// -*- C++ -*-
* File: math_iter.h
* Purpose: Iterator for Math paragraphs
* Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <[email protected]>
* Created: January 1997
* Description: Using iterators is the only way to handle math paragraphs
* Dependencies: Xlib
* Copyright: (c) 1996, 1997 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* Version: 0.8beta, Mathed & Lyx project.
* You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
* the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
#ifndef __MATH_ITER__
#define __MATH_ITER__
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include "math_defs.h"
enum mathIterFlags {
/// Allow newlines
MthIF_CR = 1,
/// Allow tabs
MthIF_Tabs = 2
Specialized array iterator for amth paragraph. Used for
storing and querying data operations
class MathedIter {
pos = 0;
fcode = 0;
array = NULL;
flags = 0;
ncols = row = col = 0;
MathedIter(LyxArrayBase *);
virtual ~MathedIter() { }
bool goNextCode(MathedTextCodes);
void goPosRel(int);
void goPosAbs(int);
int Empty() { return array->last<=1; }
int OK() { return array && (pos < array->last); }
int IsFirst() { return (pos==0); }
byte GetChar();
byte* GetString(int& len);
MathedInset* GetInset();
MathParInset* GetActiveInset();
bool IsInset();
bool IsActive();
bool IsFont();
bool IsScript();
bool IsTab();
bool IsCR();
virtual void Reset();
virtual void Insert(byte, MathedTextCodes c=LM_TC_CONST);
virtual void Insert(MathedInset*, int t=LM_TC_INSET);
virtual bool Delete();
virtual bool Next();
/// Check consistency of tabs and newlines
void checkTabs();
/// Try to adjust tabs in the expected place, as in eqnarrays
void adjustTabs();
short FCode() const { return fcode; }
int getPos() const { return pos; }
int getRow() const { return row; }
int getCol() const { return col; }
void setNumCols(int n) { ncols = n; }
void SetData(LyxArrayBase *a) { array = a; Reset(); }
LyxArrayBase *GetData() { return array; }
/// Copy every object from position p1 to p2
LyxArrayBase *Copy(int p1=0, int p2=10000);
/// Delete every object from position p1 to p2
void Clear();
void split(int);
void join(int);
int flags;
short fcode;
int pos;
int row, col, ncols;
LyxArrayBase *array;
// one element stack
struct MIState {
short fcode;
int x, y;
int pos, row, col;
} stck;
/// Saves the current state of the iterator
virtual void ipush();
/// Recover previous state
virtual void ipop();
#define MX_WAS_SUB 1
#define MX_WAS_SUPER 2
A graphic iterator (updates position.) Used for
metrics and updating cursor position
class MathedXIter: public MathedIter {
MathedXIter(): MathedIter() { x = y = size = 0; p = 0; crow = 0; }
~MathedXIter() { };
void SetData(MathParInset *);
MathParInset *getPar() { return p; }
bool Next();
bool Prev();
bool Up();
bool Down();
bool goNextColumn();
void GoLast();
void GoBegin();
void Adjust();
inline void GetPos(int&, int&);
inline void GetIncPos(int&, int&);
byte* GetString(int&);
int GetX();
int GetY();
void subMetrics(int, int);
void fitCoord(int, int);
void getAD(int& a, int& d);
/// Create a new row and insert #ncols# tabs.
void addRow();
void delRow();
/**$ These two functions will be moved from here */
bool setLabel(char* label);
bool setNumbered(bool);
void setTab(int, int);
/// Merge the array at current position
void Merge(LyxArrayBase*);
/// Delete every object from current position to pos2
void Clean(int pos2);
MathedRowSt *adjustVerticalSt();
/// This function is not recursive, as MathPar::Metrics is
void IMetrics(int, int&, int&, int&);
/// Font size (display, text, script, script2)
int size;
/// current position
int x, y;
// /// max ascent and descent
// int asc, des;
MathParInset *p;
// Limits auxiliary variables
/// Position and max width of a script
int sx, sw;
/// true=center, false=left align (default)
bool limits;
/// Type of previous script
short s_type;
void ipush();
void ipop();
MathedRowSt *crow;
friend class MathedCursor;
//-------------------- Inline functions --------------------------//
bool MathedIter::IsInset()
return MathIsInset(array->bf[pos]);
bool MathedIter::IsActive()
return MathIsActive(array->bf[pos]);
bool MathedIter::IsFont()
return MathIsFont(array->bf[pos]);
bool MathedIter::IsScript()
return MathIsScript(array->bf[pos]);
bool MathedIter::IsTab()
return (array->bf[pos]==LM_TC_TAB);
bool MathedIter::IsCR()
return (array->bf[pos]==LM_TC_CR);
MathedIter::MathedIter(LyxArrayBase *d): array(d)
pos = 0;
row = col = 0;
fcode = (array && IsFont()) ? array->bf[0]: 0;
void MathedIter::ipush()
stck.fcode = fcode;
stck.pos = pos;
stck.row = row;
stck.col = col;
void MathedIter::ipop()
fcode = stck.fcode;
pos = stck.pos;
row = stck.row;
col = stck.col;
void MathedXIter::GetPos(int&xx, int& yy)
if (p)
p->GetXY(xx, yy);
{ xx = 0; yy = 0; }
xx += x; yy += y;
int MathedXIter::GetX()
int xx, yy;
GetPos(xx, yy);
return xx;
int MathedXIter::GetY()
int xx, yy;
GetPos(xx, yy);
return yy;
void MathedXIter::GetIncPos(int& xx, int& yy)
xx = x; yy = y;
void MathedXIter::getAD(int& a, int& d)
if (crow) {
a = crow->asc;
d = crow->desc;
} else
if (p) {
a = p->Ascent();
d = p->Descent();
} else {
a = d = 0;
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