open Pp
open Util
open Names
open Globnames
open Table
open Miniml
open Mlutil
open Common
let json_str s =
qs s
let json_int i =
int i
let json_bool b =
if b then str "true" else str "false"
let json_global typ ref =
if is_custom ref then
json_str (find_custom ref)
json_str (Common.pp_global typ ref)
let json_id id =
json_str (Id.to_string id)
let json_dict_one (k, v) =
json_str k ++ str (": ") ++ v
let json_dict_open l =
str ("{") ++ fnl () ++
str (" ") ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma json_dict_one l)
let json_dict l =
json_dict_open l ++ fnl () ++
str ("}")
let json_list l =
str ("[") ++ fnl () ++
str (" ") ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun x -> x) l) ++ fnl () ++
str ("]")
let json_listarr a =
str ("[") ++ fnl () ++
str (" ") ++ hov 0 (prvect_with_sep pr_comma (fun x -> x) a) ++ fnl () ++
str ("]")
let preamble mod_name comment used_modules usf =
(match comment with
| None -> mt ()
| Some s -> str "/* " ++ hov 0 s ++ str " */" ++ fnl ()) ++
json_dict_open [
("what", json_str "module");
("name", json_id mod_name);
("need_magic", json_bool (usf.magic));
("need_dummy", json_bool (usf.mldummy));
("used_modules", json_list
( (fun mf -> json_str (file_of_modfile mf)) used_modules))
(*s Pretty-printing of types. *)
let rec json_type vl = function
| Tmeta _ | Tvar' _ -> assert false
| Tvar i -> (try
let varid = List.nth vl (pred i) in json_dict [
("what", json_str "type:var");
("name", json_id varid)
with Failure _ -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "type:varidx");
("name", json_int i)
| Tglob (r, l) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "type:glob");
("name", json_global Type r);
("args", json_list ( (json_type vl) l))
| Tarr (t1,t2) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "type:arrow");
("left", json_type vl t1);
("right", json_type vl t2)
| Tdummy _ -> json_dict [("what", json_str "type:dummy")]
| Tunknown -> json_dict [("what", json_str "type:unknown")]
| Taxiom -> json_dict [("what", json_str "type:axiom")]
(*s Pretty-printing of expressions. *)
let rec json_expr env = function
| MLrel n -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:rel");
("name", json_id (get_db_name n env))
| MLapp (f, args) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:apply");
("func", json_expr env f);
("args", json_list ( (json_expr env) args))
| MLlam _ as a ->
let fl, a' = collect_lams a in
let fl, env' = push_vars ( id_of_mlid fl) env in
json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:lambda");
("argnames", json_list ( json_id (List.rev fl)));
("body", json_expr env' a')
| MLletin (id, a1, a2) ->
let i, env' = push_vars [id_of_mlid id] env in
json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:let");
("name", json_id (List.hd i));
("nameval", json_expr env a1);
("body", json_expr env' a2)
| MLglob r -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:global");
("name", json_global Term r)
| MLcons (_, r, a) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:constructor");
("name", json_global Cons r);
("args", json_list ( (json_expr env) a))
| MLtuple l -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:tuple");
("items", json_list ( (json_expr env) l))
| MLcase (typ, t, pv) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:case");
("expr", json_expr env t);
("cases", json_listarr ( (fun x -> json_one_pat env x) pv))
| MLfix (i, ids, defs) ->
let ids', env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
let ids' = Array.of_list (List.rev ids') in
json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:fix");
("funcs", json_listarr ( (fun (fi, ti) ->
json_dict [
("what", json_str "fix:item");
("name", json_id fi);
("body", json_function env' ti)
]) (Array.map2 (fun a b -> a,b) ids' defs)));
("for", json_int i);
