// -*- C++ -*-
/* Light-weight streams.
These are meant to be used with the same syntax as the C++ streams
classes, but are much more economical. (Use of iostreams makes the
executable files much bigger, e.g., over 300K on UNIX.)
Author: John Collins, [email protected].
22 Jan 96
(C) John Collins & Penn State University.
// 13. March 1997
// Included into the LyX source three, began working on making this
// use more low-level functions than the ones from stdio.h. Deleted
// all of the code written by John Collins, only the names are left.
// A first shoot at this is an unbuffered version. The buffered one
// will have to wait a bit.
// I want these classes sos, isos, osos, ifsos, ofsos in this class three
// sos
// / \
// isos osos (this figure is
// | | not correct
// ifsos ofsos anymore)
// I look closely on ch. 10 of Bjarne Stroustups: The C++ Programming Language
// when doing this.
// Lgb
// Flag that I've been included:
#ifndef _SOS_H
#define _SOS_H
// ============== Standard streams:
class osos;
extern osos lite_cout, lite_cerr;
typedef unsigned char sos__iostate;
struct _sos_fields
{ // The datamembers of an sos.
// Fill in more if needed
sos__iostate _state;
class sos : public _sos_fields {
typedef int iostate;
enum open_mode {
in = 1, // open for reading
out = 2, // open for output
ate = 4, // open and seek to end of file
app = 010, // append
trunc = 020, // truncate file to 0-length
nocreate = 040, // fail if file does not exist
noreplace = 0100, // file if file exist
bin = 0200
enum io_state {
goodbit = 0,
eofbit = 1,
failbit = 2,
badbit = 4
iostate _state;
/// end of file seen
bool eof() const { return _state & sos::eofbit; }
/// next operation will fail
bool fail() const { return _state & (sos::badbit|sos::failbit);}
/// stream corrupted
bool bad() const { return _state & sos::badbit;}
/// next operation might succeed
bool good() const { return _state == 0; }
/// returns the state
iostate rdstate() const { return _state; }
// should be manipulators
void endl (sos & f);
void flush (sos & f);
class isos : public sos {
// operators
isos& operator>>(char*);
isos& operator>>(unsigned char* p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
isos& operator>>(signed char*p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
isos& operator>>(char& c);
isos& operator>>(unsigned char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
isos& operator>>(signed char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
isos& operator>>(int&);
isos& operator>>(long&);
isos& operator>>(short&);
isos& operator>>(unsigned int&);
isos& operator>>(unsigned long&);
isos& operator>>(unsigned short&);
#ifndef bool /* ignore if bool is just int */
isos& operator>>(bool&);
#endif /*bool */
isos& operator>>(float&);
isos& operator>>(double&);
isos& operator>>(long double&);
class osos : public sos {
int fd;
osos() { }
osos(int f) { fd = f;}
osos& flush();
osos& operator<<(const char *s);
osos& operator<<(const unsigned char *s)
return (*this) << (const char*)s;
osos& operator<<(const signed char *s)
return (*this) << (const char*)s;
int filedesc() { return fd; }
class iosos : public isos, public osos {
iosos() { }
class fsosbase : public sos {
//streambuf _str_buf;
int fd; // the filedesriptor
fsosbase(int fd);
fsosbase(int fd, char *p, int l); /* Deprecated */
fsosbase(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664);
void close();
void open(const char *name, int mode, int prot=0664);
//int is_open() const { return rdbuf()->is_open(); }
int filedesc() { return fd; }
class ofsos : public fsosbase, public osos {
ofsos() : fsosbase() { }
ofsos(int fd) : fsosbase(fd) { }
ofsos(const char *name, int mode=sos::out, int prot=0664)
: fsosbase(name, mode, prot) { }
void open(const char *name, int mode=sos::out, int prot=0664)
{ fsosbase::open(name, mode, prot); }
class ifsos : public fsosbase, public isos {
ifsos() : fsosbase() { }
ifsos(int fd) : fsosbase(fd) { }
ifsos(const char *name, int mode=sos::in, int prot=0664)
: fsosbase(name, mode, prot) { }
void open(const char *name, int mode=sos::in, int prot=0664)
{ fsosbase::open(name, mode, prot); }
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