(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Nativelib
open Reduction
open Util
open Nativevalues
open Nativecode
open Environ
(** This module implements the conversion test by compiling to OCaml code *)
let rec conv_val env pb lvl v1 v2 cu =
if v1 == v2 then cu
match kind_of_value v1, kind_of_value v2 with
| Vfun f1, Vfun f2 ->
let v = mk_rel_accu lvl in
conv_val env CONV (lvl+1) (f1 v) (f2 v) cu
| Vfun _f1, _ ->
conv_val env CONV lvl v1 (fun x -> v2 x) cu
| _, Vfun _f2 ->
conv_val env CONV lvl (fun x -> v1 x) v2 cu
| Vaccu k1, Vaccu k2 ->
conv_accu env pb lvl k1 k2 cu
| Vconst i1, Vconst i2 ->
if Int.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible
| Vint64 i1, Vint64 i2 ->
if Int64.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible
| Vblock b1, Vblock b2 ->
let n1 = block_size b1 in
let n2 = block_size b2 in
if not (Int.equal (block_tag b1) (block_tag b2)) || not (Int.equal n1 n2) then
raise NotConvertible;
let rec aux lvl max b1 b2 i cu =
if Int.equal i max then
conv_val env CONV lvl (block_field b1 i) (block_field b2 i) cu
let cu = conv_val env CONV lvl (block_field b1 i) (block_field b2 i) cu in
aux lvl max b1 b2 (i+1) cu
aux lvl (n1-1) b1 b2 0 cu
| Vaccu _, _ | Vconst _, _ | Vint64 _, _ | Vblock _, _ -> raise NotConvertible
and conv_accu env pb lvl k1 k2 cu =
let n1 = accu_nargs k1 in
let n2 = accu_nargs k2 in
if not (Int.equal n1 n2) then raise NotConvertible;
if Int.equal n1 0 then
conv_atom env pb lvl (atom_of_accu k1) (atom_of_accu k2) cu
let cu = conv_atom env pb lvl (atom_of_accu k1) (atom_of_accu k2) cu in
Array.fold_right2 (conv_val env CONV lvl) (args_of_accu k1) (args_of_accu k2) cu
and conv_atom env pb lvl a1 a2 cu =
if a1 == a2 then cu
match a1, a2 with
| Ameta (m1,_), Ameta (m2,_) ->
if Int.equal m1 m2 then cu else raise NotConvertible
| Aevar (ev1, args1), Aevar (ev2, args2) ->
if Evar.equal ev1 ev2 then
Array.fold_right2 (conv_val env CONV lvl) args1 args2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
| Arel i1, Arel i2 ->
if Int.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible
| Aind (ind1,u1), Aind (ind2,u2) ->
if eq_ind ind1 ind2 then convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
| Aconstant (c1,u1), Aconstant (c2,u2) ->
if Constant.equal c1 c2 then convert_instances ~flex:true u1 u2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
| Asort s1, Asort s2 ->
sort_cmp_universes env pb s1 s2 cu
| Avar id1, Avar id2 ->
if Id.equal id1 id2 then cu else raise NotConvertible
| Acase(a1,ac1,p1,bs1), Acase(a2,ac2,p2,bs2) ->
if not (eq_ind a1.asw_ind a2.asw_ind) then raise NotConvertible;
let cu = conv_accu env CONV lvl ac1 ac2 cu in
let tbl = a1.asw_reloc in
let len = Array.length tbl in
if Int.equal len 0 then conv_val env CONV lvl p1 p2 cu
else begin
let cu = conv_val env CONV lvl p1 p2 cu in
let max = len - 1 in
let rec aux i cu =
let tag,arity = tbl.(i) in
let ci =
if Int.equal arity 0 then mk_const tag
else mk_block tag (mk_rels_accu lvl arity) in
let bi1 = bs1 ci and bi2 = bs2 ci in
if Int.equal i max then conv_val env CONV (lvl + arity) bi1 bi2 cu
