(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** This module is about the low-level declaration of logical objects *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Libnames
open Globnames
open Constr
open Declarations
open Entries
open Libobject
open Lib
open Impargs
open Safe_typing
open Cooking
open Decls
open Decl_kinds
(** flag for internal message display *)
type internal_flag =
| UserAutomaticRequest (* kernel action, a message is displayed *)
| InternalTacticRequest (* kernel action, no message is displayed *)
| UserIndividualRequest (* user action, a message is displayed *)
(** Declaration of constants and parameters *)
type constant_obj = {
cst_decl : global_declaration option;
(** [None] when the declaration is a side-effect and has already been defined
in the global environment. *)
cst_kind : logical_kind;
cst_locl : bool;
type constant_declaration = Safe_typing.private_constants constant_entry * logical_kind
(* At load-time, the segment starting from the module name to the discharge *)
(* section (if Remark or Fact) is needed to access a construction *)
let load_constant i ((sp,kn), obj) =
if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
alreadydeclared (Id.print (basename sp) ++ str " already exists");
let con = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until i) sp (ConstRef con);
add_constant_kind con obj.cst_kind
(* Opening means making the name without its module qualification available *)
let open_constant i ((sp,kn), obj) =
(* Never open a local definition *)
if obj.cst_locl then ()
let con = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in
Nametab.push (Nametab.Exactly i) sp (ConstRef con)
let exists_name id =
variable_exists id || Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id id)
let check_exists sp =
let id = basename sp in
if exists_name id then alreadydeclared (Id.print id ++ str " already exists")
let cache_constant ((sp,kn), obj) =
let id = basename sp in
let kn' =
match obj.cst_decl with
| None ->
if Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id (basename sp))
then Constant.make1 kn
else CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str"Ex seff not found: " ++ Id.print(basename sp) ++ str".")
| Some decl ->
let () = check_exists sp in
Global.add_constant ~in_section:(Lib.sections_are_opened ()) id decl
assert (Constant.equal kn' (Constant.make1 kn));
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp (ConstRef (Constant.make1 kn));
let cst = Global.lookup_constant kn' in
add_section_constant (Declareops.constant_is_polymorphic cst) kn' cst.const_hyps;
add_constant_kind (Constant.make1 kn) obj.cst_kind
let discharge_constant ((sp, kn), obj) =
let con = Constant.make1 kn in
let from = Global.lookup_constant con in
let modlist = replacement_context () in
let { abstr_ctx = hyps; abstr_subst = subst; abstr_uctx = uctx } = section_segment_of_constant con in
let abstract = (named_of_variable_context hyps, subst, uctx) in
let new_decl = GlobalRecipe{ from; info = { Opaqueproof.modlist; abstract}} in
Some { obj with cst_decl = Some new_decl; }
(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
let dummy_constant cst = {
cst_decl = None;
cst_kind = cst.cst_kind;
cst_locl = cst.cst_locl;
let classify_constant cst = Substitute (dummy_constant cst)
let (inConstant : constant_obj -> obj) =
declare_object { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
cache_function = cache_constant;
load_function = load_constant;
open_function = open_constant;
classify_function = classify_constant;
subst_function = ident_subst_function;
discharge_function = discharge_constant }
let declare_scheme = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
let set_declare_scheme f = declare_scheme := f
let update_tables c =
declare_constant_implicits c;
Heads.declare_head (EvalConstRef c);
Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope Evd.empty (ConstRef c)
let register_side_effect (c, role) =
let o = inConstant {
cst_decl = None;
cst_kind = IsProof Theorem;
cst_locl = false;
} in
let id = Label.to_id (Constant.label c) in
ignore(add_leaf id o);
update_tables c;
match role with
| Subproof -> ()
| Schema (ind, kind) -> !declare_scheme kind [|ind,c|]
let declare_constant_common id cst =
let o = inConstant cst in
let _, kn as oname = add_leaf id o in
pull_to_head oname;
let c = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in
update_tables c;
let default_univ_entry = Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty
let definition_entry ?fix_exn ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
?(univs=default_univ_entry) ?(eff=Safe_typing.empty_private_constants) body =
{ const_entry_body = Future.from_val ?fix_exn ((body,Univ.ContextSet.empty), eff);
