction::helpText(kb_action action) const
        static bool is_sorted = false;
 static kb_func_table helpTexts[LFUN_LASTACTION] =
  { _("Describe command"), LFUN_APROPOS },
  { _("Select previous char"), LFUN_LEFTSEL },
  { _("Insert bibtex"), LFUN_INSERT_BIBTEX },
  { _("Autosave"), LFUN_AUTOSAVE },
  { _("Go to beginning of document"), LFUN_BEGINNINGBUF },
  { _("Select to beginning of document"), LFUN_BEGINNINGBUFSEL },
  { _("Close"), LFUN_CLOSEBUFFER },
  { _("Go to end of document"), LFUN_ENDBUF },
  { _("Select to end of document"), LFUN_ENDBUFSEL },
  { _("Fax"), LFUN_FAX },
  { _("New document"), LFUN_MENUNEW },
  { _("New document from template"), LFUN_MENUNEWTMPLT },
  { _("Open"), LFUN_MENUOPEN },
  { _("Switch to previous document"), LFUN_PREVBUFFER },
  { _("Print"), LFUN_MENUPRINT },
  { _("Revert to saved"), LFUN_MENURELOAD },
  { _("Update DVI"), LFUN_RUNLATEX },
  { _("Update PostScript"), LFUN_RUNDVIPS },
  { _("View DVI"), LFUN_PREVIEW },
  { _("View PostScript"), LFUN_PREVIEWPS },
  { _("Check TeX"), LFUN_RUNCHKTEX },
  { _("Save"), LFUN_MENUWRITE },
  { _("Save As"), LFUN_MENUWRITEAS },
  { _("Cancel"), LFUN_CANCEL },
  { _("Go one char back"), LFUN_LEFT },
  { _("Go one char forward"), LFUN_RIGHT },
  { _("Insert citation"), LFUN_INSERT_CITATION },
  { _("Execute command"), LFUN_EXEC_COMMAND },
  { _("Copy"), LFUN_COPY },
  { _("Cut"), LFUN_CUT },
  { _("Decrement environment depth"), LFUN_DEPTH_MIN },
  { _("Increment environment depth"), LFUN_DEPTH_PLUS },
  { _("Change environment depth"), LFUN_DEPTH },
  { _("Change itemize bullet settings"), LFUN_BUFFERBULLETSSELECT },
  { _("Go down"), LFUN_DOWN },
  { _("Select next line"), LFUN_DOWNSEL },
  { _("Choose Paragraph Environment"), LFUN_DROP_LAYOUTS_CHOICE },
  { _("Go to next error"), LFUN_GOTOERROR },
  { _("Insert Figure"), LFUN_FIGURE },
  { _("Find & Replace"), LFUN_MENUSEARCH },
  { _("Toggle cursor does/doesn't follow the scrollbar"), LFUN_TOGGLECURSORFOLLOW },
  { _("Toggle bold"), LFUN_BOLD },
  { _("Toggle code style"), LFUN_CODE },
  { _("Default font style"), LFUN_DEFAULT },
  { _("Toggle emphasize"), LFUN_EMPH },
  { _("Toggle user defined style"), LFUN_FREE },
  { _("Toggle noun style"), LFUN_NOUN },
  { _("Toggle roman font style"), LFUN_ROMAN },
  { _("Toggle sans font style"), LFUN_SANS },
  { _("Set font size"), LFUN_FONT_SIZE },
  { _("Show font state"), LFUN_FONT_STATE },
  { _("Toggle font underline"), LFUN_UNDERLINE },
  { _("Insert Footnote"), LFUN_FOOTMELT },
  { _("Select next char"), LFUN_RIGHTSEL },
  { _("Insert horizontal fill"), LFUN_HFILL },
  { _("Insert hyphenation point"), LFUN_HYPHENATION },
  { _("Insert ... dots"), LFUN_LDOTS },
  { _("Insert end of sentence period"), LFUN_END_OF_SENTENCE },
  { _("Turn off keymap"), LFUN_KMAP_OFF },
  { _("Use primary keymap"), LFUN_KMAP_PRIM },
  { _("Use secondary keymap"), LFUN_KMAP_SEC },
  { _("Toggle keymap"), LFUN_KMAP_TOGGLE },
  { _("Insert Label"), LFUN_INSERT_LABEL },
  { _("Copy paragraph environment type"), LFUN_LAYOUT_COPY },
  { _("Paste paragraph environment type"), LFUN_LAYOUT_PASTE },
  { _("Specify paper size and margins"), LFUN_LAYOUT_PAPER },
  { _("Go to beginning of line"), LFUN_HOME },
  { _("Select to beginning of line"), LFUN_HOMESEL },
  { _("Go to end of line"), LFUN_END },
  { _("Select to end of line"), LFUN_ENDSEL },
  { _("Exit"), LFUN_QUIT },
  { _("Insert Margin note"), LFUN_MARGINMELT },
  { _("Math Greek"), LFUN_GREEK },   
  { _("Math mode"), LFUN_MATH_MODE },
  { _("Go one paragraph down"), LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPH },
  { _("Select next paragraph"), LFUN_DOWN_PARAGRAPHSEL },
  { _("Go one paragraph up"), LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPH },
  { _("Select previous paragraph"), LFUN_UP_PARAGRAPHSEL },
  { _("Paste"), LFUN_PASTE },
  { _("Insert protected space"), LFUN_PROTECTEDSPACE },
  { _("Insert quote"), LFUN_QUOTE },
  { _("Reconfigure"), LFUN_RECONFIGURE },
  { _("Redo"), LFUN_REDO },
  { _("Insert cross reference"), LFUN_INSERT_REF },
  { _("Insert Table"), LFUN_TABLE },
  { _("Toggle TeX style"), LFUN_TEX },
  { _("Undo"), LFUN_UNDO },
  { _("Melt"), LFUN_MELT },
  { _("Import document"), LFUN_IMPORT },
  { _("Remove all error boxes"), LFUN_REMOVEERRORS }
//         { "reference-back", LFUN_REFBACK },
//         { "reference-goto", LFUN_REFGOTO }, 
        // Sort to make it faster
        if (!is_sorted) {
  int i=0; 
         while (i < LFUN_LASTACTION-1) {
      if (helpTexts[i].action == 0) {
   helpTexts[i].action = (kb_action)i;
   helpTexts[i].name = getActionName(i);
      } else if (helpTexts[i].action != i) {
   int k = helpTexts[i].action;
          kb_func_table tmp = helpTexts[k];
   helpTexts[k] = helpTexts[i];
   helpTexts[i] = tmp;
   if (k < i) i++;
      } else {
         is_sorted = true;

