(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* The different kinds of blocks are:
\item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
\item[vbox:] Vertical block each break leads to a new line;
\item[hvbox:] Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if
this block is small enough to fit on a single line
\item[hovbox:] Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
only when necessary to print the content of the block
type pp_tag = string
type block_type =
| Pp_hbox of int
| Pp_vbox of int
| Pp_hvbox of int
| Pp_hovbox of int
type doc_view =
| Ppcmd_empty
| Ppcmd_string of string
| Ppcmd_glue of doc_view list
| Ppcmd_box of block_type * doc_view
| Ppcmd_tag of pp_tag * doc_view
(* Are those redundant? *)
| Ppcmd_print_break of int * int
| Ppcmd_force_newline
| Ppcmd_comment of string list
(* Following discussion on #390, we play on the safe side and make the
internal representation opaque here. *)
type t = doc_view
let repr x = x
let unrepr x = x
(* Compute length of an UTF-8 encoded string
Rem 1 : utf8_length <= String.length (equal if pure ascii)
Rem 2 : if used for an iso8859_1 encoded string, the result is
wrong in very rare cases. Such a wrong case corresponds to any
sequence of a character in range 192..253 immediately followed by a
character in range 128..191 (typical case in french is "déçu" which
is counted 3 instead of 4); then no real harm to use always
utf8_length even if using an iso8859_1 encoding *)
let utf8_length s =
let len = String.length s
and cnt = ref 0
and nc = ref 0
and p = ref 0 in
while !p < len do
match s.[!p] with
| '\000'..'\127' -> nc := 0 (* ascii char *)
| '\128'..'\191' -> nc := 0 (* cannot start with a continuation byte *)
| '\192'..'\223' -> nc := 1 (* expect 1 continuation byte *)
| '\224'..'\239' -> nc := 2 (* expect 2 continuation bytes *)
| '\240'..'\247' -> nc := 3 (* expect 3 continuation bytes *)
| '\248'..'\251' -> nc := 4 (* expect 4 continuation bytes *)
| '\252'..'\253' -> nc := 5 (* expect 5 continuation bytes *)
| '\254'..'\255' -> nc := 0 (* invalid byte *)
end ;
incr p ;
while !p < len && !nc > 0 do
match s.[!p] with
| '\128'..'\191' (* next continuation byte *) -> incr p ; decr nc
| _ (* not a continuation byte *) -> nc := 0
done ;
incr cnt
done ;
let rec app d1 d2 = match d1, d2 with
| Ppcmd_empty, d
| d, Ppcmd_empty -> d
(* Optimizations *)
| Ppcmd_glue [l1;l2], Ppcmd_glue l3 -> Ppcmd_glue (l1 :: l2 :: l3)
| Ppcmd_glue [l1;l2], d2 -> Ppcmd_glue [l1 ; l2 ; d2]
| d1, Ppcmd_glue l2 -> Ppcmd_glue (d1 :: l2)
| Ppcmd_tag(t1,d1), Ppcmd_tag(t2,d2)
when t1 = t2 -> Ppcmd_tag(t1,app d1 d2)
| d1, d2 -> Ppcmd_glue [d1; d2]
(* Optimizations deemed too costly *)
(* | Ppcmd_glue l1, Ppcmd_glue l2 -> Ppcmd_glue (l1 @ l2) *)
(* | Ppcmd_string s1, Ppcmd_string s2 -> Ppcmd_string (s1 ^ s2) *)
let seq s = Ppcmd_glue s
let (++) = app
(* formatting commands *)
let str s = Ppcmd_string s
let brk (a,b) = Ppcmd_print_break (a,b)
let fnl () = Ppcmd_force_newline
let ws n = Ppcmd_print_break (n,0)
let comment l = Ppcmd_comment l
(* derived commands *)
let mt () = Ppcmd_empty
let spc () = Ppcmd_print_break (1,0)
let cut () = Ppcmd_print_break (0,0)
let align () = Ppcmd_print_break (0,0)
let int n = str (string_of_int n)
let real r = str (string_of_float r)
let bool b = str (string_of_bool b)
(* XXX: To Remove *)
let strbrk s =
let rec aux p n =
if n < String.length s then
if s.[n] = ' ' then
if p = n then spc() :: aux (n+1) (n+1)
else str (String.sub s p (n-p)) :: spc () :: aux (n+1) (n+1)
else aux p (n + 1)
else if p = n then [] else [str (String.sub s p (n-p))]