const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = types;
const_entry_universes = univs;
const_entry_opaque = opaque;
const_entry_feedback = None;
const_entry_inline_code = inline}
let declare_constant ?(internal = UserIndividualRequest) ?(local = false) id ?(export_seff=false) (cd, kind) =
let is_poly de = match de.const_entry_universes with
| Monomorphic_entry _ -> false
| Polymorphic_entry _ -> true
let in_section = Lib.sections_are_opened () in
let export, decl = (* We deal with side effects *)
match cd with
| DefinitionEntry de when
export_seff ||
not de.const_entry_opaque ||
is_poly de ->
(* This globally defines the side-effects in the environment. We mark
exported constants as being side-effect not to redeclare them at
caching time. *)
let de, export = Global.export_private_constants ~in_section de in
export, ConstantEntry (PureEntry, DefinitionEntry de)
| _ -> [], ConstantEntry (EffectEntry, cd)
let () = List.iter register_side_effect export in
let cst = {
cst_decl = Some decl;
cst_kind = kind;
cst_locl = local;
} in
declare_constant_common id cst
let declare_definition ?(internal=UserIndividualRequest)
?(opaque=false) ?(kind=Decl_kinds.Definition) ?(local = false)
id ?types (body,univs) =
let cb =
definition_entry ?types ~univs ~opaque body
declare_constant ~internal ~local id
(Entries.DefinitionEntry cb, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition kind)
(** Declaration of section variables and local definitions *)
type section_variable_entry =
| SectionLocalDef of Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
| SectionLocalAssum of types Univ.in_universe_context_set * polymorphic * bool (** Implicit status *)
type variable_declaration = DirPath.t * section_variable_entry * logical_kind
let cache_variable ((sp,_),o) =
match o with
| Inl ctx -> Global.push_context_set false ctx
| Inr (id,(p,d,mk)) ->
(* Constr raisonne sur les noms courts *)
if variable_exists id then
alreadydeclared (Id.print id ++ str " already exists");
let impl,opaq,poly,ctx = match d with (* Fails if not well-typed *)
| SectionLocalAssum ((ty,ctx),poly,impl) ->
let () = Global.push_named_assum ((id,ty,poly),ctx) in
let impl = if impl then Implicit else Explicit in
impl, true, poly, ctx
| SectionLocalDef (de) ->
let (de, eff) = Global.export_private_constants ~in_section:true de in
let () = List.iter register_side_effect eff in
(* The body should already have been forced upstream because it is a
section-local definition, but it's not enforced by typing *)
let (body, uctx), () = Future.force de.const_entry_body in
let poly, univs = match de.const_entry_universes with
| Monomorphic_entry uctx -> false, uctx
| Polymorphic_entry (_, uctx) -> true, Univ.ContextSet.of_context uctx
let univs = Univ.ContextSet.union uctx univs in
(* We must declare the universe constraints before type-checking the
term. *)
let () = Global.push_context_set (not poly) univs in
let se = {
secdef_body = body;
secdef_secctx = de.const_entry_secctx;
secdef_feedback = de.const_entry_feedback;
secdef_type = de.const_entry_type;
} in
let () = Global.push_named_def (id, se) in
Explicit, de.const_entry_opaque,
poly, univs in
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) (restrict_path 0 sp) (VarRef id);
add_section_variable id impl poly ctx;
add_variable_data id (p,opaq,ctx,poly,mk)
let discharge_variable (_,o) = match o with
| Inr (id,_) ->
if variable_polymorphic id then None
else Some (Inl (variable_context id))
| Inl _ -> Some o
type variable_obj =
(Univ.ContextSet.t, Id.t * variable_declaration) union
let inVariable : variable_obj -> obj =
declare_object { (default_object "VARIABLE") with
cache_function = cache_variable;
discharge_function = discharge_variable;
classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose) }
(* for initial declaration *)
let declare_variable id obj =
let oname = add_leaf id (inVariable (Inr (id,obj))) in
declare_var_implicits id;
Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope Evd.empty (VarRef id);
Heads.declare_head (EvalVarRef id);
(** Declaration of inductive blocks *)
let declare_inductive_argument_scopes kn mie =
List.iteri (fun i {mind_entry_consnames=lc} ->
Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope Evd.empty (IndRef (kn,i));
for j=1 to List.length lc do
Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope Evd.empty (ConstructRef ((kn,i),j));
done) mie.mind_entry_inds
let inductive_names sp kn mie =
let (dp,_) = repr_path sp in
let kn = Global.mind_of_delta_kn kn in
let names, _ =
(fun (names, n) ind ->
let ind_p = (kn,n) in
let names, _ =
(fun (names, p) l ->
let sp =
Libnames.make_path dp l
((sp, ConstructRef (ind_p,p)) :: names, p+1))
(names, 1) ind.mind_entry_consnames in
