(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Constr
let bt_lib_constr n = lazy (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref n)
let decomp_term sigma (c : Constr.t) =
Constr.kind (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Termops.strip_outer_cast sigma (EConstr.of_constr c)))
let lapp c v = Constr.mkApp (Lazy.force c, v)
let (===) = Constr.equal
module CoqList = struct
let _nil = bt_lib_constr "core.list.nil"
let _cons = bt_lib_constr "core.list.cons"
let cons ty h t = lapp _cons [|ty; h ; t|]
let nil ty = lapp _nil [|ty|]
let rec of_list ty = function
| [] -> nil ty
| t::q -> cons ty t (of_list ty q)
module CoqPositive = struct
let _xH = bt_lib_constr "num.pos.xH"
let _xO = bt_lib_constr "num.pos.xO"
let _xI = bt_lib_constr "num.pos.xI"
(* A coq nat from an int *)
let rec of_int n =
if n <= 1 then Lazy.force _xH
let ans = of_int (n / 2) in
if n mod 2 = 0 then lapp _xO [|ans|]
else lapp _xI [|ans|]
module Env = struct
module ConstrHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make (Constr)
type t = (int ConstrHashtbl.t * int ref)
let add (tbl, off) (t : Constr.t) =
try ConstrHashtbl.find tbl t
| Not_found ->
let i = !off in
let () = ConstrHashtbl.add tbl t i in
let () = incr off in
let empty () = (ConstrHashtbl.create 16, ref 1)
let to_list (env, _) =
(* we need to get an ordered list *)
let fold constr key accu = (key, constr) :: accu in
let l = ConstrHashtbl.fold fold env [] in
let sorted_l = List.sort (fun p1 p2 -> Int.compare (fst p1) (fst p2)) l in
List.map snd sorted_l
module Bool = struct
let ind = lazy (Globnames.destIndRef (Coqlib.lib_ref "core.bool.type"))
let typ = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.type"
let trueb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.true"
let falseb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.false"
let andb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.andb"
let orb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.orb"
let xorb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.xorb"
let negb = bt_lib_constr "core.bool.negb"
type t =
| Var of int
| Const of bool
| Andb of t * t
| Orb of t * t
| Xorb of t * t
| Negb of t
| Ifb of t * t * t
let quote (env : Env.t) sigma (c : Constr.t) : t =
let trueb = Lazy.force trueb in
let falseb = Lazy.force falseb in
let andb = Lazy.force andb in
let orb = Lazy.force orb in
let xorb = Lazy.force xorb in
let negb = Lazy.force negb in
let rec aux c = match decomp_term sigma c with
| App (head, args) ->
if head === andb && Array.length args = 2 then
Andb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1))
else if head === orb && Array.length args = 2 then
Orb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1))
else if head === xorb && Array.length args = 2 then
Xorb (aux args.(0), aux args.(1))
else if head === negb && Array.length args = 1 then
Negb (aux args.(0))
else Var (Env.add env c)
| Case (info, r, arg, pats) ->
let is_bool =
let i = info.ci_ind in
Names.eq_ind i (Lazy.force ind)
if is_bool then
Ifb ((aux arg), (aux pats.(0)), (aux pats.(1)))
Var (Env.add env c)
| _ ->
if c === falseb then Const false
else if c === trueb then Const true
else Var (Env.add env c)
aux c
module Btauto = struct
open Pp
let eq = bt_lib_constr "core.eq.type"
let f_var = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_var"
let f_btm = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_btm"
let f_top = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_top"
let f_cnj = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_cnj"
let f_dsj = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_dsj"
let f_neg = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_neg"
let f_xor = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_xor"
let f_ifb = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.f_ifb"
let eval = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.eval"
let witness = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.witness"
let soundness = bt_lib_constr "plugins.btauto.soundness"
let rec convert = function
| Bool.Var n -> lapp f_var [|CoqPositive.of_int n|]
| Bool.Const true -> Lazy.force f_top
| Bool.Const false -> Lazy.force f_btm
| Bool.Andb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_cnj [|convert b1; convert b2|]
| Bool.Orb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_dsj [|convert b1; convert b2|]
| Bool.Negb b -> lapp f_neg [|convert b|]
| Bool.Xorb (b1, b2) -> lapp f_xor [|convert b1; convert b2|]
| Bool.Ifb (b1, b2, b3) -> lapp f_ifb [|convert b1; convert b2; convert b3|]
let convert_env env : Constr.t =
CoqList.of_list (Lazy.force Bool.typ) env
let reify env t = lapp eval [|convert_env env; convert t|]
let print_counterexample p penv gl =
let var = lapp witness [|p|] in
let var = EConstr.of_constr var in
(* Compute an assignment that dissatisfies the goal *)
let redfun, _ = Redexpr.reduction_of_red_expr (Refiner.pf_env gl) Genredexpr.(CbvVm None) in
let _, var = redfun Refiner.(pf_env gl) Refiner.(project gl) var in
let var = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr var in
let rec to_list l = match decomp_term (Tacmach.project gl) l with
| App (c, _)
when c === (Lazy.force CoqList._nil) -> []
| App (c, [|_; h; t|])
when c === (Lazy.force CoqList._cons) ->
if h === (Lazy.force Bool.trueb) then (true :: to_list t)
else if h === (Lazy.force Bool.falseb) then (false :: to_list t)
else invalid_arg "to_list"
| _ -> invalid_arg "to_list"
let concat sep = function
| [] -> mt ()
| h :: t ->
let rec aux = function
| [] -> mt ()
| x :: t -> (sep ++ x ++ aux t)
h ++ aux t
let msg =
let var = to_list var in
let assign = List.combine penv var in
let map_msg (key, v) =
let b = if v then str "true" else str "false" in
let sigma, env = Tacmach.project gl, Tacmach.pf_env gl in
let term = Printer.pr_constr_env env sigma key in
term ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ spc () ++ b
let assign = List.map map_msg assign in
let l = str "[" ++ (concat (str ";" ++ spc ()) assign) ++ str "]" in
str "Not a tautology:" ++ spc () ++ l
with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> (str "Not a tautology")
Tacticals.tclFAIL 0 msg gl
let try_unification env =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
let eq = Lazy.force eq in
let concl = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl in
let t = decomp_term (Tacmach.New.project gl) concl in
match t with
| App (c, [|typ; p; _|]) when c === eq ->
(* should be an equality [@eq poly ?p (Cst false)] *)
let tac = Tacticals.New.tclORELSE0 Tactics.reflexivity (Proofview.V82.tactic (print_counterexample p env)) in
| _ ->
let msg = str "Btauto: Internal error" in
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 msg
let tac =
Proofview.Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
let concl = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr concl in
let sigma = Tacmach.New.project gl in
let eq = Lazy.force eq in
let bool = Lazy.force Bool.typ in
let t = decomp_term sigma concl in
match t with
| App (c, [|typ; tl; tr|])
when typ === bool && c === eq ->
let env = Env.empty () in
let fl = Bool.quote env sigma tl in
let fr = Bool.quote env sigma tr in
let env = Env.to_list env in
let fl = reify env fl in
let fr = reify env fr in
let changed_gl = Constr.mkApp (c, [|typ; fl; fr|]) in
let changed_gl = EConstr.of_constr changed_gl in
Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [
Tactics.change_concl changed_gl;
Tactics.apply (EConstr.of_constr (Lazy.force soundness));
try_unification env
| _ ->
let msg = str "Cannot recognize a boolean equality" in
Tacticals.New.tclFAIL 0 msg
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