else aux (i+1) (conv_val env CONV (lvl + arity) bi1 bi2 cu) in
aux 0 cu
| Afix(t1,f1,rp1,s1), Afix(t2,f2,rp2,s2) ->
if not (Int.equal s1 s2) || not (Array.equal Int.equal rp1 rp2) then raise NotConvertible;
if f1 == f2 then cu
else conv_fix env lvl t1 f1 t2 f2 cu
| (Acofix(t1,f1,s1,_) | Acofixe(t1,f1,s1,_)),
(Acofix(t2,f2,s2,_) | Acofixe(t2,f2,s2,_)) ->
if not (Int.equal s1 s2) then raise NotConvertible;
if f1 == f2 then cu
if not (Int.equal (Array.length f1) (Array.length f2)) then raise NotConvertible
else conv_fix env lvl t1 f1 t2 f2 cu
| Aprod(_,d1,_c1), Aprod(_,d2,_c2) ->
let cu = conv_val env CONV lvl d1 d2 cu in
let v = mk_rel_accu lvl in
conv_val env pb (lvl + 1) (d1 v) (d2 v) cu
| Aproj((ind1, i1), ac1), Aproj((ind2, i2), ac2) ->
if not (eq_ind ind1 ind2 && Int.equal i1 i2) then raise NotConvertible
else conv_accu env CONV lvl ac1 ac2 cu
| Arel _, _ | Aind _, _ | Aconstant _, _ | Asort _, _ | Avar _, _
| Acase _, _ | Afix _, _ | Acofix _, _ | Acofixe _, _ | Aprod _, _
| Aproj _, _ | Ameta _, _ | Aevar _, _ -> raise NotConvertible
(* Precondition length t1 = length f1 = length f2 = length t2 *)
and conv_fix env lvl t1 f1 t2 f2 cu =
let len = Array.length f1 in
let max = len - 1 in
let fargs = mk_rels_accu lvl len in
let flvl = lvl + len in
let rec aux i cu =
let cu = conv_val env CONV lvl t1.(i) t2.(i) cu in
let fi1 = napply f1.(i) fargs in
let fi2 = napply f2.(i) fargs in
if Int.equal i max then conv_val env CONV flvl fi1 fi2 cu
else aux (i+1) (conv_val env CONV flvl fi1 fi2 cu) in
aux 0 cu
let warn_no_native_compiler =
let open Pp in
CWarnings.create ~name:"native-compiler-disabled" ~category:"native-compiler"
(fun () -> strbrk "Native compiler is disabled," ++
strbrk " falling back to VM conversion test.")
let native_conv_gen pb sigma env univs t1 t2 =
if not (typing_flags env).Declarations.enable_native_compiler then begin
warn_no_native_compiler ();
Vconv.vm_conv_gen pb env univs t1 t2
let ml_filename, prefix = get_ml_filename () in
let code, upds = mk_conv_code env sigma prefix t1 t2 in
let fn = compile ml_filename code ~profile:false in
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "Running test...");
let t0 = Sys.time () in
call_linker ~fatal:true prefix fn (Some upds);
let t1 = Sys.time () in
let time_info = Format.sprintf "Evaluation done in %.5f@." (t1 -. t0) in
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str time_info);
(* TODO change 0 when we can have de Bruijn *)
fst (conv_val env pb 0 !rt1 !rt2 univs)
(* Wrapper for [native_conv] above *)
let native_conv cv_pb sigma env t1 t2 =
let univs = Environ.universes env in
let b =
if cv_pb = CUMUL then Constr.leq_constr_univs univs t1 t2
else Constr.eq_constr_univs univs t1 t2
if not b then
let univs = (univs, checked_universes) in
let t1 = Term.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn t1 (Environ.rel_context env) in
let t2 = Term.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn t2 (Environ.rel_context env) in
let _ = native_conv_gen cv_pb sigma env univs t1 t2 in ()
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