in Ppcmd_glue (aux 0 0)
let ismt = function | Ppcmd_empty -> true | _ -> false
(* boxing commands *)
let h n s = Ppcmd_box(Pp_hbox n,s)
let v n s = Ppcmd_box(Pp_vbox n,s)
let hv n s = Ppcmd_box(Pp_hvbox n,s)
let hov n s = Ppcmd_box(Pp_hovbox n,s)
(* Opening and closing of tags *)
let tag t s = Ppcmd_tag(t,s)
(* In new syntax only double quote char is escaped by repeating it *)
let escape_string s =
let rec escape_at s i =
if i<0 then s
else if s.[i] == '"' then
let s' = String.sub s 0 i^"\""^String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
escape_at s' (i-1)
else escape_at s (i-1) in
escape_at s (String.length s - 1)
let qstring s = str "\"" ++ str (escape_string s) ++ str "\""
let qs = qstring
let quote s = h 0 (str "\"" ++ s ++ str "\"")
let rec pr_com ft s =
let (s1,os) =
let n = String.index s '\n' in
String.sub s 0 n, Some (String.sub s (n+1) (String.length s - n - 1))
with Not_found -> s,None in
Format.pp_print_as ft (utf8_length s1) s1;
match os with
Some s2 -> Format.pp_force_newline ft (); pr_com ft s2
| None -> ()
let start_pfx = "start."
let end_pfx = "end."
let split_pfx pfx str =
let (str_len, pfx_len) = (String.length str, String.length pfx) in
if str_len >= pfx_len && (String.sub str 0 pfx_len) = pfx then
(pfx, String.sub str pfx_len (str_len - pfx_len)) else ("", str);;
let split_tag tag =
let (pfx, ttag) = split_pfx start_pfx tag in
if pfx <> "" then (pfx, ttag) else
let (pfx, ttag) = split_pfx end_pfx tag in
(pfx, ttag);;
(* pretty printing functions *)
let pp_with ft pp =
let cpp_open_box = function
| Pp_hbox n -> Format.pp_open_hbox ft ()
| Pp_vbox n -> Format.pp_open_vbox ft n
| Pp_hvbox n -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ft n
| Pp_hovbox n -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ft n
let rec pp_cmd = let open Format in function
| Ppcmd_empty -> ()
| Ppcmd_glue sl -> List.iter pp_cmd sl
| Ppcmd_string str -> let n = utf8_length str in
pp_print_as ft n str
| Ppcmd_box(bty,ss) -> cpp_open_box bty ;
if not (over_max_boxes ()) then pp_cmd ss;
pp_close_box ft ()
| Ppcmd_print_break(m,n) -> pp_print_break ft m n
| Ppcmd_force_newline -> pp_force_newline ft ()
| Ppcmd_comment coms -> List.iter (pr_com ft) coms
| Ppcmd_tag(tag, s) -> pp_open_tag ft tag;
pp_cmd s;
pp_close_tag ft ()
try pp_cmd pp
with reraise ->
let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
let () = Format.pp_print_flush ft () in
Exninfo.iraise reraise
(* If mixing some output and a goal display, please use msg_warning,
so that interfaces (proofgeneral for example) can easily dispatch
them to different windows. *)
(** Output to a string formatter *)
let string_of_ppcmds c =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[%a@]" pp_with c;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
(* Copy paste from Util *)
let pr_comma () = str "," ++ spc ()
let pr_semicolon () = str ";" ++ spc ()
let pr_bar () = str "|" ++ spc ()
let pr_spcbar () = str " |" ++ spc ()
let pr_arg pr x = spc () ++ pr x
let pr_non_empty_arg pr x = let pp = pr x in if ismt pp then mt () else spc () ++ pr x
let pr_opt pr = function None -> mt () | Some x -> pr_arg pr x
let pr_opt_no_spc pr = function None -> mt () | Some x -> pr x
(** TODO: merge with CString.ordinal *)
let pr_nth n =
let s =
if (n / 10) mod 10 = 1 then "th"
else match n mod 10 with
| 1 -> "st"
| 2 -> "nd"
| 3 -> "rd"
| _ -> "th"
int n ++ str s
(* [prlist pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs [pr a ++ ... ++ pr c] *)
let prlist pr l = Ppcmd_glue (List.map pr l)
(* unlike all other functions below, [prlist] works lazily.
