(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(*s Production of Scheme syntax. *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Miniml
open Mlutil
open Table
open Common
(*s Scheme renaming issues. *)
let keywords =
List.fold_right (fun s -> Id.Set.add (Id.of_string s))
[ "define"; "let"; "lambda"; "lambdas"; "match";
"apply"; "car"; "cdr";
"error"; "delay"; "force"; "_"; "__"]
let pp_comment s = str";; "++h 0 s++fnl ()
let pp_header_comment = function
| None -> mt ()
| Some com -> pp_comment com ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
let preamble _ comment _ usf =
pp_header_comment comment ++
str ";; This extracted scheme code relies on some additional macros\n" ++
str ";; available at http://www.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~letouzey/scheme\n" ++
str "(load \"macros_extr.scm\")\n\n" ++
(if usf.mldummy then str "(define __ (lambda (_) __))\n\n" else mt ())
let pr_id id =
str @@ String.map (fun c -> if c == '\'' then '~' else c) (Id.to_string id)
let paren = pp_par true
let pp_abst st = function
| [] -> assert false
| [id] -> paren (str "lambda " ++ paren (pr_id id) ++ spc () ++ st)
| l -> paren
(str "lambdas " ++ paren (prlist_with_sep spc pr_id l) ++ spc () ++ st)
let pp_apply st _ = function
| [] -> st
| [a] -> hov 2 (paren (st ++ spc () ++ a))
| args -> hov 2 (paren (str "@ " ++ st ++
(prlist_strict (fun x -> spc () ++ x) args)))
(*s The pretty-printer for Scheme syntax *)
let pp_global k r = str (Common.pp_global k r)
(*s Pretty-printing of expressions. *)
let rec pp_expr env args =
let apply st = pp_apply st true args in
| MLrel n ->
let id = get_db_name n env in apply (pr_id id)
| MLapp (f,args') ->
let stl = List.map (pp_expr env []) args' in
pp_expr env (stl @ args) f
| MLlam _ as a ->
let fl,a' = collect_lams a in
let fl,env' = push_vars (List.map id_of_mlid fl) env in
apply (pp_abst (pp_expr env' [] a') (List.rev fl))
| MLletin (id,a1,a2) ->
let i,env' = push_vars [id_of_mlid id] env in
(hv 0
(hov 2
(str "let " ++
(pr_id (List.hd i) ++ spc () ++ pp_expr env [] a1))
++ spc () ++ hov 0 (pp_expr env' [] a2)))))
| MLglob r ->
apply (pp_global Term r)
| MLcons (_,r,args') ->
assert (List.is_empty args);
let st =
str "`" ++
paren (pp_global Cons r ++
(if List.is_empty args' then mt () else spc ()) ++
prlist_with_sep spc (pp_cons_args env) args')
if is_coinductive r then paren (str "delay " ++ st) else st
| MLtuple _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Cannot handle tuples in Scheme yet.")
| MLcase (_,_,pv) when not (is_regular_match pv) ->
user_err Pp.(str "Cannot handle general patterns in Scheme yet.")