let sp = Libnames.make_path dp ind.mind_entry_typename
((sp, IndRef ind_p) :: names, n+1))
([], 0) mie.mind_entry_inds
in names
let load_inductive i ((sp,kn),mie) =
let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Until i) sp ref ) names
let open_inductive i ((sp,kn),mie) =
let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Exactly i) sp ref) names
let cache_inductive ((sp,kn),mie) =
let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
List.iter check_exists (List.map fst names);
let id = basename sp in
let kn' = Global.add_mind id mie in
assert (MutInd.equal kn' (MutInd.make1 kn));
let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn' in
add_section_kn (Declareops.inductive_is_polymorphic mind) kn' mind.mind_hyps;
List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp ref) names
let discharge_inductive ((sp,kn),mie) =
let mind = Global.mind_of_delta_kn kn in
let mie = Global.lookup_mind mind in
let repl = replacement_context () in
let info = section_segment_of_mutual_inductive mind in
Some (Discharge.process_inductive info repl mie)
let dummy_one_inductive_entry mie = {
mind_entry_typename = mie.mind_entry_typename;
mind_entry_arity = mkProp;
mind_entry_template = false;
mind_entry_consnames = mie.mind_entry_consnames;
mind_entry_lc = []
(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
let dummy_inductive_entry m = {
mind_entry_params = [];
mind_entry_record = None;
mind_entry_finite = Declarations.BiFinite;
mind_entry_inds = List.map dummy_one_inductive_entry m.mind_entry_inds;
mind_entry_universes = default_univ_entry;
mind_entry_variance = None;
mind_entry_private = None;
(* reinfer subtyping constraints for inductive after section is dischared. *)
let rebuild_inductive mind_ent =
let env = Global.env () in
InferCumulativity.infer_inductive env mind_ent
let inInductive : mutual_inductive_entry -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "INDUCTIVE") with
cache_function = cache_inductive;
load_function = load_inductive;
open_function = open_inductive;
classify_function = (fun a -> Substitute (dummy_inductive_entry a));
subst_function = ident_subst_function;
discharge_function = discharge_inductive;
rebuild_function = rebuild_inductive }
let declare_one_projection univs (mind,_ as ind) ~proj_npars proj_arg label (term,types) =
let id = Label.to_id label in
let univs, u = match univs with
| Monomorphic_entry _ ->
(* Global constraints already defined through the inductive *)
default_univ_entry, Univ.Instance.empty
| Polymorphic_entry (nas, ctx) ->
Polymorphic_entry (nas, ctx), Univ.UContext.instance ctx
let term = Vars.subst_instance_constr u term in
let types = Vars.subst_instance_constr u types in
let entry = definition_entry ~types ~univs term in
let cst = declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry entry, IsDefinition StructureComponent) in
let p = Projection.Repr.make ind ~proj_npars ~proj_arg label in
Recordops.declare_primitive_projection p cst
let declare_projections univs mind =
let env = Global.env () in
let mib = Environ.lookup_mind mind env in
match mib.mind_record with
| PrimRecord info ->
let iter_ind i (_, labs, _, _) =
let ind = (mind, i) in
let projs = Inductiveops.compute_projections env ind in
Array.iter2_i (declare_one_projection univs ind ~proj_npars:mib.mind_nparams) labs projs
let () = Array.iteri iter_ind info in
| FakeRecord -> false
| NotRecord -> false
(* for initial declaration *)
let declare_mind mie =
let id = match mie.mind_entry_inds with
| ind::_ -> ind.mind_entry_typename
| [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "cannot declare an empty list of inductives.") in
let (sp,kn as oname) = add_leaf id (inInductive mie) in
let mind = Global.mind_of_delta_kn kn in
let isprim = declare_projections mie.mind_entry_universes mind in
declare_mib_implicits mind;
declare_inductive_argument_scopes mind mie;
oname, isprim
(* Declaration messages *)
let pr_rank i = pr_nth (i+1)
let fixpoint_message indexes l =
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (match l with
| [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "no recursive definition.")
| [id] -> Id.print id ++ str " is recursively defined" ++
(match indexes with
| Some [|i|] -> str " (decreasing on "++pr_rank i++str " argument)"
| _ -> mt ())
| l -> hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma Id.print l ++
spc () ++ str "are recursively defined" ++
match indexes with
| Some a -> spc () ++ str "(decreasing respectively on " ++
prvect_with_sep pr_comma pr_rank a ++
str " arguments)"
| None -> mt ()))
let cofixpoint_message l =
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (match l with
| [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "No corecursive definition.")