 if (action <=1 || action >=funcCount)
  goto no_desc;
        if (helpTexts[action].action == action) {
     return helpTexts[action].name;
 //   + LString(' ') + int(is_ro) + LString(']'));
 // In an ideal world, this never happens:
 return _("No description available!");

// Function to compare items from the attrib table.
int actioncomp(const void *a, const void *b)
    int const *ia=(int const*)a, *ib=(int const*)b;
    return (*ia)-(*ib);

bool LyXAction::isFuncRO(kb_action action) const
    static bool is_sorted = false;    
    static int fCount = sizeof(::func_attrib_table) / sizeof(kb_action);
    if (!is_sorted) {
 qsort(func_attrib_table, fCount, sizeof(kb_action), actioncomp);
 is_sorted = true;
// for (int i=0; i<fCount; i++) 
//   fprintf(stdout, "%d: %d\n", i, func_attrib_table[i]);

    int m, k, l= 0, r = fCount;
    int is_ro = false;

    while (l < r) {
 m = (l+r)/2;
 k = func_attrib_table[m] - action;
 if (k==0) {
     is_ro = true;
 } else
   if (k<0) l = m+1; else r = m;
    lyxerr.debug(LString("RO[") + int(action)
    + LString(" ") + int(is_ro) + LString("]"));
    return is_ro;

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.25 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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