if a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead.
evaluation is done from left to right. *)
let prlist_sep_lastsep no_empty sep_thunk lastsep_thunk elem l =
let sep = sep_thunk () in
let lastsep = lastsep_thunk () in
let elems = List.map elem l in
let filtered_elems =
if no_empty then
List.filter (fun e -> not (ismt e)) elems
let rec insert_seps es =
match es with
| [] -> mt ()
| [e] -> e
| h::[e] -> h ++ lastsep ++ e
| h::t -> h ++ sep ++ insert_seps t
insert_seps filtered_elems
let prlist_strict pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true mt mt pr l
(* [prlist_with_sep sep pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs
[pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c] *)
let prlist_with_sep sep pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep false sep sep pr l
(* Print sequence of objects separated by space (unless an element is empty) *)
let pr_sequence pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true spc spc pr l
(* [pr_enum pr [a ; b ; ... ; c]] outputs
[pr a ++ str "," ++ pr b ++ str "," ++ ... ++ str "and" ++ pr c] *)
let pr_enum pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true pr_comma (fun () -> str " and" ++ spc ()) pr l
let pr_vertical_list pr = function
| [] -> str "none" ++ fnl ()
| l -> fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl pr l) ++ fnl ()
(* [prvecti_with_sep sep pr [|a0 ; ... ; an|]] outputs
[pr 0 a0 ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr n an] *)
let prvecti_with_sep sep elem v =
let v = CArray.mapi (fun i x ->
let pp = if i = 0 then mt() else sep() in
pp ++ elem i x)
seq (Array.to_list v)
(* [prvecti pr [|a0 ; ... ; an|]] outputs [pr 0 a0 ++ ... ++ pr n an] *)
let prvecti elem v = prvecti_with_sep mt elem v
(* [prvect_with_sep sep pr [|a ; ... ; c|]] outputs
[pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c] *)
let prvect_with_sep sep elem v = prvecti_with_sep sep (fun _ -> elem) v
(* [prvect pr [|a ; ... ; c|]] outputs [pr a ++ ... ++ pr c] *)
let prvect elem v = prvect_with_sep mt elem v
let surround p = hov 1 (str"(" ++ p ++ str")")
(*** DEBUG code ***)
let db_print_pp fmt pp =
let open Format in
let block_type fmt btype =
let (bt, v) =
match btype with
| Pp_hbox v -> ("Pp_hbox", v)
| Pp_vbox v -> ("Pp_vbox", v)
| Pp_hvbox v -> ("Pp_hvbox", v)
| Pp_hovbox v -> ("Pp_hovbox", v)
fprintf fmt "%s %d" bt v
let rec db_print_pp_r indent pp =
let ind () = fprintf fmt "%s" (String.make (2 * indent) ' ') in
match pp with
| Ppcmd_empty ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_empty@;"
| Ppcmd_string str ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_string '%s'@;" str
| Ppcmd_glue list ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_glue@;";
List.iter (fun x -> db_print_pp_r (indent + 1) (repr x)) list;
| Ppcmd_box (block, pp) ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_box %a@;" block_type block;
db_print_pp_r (indent + 1) (repr pp);
| Ppcmd_tag (tag, pp) ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_tag %s@;" tag;
db_print_pp_r (indent + 1) (repr pp);
| Ppcmd_print_break (i, j) ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_print_break %d %d@;" i j
| Ppcmd_force_newline ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_force_newline@;"
| Ppcmd_comment list ->
fprintf fmt "Ppcmd_comment@;";
List.iter (fun x -> ind(); (fprintf fmt "%s@;" x)) list
pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
db_print_pp_r 0 pp;
pp_close_box fmt ();
pp_print_flush fmt ()
let db_string_of_pp pp =
Format.asprintf "%a" db_print_pp pp
let rec flatten pp =
match pp with
| Ppcmd_glue l -> Ppcmd_glue (List.concat (List.map
(fun x -> let x = flatten x in
match x with
| Ppcmd_glue l2 -> l2
| p -> [p])
| Ppcmd_box (block, pp) -> Ppcmd_box (block, flatten pp)
| Ppcmd_tag (tag, pp) -> Ppcmd_tag (tag, flatten pp)
| p -> p
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.