| [id] -> Id.print id ++ str " is corecursively defined"
| l -> hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma Id.print l ++
spc () ++ str "are corecursively defined"))
let recursive_message isfix i l =
(if isfix then fixpoint_message i else cofixpoint_message) l
let definition_message id =
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (Id.print id ++ str " is defined")
let assumption_message id =
(* Changing "assumed" to "declared", "assuming" referring more to
the type of the object than to the name of the object (see
discussion on coqdev: "Chapter 4 of the Reference Manual", 8/10/2015) *)
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (Id.print id ++ str " is declared")
(** Monomorphic universes need to survive sections. *)
let input_universe_context : Univ.ContextSet.t -> Libobject.obj =
declare_object @@ local_object "Monomorphic section universes"
~cache:(fun (na, uctx) -> Global.push_context_set false uctx)
~discharge:(fun (_, x) -> Some x)
let declare_universe_context poly ctx =
if poly then
(Global.push_context_set true ctx; Lib.add_section_context ctx)
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_universe_context ctx)
(** Global universes are not substitutive objects but global objects
bound at the *library* or *module* level. The polymorphic flag is
used to distinguish universes declared in polymorphic sections, which
are discharged and do not remain in scope. *)
type universe_source =
| BoundUniv (* polymorphic universe, bound in a function (this will go away someday) *)
| QualifiedUniv of Id.t (* global universe introduced by some global value *)
| UnqualifiedUniv (* other global universe *)
type universe_name_decl = universe_source * (Id.t * Univ.Level.UGlobal.t) list
let check_exists sp =
if Nametab.exists_universe sp then
alreadydeclared (str "Universe " ++ Id.print (basename sp) ++ str " already exists")
else ()
let qualify_univ i dp src id =
match src with
| BoundUniv | UnqualifiedUniv ->
i, Libnames.make_path dp id
| QualifiedUniv l ->
let dp = DirPath.repr dp in
Nametab.map_visibility succ i, Libnames.make_path (DirPath.make (l::dp)) id
let do_univ_name ~check i dp src (id,univ) =
let i, sp = qualify_univ i dp src id in
if check then check_exists sp;
Nametab.push_universe i sp univ
let cache_univ_names ((sp, _), (src, univs)) =
let depth = sections_depth () in
let dp = pop_dirpath_n depth (dirpath sp) in
List.iter (do_univ_name ~check:true (Nametab.Until 1) dp src) univs
let load_univ_names i ((sp, _), (src, univs)) =
List.iter (do_univ_name ~check:false (Nametab.Until i) (dirpath sp) src) univs
let open_univ_names i ((sp, _), (src, univs)) =
List.iter (do_univ_name ~check:false (Nametab.Exactly i) (dirpath sp) src) univs
let discharge_univ_names = function
| _, (BoundUniv, _) -> None
| _, ((QualifiedUniv _ | UnqualifiedUniv), _ as x) -> Some x
let input_univ_names : universe_name_decl -> Libobject.obj =
{ (default_object "Global universe name state") with
cache_function = cache_univ_names;
load_function = load_univ_names;
open_function = open_univ_names;
discharge_function = discharge_univ_names;
subst_function = (fun (subst, a) -> (* Actually the name is generated once and for all. *) a);
classify_function = (fun a -> Substitute a) }
let declare_univ_binders gr pl =
if Global.is_polymorphic gr then
let l = match gr with
| ConstRef c -> Label.to_id @@ Constant.label c
| IndRef (c, _) -> Label.to_id @@ MutInd.label c
| VarRef id -> anomaly ~label:"declare_univ_binders" Pp.(str "declare_univ_binders on variable " ++ Id.print id ++ str".")
| ConstructRef _ ->
anomaly ~label:"declare_univ_binders"
Pp.(str "declare_univ_binders on an constructor reference")
let univs = Id.Map.fold (fun id univ univs ->
match Univ.Level.name univ with
| None -> assert false (* having Prop/Set/Var as binders is nonsense *)
| Some univ -> (id,univ)::univs) pl []
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_univ_names (QualifiedUniv l, univs))
let do_universe poly l =
let in_section = Lib.sections_are_opened () in
let () =
if poly && not in_section then
user_err ~hdr:"Constraint"
(str"Cannot declare polymorphic universes outside sections")
let l = List.map (fun {CAst.v=id} -> (id, UnivGen.new_univ_global ())) l in
let ctx = List.fold_left (fun ctx (_,qid) -> Univ.LSet.add (Univ.Level.make qid) ctx)
Univ.LSet.empty l, Univ.Constraint.empty
let () = declare_universe_context poly ctx in
let src = if poly then BoundUniv else UnqualifiedUniv in
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input_univ_names (src, l))
let do_constraint poly l =
let open Univ in
let u_of_id x =
let level = Pretyping.interp_known_glob_level (Evd.from_env (Global.env ())) x in
Lib.is_polymorphic_univ level, level
let in_section = Lib.sections_are_opened () in
let () =
if poly && not in_section then
user_err ~hdr:"Constraint"
(str"Cannot declare polymorphic constraints outside sections")
let check_poly p p' =
if poly then ()
else if p || p' then
user_err ~hdr:"Constraint"
(str "Cannot declare a global constraint on " ++
str "a polymorphic universe, use "
++ str "Polymorphic Constraint instead")
let constraints = List.fold_left (fun acc (l, d, r) ->
let p, lu = u_of_id l and p', ru = u_of_id r in
check_poly p p';
Constraint.add (lu, d, ru) acc)
Constraint.empty l
let uctx = ContextSet.add_constraints constraints ContextSet.empty in
declare_universe_context poly uctx
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