| MLcase (_,t,pv) when is_custom_match pv ->
let mkfun (ids,_,e) =
if not (List.is_empty ids) then named_lams (List.rev ids) e
else dummy_lams (ast_lift 1 e) 1
(hov 2
(str (find_custom_match pv) ++ fnl () ++
prvect (fun tr -> pp_expr env [] (mkfun tr) ++ fnl ()) pv
++ pp_expr env [] t)))
| MLcase (typ,t, pv) ->
let e =
if not (is_coinductive_type typ) then pp_expr env [] t
else paren (str "force" ++ spc () ++ pp_expr env [] t)
apply (v 3 (paren (str "match " ++ e ++ fnl () ++ pp_pat env pv)))
| MLfix (i,ids,defs) ->
let ids',env' = push_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list ids)) env in
pp_fix env' i (Array.of_list (List.rev ids'),defs) args
| MLexn s ->
(* An [MLexn] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
paren (str "error" ++ spc () ++ qs s)
| MLdummy _ ->
str "__" (* An [MLdummy] may be applied, but I don't really care. *)
| MLmagic a ->
pp_expr env args a
| MLaxiom -> paren (str "error \"AXIOM TO BE REALIZED\"")
| MLuint _ ->
paren (str "Prelude.error \"EXTRACTION OF UINT NOT IMPLEMENTED\"")
and pp_cons_args env = function
| MLcons (_,r,args) when is_coinductive r ->
paren (pp_global Cons r ++
(if List.is_empty args then mt () else spc ()) ++
prlist_with_sep spc (pp_cons_args env) args)
| e -> str "," ++ pp_expr env [] e
and pp_one_pat env (ids,p,t) =
let r = match p with
| Pusual r -> r
| Pcons (r,l) -> r (* cf. the check [is_regular_match] above *)
| _ -> assert false
let ids,env' = push_vars (List.rev_map id_of_mlid ids) env in
let args =
if List.is_empty ids then mt ()
else (str " " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_id (List.rev ids))
(pp_global Cons r ++ args), (pp_expr env' [] t)
and pp_pat env pv =
prvect_with_sep fnl
(fun x -> let s1,s2 = pp_one_pat env x in
hov 2 (str "((" ++ s1 ++ str ")" ++ spc () ++ s2 ++ str ")")) pv
(*s names of the functions ([ids]) are already pushed in [env],
and passed here just for convenience. *)
and pp_fix env j (ids,bl) args =
(str "letrec " ++
(v 0 (paren
(prvect_with_sep fnl
(fun (fi,ti) ->
paren ((pr_id fi) ++ spc () ++ (pp_expr env [] ti)))
(Array.map2 (fun id b -> (id,b)) ids bl)) ++
fnl () ++
hov 2 (pp_apply (pr_id (ids.(j))) true args))))
(*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *)
let pp_decl = function
| Dind _ -> mt ()
| Dtype _ -> mt ()
| Dfix (rv, defs,_) ->
let names = Array.map
(fun r -> if is_inline_custom r then mt () else pp_global Term r) rv
(fun i r ->
let void = is_inline_custom r ||
(not (is_custom r) &&
match defs.(i) with MLexn "UNUSED" -> true | _ -> false)
if void then mt ()
hov 2
(paren (str "define " ++ names.(i) ++ spc () ++
(if is_custom r then str (find_custom r)
else pp_expr (empty_env ()) [] defs.(i)))
++ fnl ()) ++ fnl ())
| Dterm (r, a, _) ->
if is_inline_custom r then mt ()
hov 2 (paren (str "define " ++ pp_global Term r ++ spc () ++
(if is_custom r then str (find_custom r)
else pp_expr (empty_env ()) [] a)))
++ fnl2 ()
let rec pp_structure_elem = function
| (l,SEdecl d) -> pp_decl d
| (l,SEmodule m) -> pp_module_expr m.ml_mod_expr
| (l,SEmodtype m) -> mt ()
(* for the moment we simply discard module type *)
and pp_module_expr = function
| MEstruct (mp,sel) -> prlist_strict pp_structure_elem sel
| MEfunctor _ -> mt ()
(* for the moment we simply discard unapplied functors *)
| MEident _ | MEapply _ -> assert false
(* should be expanded in extract_env *)
let pp_struct =
let pp_sel (mp,sel) =
push_visible mp [];
let p = prlist_strict pp_structure_elem sel in
pop_visible (); p
prlist_strict pp_sel
let scheme_descr = {
keywords = keywords;
file_suffix = ".scm";
file_naming = file_of_modfile;
preamble = preamble;
pp_struct = pp_struct;
sig_suffix = None;
sig_preamble = (fun _ _ _ _ -> mt ());
pp_sig = (fun _ -> mt ());
pp_decl = pp_decl;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.