(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Glob_term
(** [notation_constr] *)
(** [notation_constr] is the subtype of [glob_constr] allowed in syntactic
extensions (i.e. notations).
No location since intended to be substituted at any place of a text.
Complex expressions such as fixpoints and cofixpoints are excluded,
as well as non global expressions such as existential variables. *)
type notation_constr =
(* Part common to [glob_constr] and [cases_pattern] *)
| NRef of GlobRef.t
| NVar of Id.t
| NApp of notation_constr * notation_constr list
| NHole of Evar_kinds.t * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr * Genarg.glob_generic_argument option
| NList of Id.t * Id.t * notation_constr * notation_constr * (* associativity: *) bool
(* Part only in [glob_constr] *)
| NLambda of Name.t * notation_constr * notation_constr
| NProd of Name.t * notation_constr * notation_constr
| NBinderList of Id.t * Id.t * notation_constr * notation_constr * (* associativity: *) bool
| NLetIn of Name.t * notation_constr * notation_constr option * notation_constr
| NCases of Constr.case_style * notation_constr option *
(notation_constr * (Name.t * (inductive * Name.t list) option)) list *
(cases_pattern list * notation_constr) list
| NLetTuple of Name.t list * (Name.t * notation_constr option) *
notation_constr * notation_constr
| NIf of notation_constr * (Name.t * notation_constr option) *
notation_constr * notation_constr
| NRec of glob_fix_kind * Id.t array *
(Name.t * notation_constr option * notation_constr) list array *
notation_constr array * notation_constr array
| NSort of glob_sort
| NCast of notation_constr * notation_constr cast_type
| NInt of Uint63.t
(** Note concerning NList: first constr is iterator, second is terminator;
first id is where each argument of the list has to be substituted
in iterator and snd id is alternative name just for printing;
boolean is associativity *)
(** Types concerning notations *)
type scope_name = string
type tmp_scope_name = scope_name
type subscopes = tmp_scope_name option * scope_name list
type extended_subscopes = Constrexpr.notation_entry_level * subscopes
(** Type of the meta-variables of an notation_constr: in a recursive pattern x..y,
x carries the sequence of objects bound to the list x..y *)
type constr_as_binder_kind =
| AsIdent
| AsIdentOrPattern
| AsStrictPattern
type notation_binder_source =
(* This accepts only pattern *)
(* NtnParsedAsPattern true means only strict pattern (no single variable) at printing *)
| NtnParsedAsPattern of bool
(* This accepts only ident *)
| NtnParsedAsIdent
(* This accepts ident, or pattern, or both *)
| NtnBinderParsedAsConstr of constr_as_binder_kind
type notation_var_instance_type =
| NtnTypeConstr | NtnTypeBinder of notation_binder_source | NtnTypeConstrList | NtnTypeBinderList
(** Type of variables when interpreting a constr_expr as a notation_constr:
in a recursive pattern x..y, both x and y carry the individual type
of each element of the list x..y *)
type notation_var_internalization_type =
| NtnInternTypeAny | NtnInternTypeOnlyBinder
(** This characterizes to what a notation is interpreted to *)
type interpretation =
(Id.t * (extended_subscopes * notation_var_instance_type)) list *
type reversibility_status = APrioriReversible | HasLtac | NonInjective of Id.t list
type notation_interp_env = {
ninterp_var_type : notation_var_internalization_type Id.Map.t;
ninterp_rec_vars : Id.t Id.Map.t;
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.