(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Minisys regroups some code that used to be in System.
Unlike System, this module has no dependency and could
be used for initial compilation target such as coqdep_boot.
The functions here are still available in System thanks to
an include. For the signature, look at the top of system.mli
(** Dealing with directories *)
type unix_path = string (* path in unix-style, with '/' separator *)
type file_kind =
| FileDir of unix_path * (* basename of path: *) string
| FileRegular of string (* basename of file *)
(* Copy of Filename.concat but assuming paths to always be POSIX *)
let (//) dirname filename =
let l = String.length dirname in
if l = 0 || dirname.[l-1] = '/'
then dirname ^ filename
else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename
(* Excluding directories; We avoid directories starting with . as well
as CVS and _darcs and any subdirs given via -exclude-dir *)
let skipped_dirnames = ref ["CVS"; "_darcs"]
let exclude_directory f = skipped_dirnames := f :: !skipped_dirnames
(* Note: this test is possibly used for Coq module/file names but also for
OCaml filenames, whose syntax as of today is more restrictive for
module names (only initial letter then letter, digits, _ or quote),
but more permissive (though disadvised) for file names *)
let ok_dirname f =
not (f = "") && f.[0] != '.' &&
not (List.mem f !skipped_dirnames) &&
match Unicode.ident_refutation f with None -> true | _ -> false
(* Check directory can be opened *)
let exists_dir dir =
(* See BZ#5391 on windows failing on a trailing (back)slash *)
let rec strip_trailing_slash dir =
let len = String.length dir in
if len > 0 && (dir.[len-1] = '/' || dir.[len-1] = '\\')
then strip_trailing_slash (String.sub dir 0 (len-1)) else dir in
let dir = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then strip_trailing_slash dir else dir in
try Sys.is_directory dir with Sys_error _ -> false
let apply_subdir f path name =
(* we avoid all files and subdirs starting by '.' (e.g. .svn) *)
(* as well as skipped files like CVS, ... *)
let base = try Filename.chop_extension name with Invalid_argument _ -> name in
if ok_dirname base then
let path = if path = "." then name else path//name in
match try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind with Unix.Unix_error _ -> Unix.S_BLK with
| Unix.S_DIR when name = base -> f (FileDir (path,name))
| Unix.S_REG -> f (FileRegular name)
| _ -> ()
let readdir dir = try Sys.readdir dir with any -> [||]
let process_directory f path =
Array.iter (apply_subdir f path) (readdir path)
let process_subdirectories f path =
let f = function FileDir (path,base) -> f path base | FileRegular _ -> () in
process_directory f path
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