| MLexn s -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:exception");
("msg", json_str s)
| MLdummy _ -> json_dict [("what", json_str "expr:dummy")]
| MLmagic a -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:coerce");
("value", json_expr env a)
| MLaxiom -> json_dict [("what", json_str "expr:axiom")]
| MLuint i -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:int");
("int", json_str (Uint63.to_string i))
and json_one_pat env (ids,p,t) =
let ids', env' = push_vars (List.rev_map id_of_mlid ids) env in json_dict [
("what", json_str "case");
("pat", json_gen_pat (List.rev ids') env' p);
("body", json_expr env' t)
and json_gen_pat ids env = function
| Pcons (r, l) -> json_cons_pat r ( (json_gen_pat ids env) l)
| Pusual r -> json_cons_pat r ( json_id ids)
| Ptuple l -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "pat:tuple");
("items", json_list ( (json_gen_pat ids env) l))
| Pwild -> json_dict [("what", json_str "pat:wild")]
| Prel n -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "pat:rel");
("name", json_id (get_db_name n env))
and json_cons_pat r ppl = json_dict [
("what", json_str "pat:constructor");
("name", json_global Cons r);
("argnames", json_list ppl)
and json_function env t =
let bl, t' = collect_lams t in
let bl, env' = push_vars ( id_of_mlid bl) env in
json_dict [
("what", json_str "expr:lambda");
("argnames", json_list ( json_id (List.rev bl)));
("body", json_expr env' t')
(*s Pretty-printing of inductive types declaration. *)
let json_ind ip pl cv = json_dict [
("what", json_str "decl:ind");
("name", json_global Type (IndRef ip));
("argnames", json_list ( json_id pl));
("constructors", json_listarr (Array.mapi (fun idx c -> json_dict [
("name", json_global Cons (ConstructRef (ip, idx+1)));
("argtypes", json_list ( (json_type pl) c))
]) cv))
(*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *)
let pp_decl = function
| Dind (kn, defs) -> prvecti_with_sep pr_comma
(fun i p -> if p.ip_logical then str ""
else json_ind (kn, i) p.ip_vars p.ip_types) defs.ind_packets
| Dtype (r, l, t) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "decl:type");
("name", json_global Type r);
("argnames", json_list ( json_id l));
("value", json_type l t)
| Dfix (rv, defs, typs) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "decl:fixgroup");
("fixlist", json_listarr (Array.mapi (fun i r ->
json_dict [
("what", json_str "fixgroup:item");
("name", json_global Term rv.(i));
("type", json_type [] typs.(i));
("value", json_function (empty_env ()) defs.(i))
]) rv))
| Dterm (r, a, t) -> json_dict [
("what", json_str "decl:term");
("name", json_global Term r);
("type", json_type [] t);
("value", json_function (empty_env ()) a)
let rec pp_structure_elem = function
| (l,SEdecl d) -> [ pp_decl d ]
| (l,SEmodule m) -> pp_module_expr m.ml_mod_expr
| (l,SEmodtype m) -> []
(* for the moment we simply discard module type *)
and pp_module_expr = function
| MEstruct (mp,sel) -> List.concat ( pp_structure_elem sel)
| MEfunctor _ -> []
(* for the moment we simply discard unapplied functors *)
| MEident _ | MEapply _ -> assert false
(* should be expansed in extract_env *)
let pp_struct mls =
let pp_sel (mp,sel) =
push_visible mp [];
let p = prlist_with_sep pr_comma identity
(List.concat ( pp_structure_elem sel)) in
pop_visible (); p
str "," ++ fnl () ++
str " " ++ qs "declarations" ++ str ": [" ++ fnl () ++
str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma pp_sel mls) ++ fnl () ++
str " ]" ++ fnl () ++
str "}" ++ fnl ()
let json_descr = {
keywords = Id.Set.empty;
file_suffix = ".json";
file_naming = file_of_modfile;
preamble = preamble;
pp_struct = pp_struct;
sig_suffix = None;
sig_preamble = (fun _ _ _ _ -> mt ());
pp_sig = (fun _ -> mt ());
pp_decl = pp_decl;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.14 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.