Identification Division.
Program-Id. last50d.
Environment Division.
Input-Output Section.
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 row pic S9(8) occurs 100.
77 anzahl pic S9(8).
77 von-lfdnr pic S9(8).
77 bis-lfdnr pic S9(8).
01 mysqlx-fetch-array occurs 100.
05 zeile pic X(80).
77 sql-code pic S9(8).
77 sqlx pic x(80).
77 result pic x(80).
01 this.
05 log pic x(80).
77 die-par pic x(80).
Procedure Division.
* Es werden die letzten 50 LOGIN angelistet
string " Select sqlx-SMALL-RESULT MAX(lfdnr) as anzahl ";
" from ta-logging "
delimited by size into sqlx.
call MYsqlx-QUERY using sqlx, result
if result=0
display " F E H L E R " sqlx " "
display " " sql-code " "
call MYsqlx-CLOSE
string "ABBRUCH: Fehler beim Lesen ta-logging für "
"Statuskontrolle (select #3) "
into die-par
call die using die-par
call MYsqlx-FETCH-array using result 1 row
move row('anzahl') to anzahl
if anzahl <= 50
move 0 to von-lfdnr
compute von-lfdnr = anzahl - 50;
compute bis-lfdnr = 99;
string " Select * "
" from ta-logging ";
" LIMIT $von-lfdnr,$bis-lfdnr "
into sqlx
call MYsqlx-QUERY using sqlx result
if result=0 then
display " F E H L E R " sqlx " "
display " " sql-code " "
call MYsqlx-CLOSE
string "ABBRUCH: Fehler beim Lesen ta-logging für "
"Statuskontrolle (select #4) "
delimited by size into die-par
call die using die-par
perform until row not= MYsqlx-FETCH-array(result,1)
move row to log of this
End-Program last50d.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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