(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* If [restore] is false, whenever [f] modifies the ref, we will
preserve the modification. *)
let with_modified_ref ?(restore=true) r nf f x =
let old_ref = !r in r := nf !r;
let pre = !r in
let res = f x in
(* If r was modified don't restore its old value *)
if restore || pre == !r then r := old_ref;
with reraise ->
let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
r := old_ref;
Exninfo.iraise reraise
let with_option o f x = with_modified_ref ~restore:false o (fun _ -> true) f x
let without_option o f x = with_modified_ref ~restore:false o (fun _ -> false) f x
let with_extra_values o l f x = with_modified_ref o (fun ol -> ol@l) f x
(* hide the [restore] option as internal *)
let with_modified_ref r nf f x = with_modified_ref r nf f x
let with_options ol f x =
let vl = List.map (!) ol in
let () = List.iter (fun r -> r := true) ol in
let r = f x in
let () = List.iter2 (:=) ol vl in r
with reraise ->
let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
let () = List.iter2 (:=) ol vl in
Exninfo.iraise reraise
let async_proofs_worker_id = ref "master"
let async_proofs_is_worker () = !async_proofs_worker_id <> "master"
let debug = ref false
let in_debugger = ref false
let in_toplevel = ref false
let profile = false
let raw_print = ref false
let we_are_parsing = ref false
(* Compatibility mode *)
(* Current means no particular compatibility consideration.
For correct comparisons, this constructor should remain the last one. *)
type compat_version = V8_8 | V8_9 | Current
let compat_version = ref Current
let version_compare v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with
| V8_8, V8_8 -> 0
| V8_8, _ -> -1
| _, V8_8 -> 1
| V8_9, V8_9 -> 0
| V8_9, _ -> -1
| _, V8_9 -> 1
| Current, Current -> 0
let version_strictly_greater v = version_compare !compat_version v > 0
let version_less_or_equal v = not (version_strictly_greater v)
let pr_version = function
| V8_8 -> "8.8"
| V8_9 -> "8.9"
| Current -> "current"
(* Translate *)
let beautify = ref false
let beautify_file = ref false
(* Silent / Verbose *)
let quiet = ref false
let silently f x = with_option quiet f x
let verbosely f x = without_option quiet f x
let if_silent f x = if !quiet then f x
let if_verbose f x = if not !quiet then f x
let warn = ref true
let make_warn flag = warn := flag; ()
let if_warn f x = if !warn then f x
(* Level of inlining during a functor application *)
let default_inline_level = 100
let inline_level = ref default_inline_level
let set_inline_level = (:=) inline_level
let get_inline_level () = !inline_level
let profile_ltac = ref false
let profile_ltac_cutoff = ref 2.0
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.20 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.